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# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE
# Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
"""Generic classes/functions for pyreverse core/extensions."""
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union
import astroid
from astroid import nodes
from astroid.typing import InferenceResult
from pylint.pyreverse.diagrams import ClassDiagram, PackageDiagram
_CallbackT = Callable[
Union[Tuple[ClassDiagram], Tuple[PackageDiagram, ClassDiagram], None],
_CallbackTupleT = Tuple[Optional[_CallbackT], Optional[_CallbackT]]
RCFILE = ".pyreverserc"
def get_default_options() -> list[str]:
"""Read config file and return list of options."""
options = []
home = os.environ.get("HOME", "")
if home:
rcfile = os.path.join(home, RCFILE)
with open(rcfile, encoding="utf-8") as file_handle:
options = file_handle.read().split()
except OSError:
pass # ignore if no config file found
return options
def insert_default_options() -> None:
"""Insert default options to sys.argv."""
options = get_default_options()
for arg in options:
sys.argv.insert(1, arg)
# astroid utilities ###########################################################
SPECIAL = re.compile(r"^__([^\W_]_*)+__$")
PRIVATE = re.compile(r"^__(_*[^\W_])+_?$")
PROTECTED = re.compile(r"^_\w*$")
def get_visibility(name: str) -> str:
"""Return the visibility from a name: public, protected, private or special."""
if SPECIAL.match(name):
visibility = "special"
elif PRIVATE.match(name):
visibility = "private"
elif PROTECTED.match(name):
visibility = "protected"
visibility = "public"
return visibility
def is_interface(node: nodes.ClassDef) -> bool:
# bw compatibility
return node.type == "interface" # type: ignore[no-any-return]
def is_exception(node: nodes.ClassDef) -> bool:
# bw compatibility
return node.type == "exception" # type: ignore[no-any-return]
# Helpers #####################################################################
"ALL": 0,
"special": _SPECIAL,
"protected": _PROTECTED,
"private": _PRIVATE,
"public": 0,
class FilterMixIn:
"""Filter nodes according to a mode and nodes' visibility."""
def __init__(self, mode: str) -> None:
"""Init filter modes."""
__mode = 0
for nummod in mode.split("+"):
__mode += MODES[nummod]
except KeyError as ex:
print(f"Unknown filter mode {ex}", file=sys.stderr)
self.__mode = __mode
def show_attr(self, node: nodes.NodeNG | str) -> bool:
"""Return true if the node should be treated."""
visibility = get_visibility(getattr(node, "name", node))
return not self.__mode & VIS_MOD[visibility]
class LocalsVisitor:
"""Visit a project by traversing the locals dictionary.
* visit_<class name> on entering a node, where class name is the class of
the node in lower case
* leave_<class name> on leaving a node, where class name is the class of
the node in lower case
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._cache: dict[type[nodes.NodeNG], _CallbackTupleT] = {}
self._visited: set[nodes.NodeNG] = set()
def get_callbacks(self, node: nodes.NodeNG) -> _CallbackTupleT:
"""Get callbacks from handler for the visited node."""
klass = node.__class__
methods = self._cache.get(klass)
if methods is None:
kid = klass.__name__.lower()
e_method = getattr(
self, f"visit_{kid}", getattr(self, "visit_default", None)
l_method = getattr(
self, f"leave_{kid}", getattr(self, "leave_default", None)
self._cache[klass] = (e_method, l_method)
e_method, l_method = methods
return e_method, l_method
def visit(self, node: nodes.NodeNG) -> Any:
"""Launch the visit starting from the given node."""
if node in self._visited:
return None
methods = self.get_callbacks(node)
if methods[0] is not None:
if hasattr(node, "locals"): # skip Instance and other proxy
for local_node in node.values():
if methods[1] is not None:
return methods[1](node)
return None
def get_annotation_label(ann: nodes.Name | nodes.NodeNG) -> str:
if isinstance(ann, nodes.Name) and ann.name is not None:
return ann.name # type: ignore[no-any-return]
if isinstance(ann, nodes.NodeNG):
return ann.as_string() # type: ignore[no-any-return]
return ""
def get_annotation(
node: nodes.AssignAttr | nodes.AssignName,
) -> nodes.Name | nodes.Subscript | None:
"""Return the annotation for `node`."""
ann = None
if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.AnnAssign):
ann = node.parent.annotation
elif isinstance(node, nodes.AssignAttr):
init_method = node.parent.parent
annotations = dict(zip(init_method.locals, init_method.args.annotations))
ann = annotations.get(node.parent.value.name)
except AttributeError:
return ann
default, *_ = node.infer()
except astroid.InferenceError:
default = ""
label = get_annotation_label(ann)
if ann:
label = (
if getattr(default, "value", "value") is None
and not label.startswith("Optional")
else label
if label:
ann.name = label
return ann
def infer_node(node: nodes.AssignAttr | nodes.AssignName) -> set[InferenceResult]:
"""Return a set containing the node annotation if it exists
otherwise return a set of the inferred types using the NodeNG.infer method.
ann = get_annotation(node)
if ann:
if isinstance(ann, nodes.Subscript) or (
isinstance(ann, nodes.BinOp) and ann.op == "|"
return {ann}
return set(ann.infer())
return set(node.infer())
except astroid.InferenceError:
return {ann} if ann else set()
def check_graphviz_availability() -> None:
"""Check if the ``dot`` command is available on the machine.
This is needed if image output is desired and ``dot`` is used to convert
from *.dot or *.gv into the final output format.
if shutil.which("dot") is None:
print("'Graphviz' needs to be installed for your chosen output format.")
def check_if_graphviz_supports_format(output_format: str) -> None:
"""Check if the ``dot`` command supports the requested output format.
This is needed if image output is desired and ``dot`` is used to convert
from *.gv into the final output format.
dot_output = subprocess.run(
["dot", "-T?"], capture_output=True, check=False, encoding="utf-8"
match = re.match(
pattern=r".*Use one of: (?P<formats>(\S*\s?)+)",
if not match:
"Unable to determine Graphviz supported output formats. "
"Pyreverse will continue, but subsequent error messages "
"regarding the output format may come from Graphviz directly."
supported_formats = match.group("formats")
if output_format not in supported_formats.split():
f"Format {output_format} is not supported by Graphviz. It supports: {supported_formats}"