Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyasn1/type/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyasn1/type/base.py |
# # This file is part of pyasn1 software. # # Copyright (c) 2005-2020, Ilya Etingof <etingof@gmail.com> # License: https://pyasn1.readthedocs.io/en/latest/license.html # import sys from pyasn1 import error from pyasn1.type import constraint from pyasn1.type import tag from pyasn1.type import tagmap __all__ = ['Asn1Item', 'Asn1Type', 'SimpleAsn1Type', 'ConstructedAsn1Type'] class Asn1Item(object): @classmethod def getTypeId(cls, increment=1): try: Asn1Item._typeCounter += increment except AttributeError: Asn1Item._typeCounter = increment return Asn1Item._typeCounter class Asn1Type(Asn1Item): """Base class for all classes representing ASN.1 types. In the user code, |ASN.1| class is normally used only for telling ASN.1 objects from others. Note ---- For as long as ASN.1 is concerned, a way to compare ASN.1 types is to use :meth:`isSameTypeWith` and :meth:`isSuperTypeOf` methods. """ #: Set or return a :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet` object representing #: ASN.1 tag(s) associated with |ASN.1| type. tagSet = tag.TagSet() #: Default :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection` #: object imposing constraints on initialization values. subtypeSpec = constraint.ConstraintsIntersection() # Disambiguation ASN.1 types identification typeId = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): readOnly = { 'tagSet': self.tagSet, 'subtypeSpec': self.subtypeSpec } readOnly.update(kwargs) self.__dict__.update(readOnly) self._readOnly = readOnly def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name[0] != '_' and name in self._readOnly: raise error.PyAsn1Error('read-only instance attribute "%s"' % name) self.__dict__[name] = value def __str__(self): return self.prettyPrint() @property def readOnly(self): return self._readOnly @property def effectiveTagSet(self): """For |ASN.1| type is equivalent to *tagSet* """ return self.tagSet # used by untagged types @property def tagMap(self): """Return a :class:`~pyasn1.type.tagmap.TagMap` object mapping ASN.1 tags to ASN.1 objects within callee object. """ return tagmap.TagMap({self.tagSet: self}) def isSameTypeWith(self, other, matchTags=True, matchConstraints=True): """Examine |ASN.1| type for equality with other ASN.1 type. ASN.1 tags (:py:mod:`~pyasn1.type.tag`) and constraints (:py:mod:`~pyasn1.type.constraint`) are examined when carrying out ASN.1 types comparison. Python class inheritance relationship is NOT considered. Parameters ---------- other: a pyasn1 type object Class instance representing ASN.1 type. Returns ------- : :class:`bool` :obj:`True` if *other* is |ASN.1| type, :obj:`False` otherwise. """ return (self is other or (not matchTags or self.tagSet == other.tagSet) and (not matchConstraints or self.subtypeSpec == other.subtypeSpec)) def isSuperTypeOf(self, other, matchTags=True, matchConstraints=True): """Examine |ASN.1| type for subtype relationship with other ASN.1 type. ASN.1 tags (:py:mod:`~pyasn1.type.tag`) and constraints (:py:mod:`~pyasn1.type.constraint`) are examined when carrying out ASN.1 types comparison. Python class inheritance relationship is NOT considered. Parameters ---------- other: a pyasn1 type object Class instance representing ASN.1 type. Returns ------- : :class:`bool` :obj:`True` if *other* is a subtype of |ASN.1| type, :obj:`False` otherwise. """ return (not matchTags or (self.tagSet.isSuperTagSetOf(other.tagSet)) and (not matchConstraints or self.subtypeSpec.isSuperTypeOf(other.subtypeSpec))) @staticmethod def isNoValue(*values): for value in values: if value is not noValue: return False return True def prettyPrint(self, scope=0): raise NotImplementedError # backward compatibility def getTagSet(self): return self.tagSet def getEffectiveTagSet(self): return self.effectiveTagSet def getTagMap(self): return self.tagMap def getSubtypeSpec(self): return self.subtypeSpec # backward compatibility def hasValue(self): return self.isValue # Backward compatibility Asn1ItemBase = Asn1Type class NoValue(object): """Create a singleton instance of NoValue class. The *NoValue* sentinel object represents an instance of ASN.1 schema object as opposed to ASN.1 value object. Only ASN.1 schema-related operations can be performed on ASN.1 schema objects. Warning ------- Any operation attempted on the *noValue* object will raise the *PyAsn1Error* exception. """ skipMethods = { '__slots__', # attributes '__getattribute__', '__getattr__', '__setattr__', '__delattr__', # class instance '__class__', '__init__', '__del__', '__new__', '__repr__', '__qualname__', '__objclass__', 'im_class', '__sizeof__', # pickle protocol '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__getnewargs__', '__getinitargs__', '__getstate__', '__setstate__', } _instance = None def __new__(cls): if cls._instance is None: def getPlug(name): def plug(self, *args, **kw): raise error.PyAsn1Error('Attempted "%s" operation on ASN.1 schema object' % name) return plug op_names = [name for typ in (str, int, list, dict) for name in dir(typ) if (name not in cls.skipMethods and name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__') and callable(getattr(typ, name)))] for name in set(op_names): setattr(cls, name, getPlug(name)) cls._instance = object.__new__(cls) return cls._instance def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self.skipMethods: raise AttributeError('Attribute %s not present' % attr) raise error.PyAsn1Error('Attempted "%s" operation on ASN.1 schema object' % attr) def __repr__(self): return '<%s object>' % self.__class__.__name__ noValue = NoValue() class SimpleAsn1Type(Asn1Type): """Base class for all simple classes representing ASN.1 types. ASN.1 distinguishes types by their ability to hold other objects. Scalar types are known as *simple* in ASN.1. In the user code, |ASN.1| class is normally used only for telling ASN.1 objects from others. Note ---- For as long as ASN.1 is concerned, a way to compare ASN.1 types is to use :meth:`isSameTypeWith` and :meth:`isSuperTypeOf` methods. """ #: Default payload value defaultValue = noValue def __init__(self, value=noValue, **kwargs): Asn1Type.__init__(self, **kwargs) if value is noValue: value = self.defaultValue else: value = self.prettyIn(value) try: self.subtypeSpec(value) except error.PyAsn1Error as exValue: raise type(exValue)('%s at %s' % (exValue, self.__class__.__name__)) self._value = value def __repr__(self): representation = '%s %s object' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.isValue and 'value' or 'schema') for attr, value in self.readOnly.items(): if value: representation += ', %s %s' % (attr, value) if self.isValue: value = self.prettyPrint() if len(value) > 32: value = value[:16] + '...' + value[-16:] representation += ', payload [%s]' % value return '<%s>' % representation def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True return self._value == other def __ne__(self, other): return self._value != other def __lt__(self, other): return self._value < other def __le__(self, other): return self._value <= other def __gt__(self, other): return self._value > other def __ge__(self, other): return self._value >= other def __bool__(self): return bool(self._value) def __hash__(self): return hash(self._value) @property def isValue(self): """Indicate that |ASN.1| object represents ASN.1 value. If *isValue* is :obj:`False` then this object represents just ASN.1 schema. If *isValue* is :obj:`True` then, in addition to its ASN.1 schema features, this object can also be used like a Python built-in object (e.g. :class:`int`, :class:`str`, :class:`dict` etc.). Returns ------- : :class:`bool` :obj:`False` if object represents just ASN.1 schema. :obj:`True` if object represents ASN.1 schema and can be used as a normal value. Note ---- There is an important distinction between PyASN1 schema and value objects. The PyASN1 schema objects can only participate in ASN.1 schema-related operations (e.g. defining or testing the structure of the data). Most obvious uses of ASN.1 schema is to guide serialisation codecs whilst encoding/decoding serialised ASN.1 contents. The PyASN1 value objects can **additionally** participate in many operations involving regular Python objects (e.g. arithmetic, comprehension etc). """ return self._value is not noValue def clone(self, value=noValue, **kwargs): """Create a modified version of |ASN.1| schema or value object. The `clone()` method accepts the same set arguments as |ASN.1| class takes on instantiation except that all arguments of the `clone()` method are optional. Whatever arguments are supplied, they are used to create a copy of `self` taking precedence over the ones used to instantiate `self`. Note ---- Due to the immutable nature of the |ASN.1| object, if no arguments are supplied, no new |ASN.1| object will be created and `self` will be returned instead. """ if value is noValue: if not kwargs: return self value = self._value initializers = self.readOnly.copy() initializers.update(kwargs) return self.__class__(value, **initializers) def subtype(self, value=noValue, **kwargs): """Create a specialization of |ASN.1| schema or value object. The subtype relationship between ASN.1 types has no correlation with subtype relationship between Python types. ASN.1 type is mainly identified by its tag(s) (:py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`) and value range constraints (:py:class:`~pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection`). These ASN.1 type properties are implemented as |ASN.1| attributes. The `subtype()` method accepts the same set arguments as |ASN.1| class takes on instantiation except that all parameters of the `subtype()` method are optional. With the exception of the arguments described below, the rest of supplied arguments they are used to create a copy of `self` taking precedence over the ones used to instantiate `self`. The following arguments to `subtype()` create a ASN.1 subtype out of |ASN.1| type: Other Parameters ---------------- implicitTag: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.Tag` Implicitly apply given ASN.1 tag object to `self`'s :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`, then use the result as new object's ASN.1 tag(s). explicitTag: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.Tag` Explicitly apply given ASN.1 tag object to `self`'s :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`, then use the result as new object's ASN.1 tag(s). subtypeSpec: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection` Add ASN.1 constraints object to one of the `self`'s, then use the result as new object's ASN.1 constraints. Returns ------- : new instance of |ASN.1| schema or value object Note ---- Due to the immutable nature of the |ASN.1| object, if no arguments are supplied, no new |ASN.1| object will be created and `self` will be returned instead. """ if value is noValue: if not kwargs: return self value = self._value initializers = self.readOnly.copy() implicitTag = kwargs.pop('implicitTag', None) if implicitTag is not None: initializers['tagSet'] = self.tagSet.tagImplicitly(implicitTag) explicitTag = kwargs.pop('explicitTag', None) if explicitTag is not None: initializers['tagSet'] = self.tagSet.tagExplicitly(explicitTag) for arg, option in kwargs.items(): initializers[arg] += option return self.__class__(value, **initializers) def prettyIn(self, value): return value def prettyOut(self, value): return str(value) def prettyPrint(self, scope=0): return self.prettyOut(self._value) def prettyPrintType(self, scope=0): return '%s -> %s' % (self.tagSet, self.__class__.__name__) # Backward compatibility AbstractSimpleAsn1Item = SimpleAsn1Type # # Constructed types: # * There are five of them: Sequence, SequenceOf/SetOf, Set and Choice # * ASN1 types and values are represened by Python class instances # * Value initialization is made for defaulted components only # * Primary method of component addressing is by-position. Data model for base # type is Python sequence. Additional type-specific addressing methods # may be implemented for particular types. # * SequenceOf and SetOf types do not implement any additional methods # * Sequence, Set and Choice types also implement by-identifier addressing # * Sequence, Set and Choice types also implement by-asn1-type (tag) addressing # * Sequence and Set types may include optional and defaulted # components # * Constructed types hold a reference to component types used for value # verification and ordering. # * Component type is a scalar type for SequenceOf/SetOf types and a list # of types for Sequence/Set/Choice. # class ConstructedAsn1Type(Asn1Type): """Base class for all constructed classes representing ASN.1 types. ASN.1 distinguishes types by their ability to hold other objects. Those "nesting" types are known as *constructed* in ASN.1. In the user code, |ASN.1| class is normally used only for telling ASN.1 objects from others. Note ---- For as long as ASN.1 is concerned, a way to compare ASN.1 types is to use :meth:`isSameTypeWith` and :meth:`isSuperTypeOf` methods. """ #: If :obj:`True`, requires exact component type matching, #: otherwise subtype relation is only enforced strictConstraints = False componentType = None # backward compatibility, unused sizeSpec = constraint.ConstraintsIntersection() def __init__(self, **kwargs): readOnly = { 'componentType': self.componentType, # backward compatibility, unused 'sizeSpec': self.sizeSpec } # backward compatibility: preserve legacy sizeSpec support kwargs = self._moveSizeSpec(**kwargs) readOnly.update(kwargs) Asn1Type.__init__(self, **readOnly) def _moveSizeSpec(self, **kwargs): # backward compatibility, unused sizeSpec = kwargs.pop('sizeSpec', self.sizeSpec) if sizeSpec: subtypeSpec = kwargs.pop('subtypeSpec', self.subtypeSpec) if subtypeSpec: subtypeSpec = sizeSpec else: subtypeSpec += sizeSpec kwargs['subtypeSpec'] = subtypeSpec return kwargs def __repr__(self): representation = '%s %s object' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.isValue and 'value' or 'schema' ) for attr, value in self.readOnly.items(): if value is not noValue: representation += ', %s=%r' % (attr, value) if self.isValue and self.components: representation += ', payload [%s]' % ', '.join( [repr(x) for x in self.components]) return '<%s>' % representation def __eq__(self, other): return self is other or self.components == other def __ne__(self, other): return self.components != other def __lt__(self, other): return self.components < other def __le__(self, other): return self.components <= other def __gt__(self, other): return self.components > other def __ge__(self, other): return self.components >= other def __bool__(self): return bool(self.components) @property def components(self): raise error.PyAsn1Error('Method not implemented') def _cloneComponentValues(self, myClone, cloneValueFlag): pass def clone(self, **kwargs): """Create a modified version of |ASN.1| schema object. The `clone()` method accepts the same set arguments as |ASN.1| class takes on instantiation except that all arguments of the `clone()` method are optional. Whatever arguments are supplied, they are used to create a copy of `self` taking precedence over the ones used to instantiate `self`. Possible values of `self` are never copied over thus `clone()` can only create a new schema object. Returns ------- : new instance of |ASN.1| type/value Note ---- Due to the mutable nature of the |ASN.1| object, even if no arguments are supplied, a new |ASN.1| object will be created and returned. """ cloneValueFlag = kwargs.pop('cloneValueFlag', False) initializers = self.readOnly.copy() initializers.update(kwargs) clone = self.__class__(**initializers) if cloneValueFlag: self._cloneComponentValues(clone, cloneValueFlag) return clone def subtype(self, **kwargs): """Create a specialization of |ASN.1| schema object. The `subtype()` method accepts the same set arguments as |ASN.1| class takes on instantiation except that all parameters of the `subtype()` method are optional. With the exception of the arguments described below, the rest of supplied arguments they are used to create a copy of `self` taking precedence over the ones used to instantiate `self`. The following arguments to `subtype()` create a ASN.1 subtype out of |ASN.1| type. Other Parameters ---------------- implicitTag: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.Tag` Implicitly apply given ASN.1 tag object to `self`'s :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`, then use the result as new object's ASN.1 tag(s). explicitTag: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.Tag` Explicitly apply given ASN.1 tag object to `self`'s :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.tag.TagSet`, then use the result as new object's ASN.1 tag(s). subtypeSpec: :py:class:`~pyasn1.type.constraint.ConstraintsIntersection` Add ASN.1 constraints object to one of the `self`'s, then use the result as new object's ASN.1 constraints. Returns ------- : new instance of |ASN.1| type/value Note ---- Due to the mutable nature of the |ASN.1| object, even if no arguments are supplied, a new |ASN.1| object will be created and returned. """ initializers = self.readOnly.copy() cloneValueFlag = kwargs.pop('cloneValueFlag', False) implicitTag = kwargs.pop('implicitTag', None) if implicitTag is not None: initializers['tagSet'] = self.tagSet.tagImplicitly(implicitTag) explicitTag = kwargs.pop('explicitTag', None) if explicitTag is not None: initializers['tagSet'] = self.tagSet.tagExplicitly(explicitTag) for arg, option in kwargs.items(): initializers[arg] += option clone = self.__class__(**initializers) if cloneValueFlag: self._cloneComponentValues(clone, cloneValueFlag) return clone def getComponentByPosition(self, idx): raise error.PyAsn1Error('Method not implemented') def setComponentByPosition(self, idx, value, verifyConstraints=True): raise error.PyAsn1Error('Method not implemented') def setComponents(self, *args, **kwargs): for idx, value in enumerate(args): self[idx] = value for k in kwargs: self[k] = kwargs[k] return self # backward compatibility def setDefaultComponents(self): pass def getComponentType(self): return self.componentType # backward compatibility, unused def verifySizeSpec(self): self.subtypeSpec(self) # Backward compatibility AbstractConstructedAsn1Item = ConstructedAsn1Type