Current Path : /opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/__pycache__/keyword.cpython-37.pyc |
B � f� � # @ sz d Z ddgZddddddd d ddd ddddddddddddddddddd d!d"d#d$d%g#Zee�jZd&d'� Zed(krve� d)S )*z�Keywords (from "graminit.c") This file is automatically generated; please don't muck it up! To update the symbols in this file, 'cd' to the top directory of the python source tree after building the interpreter and run: ./python Lib/keyword.py � iskeyword�kwlist�False�None�True�and�as�assert�async�await�break�class�continue�def�del�elif�else�except�finally�for�from�global�if�import�in�is�lambda�nonlocal�not�or�pass�raise�return�try�while�with�yieldc C s| dd l } dd l}| jdd � }|r*|d p,d}t|�dkrD|d }nd}t|dd��}|�� }W d Q R X |r�|d t|d �� �d � nd}t|��T}|�d�}g } x>|D ]6} d | kr�|�| �}|r�| � d |� d� d | � q�W W d Q R X | �� y0|�d| �d }|�d | �} | ||| �<