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If�q����ddlZddlZddlmZmZddlmZddlmZm	Z	m
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hex_to_bin�Actor�Stats�finalize_process)�Diffable)�Git�)�Tree)�base)�Serializable�TraversableIterableObj�
parse_date�altz_to_utctz_str�parse_actor_and_date�from_timestamp)�time�daylight�altzone�timezone�	localtime)�BytesIO)�defaultdict)
TYPE_CHECKING�cast�Dict)�PathLike�Literal)�Repo)�SymbolicReferencezgit.objects.commit)�Commitc�Z��eZdZUdZdZdZdZdZdZe	de
d<dZd	Z											d=ddd
Zedddedfd���Zeddddde
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ffd$���Z!d>d&ee"ee"fdedefd'�Z#edefd(���Z$e	d>ddd)eedd*fd&ee"ee"fdede%df
d+���Z&d>d&ee"ee"fdede%dfd,�Z'ede(fd-���Z)ede*eeffd.���Z+ede,eeeffd/���Z-ede*ee,effd0���Z.eddd1ee/e0fde%dfd2���Z1e						d?dddeeefded4ed
eejfddfd8���Z3d9e4ddfd:�Z5d9e4ddfd;�Z6ede,efd<���Z7�xZ8S)@r*z�Wraps a git Commit object.

    This class will act lazily on some of its attributes and will query the
    value on demand only if it involves calling the git binary.�GIT_AUTHOR_DATE�GIT_COMMITTER_DATEzi18n.commitencodingzUTF-8�commit�type)�tree�author�
authored_date�author_tz_offset�	committer�committed_date�committer_tz_offset�message�parents�encoding�gpgsig�hexshaN�repor(�binshar0r1r2r3r4r5r6r7r8r9r:�returnc���tt|���||��||_|�/t	|t
|��z���|�||_|�||_|�||_	|�||_
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|_dSdS)a�Instantiate a new Commit. All keyword arguments taking None as default will
        be implicitly set on first query.

        :param binsha: 20 byte sha1
        :param parents: tuple( Commit, ... )
            is a tuple of commit ids or actual Commits
        :param tree: Tree object
        :param author: Actor
            is the author Actor object
        :param authored_date: int_seconds_since_epoch
            is the authored DateTime - use time.gmtime() to convert it into a
            different format
        :param author_tz_offset: int_seconds_west_of_utc
            is the timezone that the authored_date is in
        :param committer: Actor
            is the committer string
        :param committed_date: int_seconds_since_epoch
            is the committed DateTime - use time.gmtime() to convert it into a
            different format
        :param committer_tz_offset: int_seconds_west_of_utc
            is the timezone that the committed_date is in
        :param message: string
            is the commit message
        :param encoding: string
            encoding of the message, defaults to UTF-8
        :param parents:
            List or tuple of Commit objects which are our parent(s) in the commit
            dependency graph
        :return: git.Commit

            Timezone information is in the same format and in the same sign
            as what time.altzone returns. The sign is inverted compared to git's
            UTC timezone.Nz(Tree needs to be a Tree instance, was %s)�superr*�__init__r=�
r/r0r1r2r3r4r5r6r7r8r9r:)�selfr<r=r0r1r2r3r4r5r6r7r8r9r:�	__class__s              ��c/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.5/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/git/objects/commit.pyrAzCommit.__init__`s���d	�f�d���$�$�T�6�2�2�2�������d�D�)�)�b�b�+U�X\�]a�Xb�Xb�+b�b�b�b����D�I��� �D�K��$�!.�D���'�$4�D�!�� �&�D�N��%�"0�D���*�':�D�$���"�D�L���"�D�L���$�D�M��� �D�K�K�K���)r*.c�*�t|j��S�N)�tupler8)�clsr.s  rE�_get_intermediate_itemszCommit._get_intermediate_items�s���V�^�$�$�$rFc��t��}|�|��|���}|�d��|j�t
|j||����}|jS)z�Calculate the sha of a commit.

        :param repo: Repo object the commit should be part of
        :param commit: Commit object for which to generate the sha
        r)	r�
_serialize�tell�seek�odb�storerr/r=)rJr<r.�stream�	streamlen�istreams      rE�_calculate_sha_zCommit._calculate_sha_�sf���������&�!�!�!��K�K�M�M�	����A�����(�.�.����9�f�!E�!E�F�F���~�rF�kwargsc����fd��jD��}|D]}|�jvrtd����|�|���j�j�jfi|��}���j|��|_|S)z�Create new commit object from existing commit object.

        Any values provided as keyword arguments will replace the
        corresponding attribute in the new object.
        c�2��i|]}|t�|����S�)�getattr)�.0�krCs  �rE�
<dictcomp>z"Commit.replace.<locals>.<dictcomp>�s%���=�=�=���G�D�!�$�$�=�=�=rFzinvalid attribute name)�	__slots__�
ValueError�updaterDr<�NULL_BIN_SHArUr=)rCrV�attrs�attrname�
new_commits`    rE�replacezCommit.replace�s����>�=�=�=�d�n�=�=�=���	;�	;�H��t�~�-�-� �!9�:�:�:�.�	���V����#�T�^�D�I�t�/@�J�J�E�J�J�
� �0�0���J�G�G�
���rF�attrc�<��|tjvrd|jj�|j��\}}|_}|�t|�	������dStt|���|��dSrH)r*r^r<rPrRr=�size�_deserializer�readr@�_set_cache_)rCrf�_binsha�	_typenamerRrDs     �rErkzCommit._set_cache_�s�����6�#�#�#�48�I�M�4H�4H���4U�4U�1�G�Y��	�6����g�f�k�k�m�m�4�4�5�5�5�5�5��&�$���+�+�D�1�1�1�1�1rFc�6�t|j|j��SrH)rr2r3�rCs rE�authored_datetimezCommit.authored_datetime�s���d�0�$�2G�H�H�HrFc�6�t|j|j��SrH)rr5r6ros rE�committed_datetimezCommit.committed_datetime�s���d�1�4�3K�L�L�LrFc��t|jt��r!|j�dd��dS|j�dd��dS)z):return: First line of the commit message�
rr�
)rBr7�str�splitros rE�summaryzCommit.summary�sR���d�l�C�(�(�	3��<�%�%�d�A�.�.�q�1�1��<�%�%�e�Q�/�/��2�2rF��pathsc��|r>t|jjj|jd|fi|�������St|jjj|jfi|�������S)a�Count the number of commits reachable from this commit

        :param paths:
            is an optional path or a list of paths restricting the return value
            to commits actually containing the paths

        :param kwargs:
            Additional options to be passed to git-rev-list. They must not alter
            the output style of the command, or parsing will yield incorrect results
        :return: int defining the number of reachable commits�--)�lenr<�git�rev_listr;�
splitlines)rCrzrVs   rE�countzCommit.count�s}���	`��-�t�y�}�-�d�k�4��Q�Q�&�Q�Q�\�\�^�^�_�_�_��)�4�9�=�)�$�+�@�@��@�@�K�K�M�M�N�N�NrFc�@�|jj�|��S)z�
            String describing the commits hex sha based on the closest Reference.
            Mostly useful for UI purposes)r<r~�name_revros rEr�zCommit.name_rev�s���y�}�%�%�d�+�+�+rF�revr)c��d|vrtd���dg}|rIt|ttjf��r|f}nt|��}|�|��|jj||fddi|��}|�	||��S)anFind all commits matching the given criteria.

        :param repo: is the Repo
        :param rev: revision specifier, see git-rev-parse for viable options
        :param paths:
            is an optional path or list of paths, if set only Commits that include the path
            or paths will be considered
        :param kwargs:
            optional keyword arguments to git rev-list where
            ``max_count`` is the maximum number of commits to fetch
            ``skip`` is the number of commits to skip
            ``since`` all commits since i.e. '1970-01-01'
        :return: iterator yielding Commit items�prettyz<--pretty cannot be used as parsing expects single sha's onlyr|�
r_rBrv�osr&rI�extendr~r�_iter_from_process_or_stream)rJr<r�rzrV�	args_list�	paths_tup�procs        rE�
iter_itemszCommit.iter_itemss���*�v����[�\�\�\�&*�F�	��	(��%�#�r�{�!3�4�4�
)�"�H�	�	�!�%�L�L�	����Y�'�'�'�!�t�x� ��i�K�K�D�K�F�K�K���/�/��d�;�;�;rFc�r�|�dd��}|dkrd}||d<|j|j||fi|��S)aAIterate _all_ parents of this commit.

        :param paths:
            Optional path or list of paths limiting the Commits to those that
            contain at least one of the paths
        :param kwargs: All arguments allowed by git-rev-list
        :return: Iterator yielding Commit objects which are parents of self�skiprr)�getr�r<)rCrzrVr�s    rE�iter_parentszCommit.iter_parents1sN���z�z�&�!�$�$���1�9�9��D���v���t��t�y�$��@�@��@�@�@rFc��|jst|jj�|jdddd���}d}|���dd�D])}|�d��\}}}||�d|�d|�d�z
}�*|}n9|jj�|jd	j|jddd�
��}tj	|j|��S)z�Create a git stat from changes between this commit and its first parent
        or from all changes done if this is the very first commit.

        :return: git.Statsr|T)�numstat�
no_renames�rootryrN�	rtr)r�r�)
r8r<r~�	diff_treer;r�rw�diffr�_list_from_string)rC�text�text2�line�
insertions�	deletions�filenames       rE�statszCommit.statsAs����|�	p��9�=�*�*�4�;��d�W[�bf�*�g�g�D��E����)�)�!�"�"�-�
L��48�J�J�t�4D�4D�1��Y���:�:�:�y�y�y�(�(�(�K�K����D�D��9�=�%�%�d�l�1�o�&<�d�k�4�Y]�jn�%�o�o�D��&�t�y�$�7�7�7rFc�H�d�|j���D��S)aMGet the trailers of the message as a dictionary

        :note: This property is deprecated, please use either ``Commit.trailers_list`` or ``Commit.trailers_dict``.

            Dictionary containing whitespace stripped trailer information.
            Only contains the latest instance of each trailer key.
        c�&�i|]\}}||d��S)rrY)r[r\�vs   rEr]z#Commit.trailers.<locals>.<dictcomp>\s/��
trailers_dict�itemsros rE�trailerszCommit.trailersRs2��
� $� 2� 8� 8� :� :�
rFc��gd�}|jj�|dt���}|�t|j�������d�d��}|�	��}|sgSg}|�
dd��\}}|�|�	��|�	��f���W|S)	a�Get the trailers of the message as a list

        Git messages can contain trailer information that are similar to RFC 822
        e-mail headers (see: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-interpret-trailers).

        This functions calls ``git interpret-trailers --parse`` onto the message
        to extract the trailer information, returns the raw trailer data as a list.

        Valid message with trailer::

            Subject line

            some body information

            another information

            key1: value1.1
            key1: value1.2
            key2 :    value 2 with inner spaces

        Returned list will look like this::

                ("key1", "value1.1"),
                ("key1", "value1.2"),
                ("key2", "value 2 with inner spaces"),

            List containing key-value tuples of whitespace stripped trailer information.
        )r~zinterpret-trailersz--parseT)r�rTr�utf8rt�:r)r<r~�executer�communicatervr7�encode�decode�striprw�append)rC�cmdr��trailer�trailer_list�t�key�vals        rE�
trailers_listzCommit.trailers_list`s���F7�6�6��"&�)�-�"7�"7���VZ�"7�"[�"[���'�'��D�L�(9�(9�(@�(@�(B�(B�C�C�A�F�M�M�f�U�U���-�-�/�/���	��I������t�$�$�	<�	<�A��w�w�s�A���H�C����������c�i�i�k�k� :�;�;�;�;��rFc��tt��}|jD] \}}||�|���!t	|��S)aGet the trailers of the message as a dictionary

        Git messages can contain trailer information that are similar to RFC 822
        e-mail headers (see: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-interpret-trailers).

        This functions calls ``git interpret-trailers --parse`` onto the message
        to extract the trailer information. The key value pairs are stripped of
        leading and trailing whitespaces before they get saved into a dictionary.

        Valid message with trailer::

            Subject line

            some body information

            another information

            key1: value1.1
            key1: value1.2
            key2 :    value 2 with inner spaces

        Returned dictionary will look like this::

                "key1": ["value1.1", "value1.2"],
                "key2": ["value 2 with inner spaces"],

            Dictionary containing whitespace stripped trailer information.
            Mapping trailer keys to a list of their corresponding values.
        )r�listr�r��dict)rC�dr�r�s    rEr�zCommit.trailers_dict�sL��H
������*�	�	�H�C��
�c�F�M�M�#������A�w�w�rF�proc_or_streamc#�NK�t|d��r$tt|��}|j�|j}n't|d��rtt|��}|}|j}	|��}|sn||���}t|��dkr|�dd��\}}t|��dks
Jd|z���||t|����V���t|d��r&tt|��}t|��dSdS)a;Parse out commit information into a list of Commit objects
        We expect one-line per commit, and parse the actual commit information directly
        from our lighting fast object database

        :param proc: git-rev-list process instance - one sha per line
        :return: iterator returning Commit objects�waitN�readlineT�(rzInvalid line: %s)�hasattrr$r�stdoutrr�r�r}rwrr	)rJr<r�rRr�r�r;�_s        rEr�z#Commit._iter_from_process_or_stream�sE�����>�6�*�*�	$�!�%��8�8�N��$�0�'�.���
0�	$�!�"�n�5�5�N�#�F��?��	0��8�:�:�D��
���Z�Z�\�\�F��6�{�{�R��� �J�J�t�Q�/�/�	����v�;�;�"�$�$�$�&8�6�&A�$�$�$��#�d�J�v�.�.�/�/�/�/�/�	0��>�6�*�*�	-�!�%��8�8�N��^�,�,�,�,�,�	-�	-rFF�parent_commits�head�author_date�commit_datec
�n�|�!	|jjg}n<#t$rg}Yn.wxYw|D]'}
j}|ptj|��}|ptj	|��}tt����}
tot��jdk}|rtnt }|�|jd��}|rt'|��\}}n|rt'|��\}}n|
|}}|�|jd��}|	rt'|	��\}}n|rt'|��\}}n|
|}}|j�d��\}}|�|||j��}t|t2��st5d���t|t2��r|�|��}|||j||||||||||��}|�||��|_|r�ddl}	|j� ||���n_#t$rR|j!j"�#||jj$|d	|z���}|j�%|d
|z���YnwxYw|S)a2Commit the given tree, creating a commit object.

        :param repo: Repo object the commit should be part of
        :param tree: Tree object or hex or bin sha
            the tree of the new commit
        :param message: Commit message. It may be an empty string if no message is provided.
            It will be converted to a string , in any case.
        :param parent_commits:
            Optional Commit objects to use as parents for the new commit.
            If empty list, the commit will have no parents at all and become
            a root commit.
            If None , the current head commit will be the parent of the
            new commit object
        :param head:
            If True, the HEAD will be advanced to the new commit automatically.
            Else the HEAD will remain pointing on the previous commit. This could
            lead to undesired results when diffing files.
        :param author: The name of the author, optional. If unset, the repository
            configuration is used to obtain this value.
        :param committer: The name of the committer, optional. If unset, the
            repository configuration is used to obtain this value.
        :param author_date: The timestamp for the author field
        :param commit_date: The timestamp for the committer field

        :return: Commit object representing the new commit

            Additional information about the committer and Author are taken from the
            environment or from the git configuration, see git-commit-tree for
            more informationNzParent commit 'z' must be of type rry�.z)conf_encoding could not be coerced to str)�logmsgzcommit (initial): %szcommit: Switching to %s)&r�r.r_rB�
conf_encodingrw�	get_value�default_encodingrv�	TypeErrorr0rarUr=�git.refs�
set_reference)rJr<r0r7r�r�r1r4r�r��p�cr�env�	unix_time�is_dst�offset�author_date_str�author_time�
enc_optionr�rdr~�masters                            rE�create_from_treezCommit.create_from_tree�sJ��V�!�
!���j���4����!4�!4�	��+�5�<��+�+������K�K�	��6�i�k�k�2�Q�6��"�0������'�'�#�"5�r�:�:���	;�)3�K�)@�)@�&�K���
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Nztree %s
parent %s
z%s %s <%s> %s %s
r1r4zencoding %s
r:sgpgsigrt� ru)�writer0r�r8r1�namer4�emailr2rr3r9r5r6r��__getattribute__r:�rstriprw�AttributeErrorrBr7rv)	rCrRr�r��a�aname�c�fmt�siglines	         rErMzCommit._serializeysh�����
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�X�|j}t|jt|�����d��tjdzd��|_g|_d}	|��}|�d��s|}no|j�	t|��|jt|���d�d����������t|j��|_|}|��}|��}|�d	��rS|��}|�d
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|_d|_|}|���}|�r|dd�d
��dzd�dz}	d}
n|	|dd�z
}	�@|	�d���|jd��|_|
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        :param from_rev_list: if true, the stream format is coming from the rev-list command
            Otherwise it is assumed to be a plain data stream from our object
        r�ryNTsparent���r�s	mergetag � r�
s	encoding �ignore�sgpgsig ruFrez3Failed to decode author line '%s' using encoding %s)�exc_infoz6Failed to decode committer line '%s' using encoding %sz/Failed to decode message '%s' using encoding %s)r�r
startswithr�r/r�rIr�r9r:r��findr�rr1r2r3�UnicodeDecodeError�log�errorr4r5r6rjr7)rCrRr��	next_line�parent_line�author_line�committer_line�enc�buf�sig�is_next_header�sigbufs            rErizCommit._deserialize�s���
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        Search the commit message for any co-authors of this commit.
        Details on co-authors: https://github.blog/2018-01-29-commit-together-with-co-authors/

        :return: List of co-authors for this commit (as Actor objects).
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