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edfdedeeedffd�Zdddededeefd �ZdS)!zBModule with functions which are supposed to be as fast as possible�)�S_ISDIR)�safe_decode�defenc)�Callable�List�MutableSequence�Sequence�Tuple�
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|f������dS)z�Write the give list of entries into a stream using its write method

    :param entries: **sorted** list of tuples with (binsha, mode, name)
    :param write: write method which takes a data string�0����r�N� �)�ord�range�bytes�
�3�x�x�H��H�%�E�E����d����q���	U�	U�A����Q���8�;�x�G�H�I�I�H�T�H�H��A�;�(�"�"�����|�H��d�C� � �	����V�,�,�J�J��J�
}||dk�|||�}t|��}	|dz
||	f��||k��|S)z�Reads the binary representation of a tree and returns tuples of Tree items

    :param data: data block with tree data (as bytes)
    :return: list(tuple(binsha, mode, tree_relative_path), ...)r� rrr�)r �lenr�append)r0r'�	space_ord�len_datar-�outr*�nsr.r+�shas           r/rrFs'��
�3�x�x�H��C���I��4�y�y�H�	�A�
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�C��t�$�%�%�%�A�h�,�,�D�Jr�	tree_datar+�is_dir�start_atc� �	||}|r,|d|kr t|d��|krd||<|Sn#t$rYnwxYwt|��D]5\}}|r.|d|kr"t|d��|kr	d||<|cS�6dS)z�return data entry matching the given name and tree mode
    or None.
    Before the item is returned, the respective data item is set
    None in the tree_data list to mark it done�rN)r�
IndexError�	enumerate)r;r+r<r=�item�indexs      r/�
���"���	�D��G�t�O�O���Q��(8�(8�F�(B�(B�"&�I�h���K����
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A�ArB�path_prefixc��dS�N��rBrEs  r/�
_to_full_pathrJ�����Crc��dSrGrHrIs  r/rJrJ�rKrc�>�|s|S|d|d||dzfS)z$Rebuild entry with given path prefixrrr?rHrIs  r/rJrJ�s-��������G�T�!�W�k�D��G�3�4�4r�odbr�	tree_shas.c
|��D]�\}}	t
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    :return: list of list with entries according to the given binary tree-shas.
        The result is encoded in a list
        of n tuple|None per blob/commit, (n == len(tree_shas)), where
        * [0] == 20 byte sha
        * [1] == mode as int
        * [2] == path relative to working tree root
        The entry tuple is None if the respective blob/commit did not
        exist in the given tree.
    :param tree_shas: iterable of shas pointing to trees. All trees must
        be on the same level. A tree-sha may be None in which case None
    :param path_prefix: a prefix to be added to the returned paths on this level,
        set it '' for the first iteration
    :note: The ordering of the returned items will be partially lostNc��g|]}d��SrGrH)�.0�_s  r/�
<listcomp>z,traverse_trees_recursive.<locals>.<listcomp>�s��/�/�/��t�/�/�/rrc�&�g|]}|r|dpd��S)rNrH)rR�eis  r/rTz,traverse_trees_recursive.<locals>.<listcomp>�s%��D�D�D�b�2�<�"�Q�%�0�D�D�D�Dr�/c3�8�K�|]}t|���V��dSrG)rJ)rR�erEs  �r/�	<genexpr>z+traverse_trees_recursive.<locals>.<genexpr>�s-����� P� P�1��q�+�!>�!>� P� P� P� P� P� Pr)
trees_data�nt�tree_shar0r8�tir;�iirBr�_shar*r+r<�tios  `               r/rr�s����".0�J�	�Y���B�� � ����)+�D�D��.�s�z�z�(�/C�/C�/H�/H�/J�/J�K�K�L�L�D����$�����-/�C�
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    :return: list of entries of the tree pointed to by the binary tree_sha. An entry
        has the following format:
        * [0] 20 byte sha
        * [1] mode as int
        * [2] path relative to the repository
    :param path_prefix: prefix to prepend to the front of all returned pathsrW)rr\r]rr^rr5)rNrbrErr0r:r*r+s        r/rr�s����G�!�#�*�*�X�"6�"6�";�";�"=�"=�>�>�D� �<�<���T�4��4�=�=�	<��N�N�2�3��[�4�=O�RU�=U�V�V�W�W�W�W��N�N�C��{�T�'9�:�;�;�;�;��Nr) �__doc__�statr�
git.compatrr�typingrrrr	r
rrr
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