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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved
# http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT

from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from typing import Optional, Dict, AnyStr, Union, List

from clcommon.lib.consts import DEFAULT_JWT_ES_TOKEN_PATH
from clcommon.utils import process_is_running, get_cl_version
from jwt import decode, exceptions

import configparser
import io
import os
import json

import fcntl
import struct
import time

from clcommon.clcaptain import mkdir as mkdir_p
from cldetectlib import CL_CONFIG_FILE
from secureio import write_file_via_tempfile
from clconfig.cagefs_statistics_config import check_cagefs_initialized
from clcommon.lib.whmapi_lib import WhmApiRequest, WhmApiError

def dummy_none_function(*a, **kw):
    return None

    from clselect.clselectctl import interpreter_versions_short_summary
    from clselector.clpassenger_detectlib import is_clpassenger_active
except ImportError:
    interpreter_versions_short_summary = dummy_none_function
    is_clpassenger_active = dummy_none_function

_CL_STATISTICS_SECTION = "license_check"
_CL_STATISTICS_COLLECT_STATE_OPTION = "cl_statistics_enabled"
_CL_STATISTICS_COLLECT_RPM_STATE_OPTION = "cl_statistics_rpm_enabled"
_CL_STATISTICS_DIR = '/var/lve'
_CL_STATISTICS_SEND_STATUS_FILE = os.path.join(_CL_STATISTICS_DIR, 'summary_status.json')
_CL_STATISTICS_LOCK_PATH = '/var/run/cloudlinux_summary.send.lock'

CL_PLUS_SENDER_FILE_PATH = '/usr/share/cloudlinux/cl_plus/clplus_sender.py'
ALT_PYTHON_VIRTUALENV_BIN = '/opt/cloudlinux/venv/bin/virtualenv'

class SummaryStatus(object):
    Status of both, collecting and sending statistics
    If process still collects statistics ->  IN_PROGRESS
    If statistics collected and sent correctly -> SUCCESS
    If any error during collecting or sending -> FAILED
    SUCCESS = 'success'
    IN_PROGRESS = 'in_progress'
    FAILED = 'failed'

def is_virtualenv_installed():
    Checks is virtualenv installed
    :return: True/False - installed or not
    return os.path.exists(ALT_PYTHON_VIRTUALENV_BIN)

def is_locked(lock_file):
    Check if file is locked by another process without acquiring lock.
    IMPORTANT! This function should NOT be used to check lock acquired by the
    same process that executes the is_locked() function. For example, when
    process executes fcntl.lockf(LOCK_FILE), and then the same process executes
    is_locked(LOCK_FILE), the is_locked(LOCK_FILE) call returns False.
    Use is_locked() function to check lock acquired by another process only.
    :param lock_file: file to check lock on
    :type lock_file: file object or descriptor
    lock_data = struct.pack("hhllhh", fcntl.F_WRLCK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        lock_query = fcntl.fcntl(lock_file, fcntl.F_GETLK, lock_data)
        lock_status = struct.unpack("hhllhh", lock_query)[0]
    except (OSError, IOError):
        # should never happen
        return False
    return lock_status != fcntl.F_UNLCK

def is_sending_process_running(acquire_lock=False):
    Check if processes collecting stats are running already (with --send option in command line)
    :param acquire_lock: True = acquire lock when possible
    :type acquire_lock: bool
    :return bool: True = Processes are running
    if not acquire_lock:
        return is_locked(_CL_STATISTICS_LOCK_FILE)
        fcntl.lockf(_CL_STATISTICS_LOCK_FILE, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
    except (OSError, IOError):
        return True
    return False

def _get_config():
    Retrieves ConfigParser object for /etc/sysconfig/cloudlinux file
    config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None,
    config.optionxform = str  # make config case sensitive
    return config

def _write_config(config):
    write config to /etc/sysconfig/cloudlinux file
    :param config: configParser object to write
    return boolean: True|False
        string_fp = io.StringIO()
        content = string_fp.getvalue()
        write_file_via_tempfile(content, CL_CONFIG_FILE, 0o644, prefix='cloudlinux_')
    except (OSError, IOError):
        return False
    return True

def _get_config_value(parameter: str, default: bool = True) -> bool:
    Retrieves parameter's value from /etc/sysconfig/cloudlinux file, _CL_STATISTICS_SECTION section
    config = _get_config()
    res = default
        res = config.getboolean(_CL_STATISTICS_SECTION, parameter)
    except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError, ValueError):
        # Treat absent/missing value as default
    return res

def _set_config_value(parameter: str, value: bool) -> None:
    Sets parameter's value to /etc/sysconfig/cloudlinux file, _CL_STATISTICS_SECTION section
    config = _get_config()
    config.set(_CL_STATISTICS_SECTION, parameter, str(int(value)))

def is_statistic_enabled() -> bool:
    Retrieves statistic collection status from /etc/sysconfig/cloudlinux file
    :return: True/False - enabled/disabled
    return _get_config_value(_CL_STATISTICS_COLLECT_STATE_OPTION)

def is_statistic_rpm_enabled() -> bool:
    Retrieves rpm statistic collection status from /etc/sysconfig/cloudlinux file
    :return: True/False - enabled/disabled
    return _get_config_value(_CL_STATISTICS_COLLECT_RPM_STATE_OPTION)

def set_statistic_collection_enabled(is_enabled: bool) -> None:
    Set statistic collection status to /etc/sysconfig/cloudlinux file
    :param is_enabled: True/False - enabled/disabled
    _set_config_value(_CL_STATISTICS_COLLECT_STATE_OPTION, is_enabled)

def set_statistic_rpm_collection_enabled(is_enabled: bool) -> None:
    Set rpm statistic collection status to /etc/sysconfig/cloudlinux file
    :param is_enabled: True/False - enabled/disabled
    _set_config_value(_CL_STATISTICS_COLLECT_RPM_STATE_OPTION, is_enabled)

def write_statistics_send_status_to_file(status_dict):
    Writes statistics send status to file /var/lve/summary_status.json
    :param status_dict: status dictionary for write to file
        if not os.path.exists(_CL_STATISTICS_DIR):
        content = json.dumps(status_dict)
        # Write to file readable only for root
        write_file_via_tempfile(content, _CL_STATISTICS_SEND_STATUS_FILE, 0o600, prefix='cloudlinux_')
    except (OSError, IOError):

def get_statistics_send_status_from_file():
    Retrieves statistics send status from file /var/lve/summary_status.json
    :return: Dictionary with last send status. None if any error
    status_dict = None
        with open(_CL_STATISTICS_SEND_STATUS_FILE) as f:
            s_content = f.read()
        status_dict = json.loads(s_content)
        if status_dict['result'] == SummaryStatus.IN_PROGRESS \
                and not is_sending_process_running():
            # something went wrong during collection
            status_dict['result'] = SummaryStatus.FAILED
            status_dict['reason'] = 'Collecting statistics was failed. Error ' \
                                    'report has been sent to developers and will be fixed soon'
    except (OSError, IOError, ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError):
    return status_dict

def installed_interpreters_list(interpreter):
    Returns list of installed interpreters
    :param interpreter: str - name of interpreter
    :rtype: List of InterpreterSummary
    return [i for i in interpreter_versions_short_summary(interpreter) if i.installed]

def is_python_selector_installed():
    Checks that python selector is installed
    Installed if:
    - ea-apache24-mod-alt-passenger or alt-mod-passenger is installed
    - alt-python-virtualenv is installed
    :rtype: bool
    return is_clpassenger_active() and is_virtualenv_installed()

def is_ruby_selector_installed():
    Checks that ruby selector is installed
    Installed if:
    - ea-apache24-mod-alt-passenger or alt-mod-passenger is installed
    - alt-python-virtualenv is installed
    :rtype: bool
    return is_clpassenger_active() and is_virtualenv_installed()

def is_nodejs_selector_installed():
    Checks that nodejs selector is installed
    Installed if:
    - ea-apache24-mod-alt-passenger or alt-mod-passenger is installed
    - At least one version is installed
    :rtype: bool
    return is_clpassenger_active() and bool(installed_interpreters_list('nodejs'))

def is_php_selector_installed():
    Checks that php selector is installed
    Installed if:
    - CageFS is initialized
    :rtype: bool
    return bool(check_cagefs_initialized())

def get_packages_with_lve_extensions():
    Gets packages with set lve limits via extension
        result = WhmApiRequest('listpkgs').call()
    except WhmApiError:
        return []
    lve_extensions_packages = [item['name'] for item in result['pkg']
                               if '_PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS' in item and item['_PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS'] == 'lve']
    return lve_extensions_packages

def get_client_data_from_jwt_token(check_expiration=True) -> Optional[Dict[AnyStr, Union[AnyStr, bool]]]:
    Gets (if any) fields cl_plus and client_id from jwt token
    :return: decoded jwt_token value, None if error
     jwt_token: result of the successful decoding
        with open(DEFAULT_JWT_ES_TOKEN_PATH, mode='rb') as file:
            file_content = file.read().strip()
    except (OSError, IOError):
        return None
    # JWT read success
        jwt_token = decode(file_content, algorithms=['HS256'],
                           options={'require_exp': True,
                                    "verify_exp": check_expiration,
                                    "verify_iss": True,
                                    'verify_signature': False},
        return jwt_token
    # JWT format error
    except exceptions.PyJWTError:
        return None

def is_active_cloudlinux_license(token_data):
    Checks whether license ts is expired
    if not token_data:
        return None
    if not token_data.get('exp'):
        return None
    return int(time.time()) < token_data.get('exp')

def get_cl_plus_sender_status() -> Optional[AnyStr]:
    Retrieves data from status of cl_plus_sender service
    :return: status of service, Optional[AnyStr]
    - 'active'
    - 'inactive'
        result = process_is_running(CL_PLUS_SENDER_FILE_PATH, False)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        result = False
    return 'active' if result else 'inactive'