Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/heapy/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/heapy/Remote.py |
""" Support remote access to a Python interpreter. """ from guppy.etc import cmd from guppy import hpy from guppy.heapy import heapyc, Target from guppy.heapy.RemoteConstants import * from guppy.heapy.Console import Console from guppy.sets import mutbitset import atexit import io import queue import select import socket import sys import time import _thread import threading import traceback class SocketClosed(Exception): pass class IsolatedCaller: # Isolates the target interpreter from us # when the _hiding_tag_ is set to the _hiding_tag_ of our hp. # A solution of a problem discussed in notes Nov 8-9 2005. # Note feb 3 2006: The class in the Target instance must be used. def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): return self.func(*args, **kwds) class QueueWithReadline(queue.Queue): def readline(self, size=-1): # Make sure we are interruptible # in case we get a keyboard interrupt. # Not a very elegant way but the 'only' there is? while 1: try: return self.get(timeout=0.5) except queue.Empty: continue class InterruptableSocket: def __init__(self, backing): self._backing = backing self.fileno = self._backing.fileno self.close = self._backing.close self.readable = self._backing.readable self.writable = self._backing.writable self.seekable = self._backing.seekable @property def closed(self): return self._backing.closed def read(self, size=-1): while not select.select([self], [], [], 0.5)[0]: pass return self._backing.read(size) class NotiInput: def __init__(self, input, output): self.input = input self.output = output def read(self, size=-1): # This may return less data than what was requested return self.readline(size) def readline(self, size=-1): self.output.write(READLINE) return self.input.readline(size) class Annex(cmd.Cmd): address_family = socket.AF_INET socket_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM use_rawinput = 0 prompt = '<Annex> ' def __init__(self, target, port=None): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) if port is None: port = HEAPYPORT self.server_address = (LOCALHOST, port) self.target = target target.close = target.sys.modules['guppy.heapy.Remote'].IsolatedCaller( # target.close = IsolatedCaller( self.asynch_close) self.socket = None self.isclosed = 0 self.closelock = _thread.allocate_lock() self.intlocals = { } self.do_reset('') def asynch_close(self): # This may be called asynchronously # by some other thread than the current (annex) thread. # So I need to protect for a possible race condition. # It is NOT enough with just an atomic test-and-set here # since we need to wait during the time a close initiated # from another thread is in progress, before exiting. self.closelock.acquire() try: if not self.isclosed: self.isclosed = 1 self.disconnect() finally: self.closelock.release() while hasattr(self, 'th') and self.th.is_alive(): time.sleep(0.5) def connect(self): self.socket = socket.socket(self.address_family, self.socket_type) while not self.isclosed: try: self.socket.connect(self.server_address) except SystemExit: raise except socket.error: if self.isclosed: raise time.sleep(2) else: break else: return self.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper( self.socket.makefile('wb', buffering=0), encoding='utf-8', write_through=True) self.stdin = NotiInput(io.TextIOWrapper( InterruptableSocket(self.socket.makefile('rb', buffering=0)), encoding='utf-8', write_through=True), self.stdout) self.stderr = sys.stderr self.start_ki_thread() cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, stdin=self.stdin, stdout=self.stdout) def start_ki_thread(self): # Start a thread that can generates keyboard interrupr # Inserts a spy thread between old stdin and a new stdin queue = QueueWithReadline() ostdin = self.stdin self.stdin = NotiInput(input=queue, output=ostdin.output) socket = self.socket def run(): try: while socket is self.socket: line = ostdin.input.readline() if not line: break if line == KEYBOARDINTERRUPT: if socket is self.socket: heapyc.set_async_exc(self.target.annex_thread, KeyboardInterrupt) else: queue.put(line) finally: if socket is self.socket: heapyc.set_async_exc(self.target.annex_thread, SocketClosed) self.th = threading.Thread(target=run, args=()) self.th._hiding_tag_ = self.intlocals['hp']._hiding_tag_ self.th.start() def disconnect(self): sock = self.socket if sock is None: return self.socket = None try: sock.send(DONE) except Exception: pass try: sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except Exception: pass try: sock.close() except Exception: pass sys.last_traceback = None def do_close(self, arg): self.asynch_close() return 1 def help_close(self): print("""close ----- Close and disable this remote connection completely. It can then not be reopened other than by some command from within the target process. Normally you shouldn't need to use this command, because you can return to the Monitor via other commands (<Ctrl-C> or .) keeping the connection open. But it might be useful when you want to get rid of the remote control interpreter and thread, if it uses too much memory or disturbs the target process in some other way.""", file=self.stdout) do_h = cmd.Cmd.do_help def help_h(self): print("""h(elp) ----- Without argument, print the list of available commands. With a command name as argument, print help about that command.""", file=self.stdout) help_help = help_h def do_int(self, arg): # XXX We should really stop other tasks while we use changed stdio files # but that seems to be hard to do # so this is ok for some practical purposes. # --- new note May 8 2005: # --- and doesn't matter since we are in a different interpreter - # --- so there is no XXX issue ? ostdin = sys.stdin ostdout = sys.stdout ostderr = sys.stderr try: sys.stdin = self.stdin sys.stdout = self.stdout sys.stderr = self.stdout con = Console(stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, locals=self.intlocals) con.interact( "Remote interactive console. To return to Annex, type %r." % con.EOF_key_sequence) finally: sys.stdin = ostdin sys.stdout = ostdout sys.stderr = ostderr def help_int(self): print("""int ----- Interactive console. Bring up a Python console in the Remote Control interpreter. This console will initially have access to a heapy constructor, named hpy, and a ready-made instance, named hp, and the target (see also the reset command). Other things may be imported as needed. After returning to the Annex (by q) or to the Monitor (by . or <Ctrl-C>), the data in the interactive console will remain there - and will be available till the next time the console is entered. But the data may be cleared and reset to the initial state - a new heapy instance will be created - by the 'reset' command of Annex. It should be noted that the interpreter thread under investigation is executing in parallell with the remote control interpreter. So there may be some problems to do with that if both are executing at the same time. This has to be dealt with for each case specifically.""", file=self.stdout) _bname = 'a1e55f5dc4c9f708311e9f97b8098cd3' def do_isolatest(self, arg): hp = self.intlocals['hp'] a = [] self._a = a b = [] self.intlocals[self._bname] = b # to make __builtins__ exist if it did not already eval('0', self.intlocals) testobjects = [a, b, self.intlocals['__builtins__'], self.intlocals, hp] h = hp.heap() if hp.iso(*testobjects) & h: print('Isolation test failed.', file=self.stdout) for i, v in enumerate(testobjects): if hp.iso(v) & h: print( '-- Shortest Path(s) to testobjects[%d] --' % i, file=self.stdout) print(hp.iso(v).shpaths, file=self.stdout) else: print('Isolation test succeeded.', file=self.stdout) del self._a del self.intlocals[self._bname] def help_isolatest(self): print("""isolatest ---------- Isolation test. Test that the target interpreter heap view is isolated from the data in the remote control interpreter. Data introduced here, eg in the interactive console, should not be seen in the heap as reported by hp.heap() etc. This is achieved by setting hp to not follow the calling interpreter root. However, this isolation may become broken. This test is intended to diagnose this problem. The test checks that none of a number of test objects is visible in the target heap view. If the test failed, it will show the shortest path(s) to each of the test objects that was visible.""", file=self.stdout) def do_q(self, arg): print('To return to Monitor, type <Ctrl-C> or .', file=self.stdout) print("To close this connection ('permanently'), type close", file=self.stdout) def help_q(self): print("""q ----- Quit. This doesn't currently do anything except printing a message. (I thought it would be too confusing to have a q (quit) command from the Annex, when there was a similarly named command in the Monitor.)""", file=self.stdout) def do_reset(self, arg): self.intlocals.clear() self.intlocals.update( {'hpy': self.hpy, 'hp': self.hpy(), 'target': self.target }) # Set shorthand h, it is so commonly used # and the instance name now used in README example etc self.intlocals['h'] = self.intlocals['hp'] def help_reset(self): print("""reset ----- Reset things to an initial state. This resets the state of the interactive console data only, for now. It is reinitialized to contain the following: hpy --- from guppy import hpy hp --- hp = hpy() target --- a reference to some data in the target interpreter h --- h = hp; h is a shorthand for hp (The hpy function is modified here from the normal one so it sets some options to make it be concerned with the target interpreter heap under investigation rather than the current one.) """, file=self.stdout) def do_stat(self, arg): print("Target overview", file=self.stdout) print("------------------------------------", file=self.stdout) print("target.sys.executable = %s" % self.target.sys.executable, file=self.stdout) print("target.sys.argv = %s" % self.target.sys.argv, file=self.stdout) print("target.wd = %s" % self.target.wd, file=self.stdout) print("target.pid = %d" % self.target.pid, file=self.stdout) print("------------------------------------", file=self.stdout) def help_stat(self): print("""stat ----- Print an overview status table, with data from the target interpreter. In the table, sys.executable and sys.argv means the current values of those attributes in the sys module of the target interpreter. The row labeled target.wd is the working directory of the target interpreter, at the time the Remote Control interpreter was started (the actual working directory may have changed since that time). The row labeled target.pid is the process id of the target interpreter. """, file=self.stdout) def hpy(self, *args, **kwds): from guppy import hpy hp = hpy(*args, **kwds) hp.View.is_hiding_calling_interpreter = 1 hp.View.target = self.target self.target._hiding_tag_ = hp._hiding_tag_ self.target.close._hiding_tag_ = hp._hiding_tag_ hp.reprefix = 'hp.' return hp def run(self): try: while not self.isclosed: self.connect() if not self.isclosed: self.do_stat('') while 1: try: self.cmdloop() except SocketClosed: break except Exception: try: traceback.print_exc(file=self.stdout) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) break continue self.disconnect() finally: # Make sure the thread/interpreter can't terminate # without the annex being closed, # and that we WAIT if someone else is being closing us. self.asynch_close() def on(): # Start a remote monitoring enabling thread, # unless I am that thread myself. global annex_thread, target if annex_thread is not None: return if getattr(sys, '_is_guppy_heapy_remote_interpreter_', 0): return start_annex = """\ # Set a flag to stop recursion when importing site # in case sitecustomize tries to do Remote.on() import sys sys._is_guppy_heapy_remote_interpreter_ = 1 import site from guppy.heapy import Remote Remote.Annex(target).run() """ target = Target.Target() annex_thread = heapyc.interpreter(start_annex, {'target': target}) target.annex_thread = annex_thread def off(): global annex_thread, target if annex_thread is None: return for i in range(10): try: close = target.close except AttributeError: # It may not have been initiated yet. # wait and repeat time.sleep(0.05) else: close() break else: raise heapyc.set_async_exc(annex_thread, SystemExit) while True: if not hasattr(heapyc.RootState, 't%d_async_exc' % annex_thread): break else: time.sleep(0.05) annex_thread = target = None annex_thread = None target = None atexit.register(off)