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Current File : //opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/lxml/html/__pycache__/html5parser.cpython-37.pyc


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An interface to html5lib that mimics the lxml.html interface.
HTMLParser)�TreeBuilder)�etree)�Element�XHTML_NAMESPACE�_contains_block_level_tag)�urlopen)�urlparsec@seZdZdZddd�ZdS)rz*An html5lib HTML parser with lxml as tree.FcKstj|f|td�|��dS)N)�strict�tree)�_HTMLParser�__init__r)�selfr
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r
rrrrrsr)�XHTMLParserc@seZdZdZddd�ZdS)rz+An html5lib XHTML Parser with lxml as tree.FcKstj|f|td�|��dS)N)r
r)�_XHTMLParserr
rrrrr'srcCs(|�|�}|dk	r|S|�dt|f�S)Nz{%s}%s)�findr)r�tag�elemrrr�	_find_tag0s
rcCsZt|t�std��|dkrt}i}|dkr8t|t�r8d}|dk	rH||d<|j|f|���S)z�
    Parse a whole document into a string.

    If `guess_charset` is true, or if the input is not Unicode but a
    byte string, the `chardet` library will perform charset guessing
    on the string.
    zstring requiredNT�
isinstance�_strings�	TypeError�html_parser�bytes�parseZgetroot)�html�
r'FcCs�t|t�std��|dkrt}i}|dkr8t|t�r8d}|dk	rH||d<|j|df|�}|r�t|dt�r�|r�|d��r�t�d|d��|d=|S)a`Parses several HTML elements, returning a list of elements.

    The first item in the list may be a string.  If no_leading_text is true,
    then it will be an error if there is leading text, and it will always be
    a list of only elements.

    If `guess_charset` is true, the `chardet` library will perform charset
    guessing on the string.
    zstring requiredNFr�divrzThere is leading text: %r)	rrrr r!Z
r-cCs�t|t�std��t|�}t||||d�}|rvt|t�s>d}t|�}|rrt|dt�rh|d|_|d=|�|�|S|s�t�	d��t
|�dkr�t�	d��|d}|jr�|j��r�t�	d|j��d	|_|S)
a�Parses a single HTML element; it is an error if there is more than
    one element, or if anything but whitespace precedes or follows the

    If 'create_parent' is true (or is a tag name) then a parent node
    will be created to encapsulate the HTML in a single element.  In
    this case, leading or trailing text is allowed.

    If `guess_charset` is true, the `chardet` library will perform charset
    guessing on the string.
    zstring required)r$r%r+r(rzNo elements found�zMultiple elements foundzElement followed by text: %rN)

r7cCs�t|t�std��t|||d�}|dd�}t|t�rB|�dd�}|����}|�d�sb|�d�rf|St	|d	�}t
|�r||St	|d
|�dkr�|jr�|j��s�|dj
r�|dj
��s�|d
St|�r�d|_nd|_|S)a�Parse the html, returning a single element/document.

    This tries to minimally parse the chunk of text, without knowing if it
    is a fragment or a document.

    'base_url' will set the document's base_url attribute (and the tree's

    If `guess_charset` is true, or if the input is not Unicode but a
    byte string, the `chardet` library will perform charset guessing
    on the string.
    zstring required)r%r$N�2�ascii�replacez<htmlz	<!doctype�head�bodyr.���rr(�span)rrrr'r!�decode�lstrip�lower�

rEcCsz|dkrt}t|t�s(|}|dkr\d}n4t|�rFt|�}|dkr\d}nt|d�}|dkr\d}i}|rl||d<|j|f|�S)a*Parse a filename, URL, or file-like object into an HTML document
    tree.  Note: this returns a tree, not an element.  Use
    ``parse(...).getroot()`` to get the document root.

    If ``guess_charset`` is true, the ``useChardet`` option is passed into
    html5lib to enable character detection.  This option is on by default
    when parsing from URLs, off by default when parsing from file(-like)
    objects (which tend to return Unicode more often than not), and on by
    default when parsing from a file path (which is read in binary mode).
    NFT�rbr)r rr�_looks_like_urlr�openr")Zfilename_url_or_filer$r%�fpr&rrrr"�s"

r"cCs@t|�d}|sdStjdkr8|tjkr8t|�dkr8dSdSdS)NrF�win32r.T)r	�sys�platform�string�

rG)NN)FNN)FNN)NN)NN)$rrKrM�html5librrZ html5lib.treebuilders.etree_lxmlr�lxmlrZ	lxml.htmlrrr�
basestringr�	NameErrorr!rOZurllib2r�ImportErrorZurllib.requestr	�urllib.parserrZxhtml_parserrr'r-r7rEr"rGr rrrr�<module>sF
