Current Path : /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnf/cli/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnf/cli/__pycache__/format.cpython-36.pyc |
3 �ft` � @ s8 d dl mZ d dlmZ ddd�Zddd�Zdd � Zd S ) � )�unicode_literals)�long� c C s� ddddddddd g }|r d }nd}d}d }t |�d }| dkrDd} x$| |krh||k rh|d }| | } qFW t| t�s~t| t�r�d}n| dk r�d}nd}|t| p�d �||| f S )a� Return a human-readable metric-like string representation of a number. :param number: the number to be converted to a human-readable form :param SI: If is 0, this function will use the convention that 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes, otherwise, the convention that 1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes will be used :param space: string that will be placed between the number and the SI prefix :return: a human-readable metric-like string representation of *number* r �k�M�G�T�P�E�Z�Yg @�@g �@i� r � Ng z%i%s%sgfffff�#@z%.1f%s%sz%.0f%s%s)�len� isinstance�intr �float) ZnumberZSIZspaceZsymbols�stepZthresh�depthZ max_depth�format� r �/usr/lib/python3.6/format.py� format_number s4 r c C sx | dks| dk r|rdS dS nV| t d�kr.dS t| �} | d }| d } |rh|d }|d }d||| f S d || f S dS ) a� Return a human-readable string representation of a number of seconds. The string will show seconds, minutes, and optionally hours. :param seconds: the number of seconds to convert to a human-readable form :param use_hours: If use_hours is 0, the representation will be in minutes and seconds. Otherwise, it will be in hours, minutes, and seconds :return: a human-readable string representation of *seconds* Nr z--:--:--z--:--�infZInfinite�<