Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/cmb2/includes/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/cmb2/includes/CMB2.php |
<?php /** * CMB2 - The core metabox object * * @category WordPress_Plugin * @package CMB2 * @author CMB2 team * @license GPL-2.0+ * @link https://cmb2.io * * @property-read string $cmb_id * @property-read array $meta_box * @property-read array $updated * @property-read bool $has_columns * @property-read array $tax_metaboxes_to_remove */ /** * The main CMB2 object for storing box data/properties. */ class CMB2 extends CMB2_Base { /** * Supported CMB2 object types * * @var array * @since 2.11.0 */ protected $core_object_types = array( 'post', 'user', 'comment', 'term', 'options-page' ); /** * The object properties name. * * @var string * @since 2.2.3 */ protected $properties_name = 'meta_box'; /** * Metabox Config array * * @var array * @since 0.9.0 */ protected $meta_box = array(); /** * Type of object registered for metabox. (e.g., post, user, or comment) * * @var string * @since 1.0.0 */ protected $mb_object_type = null; /** * List of fields that are changed/updated on save * * @var array * @since 1.1.0 */ protected $updated = array(); /** * Metabox Defaults * * @var array * @since 1.0.1 */ protected $mb_defaults = array( 'id' => '', 'title' => '', // Post type slug, or 'user', 'term', 'comment', or 'options-page'. 'object_types' => array(), /** * The context within the screen where the boxes should display. Available contexts vary * from screen to screen. Post edit screen contexts include 'normal', 'side', and 'advanced'. * * For placement in locations outside of a metabox, other options include: * 'form_top', 'before_permalink', 'after_title', 'after_editor' * * Comments screen contexts include 'normal' and 'side'. Default is 'normal'. */ 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', // Or 10 for options pages. 'show_names' => true, // Show field names on the left. 'show_on_cb' => null, // Callback to determine if metabox should display. 'show_on' => array(), // Post IDs or page templates to display this metabox. overrides 'show_on_cb'. 'cmb_styles' => true, // Include CMB2 stylesheet. 'enqueue_js' => true, // Include CMB2 JS. 'fields' => array(), /** * Handles hooking CMB2 forms/metaboxes into the post/attachement/user/options-page screens * and handles hooking in and saving those fields. */ 'hookup' => true, 'save_fields' => true, // Will not save during hookup if false. 'closed' => false, // Default metabox to being closed. 'taxonomies' => array(), 'new_user_section' => 'add-new-user', // or 'add-existing-user'. 'new_term_section' => true, 'show_in_rest' => false, 'classes' => null, // Optionally add classes to the CMB2 wrapper. 'classes_cb' => '', // Optionally add classes to the CMB2 wrapper (via a callback). /* * The following parameter is for post alternate-context metaboxes only. * * To output the fields 'naked' (without a postbox wrapper/style), then * add a `'remove_box_wrap' => true` to your metabox registration array. */ 'remove_box_wrap' => false, /* * The following parameter is any additional arguments passed as $callback_args * to add_meta_box, if/when applicable. * * CMB2 does not use these arguments in the add_meta_box callback, however, these args * are parsed for certain special properties, like determining Gutenberg/block-editor * compatibility. * * Examples: * * - Make sure default editor is used as metabox is not compatible with block editor * [ '__block_editor_compatible_meta_box' => false/true ] * * - Or declare this box exists for backwards compatibility * [ '__back_compat_meta_box' => false ] * * More: https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/handbook/extensibility/meta-box/ */ 'mb_callback_args' => null, /* * The following parameters are for options-page metaboxes, * and several are passed along to add_menu_page()/add_submenu_page() */ // 'menu_title' => null, // Falls back to 'title' (above). Do not define here so we can set a fallback. 'message_cb' => '', // Optionally define the options-save message (via a callback). 'option_key' => '', // The actual option key and admin menu page slug. 'parent_slug' => '', // Used as first param in add_submenu_page(). 'capability' => 'manage_options', // Cap required to view options-page. 'icon_url' => '', // Menu icon. Only applicable if 'parent_slug' is left empty. 'position' => null, // Menu position. Only applicable if 'parent_slug' is left empty. 'admin_menu_hook' => 'admin_menu', // Alternately 'network_admin_menu' to add network-level options page. 'display_cb' => false, // Override the options-page form output (CMB2_Hookup::options_page_output()). 'save_button' => '', // The text for the options-page save button. Defaults to 'Save'. 'disable_settings_errors' => false, // On settings pages (not options-general.php sub-pages), allows disabling. 'tab_group' => '', // Tab-group identifier, enables options page tab navigation. // 'tab_title' => null, // Falls back to 'title' (above). Do not define here so we can set a fallback. // 'autoload' => true, // Defaults to true, the options-page option will be autloaded. ); /** * Metabox field objects * * @var array * @since 2.0.3 */ protected $fields = array(); /** * An array of hidden fields to output at the end of the form * * @var array * @since 2.0.0 */ protected $hidden_fields = array(); /** * Array of key => value data for saving. Likely $_POST data. * * @var string * @since 2.0.0 */ protected $generated_nonce = ''; /** * Whether there are fields to be shown in columns. Set in CMB2::add_field(). * * @var bool * @since 2.2.2 */ protected $has_columns = false; /** * If taxonomy field is requesting to remove_default, we store the taxonomy here. * * @var array * @since 2.2.3 */ protected $tax_metaboxes_to_remove = array(); /** * Get started * * @since 0.4.0 * @param array $config Metabox config array. * @param integer $object_id Optional object id. */ public function __construct( $config, $object_id = 0 ) { if ( empty( $config['id'] ) ) { wp_die( esc_html__( 'Metabox configuration is required to have an ID parameter.', 'cmb2' ) ); } $this->cmb_id = $config['id']; $this->meta_box = wp_parse_args( $config, $this->mb_defaults ); $this->meta_box['fields'] = array(); // Ensures object_types is an array. $this->set_prop( 'object_types', $this->box_types() ); $this->object_id( $object_id ); if ( $this->is_options_page_mb() ) { // Check initial priority. if ( empty( $config['priority'] ) ) { // If not explicitly defined, Reset the priority to 10 // Fixes https://github.com/CMB2/CMB2/issues/1410. $this->meta_box['priority'] = 10; } $this->init_options_mb(); } $this->mb_object_type(); if ( ! empty( $config['fields'] ) && is_array( $config['fields'] ) ) { $this->add_fields( $config['fields'] ); } CMB2_Boxes::add( $this ); /** * Hook during initiation of CMB2 object * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, $this->cmb_id, is this meta_box id. * * @param array $cmb This CMB2 object */ do_action( "cmb2_init_{$this->cmb_id}", $this ); // Hook in the hookup... how meta. add_action( "cmb2_init_hookup_{$this->cmb_id}", array( 'CMB2_Hookup', 'maybe_init_and_hookup' ) ); // Hook in the rest api functionality. add_action( "cmb2_init_hookup_{$this->cmb_id}", array( 'CMB2_REST', 'maybe_init_and_hookup' ) ); } /** * Loops through and displays fields * * @since 1.0.0 * @param int $object_id Object ID. * @param string $object_type Type of object being saved. (e.g., post, user, or comment). * * @return CMB2 */ public function show_form( $object_id = 0, $object_type = '' ) { $this->render_form_open( $object_id, $object_type ); foreach ( $this->prop( 'fields' ) as $field_args ) { $this->render_field( $field_args ); } return $this->render_form_close( $object_id, $object_type ); } /** * Outputs the opening form markup and runs corresponding hooks: * 'cmb2_before_form' and "cmb2_before_{$object_type}_form_{$this->cmb_id}" * * @since 2.2.0 * @param integer $object_id Object ID. * @param string $object_type Object type. * * @return CMB2 */ public function render_form_open( $object_id = 0, $object_type = '' ) { $object_type = $this->object_type( $object_type ); $object_id = $this->object_id( $object_id ); echo "\n<!-- Begin CMB2 Fields -->\n"; $this->nonce_field(); /** * Hook before form table begins * * @param array $cmb_id The current box ID. * @param int $object_id The ID of the current object. * @param string $object_type The type of object you are working with. * Usually `post` (this applies to all post-types). * Could also be `comment`, `user` or `options-page`. * @param array $cmb This CMB2 object. */ do_action( 'cmb2_before_form', $this->cmb_id, $object_id, $object_type, $this ); /** * Hook before form table begins * * The first dynamic portion of the hook name, $object_type, is the type of object * you are working with. Usually `post` (this applies to all post-types). * Could also be `comment`, `user` or `options-page`. * * The second dynamic portion of the hook name, $this->cmb_id, is the meta_box id. * * @param array $cmb_id The current box ID * @param int $object_id The ID of the current object * @param array $cmb This CMB2 object */ do_action( "cmb2_before_{$object_type}_form_{$this->cmb_id}", $object_id, $this ); echo '<div class="', esc_attr( $this->box_classes() ), '"><div id="cmb2-metabox-', sanitize_html_class( $this->cmb_id ), '" class="cmb2-metabox cmb-field-list">'; return $this; } /** * Defines the classes for the CMB2 form/wrap. * * @since 2.0.0 * @return string Space concatenated list of classes */ public function box_classes() { $classes = array( 'cmb2-wrap', 'form-table' ); // Use the callback to fetch classes. if ( $added_classes = $this->get_param_callback_result( 'classes_cb' ) ) { $added_classes = is_array( $added_classes ) ? $added_classes : array( $added_classes ); $classes = array_merge( $classes, $added_classes ); } if ( $added_classes = $this->prop( 'classes' ) ) { $added_classes = is_array( $added_classes ) ? $added_classes : array( $added_classes ); $classes = array_merge( $classes, $added_classes ); } /** * Add our context classes for non-standard metaboxes. * * @since 2.2.4 */ if ( $this->is_alternate_context_box() ) { $context = array(); // Include custom class if requesting no title. if ( ! $this->prop( 'title' ) && ! $this->prop( 'remove_box_wrap' ) ) { $context[] = 'cmb2-context-wrap-no-title'; } // Include a generic context wrapper. $context[] = 'cmb2-context-wrap'; // Include a context-type based context wrapper. $context[] = 'cmb2-context-wrap-' . $this->prop( 'context' ); // Include an ID based context wrapper as well. $context[] = 'cmb2-context-wrap-' . $this->prop( 'id' ); // And merge all the classes back into the array. $classes = array_merge( $classes, $context ); } /** * Globally filter box wrap classes * * @since 2.2.2 * * @param string $classes Array of classes for the cmb2-wrap. * @param CMB2 $cmb This CMB2 object. */ $classes = apply_filters( 'cmb2_wrap_classes', $classes, $this ); $split = array(); foreach ( array_filter( $classes ) as $class ) { foreach ( explode( ' ', $class ) as $_class ) { // Clean up & sanitize. $split[] = sanitize_html_class( strip_tags( $_class ) ); } } $classes = $split; // Remove any duplicates. $classes = array_unique( $classes ); // Make it a string. return implode( ' ', $classes ); } /** * Outputs the closing form markup and runs corresponding hooks: * 'cmb2_after_form' and "cmb2_after_{$object_type}_form_{$this->cmb_id}" * * @since 2.2.0 * @param integer $object_id Object ID. * @param string $object_type Object type. * * @return CMB2 */ public function render_form_close( $object_id = 0, $object_type = '' ) { $object_type = $this->object_type( $object_type ); $object_id = $this->object_id( $object_id ); echo '</div></div>'; $this->render_hidden_fields(); /** * Hook after form form has been rendered * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, $this->cmb_id, is the meta_box id. * * The first dynamic portion of the hook name, $object_type, is the type of object * you are working with. Usually `post` (this applies to all post-types). * Could also be `comment`, `user` or `options-page`. * * @param int $object_id The ID of the current object * @param array $cmb This CMB2 object */ do_action( "cmb2_after_{$object_type}_form_{$this->cmb_id}", $object_id, $this ); /** * Hook after form form has been rendered * * @param array $cmb_id The current box ID. * @param int $object_id The ID of the current object. * @param string $object_type The type of object you are working with. * Usually `post` (this applies to all post-types). * Could also be `comment`, `user` or `options-page`. * @param array $cmb This CMB2 object. */ do_action( 'cmb2_after_form', $this->cmb_id, $object_id, $object_type, $this ); echo "\n<!-- End CMB2 Fields -->\n"; return $this; } /** * Renders a field based on the field type * * @since 2.2.0 * @param array $field_args A field configuration array. * @return mixed CMB2_Field object if successful. */ public function render_field( $field_args ) { $field_args['context'] = $this->prop( 'context' ); if ( 'group' === $field_args['type'] ) { if ( ! isset( $field_args['show_names'] ) ) { $field_args['show_names'] = $this->prop( 'show_names' ); } $field = $this->render_group( $field_args ); } elseif ( 'hidden' === $field_args['type'] && $this->get_field( $field_args )->should_show() ) { // Save rendering for after the metabox. $field = $this->add_hidden_field( $field_args ); } else { $field_args['show_names'] = $this->prop( 'show_names' ); // Render default fields. $field = $this->get_field( $field_args )->render_field(); } return $field; } /** * Render a group of fields. * * @param array|CMB2_Field $args Array of field arguments for a group field parent or the group parent field. * @return CMB2_Field|null Group field object. */ public function render_group( $args ) { $field_group = false; if ( $args instanceof CMB2_Field ) { $field_group = 'group' === $args->type() ? $args : false; } elseif ( isset( $args['id'], $args['fields'] ) && is_array( $args['fields'] ) ) { $field_group = $this->get_field( $args ); } if ( ! $field_group ) { return; } $field_group->render_context = 'edit'; $field_group->peform_param_callback( 'render_row_cb' ); return $field_group; } /** * The default callback to render a group of fields. * * @since 2.2.6 * * @param array $field_args Array of field arguments for the group field parent. * @param CMB2_Field $field_group The CMB2_Field group object. * * @return CMB2_Field|null Group field object. */ public function render_group_callback( $field_args, $field_group ) { // If field is requesting to be conditionally shown. if ( ! $field_group || ! $field_group->should_show() ) { return; } $field_group->index = 0; $field_group->peform_param_callback( 'before_group' ); $desc = $field_group->args( 'description' ); $label = $field_group->args( 'name' ); $group_val = (array) $field_group->value(); echo '<div class="cmb-row cmb-repeat-group-wrap ', esc_attr( $field_group->row_classes() ), '" data-fieldtype="group"><div class="cmb-td"><div data-groupid="', esc_attr( $field_group->id() ), '" id="', esc_attr( $field_group->id() ), '_repeat" ', $this->group_wrap_attributes( $field_group ), '>'; if ( $desc || $label ) { $class = $desc ? ' cmb-group-description' : ''; echo '<div class="cmb-row', $class, '"><div class="cmb-th">'; if ( $label ) { echo '<h2 class="cmb-group-name">', $label, '</h2>'; } if ( $desc ) { echo '<p class="cmb2-metabox-description">', $desc, '</p>'; } echo '</div></div>'; } if ( ! empty( $group_val ) ) { foreach ( $group_val as $group_key => $field_id ) { $this->render_group_row( $field_group ); $field_group->index++; } } else { $this->render_group_row( $field_group ); } if ( $field_group->args( 'repeatable' ) ) { echo '<div class="cmb-row"><div class="cmb-td"><p class="cmb-add-row"><button type="button" data-selector="', esc_attr( $field_group->id() ), '_repeat" data-grouptitle="', esc_attr( $field_group->options( 'group_title' ) ), '" class="cmb-add-group-row button-secondary">', $field_group->options( 'add_button' ), '</button></p></div></div>'; } echo '</div></div></div>'; $field_group->peform_param_callback( 'after_group' ); return $field_group; } /** * Get the group wrap attributes, which are passed through a filter. * * @since 2.2.3 * @param CMB2_Field $field_group The group CMB2_Field object. * @return string The attributes string. */ public function group_wrap_attributes( $field_group ) { $classes = 'cmb-nested cmb-field-list cmb-repeatable-group'; $classes .= $field_group->options( 'sortable' ) ? ' sortable' : ' non-sortable'; $classes .= $field_group->args( 'repeatable' ) ? ' repeatable' : ' non-repeatable'; $group_wrap_attributes = array( 'class' => $classes, 'style' => 'width:100%;', ); /** * Allow for adding additional HTML attributes to a group wrapper. * * The attributes will be an array of key => value pairs for each attribute. * * @since 2.2.2 * * @param string $group_wrap_attributes Current attributes array. * @param CMB2_Field $field_group The group CMB2_Field object. */ $group_wrap_attributes = apply_filters( 'cmb2_group_wrap_attributes', $group_wrap_attributes, $field_group ); $atts = array(); foreach ( $group_wrap_attributes as $att => $att_value ) { if ( ! CMB2_Utils::is_data_attribute( $att ) ) { $att_value = htmlspecialchars( $att_value, ENT_COMPAT ); } $atts[ sanitize_html_class( $att ) ] = sanitize_text_field( $att_value ); } return CMB2_Utils::concat_attrs( $atts ); } /** * Render a repeatable group row * * @since 1.0.2 * @param CMB2_Field $field_group CMB2_Field group field object. * * @return CMB2 */ public function render_group_row( $field_group ) { $field_group->peform_param_callback( 'before_group_row' ); $closed_class = $field_group->options( 'closed' ) ? ' closed' : ''; $confirm_deletion = $field_group->options( 'remove_confirm' ); $confirm_deletion = ! empty( $confirm_deletion ) ? $confirm_deletion : ''; echo ' <div id="cmb-group-', $field_group->id(), '-', $field_group->index, '" class="postbox cmb-row cmb-repeatable-grouping', $closed_class, '" data-iterator="', $field_group->index, '">'; if ( $field_group->args( 'repeatable' ) ) { echo '<button type="button" data-selector="', $field_group->id(), '_repeat" data-confirm="', esc_attr( $confirm_deletion ), '" class="dashicons-before dashicons-no-alt cmb-remove-group-row" title="', esc_attr( $field_group->options( 'remove_button' ) ), '"></button>'; } echo ' <div class="cmbhandle" title="' , esc_attr__( 'Click to toggle', 'cmb2' ), '"><br></div> <h3 class="cmb-group-title cmbhandle-title"><span>', $field_group->replace_hash( $field_group->options( 'group_title' ) ), '</span></h3> <div class="inside cmb-td cmb-nested cmb-field-list">'; // Loop and render repeatable group fields. foreach ( array_values( $field_group->args( 'fields' ) ) as $field_args ) { if ( 'hidden' === $field_args['type'] ) { // Save rendering for after the metabox. $this->add_hidden_field( $field_args, $field_group ); } else { $field_args['show_names'] = $field_group->args( 'show_names' ); $field_args['context'] = $field_group->args( 'context' ); $this->get_field( $field_args, $field_group )->render_field(); } } if ( $field_group->args( 'repeatable' ) ) { echo ' <div class="cmb-row cmb-remove-field-row"> <div class="cmb-remove-row"> <button type="button" data-selector="', $field_group->id(), '_repeat" data-confirm="', esc_attr( $confirm_deletion ), '" class="cmb-remove-group-row cmb-remove-group-row-button alignright button-secondary">', $field_group->options( 'remove_button' ), '</button> </div> </div> '; } echo ' </div> </div> '; $field_group->peform_param_callback( 'after_group_row' ); return $this; } /** * Add a hidden field to the list of hidden fields to be rendered later. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param array $field_args Array of field arguments to be passed to CMB2_Field. * @param CMB2_Field|null $field_group CMB2_Field group field object. * @return CMB2_Field */ public function add_hidden_field( $field_args, $field_group = null ) { if ( isset( $field_args['field_args'] ) ) { // For back-compatibility. $field = new CMB2_Field( $field_args ); } else { $field = $this->get_new_field( $field_args, $field_group ); } $types = new CMB2_Types( $field ); if ( $field_group ) { $types->iterator = $field_group->index; } $this->hidden_fields[] = $types; return $field; } /** * Loop through and output hidden fields * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return CMB2 */ public function render_hidden_fields() { if ( ! empty( $this->hidden_fields ) ) { foreach ( $this->hidden_fields as $hidden ) { $hidden->render(); } } return $this; } /** * Returns array of sanitized field values (without saving them) * * @since 2.0.3 * @param array $data_to_sanitize Array of field_id => value data for sanitizing (likely $_POST data). * @return mixed */ public function get_sanitized_values( array $data_to_sanitize ) { $this->data_to_save = $data_to_sanitize; $stored_id = $this->object_id(); // We do this So CMB will sanitize our data for us, but not save it. $this->object_id( '_' ); // Ensure temp. data store is empty. cmb2_options( 0 )->set(); // We want to get any taxonomy values back. add_filter( "cmb2_return_taxonomy_values_{$this->cmb_id}", '__return_true' ); // Process/save fields. $this->process_fields(); // Put things back the way they were. remove_filter( "cmb2_return_taxonomy_values_{$this->cmb_id}", '__return_true' ); // Get data from temp. data store. $sanitized_values = cmb2_options( 0 )->get_options(); // Empty out temp. data store again. cmb2_options( 0 )->set(); // Reset the object id. $this->object_id( $stored_id ); return $sanitized_values; } /** * Loops through and saves field data * * @since 1.0.0 * @param int $object_id Object ID. * @param string $object_type Type of object being saved. (e.g., post, user, or comment). * @param array $data_to_save Array of key => value data for saving. Likely $_POST data. * * @return CMB2 */ public function save_fields( $object_id = 0, $object_type = '', $data_to_save = array() ) { // Fall-back to $_POST data. $this->data_to_save = ! empty( $data_to_save ) ? $data_to_save : $_POST; $object_id = $this->object_id( $object_id ); $object_type = $this->object_type( $object_type ); $this->process_fields(); // If options page, save the updated options. if ( 'options-page' === $object_type ) { cmb2_options( $object_id )->set(); } return $this->after_save(); } /** * Process and save form fields * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return CMB2 */ public function process_fields() { $this->pre_process(); // Remove the show_on properties so saving works. $this->prop( 'show_on', array() ); // save field ids of those that are updated. $this->updated = array(); foreach ( $this->prop( 'fields' ) as $field_args ) { $this->process_field( $field_args ); } return $this; } /** * Process and save a field * * @since 2.0.0 * @param array $field_args Array of field arguments. * * @return CMB2 */ public function process_field( $field_args ) { switch ( $field_args['type'] ) { case 'group': if ( $this->save_group( $field_args ) ) { $this->updated[] = $field_args['id']; } break; case 'title': // Don't process title fields. break; default: $field = $this->get_new_field( $field_args ); if ( $field->save_field_from_data( $this->data_to_save ) ) { $this->updated[] = $field->id(); } break; } return $this; } /** * Fires the "cmb2_{$object_type}_process_fields_{$cmb_id}" action hook. * * @since 2.2.2 * * @return CMB2 */ public function pre_process() { $object_type = $this->object_type(); /** * Fires before fields have been processed/saved. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, $object_type, refers to the * metabox/form's object type * Usually `post` (this applies to all post-types). * Could also be `comment`, `user` or `options-page`. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, $this->cmb_id, is the meta_box id. * * @param array $cmb This CMB2 object * @param int $object_id The ID of the current object */ do_action( "cmb2_{$object_type}_process_fields_{$this->cmb_id}", $this, $this->object_id() ); return $this; } /** * Fires the "cmb2_save_{$object_type}_fields" and * "cmb2_save_{$object_type}_fields_{$cmb_id}" action hooks. * * @since 2.x.x * * @return CMB2 */ public function after_save() { $object_type = $this->object_type(); $object_id = $this->object_id(); /** * Fires after all fields have been saved. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, $object_type, refers to the metabox/form's object type * Usually `post` (this applies to all post-types). * Could also be `comment`, `user` or `options-page`. * * @param int $object_id The ID of the current object * @param array $cmb_id The current box ID * @param string $updated Array of field ids that were updated. * Will only include field ids that had values change. * @param array $cmb This CMB2 object */ do_action( "cmb2_save_{$object_type}_fields", $object_id, $this->cmb_id, $this->updated, $this ); /** * Fires after all fields have been saved. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, $this->cmb_id, is the meta_box id. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, $object_type, refers to the metabox/form's object type * Usually `post` (this applies to all post-types). * Could also be `comment`, `user` or `options-page`. * * @param int $object_id The ID of the current object * @param string $updated Array of field ids that were updated. * Will only include field ids that had values change. * @param array $cmb This CMB2 object */ do_action( "cmb2_save_{$object_type}_fields_{$this->cmb_id}", $object_id, $this->updated, $this ); return $this; } /** * Save a repeatable group * * @since 1.x.x * @param array $args Field arguments array. * @return mixed Return of CMB2_Field::update_data(). */ public function save_group( $args ) { if ( ! isset( $args['id'], $args['fields'] ) || ! is_array( $args['fields'] ) ) { return; } return $this->save_group_field( $this->get_new_field( $args ) ); } /** * Save a repeatable group * * @since 1.x.x * @param CMB2_Field $field_group CMB2_Field group field object. * @return mixed Return of CMB2_Field::update_data(). */ public function save_group_field( $field_group ) { $base_id = $field_group->id(); if ( ! isset( $this->data_to_save[ $base_id ] ) ) { return; } $old = $field_group->get_data(); // Check if group field has sanitization_cb. $group_vals = $field_group->sanitization_cb( $this->data_to_save[ $base_id ] ); $saved = array(); $field_group->index = 0; $field_group->data_to_save = $this->data_to_save; foreach ( array_values( $field_group->fields() ) as $field_args ) { if ( 'title' === $field_args['type'] ) { // Don't process title fields. continue; } $field = $this->get_new_field( $field_args, $field_group ); $sub_id = $field->id( true ); if ( empty( $saved[ $field_group->index ] ) ) { $saved[ $field_group->index ] = array(); } foreach ( (array) $group_vals as $field_group->index => $post_vals ) { // Get value. $new_val = isset( $group_vals[ $field_group->index ][ $sub_id ] ) ? $group_vals[ $field_group->index ][ $sub_id ] : false; // Sanitize. $new_val = $field->sanitization_cb( $new_val ); if ( is_array( $new_val ) && $field->args( 'has_supporting_data' ) ) { if ( $field->args( 'repeatable' ) ) { $_new_val = array(); foreach ( $new_val as $group_index => $grouped_data ) { // Add the supporting data to the $saved array stack. $saved[ $field_group->index ][ $grouped_data['supporting_field_id'] ][] = $grouped_data['supporting_field_value']; // Reset var to the actual value. $_new_val[ $group_index ] = $grouped_data['value']; } $new_val = $_new_val; } else { // Add the supporting data to the $saved array stack. $saved[ $field_group->index ][ $new_val['supporting_field_id'] ] = $new_val['supporting_field_value']; // Reset var to the actual value. $new_val = $new_val['value']; } } // Get old value. $old_val = is_array( $old ) && isset( $old[ $field_group->index ][ $sub_id ] ) ? $old[ $field_group->index ][ $sub_id ] : false; $is_updated = ( ! CMB2_Utils::isempty( $new_val ) && $new_val !== $old_val ); $is_removed = ( CMB2_Utils::isempty( $new_val ) && ! CMB2_Utils::isempty( $old_val ) ); // Compare values and add to `$updated` array. if ( $is_updated || $is_removed ) { $this->updated[] = $base_id . '::' . $field_group->index . '::' . $sub_id; } // Add to `$saved` array. $saved[ $field_group->index ][ $sub_id ] = $new_val; }// End foreach. $saved[ $field_group->index ] = CMB2_Utils::filter_empty( $saved[ $field_group->index ] ); }// End foreach. $saved = CMB2_Utils::filter_empty( $saved ); return $field_group->update_data( $saved, true ); } /** * Get object id from global space if no id is provided * * @since 1.0.0 * @param integer|string $object_id Object ID. * @return integer|string $object_id Object ID. */ public function object_id( $object_id = 0 ) { global $pagenow; if ( $object_id ) { $this->object_id = $object_id; return $this->object_id; } if ( $this->object_id ) { return $this->object_id; } // Try to get our object ID from the global space. switch ( $this->object_type() ) { case 'user': $object_id = isset( $_REQUEST['user_id'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['user_id'] ) ) : $object_id; $object_id = ! $object_id && 'user-new.php' !== $pagenow && isset( $GLOBALS['user_ID'] ) ? $GLOBALS['user_ID'] : $object_id; break; case 'comment': $object_id = isset( $_REQUEST['c'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['c'] ) ) : $object_id; $object_id = ! $object_id && isset( $GLOBALS['comments']->comment_ID ) ? $GLOBALS['comments']->comment_ID : $object_id; break; case 'term': $object_id = isset( $_REQUEST['tag_ID'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['tag_ID'] ) ) : $object_id; break; case 'options-page': $key = $this->doing_options_page(); if ( ! empty( $key ) ) { $object_id = $key; } break; default: $object_id = isset( $GLOBALS['post']->ID ) ? $GLOBALS['post']->ID : $object_id; $object_id = isset( $_REQUEST['post'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['post'] ) ) : $object_id; break; } /** * Filter the object id. * * @since 2.11.0 * * @param integer|string $object_id Object ID. * @param CMB2 $cmb This CMB2 object. */ $object_id = apply_filters( 'cmb2_set_object_id', $object_id, $this ); // reset to id or 0. $this->object_id = ! empty( $object_id ) ? $object_id : 0; return $this->object_id; } /** * Sets the $object_type based on metabox settings * * @since 1.0.0 * @return string Object type. */ public function mb_object_type() { if ( null !== $this->mb_object_type ) { return $this->mb_object_type; } $found_type = ''; if ( $this->is_options_page_mb() ) { $found_type = 'options-page'; } else { $registered_types = $this->box_types(); // if it's an array of one, extract it. if ( 1 === count( $registered_types ) ) { $last = end( $registered_types ); if ( is_string( $last ) ) { $found_type = $last; } } else { $current_object_type = $this->current_object_type(); if ( in_array( $current_object_type, $registered_types, true ) ) { $found_type = $current_object_type; } } } // Get our object type. $mb_object_type = $this->is_supported_core_object_type( $found_type ) ? $found_type : 'post'; /** * Filter the metabox object type. * * @since 2.11.0 * * @param string $mb_object_type The metabox object type. * @param string $found_type The found object type. * @param CMB2 $cmb This CMB2 object. */ $this->mb_object_type = apply_filters( 'cmb2_set_box_object_type', $mb_object_type, $found_type, $this ); return $this->mb_object_type; } /** * Gets the box 'object_types' array based on box settings. * * @since 2.2.3 * @param array $fallback Fallback value. * * @return array Object types. */ public function box_types( $fallback = array() ) { return CMB2_Utils::ensure_array( $this->prop( 'object_types' ), $fallback ); } /** * Check if given object_type(s) matches any of the registered object types or * taxonomies for this box. * * @since 2.7.0 * @param string|array $object_types The object type(s) to check. * @param array $fallback Fallback object_types value. * * @return bool Whether given object type(s) are registered to this box. */ public function is_box_type( $object_types = array(), $fallback = array() ) { $object_types = (array) $object_types; $box_types = $this->box_types( $fallback ); if ( in_array( 'term', $box_types, true ) ) { $taxonomies = CMB2_Utils::ensure_array( $this->prop( 'taxonomies' ) ); $box_types = array_merge( $box_types, $taxonomies ); } $found = array_intersect( $object_types, $box_types ); return ! empty( $found ); } /** * Initates the object types and option key for an options page metabox. * * @since 2.2.5 * * @return void */ public function init_options_mb() { $keys = $this->options_page_keys(); $types = $this->box_types(); if ( empty( $keys ) ) { $keys = ''; $types = $this->deinit_options_mb( $types ); } else { // Make sure 'options-page' is one of the object types. $types[] = 'options-page'; } // Set/Reset the option_key property. $this->set_prop( 'option_key', $keys ); // Reset the object types. $this->set_prop( 'object_types', array_unique( $types ) ); } /** * If object-page initiation failed, remove traces options page setup. * * @since 2.2.5 * * @param array $types Array of types. * @return array */ protected function deinit_options_mb( $types ) { if ( isset( $this->meta_box['show_on']['key'] ) && 'options-page' === $this->meta_box['show_on']['key'] ) { unset( $this->meta_box['show_on']['key'] ); } if ( array_key_exists( 'options-page', $this->meta_box['show_on'] ) ) { unset( $this->meta_box['show_on']['options-page'] ); } $index = array_search( 'options-page', $types ); if ( false !== $index ) { unset( $types[ $index ] ); } return $types; } /** * Determines if metabox is for an options page * * @since 1.0.1 * @return boolean True/False. */ public function is_options_page_mb() { return ( // 'show_on' values checked for back-compatibility. $this->is_old_school_options_page_mb() || in_array( 'options-page', $this->box_types() ) ); } /** * Determines if metabox uses old-schoold options page config. * * @since 2.2.5 * @return boolean True/False. */ public function is_old_school_options_page_mb() { return ( // 'show_on' values checked for back-compatibility. isset( $this->meta_box['show_on']['key'] ) && 'options-page' === $this->meta_box['show_on']['key'] || array_key_exists( 'options-page', $this->meta_box['show_on'] ) ); } /** * Determine if we are on an options page (or saving the options page). * * @since 2.2.5 * * @return bool */ public function doing_options_page() { $found_key = false; $keys = $this->options_page_keys(); if ( empty( $keys ) ) { return $found_key; } if ( ! empty( $_GET['page'] ) && in_array( $_GET['page'], $keys ) ) { $found_key = $_GET['page']; } if ( ! empty( $_POST['action'] ) && in_array( $_POST['action'], $keys ) ) { $found_key = $_POST['action']; } return $found_key ? $found_key : false; } /** * Get the options page key. * * @since 2.2.5 * @return string|array */ public function options_page_keys() { $key = ''; if ( ! $this->is_options_page_mb() ) { return $key; } $values = null; if ( ! empty( $this->meta_box['show_on']['value'] ) ) { $values = $this->meta_box['show_on']['value']; } elseif ( ! empty( $this->meta_box['show_on']['options-page'] ) ) { $values = $this->meta_box['show_on']['options-page']; } elseif ( $this->prop( 'option_key' ) ) { $values = $this->prop( 'option_key' ); } if ( $values ) { $key = $values; } if ( ! is_array( $key ) ) { $key = array( $key ); } return $key; } /** * Returns the object type * * @since 1.0.0 * @param string $object_type Type of object being saved. (e.g., post, user, or comment). Optional. * @return string Object type. */ public function object_type( $object_type = '' ) { if ( $object_type ) { $this->object_type = $object_type; return $this->object_type; } if ( $this->object_type ) { return $this->object_type; } $this->object_type = $this->current_object_type(); return $this->object_type; } /** * Get the object type for the current page, based on the $pagenow global. * * @since 2.2.2 * @return string Page object type name. */ public function current_object_type() { global $pagenow; $type = 'post'; if ( in_array( $pagenow, array( 'user-edit.php', 'profile.php', 'user-new.php' ), true ) ) { $type = 'user'; } if ( in_array( $pagenow, array( 'edit-comments.php', 'comment.php' ), true ) ) { $type = 'comment'; } if ( in_array( $pagenow, array( 'edit-tags.php', 'term.php' ), true ) ) { $type = 'term'; } if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && isset( $_POST['action'] ) && 'add-tag' === $_POST['action'] ) { $type = 'term'; } if ( in_array( $pagenow, array( 'admin.php', 'admin-post.php' ), true ) && $this->doing_options_page() ) { $type = 'options-page'; } return $type; } /** * Set metabox property. * * @since 2.2.2 * @param string $property Metabox config property to retrieve. * @param mixed $value Value to set if no value found. * @return mixed Metabox config property value or false. */ public function set_prop( $property, $value ) { $this->meta_box[ $property ] = $value; return $this->prop( $property ); } /** * Get metabox property and optionally set a fallback * * @since 2.0.0 * @param string $property Metabox config property to retrieve. * @param mixed $fallback Fallback value to set if no value found. * @return mixed Metabox config property value or false. */ public function prop( $property, $fallback = null ) { if ( array_key_exists( $property, $this->meta_box ) ) { return $this->meta_box[ $property ]; } elseif ( $fallback ) { return $this->meta_box[ $property ] = $fallback; } } /** * Get a field object * * @since 2.0.3 * @param string|array|CMB2_Field $field Metabox field id or field config array or CMB2_Field object. * @param CMB2_Field|null $field_group (optional) CMB2_Field object (group parent). * @param bool $reset_cached (optional) Reset the internal cache for this field object. * Use sparingly. * * @return CMB2_Field|false CMB2_Field object (or false). */ public function get_field( $field, $field_group = null, $reset_cached = false ) { if ( $field instanceof CMB2_Field ) { return $field; } $field_id = is_string( $field ) ? $field : $field['id']; $parent_field_id = ! empty( $field_group ) ? $field_group->id() : ''; $ids = $this->get_field_ids( $field_id, $parent_field_id ); if ( ! $ids ) { return false; } list( $field_id, $sub_field_id ) = $ids; $index = $field_id . ( $sub_field_id ? '|' . $sub_field_id : '' ) . ( $field_group ? '|' . $field_group->index : '' ); if ( array_key_exists( $index, $this->fields ) && ! $reset_cached ) { return $this->fields[ $index ]; } $this->fields[ $index ] = new CMB2_Field( $this->get_field_args( $field_id, $field, $sub_field_id, $field_group ) ); return $this->fields[ $index ]; } /** * Handles determining which type of arguments to pass to CMB2_Field * * @since 2.0.7 * @param mixed $field_id Field (or group field) ID. * @param mixed $field_args Array of field arguments. * @param mixed $sub_field_id Sub field ID (if field_group exists). * @param CMB2_Field|null $field_group If a sub-field, will be the parent group CMB2_Field object. * @return array Array of CMB2_Field arguments. */ public function get_field_args( $field_id, $field_args, $sub_field_id, $field_group ) { // Check if group is passed and if fields were added in the old-school fields array. if ( $field_group && ( $sub_field_id || 0 === $sub_field_id ) ) { // Update the fields array w/ any modified properties inherited from the group field. $this->meta_box['fields'][ $field_id ]['fields'][ $sub_field_id ] = $field_args; return $this->get_default_args( $field_args, $field_group ); } if ( is_array( $field_args ) ) { $this->meta_box['fields'][ $field_id ] = array_merge( $field_args, $this->meta_box['fields'][ $field_id ] ); } return $this->get_default_args( $this->meta_box['fields'][ $field_id ] ); } /** * Get default field arguments specific to this CMB2 object. * * @since 2.2.0 * @param array $field_args Metabox field config array. * @param CMB2_Field $field_group (optional) CMB2_Field object (group parent). * @return array Array of field arguments. */ protected function get_default_args( $field_args, $field_group = null ) { if ( $field_group ) { $args = array( 'field_args' => $field_args, 'group_field' => $field_group, ); } else { $args = array( 'field_args' => $field_args, 'object_type' => $this->object_type(), 'object_id' => $this->object_id(), 'cmb_id' => $this->cmb_id, ); } return $args; } /** * When fields are added in the old-school way, intitate them as they should be * * @since 2.1.0 * @param array $fields Array of fields to add. * @param mixed $parent_field_id Parent field id or null. * * @return CMB2 */ protected function add_fields( $fields, $parent_field_id = null ) { foreach ( $fields as $field ) { $sub_fields = false; if ( array_key_exists( 'fields', $field ) ) { $sub_fields = $field['fields']; unset( $field['fields'] ); } $field_id = $parent_field_id ? $this->add_group_field( $parent_field_id, $field ) : $this->add_field( $field ); if ( $sub_fields ) { $this->add_fields( $sub_fields, $field_id ); } } return $this; } /** * Add a field to the metabox * * @since 2.0.0 * @param array $field Metabox field config array. * @param int $position (optional) Position of metabox. 1 for first, etc. * @return string|false Field id or false. */ public function add_field( array $field, $position = 0 ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( 'id', $field ) ) { return false; } $this->_add_field_to_array( $field, $this->meta_box['fields'], $position ); return $field['id']; } /** * Add a field to a group * * @since 2.0.0 * @param string $parent_field_id The field id of the group field to add the field. * @param array $field Metabox field config array. * @param int $position (optional) Position of metabox. 1 for first, etc. * @return mixed Array of parent/field ids or false. */ public function add_group_field( $parent_field_id, array $field, $position = 0 ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $parent_field_id, $this->meta_box['fields'] ) ) { return false; } $parent_field = $this->meta_box['fields'][ $parent_field_id ]; if ( 'group' !== $parent_field['type'] ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $parent_field['fields'] ) ) { $this->meta_box['fields'][ $parent_field_id ]['fields'] = array(); } $this->_add_field_to_array( $field, $this->meta_box['fields'][ $parent_field_id ]['fields'], $position ); return array( $parent_field_id, $field['id'] ); } /** * Perform some field-type-specific initiation actions. * * @since 2.7.0 * @param array $field Metabox field config array. * @return void */ protected function field_actions( $field ) { $field = CMB2_Hookup_Field::init( $field, $this ); if ( isset( $field['column'] ) && false !== $field['column'] ) { $field = $this->define_field_column( $field ); } if ( isset( $field['taxonomy'] ) && ! empty( $field['remove_default'] ) ) { $this->tax_metaboxes_to_remove[ $field['taxonomy'] ] = $field['taxonomy']; } return $field; } /** * Defines a field's column if requesting to be show in admin columns. * * @since 2.2.3 * @param array $field Metabox field config array. * @return array Modified metabox field config array. */ protected function define_field_column( array $field ) { $this->has_columns = true; $column = is_array( $field['column'] ) ? $field['column'] : array(); $field['column'] = wp_parse_args( $column, array( 'name' => isset( $field['name'] ) ? $field['name'] : '', 'position' => false, ) ); return $field; } /** * Add a field array to a fields array in desired position * * @since 2.0.2 * @param array $field Metabox field config array. * @param array $fields Array (passed by reference) to append the field (array) to. * @param integer $position Optionally specify a position in the array to be inserted. */ protected function _add_field_to_array( $field, &$fields, $position = 0 ) { $field = $this->field_actions( $field ); if ( $position ) { CMB2_Utils::array_insert( $fields, array( $field['id'] => $field ), $position ); } else { $fields[ $field['id'] ] = $field; } } /** * Remove a field from the metabox * * @since 2.0.0 * @param string $field_id The field id of the field to remove. * @param string $parent_field_id (optional) The field id of the group field to remove field from. * @return bool True if field was removed. */ public function remove_field( $field_id, $parent_field_id = '' ) { $ids = $this->get_field_ids( $field_id, $parent_field_id ); if ( ! $ids ) { return false; } list( $field_id, $sub_field_id ) = $ids; unset( $this->fields[ implode( '', $ids ) ] ); if ( ! $sub_field_id ) { unset( $this->meta_box['fields'][ $field_id ] ); return true; } if ( isset( $this->fields[ $field_id ]->args['fields'][ $sub_field_id ] ) ) { unset( $this->fields[ $field_id ]->args['fields'][ $sub_field_id ] ); } if ( isset( $this->meta_box['fields'][ $field_id ]['fields'][ $sub_field_id ] ) ) { unset( $this->meta_box['fields'][ $field_id ]['fields'][ $sub_field_id ] ); } return true; } /** * Update or add a property to a field * * @since 2.0.0 * @param string $field_id Field id. * @param string $property Field property to set/update. * @param mixed $value Value to set the field property. * @param string $parent_field_id (optional) The field id of the group field to remove field from. * @return mixed Field id. Strict compare to false, as success can return a falsey value (like 0). */ public function update_field_property( $field_id, $property, $value, $parent_field_id = '' ) { $ids = $this->get_field_ids( $field_id, $parent_field_id ); if ( ! $ids ) { return false; } list( $field_id, $sub_field_id ) = $ids; if ( ! $sub_field_id ) { $this->meta_box['fields'][ $field_id ][ $property ] = $value; return $field_id; } $this->meta_box['fields'][ $field_id ]['fields'][ $sub_field_id ][ $property ] = $value; return $field_id; } /** * Check if field ids match a field and return the index/field id * * @since 2.0.2 * @param string $field_id Field id. * @param string $parent_field_id (optional) Parent field id. * @return mixed Array of field/parent ids, or false. */ public function get_field_ids( $field_id, $parent_field_id = '' ) { $sub_field_id = $parent_field_id ? $field_id : ''; $field_id = $parent_field_id ? $parent_field_id : $field_id; $fields =& $this->meta_box['fields']; if ( ! array_key_exists( $field_id, $fields ) ) { $field_id = $this->search_old_school_array( $field_id, $fields ); } if ( false === $field_id ) { return false; } if ( ! $sub_field_id ) { return array( $field_id, $sub_field_id ); } if ( 'group' !== $fields[ $field_id ]['type'] ) { return false; } if ( ! array_key_exists( $sub_field_id, $fields[ $field_id ]['fields'] ) ) { $sub_field_id = $this->search_old_school_array( $sub_field_id, $fields[ $field_id ]['fields'] ); } return false === $sub_field_id ? false : array( $field_id, $sub_field_id ); } /** * When using the old array filter, it is unlikely field array indexes will be the field id. * * @since 2.0.2 * @param string $field_id The field id. * @param array $fields Array of fields to search. * @return mixed Field index or false. */ public function search_old_school_array( $field_id, $fields ) { $ids = wp_list_pluck( $fields, 'id' ); $index = array_search( $field_id, $ids ); return false !== $index ? $index : false; } /** * Handles metabox property callbacks, and passes this $cmb object as property. * * @since 2.2.3 * @param callable $cb The callback method/function/closure. * @param mixed $additional_params Any additoinal parameters which should be passed to the callback. * @return mixed Return of the callback function. */ public function do_callback( $cb, $additional_params = null ) { return call_user_func( $cb, $this, $additional_params ); } /** * Generate a unique nonce field for each registered meta_box * * @since 2.0.0 * @return void */ public function nonce_field() { wp_nonce_field( $this->nonce(), $this->nonce(), false, true ); } /** * Generate a unique nonce for each registered meta_box * * @since 2.0.0 * @return string unique nonce string. */ public function nonce() { if ( ! $this->generated_nonce ) { $this->generated_nonce = sanitize_html_class( 'nonce_' . basename( __FILE__ ) . $this->cmb_id ); } return $this->generated_nonce; } /** * Checks if field-saving updated any fields. * * @since 2.2.5 * * @return bool */ public function was_updated() { return ! empty( $this->updated ); } /** * Whether this box is an "alternate context" box. This means the box has a 'context' property defined as: * 'form_top', 'before_permalink', 'after_title', or 'after_editor'. * * @since 2.2.4 * @return bool */ public function is_alternate_context_box() { return $this->prop( 'context' ) && in_array( $this->prop( 'context' ), array( 'form_top', 'before_permalink', 'after_title', 'after_editor' ), true ); } /** * Whether given object type is one of the core supported object types. * * @since 2.11.0 * @return bool */ public function is_supported_core_object_type( $object_type ) { return in_array( $object_type, $this->core_object_types, true ); } /** * Magic getter for our object. * * @param string $property Object property. * @throws Exception Throws an exception if the field is invalid. * @return mixed */ public function __get( $property ) { switch ( $property ) { case 'updated': case 'has_columns': case 'tax_metaboxes_to_remove': case 'core_object_types': return $this->{$property}; default: return parent::__get( $property ); } } }