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<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>
9f#help/tips/dashboard.audit_logs.yaml�XĴ"help/tips/dashboard.dashboard.yamlZZ���#help/tips/dashboard.my_profile.yaml<	<	o�Ð�(help/tips/dashboard.staff_directory.yaml���P�$help/tips/dashboard.system_logs.yamlk	k	��Y9�help/tips/emails.banlist.yamltt��J� help/tips/emails.diagnostic.yaml||(ƛ��help/tips/emails.email.yaml����cҴhelp/tips/emails.template.yamlGG�<饴help/tips/forms.yaml�� x�ȴhelp/tips/install.yaml���SҴ,help/tips/knowledgebase.canned_response.yaml����7�%help/tips/knowledgebase.category.yaml���w� help/tips/knowledgebase.faq.yaml55*��help/tips/manage.api_keys.yaml��rD�!help/tips/manage.custom_list.yaml		�����help/tips/manage.filter.yaml��a�@�help/tips/manage.helptopic.yaml���help/tips/manage.pages.yaml���z��help/tips/manage.schedule.yamlDD��9m�help/tips/manage.sla.yaml��v>�help/tips/org.yaml�� �K&�help/tips/settings.agents.yaml����켴help/tips/settings.alerts.yaml�
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�help/tips/tasks.queue.yamlKK/��=�help/tips/tickets.queue.yaml�	�	P`��#templates/email/assigned.alert.yamlWW��Z�"templates/email/message.alert.yamlJJ�bQ�%templates/email/message.autoresp.yaml����+?�templates/email/note.alert.yamlxx�9T�(templates/email/task.activity.alert.yaml^^;�GW�)templates/email/task.activity.notice.yaml��m:1�templates/email/task.alert.yaml���!���*templates/email/task.assignment.alert.yaml��ň͓�'templates/email/task.overdue.alert.yaml���À�(templates/email/task.transfer.alert.yaml�����+templates/email/ticket.activity.notice.yaml||y�!��!templates/email/ticket.alert.yaml���$�%templates/email/ticket.autoreply.yaml���ʒ˴$templates/email/ticket.autoresp.yamloo�}��"templates/email/ticket.notice.yamlll>�ߴ#templates/email/ticket.overdue.yaml��렴�%templates/email/ticket.overlimit.yamlBBIDA��!templates/email/ticket.reply.yaml��Y5�#templates/email/transfer.alert.yaml::��2�templates/page/access-link.yaml���()�!templates/page/banner-client.yaml���^kq� templates/page/banner-staff.yaml��jH7��"templates/page/email2fa-staff.yaml����լ�templates/page/landing.yamlROj�templates/page/offline.yaml��KZ
�"templates/page/pwreset-client.yaml88�k�Ҵ!templates/page/pwreset-staff.yaml��	���'templates/page/registration-client.yaml22|�G��(templates/page/registration-confirm.yaml������&templates/page/registration-staff.yaml��L���'templates/page/registration-thanks.yaml���;�templates/page/thank-you.yaml��;+_��templates/ticket/installed.yamlnn�\�ʴtemplates/ticket/upgraded.yaml;;Rl�templates/premade.yaml��cZ�ܴconfig.yaml.	.	�;��department.yaml����n�email_template_group.yamlUU�϶Ŵfilter.yaml��zw�z�	form.yaml66�6Y��
event.yaml������	file.yamlH6H6;ݿ�help_topic.yaml������	list.yamlPP>���organization.yaml..�u7�
priority.yaml��ȁѴqueue_column.yaml<<X�8H�queue_sort.yamlww�!�
queue.yaml�/�/S��	role.yamlLL��z�
sequence.yaml�LP�sla.yaml��^�m�ticket_status.yaml���0�+�	team.yaml{{du�js/jquery.ui.datepicker.js**?ZT��LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo.php � ���G�js/osticket-strings.js�y��MANIFEST.php�EO�#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Dashboard  -> Audit Logs page
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: Audit Logs
  content: >
    This is where you will find any activities written to the audit log while the Audit plugin is enabled
      title: Configure Plugins
      href: /scp/plugins.php
  title: 日期範圍內
  content: >
    Select the date range that you would like to view in the <span class="doc-desc-title">Audit Logs</span>.
  title: 類型 
  content: >
    Choose which object type you would like to see Audits for.
  title: Events
  content: >
    Narrow down results based on a specific Event.
#This is popup help messages for the Staff Panel -> Dashboard -> Dashboard
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 案件動態
  content: >
    選擇一個日期範圍,可影響圖型與表格(參閱 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 統計</span>) 把重點放在任何這些日期所相應的資料。下圖將反映整個系統的資料(如:人口)簡要概述。然而,您可能會在下面把重點縮小到(例如,部門、 主題或工作人員) 的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 統計</span> 表格。此外,您可以匯出當前顯示任何資料<span class="doc-desc-title"> 統計</span> 表格。
  title: 回報時間範圍
  content: >
  title: 統計資料
  content: >
  title: 已開啟
  content: >
    Tickets that were originally opened having the Department or Help Topic on the ticket, or the number of tickets an Agent has opened on behalf of a User.
  title: 已分配
  content: >
    Tickets that have been assigned to either an Agent or a Team. The number reflects tickets that are manually assigned to agents or teams, claimed tickets, and tickets assigned from ticket filters/other auto-assignment rules.
  title: 逾期
  content: >
    Tickets that have been marked ‘Overdue’ by the system. Tickets are marked Overdue when they have violated the SLA Plan to which they belonged, causing them to have a status of ‘Open’ past their Due Date.
  title: 已關閉
  content: >
    The number of Tickets that are currently in the Closed status.
  title: 已重啟
  content: >
    The total number of times a ticket was Reopened. Tickets are reopened whenever their status is changed from Closed to Open.
  title: 已刪除
  content: >
    The amount of tickets that have been deleted.
  title: 服務時間
  content: >
    Refers to the duration of time that begins at the opening of a ticket and ends when the ticket is closed. The Service Time column measures the average Service Time per ticket, in hours.
  title: 回覆時間
  content: >
    Shows an average response time by an Agent, in hours, to ticket correspondence.
#This is popup help messages for the Staff Panel -> Dashboard -> My Profile
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 聯絡資訊
  content: >

  title: 帳號
  content: >
    具有代理商資格與行政人員身分才能更改使用者名稱. 如果你已有優先資格權限、您將透過專用代理商工具來編修<span class="doc-desc-title">工作人員</span> 列表。
      title: 以管理員身份更改使用者名
      href: /scp/staff.php
  title: Two Factor Authentication
  content: >
    Two Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security when logging into the helpdesk. Once you correctly submit your username and password, you will need to enter a token to finish logging into the helpdesk.
  title: 時區
  content: >

  title: 冬令時光節約
  content: >

  title: 最大頁面大小
  content: >

  title: 自動更新頻率
  content: >

  title: 預設簽名
  content: >

  title: 預設紙張大小
  content: >

  title: 顯示已簽出的票
  content: >
    <p>啟用此選項將會覆蓋公開已分配案件的全局設置。</p> <p class =“info-banner”> <i class =“icon-info-sign”> </i>此設置只供排除的全域已分配案件時使用。</p>
  title: 密碼
  content: >

  title: 目前密碼
  content: >

  title: 新密碼
  content: >

  title: 確認新密碼
  content: >

  title: 簽名
  content: >
    新建的選項 <span class="doc-desc-title">簽名檔</span> 可能出現再票券底部. 無論這 <span class="doc-desc-title">簽名檔</span> 有顯示, 或無、均按者<span class="doc-desc-title">電子郵件範例</span>使用再票券上。
      title: 管理介面上建立新的電子郵件範例
      href: /scp/templates.php
#This is popup help messages for the Staff Panel -> Dashboard -> Staff Directory
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 工作人員
  content: >
    下列列表的顯示是以經透過篩選功能所執行的結果 。如果取消篩選項目,將會 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 出現全體工作人員</span>,已分頁顯示。請參考頁面選項、產生更多瀏覽訊息。
  title: 篩選標準應用
  content: >
    選擇 <span class="doc-desc-title">部門</span> 是與您目前運作上的關聯性。或是您可以找尋特定代理商。
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Dashboard  -> System Logs page
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 系統日誌
  content: >
    這裡是你可以尋獲任何故障排除相關日誌記錄活動 (例如,錯誤、 警告或錯誤)。
      title: 客製化您的紀錄類型可由登入後改變 < br / > <span class="doc-desc-title"> 日誌級別的預設值</span>。
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=system
  title: 日期範圍內
  content: >
    系統日誌</span>選擇您想要察看的日期範圍 <span class="doc-desc-title">.
  title: 類型 
  content: >
    縮小選項可專注您特定類型的活動。<span class="doc-desc-opt"> 除錯</span> 表示嚴重,而 <span class="doc-desc-opt"> 錯誤</span> 表示的最嚴重程度。
  title: 顯示 &hellip; 日誌
  content: >
    一定要檢查系統日誌上確保無多餘的頁面,<span class="doc-desc-title"> 頁面</span> 圈選下面部分。
  title: 日誌標題
  content: >
    如果你想要的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 日誌類型</span> 對結果進行排序,請按一下 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 日誌類型</span> 表頭。
  title: 日誌類型
  content: >
    如果你想要的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 日誌類型</span> 對結果進行排序,請按一下 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 日誌類型</span> 表頭。
  title: 日誌日期
  content: >
    這是由軟體自動所生成的日期日誌。如果您想要 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 記錄日期</span> 對結果進行排序,只需按一下 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 日誌日期</span> 表頭。(使用上面的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 日期期間</span> 表格縮小您日誌月曆期間)。
  title: IP 位址
  content: >
    這表示 <span class="doc-desc-title">IP</span><span class="doc-desc-title"> Address</span> 客戶端或是代理商端在使用期間上 osTicket 上系統自動生成的日誌。
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Emails -> Banlist
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 被禁止的電子郵件地址
  content: >
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Emails -> Diagnostics
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 測試發送的電子郵件
  content: >
    電子郵件的傳遞取決於您的伺服器設置 (php.ini) 檔案和/或 SMTP 配置。
      title: 選擇要配置的 SMTP (傳出) 設置電子郵件
      href: /scp/emails.php
  title: 從
  content: >

  title: 到
  content: >

  title: 主題
  content: >

  title: 訊息
  content: >

#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Emails -> Add New Email
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 新 Ticket  服務台  主題
  content: >
    選擇要通過此電子郵件地址創建與票券的自動關聯 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明台主題</span>。<br/> <br/>表單將被添加到票,但不是會有任何資料以及主題關聯的說明。
      title: 管理服務台主題
      href: /scp/helptopics.php
  title: 新 Ticket 優先
  content: >
    選擇優先</span>通過此電子郵件地址建立新票 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 。
  title: 新 Ticket 部門
  content: >
    選擇 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 部門</span> 建立新票券將通過此電子郵件地址
      title: 管理部門
      href: /scp/departments.php
  title: 新 Ticket 自動回應
  content: >
  title: 帳號
  content: >
    The Username is utilized in the email authentication process. We accept single address strings, shared mailbox strings, servername + username strings, and a combination of all.
      title: More Information
      href: https://docs.osticket.com/en/latest/Admin/Emails/Emails.html
  title: 帳號
  content: >

  title: 密碼
  content: >

  title: 電子郵件登入資訊
  content: >
    請輸入<span class="doc-desc-title"> 使用者名</span> 和 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 密碼</span> 即可從 IMAP 獲取電子郵件 / POP 郵件箱,以及通過 SMTP發送電子郵件。
  title: 讀取電子郵件
  content: >
    從遠端 IMAP 或 POP 郵件箱中提取的電子郵件、並將它們轉換到票券求助說明上。
      title: 管理 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 電子郵件輪詢與</span> &amp; <span class="doc-desc-title"> AutoCron</span> 的設置。
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=emails
  title: 遠端主機
  content: >
    Enter the <span class="doc-desc-title">hostname</span> and <span class="doc-desc-title">port</span> number for your mail server. This may be available in the documentation for your hosting account or from your email administrator. <br/><br/> If using non-standard <span class="doc-desc-title">port</span> number with <span class="doc-desc-title">encryption</span> enabled then prefix the hostname with ssl:// or tls:// scheme to hint to supported encryption. <br/><br/> To force a plain connection even when using a standard encryption <span class="doc-desc-title">port</span> then use plain:// scheme.
  title: Mail Folder
  content: >
    Enter the <span class="doc-desc-title">Folder</span> name that you wish to fetch mail from. If left empty the system will fetch from the INBOX.
  title: 郵件箱協定
  content: >
    Select the mail box protocol supported by your remote mail server. IMAP on a secure port highly recommended.
  title: 身份驗證
  content: >
    osTicket  <span class="doc-desc-title">OAuth2 Plugin</span> is required for Modern Authentication support.
      title: Download osTicket Plugins
      href: https://osticket.com/download/
  title: 讀取頻率
  content: >
    在系統輪詢郵件箱內設定輸入幾分中內的頻率。<br/> <br/>這規定將會平均延遲收到使用者發送一封電子郵件後自動回復郵箱內的時間。
  title: 每讀取電子郵件次數
  content: >
  title: 讀取電子郵件
  content: >
    決定如何處理電子郵件: <br/> <br/> <span class="doc-desc-opt"> <b>移動到資料夾</b></span>: 這將會備份您的電子郵件從收件匣到您指定的資料夾。如果資料夾不存在尚未在伺服器上,系統會嘗試自動創建它。(<b>推薦</b>)<hr><span class="doc-desc-opt"> <b>刪除電子郵件</b></span>: 這將刪除您的電子郵件從收件匣,一旦它處理。<hr><span class="doc-desc-opt"> <b>不理會</b></span>: 這將留下的電子郵件收件匣中。該系統將記錄您的電子郵件的郵件 id 並不試圖重新提取它。但是,此選項可能導致重複的門票種類要新建。(<em>不推薦</em>)
  title: SMTP 設置
  content: >
    建議從服務台發送的電子郵件通過 SMTP 伺服器發送。因為它會增加電子郵件正確傳遞的可能性,並減少被標記為垃圾郵件的發生。
  title: 允許虛擬假表頭
  content: >
    啟動准許透過郵件箱傳送電子郵件上的其他地址<span class="doc-desc-title">電子郵件</span> 以上設定. <br/><br/> 此進階設定是使用在此郵箱上有其他的別名。
  title: Strict Email Matching
  content: >
    <b>Enable</b> this option to require the Email Address and the Token's Resource Owner to match. This is useful for preventing accidental authorization of a completely different account. <br><br> <b>Disable</b> this option to allow a different Resource Owner for the Token than the Email Address. This is useful for Shared Mailboxes/Aliases/etc. where you need to use a Service Account or Global Admin to authorize on behalf of the email.
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Emails -> Templates
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 電子郵件範本
  content: >
  title: 複製範本
  content: >
  title: 語言
  content: >
    選用您所適用的語言 <span class="doc-desc-opt"> 現有 </span> <span class="doc-desc-title">電子郵件範本集</span>。 語言包可在osTicket.com上找到。
      title: osTicket 語言包
      href: https://osticket.com/download
  title: 狀態
  content: >
    <span class="doc-desc-opt"> 已啟用</span>範本集,可與部門聯結,並可設置為系統的預設設置。範本集目前正在使用不能為 <span class="doc-desc-opt"> 已禁用</span>。
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Settings -> System page
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 表單標題
  content: >
  title: 表單的說明
  content: >
  title: 欄位的顯示位置
  content: >
  title: 欄位標籤
  content: >
    此標籤顯示為提示輸入此欄位。通常情況下,一個簡易的回覆欄位會呈現如: <br><strong>標籤:</strong>&nbsp; <input type="text">
  title: 欄位內容類型
  content: >
    使用者用來定義期望輸入的類型。您可以選擇短或長的答案、 電話號碼、 日期和時間、 勾選方塊、 下拉清單或選擇自訂清單。
      title: 自訂清單
      href: /scp/lists.php
  title: 欄位可見度
  content: >
    選擇該字段的可見性和要求選項。<table border="1" cellpadding="2px" cellspacing="0" style="margin-top:7px" ><tbody style="vertical-align:top;"> <tr><th>設置</th> <th>
    結果</th></tr> <tr><td>可選項</td> <td>代理者和終端用戶可查看該字段,但均無需回答。</td></tr> <tr><td>必選項</td> <td>代理者和終端用戶可查看該字段,也均需回答。</td></tr> <tr><td>终端用户必選項</td> <td>代理者和終端用戶可查看該字段,但僅終端用戶需回答</td></tr> <tr><td>代理者必選項</td> <td>代理者和終端用戶可查看該字段,但僅代理需回答</td></tr> <tr><td>內部,可選項</td> <td>僅代理者可查看該字段,但無需回答。</td></tr> <tr><td>內部,必選項</td> <td>僅代理者可查看該字段,且需回答。</td></tr> <tr><td>僅適用於終端用戶</td> <td>僅終端用戶可查看該字段,且需回答。</td></tr> </tbody></table>
  title: 欄位自動化
  content: >
    電子郵件可以傳送此欄位名稱資料與頁數範本。舉例而言:一般票券欄位上透過 <code>%{ticket.variable}</code>, 在哪裡 <strong> 變數  </strong> 欄位上已用的名稱傳送。<br> <br> <em>可透過公司名稱傳送<code>%{</code><code>company.variable}</code> 可透過使用者名稱傳送 <code>%{ticket.user.variable}</code></em>
  title: 移除此欄位
  content: >
#Help popup items for the installer
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 客服中心名稱
  content: |
    <p>支援系統名稱  例如支援 [公司名稱] </p>
  title: 系統的預設電子郵件
  content: |
    <p>預設電子郵件 如 support@yourcompany.com - 之後您可繼續增加!</p>
  title: 系統預設語言
  content: |
      title: osTicket 語言包
      href: 'https://osticket.com/download/#ostLang'
  title: 名
  content: |
  title: 姓
  content: |
    <p>管理員 姓氏</p>
  title: 電子信箱
  content: |
  title: 帳號
  content: |
    <p>管理員的登入帳號。必須至少 3 個字元。</p>
  title: 密碼
  content: |
    <p>Admin's password.  Must be six (6) characters or more.</p>
  title: 確認密碼
  content: |
  title: MySql資料表前綴
  content: |
    <p> osTicket 需要資料表前綴以避免使用分享資料庫時產生衝突 。</p>

  title: MySQL 主機名稱
  content: |
    <p>大多數主機使用 localhost 作為資料庫主機名稱。如果無法連線,請洽詢您的主機商詢問。</p>
    <p>連接埠已於 php.ini 中預設。如果需使用非預設連接埠,可以另外指定,如:<code>hostname:port</code></p>
  title: MySQL 資料庫
  content: |
    <p> osTicket 的資料庫名稱。</p>
  title: MySQL 使用者名稱
  content: |
    <p> MySQL 使用者必須擁有資料庫的完整權限。</p>
  title: MySQL 密碼
  content: |
    <p>上述用戶的 MySQL 密碼</p>
#This is popup help messages for the Staff Panel -> Knowledgebase -> Canned Responses -> Add New Response
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 罐頭應答
  content: >
    創建一種 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 罐裝應答</span>,可以包含在票券回應上。事實上,您可能會包括多 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 罐頭的應答</span> 如您會回應它。它可以也列入 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 票券自動回應</span> 設置由 <span class="doc-desc-title"> Ticket篩選器</span>。
      title: 設置Ticket篩選器
      href: /scp/filters.php
  title: 罐頭應答的附件
  content: >
    附加檔案,您想要自動含在票券回應上,可利用新的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 罐裝應答</span>。
#This is popup help messages for the Staff Panel -> Knowledgebase -> Add New Category -> FAQ Category (Form)
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.#This is popup help messages for the Staff Panel -> Knowledgebase -> FAQ
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 清單類型
  content: >
    選擇 <span class="doc-desc-opt"> 公開 (發佈)</span> 如果您會喜歡這份 <span class="doc-desc-title"> FAQ</span> 如果是公共的類別、可發表在公共知識庫上。
      title: 為用戶端入口網站開啟用公共知識庫
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=kb
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Manage -> API Keys
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: API 金鑰
  content: >
    API 金鑰用於驗證用戶端提交新票通過應用程式開發介面 (API)。而不是API 金鑰使用的密碼 。由於 API 金鑰它們連結發送到每個未加密戶端的網路 IP 位址。
      title: osTicket API 文件檔
      href: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/blob/develop/setup/doc/api.md
  title: IP 位址
  content: >
    用戶端的網路 IP 位址。每個唯一用戶端 IP 位址將需要單一的 API 金鑰
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Manage -> Add New Custom List
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 自訂清單
  content: >
    您的<span class="doc-desc-title">自訂清單</span>允許您預先定義選項並新建下拉式清單方塊<span class="doc-desc-title">自訂表單</span>。若您想用在 <span class="doc-desc-title">自訂清單</span> 如 <span class="doc-desc-title">目標 </span> 在<span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket 篩選器</span>, 請務必將此清單添加到您的be sure to add this list to your <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket 詳細資料</span> 表單內。
  title: 名稱
  content: >

  title: 複數名稱
  content: >

  title: 排序次序
  content: >

  title: 初始專案清單
  content: >

  title: 字段值
  content: >

  title: 額外
  content: >
    如縮寫詞等。如果你碰巧在此清單中的專案使用內部代碼,這些代碼和縮寫可以輸入此列中。如果作為 <span class="doc-desc-option"> TypeAhead</span> 呈現時的自訂清單,可以使用這些縮詞來搜索的自訂清單項。
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Manage -> Filter
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 執行順序
  content: >
    輸入一個數字,控制篩選器的優先順序。越低的數值、 優先順序就越高。比對另一個可能更優先執行的篩選條件。<br><br>如果您想要此篩選器被應用在比賽的最後一個篩檢程式,請啓動 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 停止處理上近一步的配對功能</span>。
  title: 頻道
  content: >
    為您的 <span class="doc-desc-title">ticket 篩選器r</span>選擇目標 <span class="doc-desc-title">頻道</span> . 這 <span class="doc-desc-title">頻道</span> 是表示票券進入系統的來源。<br><br>為例,如果您選擇 <span class="doc-desc-opt"> Web 表單</span>,說明您想要對於那些用戶端源門戶的 web 表單上的票券適用在 <span class="doc-desc-title"> ticket 篩選器上</span>。
  title: 規則條件
  content: >
    希望如何彈性的選擇 <span class="doc-desc-title"> ticket 篩選器</span> 配對。如果您想要 <span class="doc-desc-title"> ticket 篩選器</span> 配對的任何規則,和然後停止,選擇 <span class="doc-desc-opt"> 與任何匹配</span>。如果你想要 <span class="doc-desc-title"> ticket 篩選器</span> 匹配的 <em><strong>全部規則</strong></em>,請選擇 <span class="doc-desc-opt"> 全部匹配</span>。
  title: 退票
  content: >
  title: 回復電子郵件
  content: >
    若是您想要服務台來啓動表彰該使用者電子郵件應用程式User's email application's <span class="doc-desc-title">回覆到</span> 表頭。此欄位儘與上述相關如 <span class="doc-desc-title">頻道</span> 包含上述 <span class="doc-desc-opt">電子郵件</span>。
  title: 禁用Ticket 自動回應
  content: >
    <em>注: 這將重寫任何 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 部門</span> 或 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 自動回應設置</span>。</em>
  title: 自動回覆罐裝應答
  content: >
    您想要發電子郵件到用戶在<span class="doc-desc-title">選擇<span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket 篩選器</span> 配對罐頭應答回覆</span>。The <span class="doc-desc-title">新 Ticket 自動回覆</span> 範本使用取決於如何 <span class="doc-desc-title">範本設定</span> 預設分配值、或是配對票券 <span class="doc-desc-title">部門</span>。
      title: 管理罐頭應答
      href: /scp/canned.php
      title: 管理範本集
      href: /scp/templates.php
      title: 新 Ticket 自動回覆範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?id=2&a=manage
  title: 部門
  content: >
    選擇什麼<span class="doc-desc-title">部門</span> 您想要配對的 <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket 篩選器</span> 將會為您指定.
      title: 管理部門
      href: /scp/departments.php
  title: 優先順序
  content: >
    選擇 <span class="doc-desc-title">優先順序</span> 您想要配對到的等級 <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket 篩選器</span>。<br /> <br /> <em>注意: 這將重寫 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 部門</span> 或 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span> 設置。</em>
  title: SLA計畫
  content: >
    選擇 <span class="doc-desc-title"> SLA 計畫</span> 到您想要配對到的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> Ticket 篩選器</span> 。
      title: 管理 SLA 計畫
      href: /scp/slas.php
  title: 自動分配
  content: >
    選擇一個代理或團隊,讓您想要比賽配對的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> Ticket 篩選器</span> 將被分配。
      title: 管理代理商
      href: /scp/staff.php
      title: 管理團隊
      href: /scp/teams.php
  title: 說明主題
  content: >
    選擇 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題 </span> 到您想要配對到的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> Ticket 篩選器</span> 。
      title: 管理服務台主題
      href: /scp/helptopics.php
  title: 管理員筆記
  content: >
    這些筆記內儘可見的帳戶類型是 <span class="doc-desc-title"> Admin</span>。
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Manage -> Help Topic
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 說明主題的資訊
  content: >
    <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span> 指導使用者如和收集哪些資訊與如何進行票券傳送路徑或分配。
  title: 主題名稱
  content: >
  title: 狀態
  content: >
    If disabled or archived, this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span> will not be available.
  title: 案件狀態
  content: >
    Select the Ticket Status assigned to new tickets related to this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span>. <br><br> Ticket Filters can override new Ticket Status.
  title: 類型 
  content: >
    如果一個 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span> 被標記為私有、將限用於代理商來選擇在工作小組名單中的代理人開出新 Ticket 。
  title: 家長主題
  content: >
    選擇於 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span> 的家長主題。家長主題會首先出現在 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span>名單上。
  title: 自訂表單
  content: >
    自訂表單將會協助您獲得更相關具體的資訊 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span> 。
      title: 管理自訂表單
      href: /scp/forms.php
  title: 優先順序
  content: >
    選擇分配給新tickets 與此 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span> 相關的優先順序。<br><br>票券篩選器可以重寫新票的優先順序。
  title: 部門
  content: >
      title: 管理部門
      href: /scp/departments.php
  title: SLA計畫
  content: >
    選擇 SLA 計畫與此 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span> 相關的計畫。<br><br>選擇此選項將會覆蓋任何選定部門的 SLA 計畫
      title: 管理 SLA 計畫
      href: /scp/slas.php
  title: 感謝頁面
  content: >
    選擇一個使用者打開本 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span> 下的一張Ticket後轉到的感謝信頁面。
      title: 管理感謝頁面
      href: /scp/pages.php
  title: 自動分配新Tickets
  content: >
    打開(可選) 選擇代理者或團隊來自動分配用這<span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span>所開的 tickets<br><br>Tickets 篩檢程式可以重寫工作分配。
      title: 管理人員和團隊
      href: /scp/staff.php
  title: Ticket 自動回應
  content: >
    如果選中此選項,該設置將禁用新票的自動反應的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span>。<br><br>,這將覆蓋的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 部門</span>,以及全球 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 的自動回復設置</span> 內的自動回復設置。
      title: 自動回復設置
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=autoresp
  title: 自訂Ticket號碼
  content: >
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Manage -> Pages
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 主要網頁
  content: >
    網站頁面可以作為一個迷你的內容管理系統 (CMS)。您可以在公司設置和說明主題上定義多重登入,離線,和感謝信頁面和配置。
      title: 公司設置
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=pages
  title: 類型 
  content: >
    <span class="doc-desc-opt">離線</span> 頁面顯示用戶端的入口網站禁用<span class="doc-desc-opt">。登入</span>頁面顯示您的用戶端入口網站的主頁上。 <span class="doc-desc-opt">感謝您</span> 頁面顯示在票券送出之後。 <span class="doc-desc-opt">其他</span> 頁面可以用作一個簡單的內容管理系統 (CMS)。
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Manage -> Schedules
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: Schedule Definition
  content: >
    <b>Name</b>: Unique name for the schedule. <hr> <b>Type</b>: Choose the type of Schedule. <span class="doc-desc-title">Business Hours</span> defines the hours that are included when calculating SLA hours, whereas <span class="doc-desc-title">Holiday Hours</span> define hours that are excluded. <hr> <b>Timezone</b>: Choose the time zone for the schedule. It's recommended that you leave it empty for a <span class="doc-desc-title">Floating</span> time zone. <br><br> Floating time zone allows for times to be relative to the effective time zone at the time of use.

#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Manage -> SLA Plan
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 名稱
  content: >
    選擇此 <span class="doc-desc-title"> SLA Plan</span>,將顯示用途與目的。
  title: 寬限期
  content: >
    Determine the number of hours after a ticket is created that it will be automatically marked as overdue. <br><br> Hours are counted during the specified Schedule. The hierarchy is Department Schedule, SLA Schedule, then System Default Schedule. If no Schedule is configured, the Hours are counted 24/7 (even after business hours) until the Ticket is Overdue.
  title: 瞬變
  content: >
    臨時的瞬態 SLA 可以被一個非瞬態 SLA <span class="doc-desc-opt"> 部門 </span> 轉變或更改它的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 說明主題</span> 後重寫。
  title: Schedule
  content: >
    Choose the Schedule to be used by this SLA when rendering tickets Overdue. <br><br> Please note that Department settings can override this schedule.
      title: Manage Schedules
      href: /scp/schedules.php
#This is the view / management page for an organization in the user
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: Ticket Sharing
  content: >
    <p> 組織票證共享允許成員存取組織其他成員擁有的票證。 </p> <p class="info-banner"> <i class="icon-info-sign"></i> 協作者始終可以存取票證。 </p>
  title: Email Domain
  content: >
    可以根據使用者的電子郵件網域自動將使用者新增至該組織。 使用下面的方塊輸入一個或多個以逗號分隔的網域。 例如,對於電子郵件地址以 @mycompany.com 結尾的用戶,請輸入 <code>mycompany.com</code>

#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Settings -> Agents
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
#General Settings
  title: 代理名稱格式
  content: >
    Choose a format for Agents names throughout the system. Email templates will use it for names if no other format is specified.
  title: 專員身份隱藏
  content: >
  title: Disable Agent Collaborators
  content: >
    If Enabled, Agents that are added as Collaborators by Users will be automatically Disabled. This is helpful when Users are blindly adding Agents to the CC field causing the Agents to receive all of the Participant Alerts. <br><br> <strong>Note:</strong> <br> This setting is global for all User created Tickets via API, Piping, and Fetching.
#Authentication settings
  title: Password Management Policy
  content: >
    Chose a <span class="doc-desc-title">Password Policy</span> for <span class="doc-desc-title">Agents</span>. <br><br> Additional policies can be added by installing <span class="doc-desc-title">Password Policy</span> plugins.
  title: 允許密碼重設
  content: >
    Enable this feature if you would like to display the <span class="doc-desc-title">Forgot My Password</span> link on the <span class="doc-desc-title">Staff Log-In Page</span> after a failed log in attempt.
  title: 密碼重設視窗
  content: >
    選擇的持續時間 (以分鐘為單位) <span class="doc-desc-title"> 密碼重設權杖</span> 將為有效。當代理商請求 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 密碼重設</span> 時,他們都是通過電子郵件發送一個權杖,將允許採取重置。
  title: 專員Session Timeout
  content: >
    Choose the maximum idle time (in minutes) before an Agent is required to log in again. <br><br> If you would like to disable <span class="doc-desc-title">Agent Session Timeouts</span>, enter 0.
  title: 將專員IP榜定Session
  content: >
    Enable this if you want Agent to be remembered by their current IP upon Log In. <br><br> This setting is not recommened for users assigned IP addresses dynamically.
  title: Require Two Factor Authentication
  content: >
    Enable this feature if you would like to have an extra layer of authentication set up for Agents when they log into the helpdesk. Once they correctly submit their username and password, they will be required to submit a token to finish logging into the helpdesk.
#This is popup help messages for the Account Panel ->
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 警報和通知
  content: >
  title: 新事件通知
  content: >
    <p>當建立一張新ticket時, 警報會發送通知給代理商。</p><p class="info-banner"> <i class="icon-info-sign"></i> 如果這ticket是透過 ticket篩選器 或 說明主題 的自動分配, 此警報將不會發送出去。</p>
      title: 預設新ticket通知範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.alert
  title: 新訊息通知
  content: >
      title: 預設新訊息通知範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=message.alert
  title: 新的内部活動警報
  content: >
      title: 預設逾期Ticket 通知範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=note.alert
  title: Ticket 分配通知
  content: >
      title: 預設Ticket指派通知範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=assigned.alert
  title: Ticket轉讓通知
  content: >
      title: 預設Ticket 轉讓通知範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=transfer.alert
  title: Ticket 逾期通知
  content: >
    基於 SLA 或截止日期、已逾期ticket警報發送到代理商。
      title: 預設逾期ticket通知範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.overdue
      title: 管理的 SLAs
      href: /scp/slas.php
  title: 系統通知
  content: >
    重大事件就會發送到管理員(%{config.admin_email})。根據 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 日誌級別</span>,事件也可在 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 系統日誌</span> 配置中。
      title: 查看系統日誌
      href: /scp/logs.php
      title: 更改管理員的電子郵件
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=emails
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Settings -> Autoresponder
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 新 Ticket
  content: >
      title: 新Ticket的自動回覆範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.autoresp
  title: 由工作人員新建Ticket
  content: >
    使用者授權代理商新建Ticket通知。<em>代理商新建 tickets可以重寫 tickets。</em>
      title: 新Ticket的通知範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.notice
  title: 新訊息確認
  content: >
      title: 新消息確認範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=message.autoresp
  title: 新消息通知
  content: >
    所有在 ticket 上參與者都會接收到所送出的廣播訊息。
      title: 新活動的通知範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.activity.notice
  title: 過量通知
  content: >
    若使用者拒絕Ticket通知在<span class="doc-desc-title">最大Ticket開票數量</span> 的違反情形。
      title: 數量限制範本
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.overlimit
      title: 設置 <em>最大Ticket開票數量</em>
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=tickets
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Settings -> Emails
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 預設電子郵件範本集
  content: >
    選擇 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 電子郵件範本設置</span> 用於發送 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 警報</span> 和 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 自動回應</span> 可以在一張票的保留期間進行各種操作。<br><br>各部門可以被分配一個特定的電子郵件範本集。
      title: 管理電子郵件範本集
      href: /scp/templates.php
  title: 預設寄件者電子郵件
  content: >
    選擇寄件者的電子郵件地址。<br><br><span class="doc-desc-title"> 部門</span> 可以在這裡設定自己的 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 電子郵件地址</span> 以覆寫目前的電子郵件地址。
      title: 管理電子信箱地址
      href: /scp/emails.php
  title: 預設通知電子郵件
  content: >
    選擇從哪個 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 警報&amp; 通知</span> 的電子郵件地址發送到代理商。
      title: 管理電子信箱地址
      href: /scp/emails.php
  title: 管理員的電子郵件地址
  content: >
    輸入管理員的電子郵件地址發送到 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 系統錯誤</span> 和 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 新Ticket警報</span> (如果啟用)。
      title: 管理警報 & 通知
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=alerts
  title: 電子郵件提取
  content: >
    允許 IMAP/流行輪詢配置並啟用 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 郵件箱</span>。
      title: 管理信箱
      href: /scp/emails.php
  title: 使用自動 cron 讀取電子郵件
  content: >
      title: 使用外部任務計畫
      href: https://docs.osticket.com/en/latest/Getting%20Started/POP3-IMAP%20Settings.html
  title: 刪除引用回复
  content: >
    如果啟用此功能,將會移除之前的對話紀錄。<br><br>此功能取決於於下面的<span class="doc-desc-title">分隔符號標記</span>。
  title: 分隔符號標記
  content: >
    此令牌用來讓使用者回覆上述線上項目。 <br><br> <strong>注意:</strong> 此功能只有在啟用 <span class="doc-desc-title">刪除引用回覆</span>時才有作用。
  title: 電子郵件發送Tickets的優先順序
  content: >
    選擇用戶電子郵件(例如,Outlook)的優先等級/重要性以決定新案件的優先等級。<br><br>此設定可從<span class="doc-desc-title">案件篩選</span>進行設定。
      title: 建立&amp; 管理 Ticket 過濾器
      href: /scp/filters.php
  title: 接受所有的電子郵件
  content: >
    接受未知用戶的電子郵件。 <br><br>取消勾選此設置將導致tickets被拒絕。
  title: 接受電子郵件的合作者
  content: >
    加入包含<code><strong>收件人</strong></code>和<code><strong>副本</strong></code>中的電子郵件,做為諮詢的合作夥伴。<br /><br /> <em>查看諮詢時,專員可以手動增加合作夥伴。</em>
  title: 預設 MTA
  content: >
    <span class="doc-desc-title">Default MTA</span>主要負責電子郵件傳送,無須SMTP設定。
  title: 案件回覆資料
  content: >
  title: Verify Email Addresses
  content: >
    Enable this option to check if the email address has a mail exchanger (MX) in the domain's DNS. This is useful to detect incorrectly typed email addresses. This is performed in addition to checking the email address wellformedness.
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Settings -> Knowledgebase
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 知識庫設定
  content: >

  title: 知識庫狀態
  content: >
      title: 管理知識庫
      href: /scp/kb.php
  title: Restrict Access to the Knowledge Base
  content: >
      title: 存取控制設置
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=users
  title: 罐頭式應答
  content: >
    設定能夠允許代理商, 當在回覆 tickets 時使用<span class="doc-desc-title">罐頭式應答</span>
      title: 管理罐頭應答
      href: /scp/canned.php
#This is popup help messages for the Account Panel ->
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 公司資訊
  content: >
    當 票單 是由代理人回應時, 關於公司或組織 受益於 來自 osTicke t的 軟體 及 其 工作人員的支援。 此處的信息將出現在電子郵件簽名(即頁腳)。
      title: 公司資訊表單
      href: /scp/forms.php?type=C
  title: 登入頁面
  content: >
    這個 <span class="doc-desc-title">登入頁面</span>顯示在你的支援網站的最前端頁面 .
  title: 離線時的頁面
  content: >
    這 <span class="doc-desc-title">離線頁面</span>當求救頁面在離線時會顯示在支援功能的網站上, 參考管理台-&gt; 設置  -&gt; 系統 -&gt;求救頁面狀態 .
  title: 預設值 感謝你的頁面
  content: >
    The <span class="doc-desc-title">感謝頁面</span> 會在 <span class="doc-desc-title">Client</span> 使用者新增新案件 <br/>時顯示<br/> <span class="doc-desc-title">感謝您</span> 可與協助主題做連結。
  title: 圖示
  content: >
    你可以客製化這個 <span class="doc-desc-title">圖示</span> , 那將會被顯示在客戶端, 在客戶Portal網站(即是...您的支援功能網站).
  title: 上傳一個新的圖示
  content: >
    選擇一個圖檔, 比如是 .gif, .jpg or .png 為副檔名的格式. 我們將會依比例重新調整顯示的圖像.
    但我們將不會重新調整圖檔的大小. 因此要加快載入時間的話, 建議你的原來圖檔儘量接近預設值尺寸大小是 (817px X  170px).
  title: 背景
  content: >
    可以自定義 <span class="doc-desc-title">背景</span>,該背景將顯示在員工登錄頁面上。
  title: 上傳新背景
  content: >
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Settings -> System
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 客服中心 狀態
  content: >
    If the status is changed to <span class="doc-desc-opt">Offline</span>, the client interface will be disabled.  Only Admins will be able to access the system.
  title: 客服中心 URL
  content: >
    透過URL可完成 osTicket 的安裝。它透過電子郵件直接回覆用戶端與客服中心。
  title: 客服中心名稱
  content: >
  title: 預設部門
  content: >
    選擇預設的<span class="doc-desc-title">部門</span>,如果案件沒有特別設定部門,便會是這個預設值。<br/><br/>此預設值會套用到支援中心,接受用電子郵件和案件篩選。
  title: Default Schedule
  content: >
    Choose the default Schedule to be used by SLA when rendering tickets Overdue.
      title: Manage Schedules
      href: /scp/schedules.php
  title: Force HTTPS
  content: >
    This setting allows Admins to configure wether or not they want to Force HTTPS system-wide. If enabled, any request that is using the HTTP protocol will be redirected to the HTTPS protocol. Note, this will only work if you have an SSL certificate installed and have HTTPS configured on the server. <br/><br/> <b>Note:</b><rb/> This might affect remote piping scripts. Reference new scripts included in <code>setup/scripts/</code> for updates.
  title: 預設頁面大小
  content: >
    設定工作人員面板中,諮詢列每頁顯示的案件數。每位專員可以在自己的 <span class="doc-desc-title">偏好設定</span>設定自己要顯示多少案件。
  title: 預設的日誌等級
  content: >
    設定<span class="doc-desc-title">系統日誌</span>中問題的最低等級。<span class="doc-desc-opt">Debug</span>為最低嚴重等級,<span class="doc-desc-opt">Error</span>為最高嚴重等級。例如,如果你想要<span class="doc-desc-title">系統日誌</span>紀錄全部的問題,就選擇<span class="doc-desc-opt">Debug</span>。
  title: 清除日誌
  content: >
    決定<span class="doc-desc-title">系統日誌</span>要保存多久。
  title: Enable Rich Text
  content: >
    如果啟用此功能,可以允許訪客和專員使用 RTF(Rich Text Format) 格式。
  title: Enable Avatars on Thread View
  content: >
    Enable this to show <span class="doc-desc-title">Avatars</span> on thread correspondence. <br><br> The <span class="doc-desc-title">Avatar Source</span> can be set in Agents' and Users' settings pages.
      title: Agents Settings
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=agents
      title: Users Settings
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=users
  title: 避免專員衝突
  content: >
    Enter the maximum length of time an Agent is allowed to hold a lock on a ticket or task without any activity. <br><br> Enter <span class="doc-desc-opt">0</span> to disable the lockout feature.
  title: Allow System iFrame
  content: >
    Enter comma separated list of urls/domains for the system to be framed in. If left empty, the system will default to 'self'. This accepts domain wildcards, HTTP/HTTPS URL scheme, and port numbers. <br><br> <b>Example:</b> <br> https://domain.tld, sub.domain.tld:443, http://*.domain.tld
      title: Syntax Information (host-source)
      href: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/frame-ancestors#Sources"
  title: ACL (Access Control List)
  content: >
    Enter a comma separated list of IP addresses to allow access to the system. There are four options to choose which panel(s) to apply the ACL to. <table border="1" cellpadding="2px" cellspacing="0" style="margin-top:7px" ><tbody style="vertical-align:top;"> <tr><th>Apply To</th> <th>Description</th></tr> <tr><td>Disabled</td> <td>Disables ACL altogether.</td></tr> <tr><td>All</td> <td>Applies ACL to all Panels. (ie. Client Portal, Staff Panel, Admin Panel)</td></tr> <tr><td>Client Portal</td> <td>Applies ACL to only Client Portal.</td></tr> <tr><td>Staff Panel</td> <td>Applies ACL to only Staff Panel and Admin Panel.</td></tr> </tbody></table>
  title: Embedded Domain Whitelist
  content: >
    Enter a comma separated list of domains to be whitelisted for iFrames used in the system. Do not input <code>http(s)</code> or <code>www</code> with the domain; only the domain name will be accepted. This is used when you would like to embed content in the system (eg. YouTube video) via Client Portal, Knowledgebase, etc. If you add an iFrame with a non-whitelisted domain, the system will remove the iFrame automatically. By default the system allows YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, and Microsoft Stream. <br><br> <b>Example:</b> <br> domain.tld, sub.domain.tld
#Date and time options
  title: 日期時間選項
  content: >
    The following settings define the default settings for Date &amp; Time settings for the help desk. You can choose to use the locale defaults for the selected locale or use customize the formats to meet your unique requirements. Refer to the ICU format strings as a reference for customization.  The dates shown below simply illustrate the result of their corresponding values.
      title: See the ICU Date Formatting Table
      href: http://userguide.icu-project.org/formatparse/datetime
  title: 系統語言
  content: >
    Choose a system primary language and optionally secondary languages to make your interface feel localized for your agents and end-users.
  title: 系統主要語言
  content: >
    Content of this language is displayed to agents and end-users if their respective language preference is not currently available. This includes the content of the interface, as well as, custom content such as thank-you pages and email messages. <br/><br/> This is the language in which the untranslated versions of your content should be written.
  title: 次要語言
  content: >
    Select language preference options for your agents and end-users. The interface will be available in these languages, and custom content, such as thank-you pages and help topic names, will be translatable to these languages.
  title: 附件設定與儲存
  content: >
    Configure how attachments are stored.
  title: File Storage Backend
  content: >
    Choose how attachments are stored. <br><br> Additional storage backends can be added by installing storage plugins
  title: 檔案最大容量
  content: >
    Choose a maximum file size for attachments uploaded by agents. This includes canned attachments, knowledge base articles, and attachments to ticket and task replies. The upper limit is controlled by PHP's <code>upload_max_filesize</code> setting.
      title: PHP ini settings
      href: "http://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.upload-max-filesize"
  title: Require Login
  content: >
    Enable this setting to forbid serving attachments to unauthenticated users. That is, users must sign into the system (both end users and agents), in order to view attachments. <br><br> From a security perspective, be aware that the user's browser may retain previously-viewed files in its cache. Furthermore, all file links on your helpdesk automatically expire after about 24 hours.
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Settings -> Tasks
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: Task Number Format
  content: >
    This setting is used to generate task numbers. Use hash signs (`#`) where digits are to be placed. Any other text in the number format will be preserved. <br/><br/> For example, for six-digit numbers, use <code>######</code>.
  title: Task Number Sequence
  content: >
    Choose a sequence from which to derive new task numbers. The system has a incrementing sequence and a random sequence by default. You may create as many sequences as you wish.
  title: 預設服務層級協議(SLA)
  content: >
    Choose the default Service Level Agreement to manage how long a task can remain Open before it is rendered Overdue.
      title: 建立更多的SLA 計畫
      href: /scp/slas.php
  title: 預設優先順序
  content: >
    Choose a default <span class="doc-desc-title">priority</span> for tasks not assigned a priority automatically.
  title: Task Thread Attachments
  content: >
    Configure settings for files attached to the <span class="doc-desc-title">description</span> field. These settings are used for all new tasks and new messages regardless of the source channel (web portal, email, api, etc.).
  title: 警報和通知
  content: >
    Alerts and Notices are automated email notifications sent to Agents when various task events are triggered.
  title: New Task Alert
  content: >
    <p> Alert sent out to Agents when a new task is created. </p><p class="info-banner"> <i class="icon-info-sign"></i> This alert is not sent out if the task is auto-assigned. </p>
      title: Default New Task Alert Template
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=task.alert
  title: New Activity Alert
  content: >
    Alert sent out to Agents when a new message is appended to an existing task.
      title: Default New Activity Alert Template
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=task.activity.alert
  title: Task Assignment Alert
  content: >
    Alert sent out to Agents on task assignment.
      title: Default Task Assignment Alert Template
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=task.assignment.alert
  title: Task Transfer Alert
  content: >
    Alert sent out to Agents on task transfer between Departments.
      title: Default Task Transfer Alert Template
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=task.transfer.alert
  title: Overdue Task Alert
  content: >
    Alert sent out to Agents when a task becomes overdue based on SLA or Due Date.
      title: Default Stale Task Alert Template
      href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=task.overdue.alert
      title: 管理的 SLAs
      href: /scp/slas.php

#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Settings -> Tickets
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 案件編號方式
  content: >
    此設定用來產生案件編號。使用「#」號代表數字,如果直接輸入數字將會保留。<span class="doc-desc-title">案件類別</span>的格式可以自行定義。<br/><br/>例如,要設定成六位數,就輸入<code>######</code>。
  title: 案件編號順序
  content: >
    選擇產生案件編號的排序方式。系統預設有遞增排序和亂數排序。你也可以自己建立編號。在 <span class="doc-desc-title">案件編號格式</span>設定案件類別的排序方式。
  title: Top-Level Ticket Counts
  content: >
    This setting is used to hide or show the ticket counts on Main-Level queues. Get back to the way things used to be.
  title: 案件預設狀態
  content: >
      title: 管理案件狀態
      href: /scp/lists.php?type=ticket-status
  title: 預設服務層級協議(SLA)
  content: >
      title: 建立更多的SLA 計畫
      href: /scp/slas.php
  title: Default Ticket Queue
  content: >
    Setting to determine the default queue for Agents upon log-in. Agents can also set their default queue in their Profile tab to override this setting.
  title: 預設優先順序
  content: >
    選擇未自動分配優先等級案件的預設<span class="doc-desc-title">修先等級</span>。<br/><br/>可透過案件列別,處理部門,或案件篩選來設定優先等級。
  title: 最大可開啟案件
  content: >
    設定每個使用者所能提出的案件最大數量。<br><br>如果沒有限制就是輸入<span class="doc-desc-opt">0</span>
  title: 電子郵件案件優先等級
  content: >
  title: 顯示相關案件
  content: >
  title: 自然人辨識
  content: >
    啟用 CAPTCHA 來驗證是否是真人提出案件。<br><br>此功能需要 GDLib library
  title: 回覆認領案件
  content: >
    Enable this to auto-assign unassigned tickets to the responding Agent. <br><br> Reopened tickets are always assigned to the last respondent unless auto assign on reopen is disabled on the Department level.
  title: Auto-refer Tickets on Close
  content: >
    Enable this to auto-refer tickets to the assigned or closing Agent when a ticket is closed. <br><br> This is necessary when you want to give agents with limited access continued access to assigned tickets after they're closed.
  title: Collaborator Tickets Visibility
  content: >
    If Enabled, Users will have visibility to ALL Tickets they participate in when signing into the Web Portal. <br><br> If Disabled, Users will only be able to see their own Tickets when signing into the Web Portal.
  title: Require Help Topic to Close
  content: >
    If Enabled, a Ticket must have a Help Topic in order to be Closed by an Agent
  title: Allow External Images
  content: >
    If Enabled, the system will allow external inline images that have a valid image extension (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif). If Disabled, the system will exclude any external inline images. One caveat to note, is if the setting is Disabled we will still store external inline images that have a valid image extension in case the setting is re-enabled in the future.
  title: 分配案件
  content: >
    啟用此功能可以排除<span class="doc-desc-title">處理中案件列表</span>中已經有分配的案件。
  title: 已回答案件
  content: >
    啟用顯示<span class="doc-desc-title">已回覆案件列表</span>。如果沒有開啟此服務,已回覆案件會顯示在<span class="doc-desc-title">處理中案件列表</span>裡。
  title: Ticket Thread Attachments
  content: >
    設定<span class="doc-desc-title">問題詳情</span>中的附加檔案欄位。此設定讓新案件和新訊息可以加入附加檔(網頁,電子郵件,api... 等)
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Settings -> Users
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
#General Settings
  title: User Name Formatting
  content: >
    Choose a format for Users names throughout the system. Email templates will use it for names if no other format is specified.
#Authentication settings
  title: Password Management Policy
  content: >
    Chose a <span class="doc-desc-title">Password Policy</span> for <span class="doc-desc-title">Users</span>. <br><br> Additional policies can be added by installing <span class="doc-desc-title">Password Policy</span> plugins.
  title: 使用端對話超時
  content: >
    使用者在登入之前、請選擇最大的閒置時間(以分鐘為單位)。<br><br> 若您想禁用 <span class="doc-desc-title">使用者對話超時</span> 按 0.
  title: 註冊選項
  content: >
    <span class="doc-desc-title">註冊方法</span> 與 <span class="doc-desc-title">註冊所需</span> 兩者是使用者在入口網站說明台上找到登入方式。下面表格解釋兩種系統設置方式。<table border="1" cellpadding="2px" cellspacing="0" style="margin-top:7px" ><tbody style="vertical-align:top;"> <tr><th>註冊所需</th> <th>註冊方法</th> <th>結果</th></tr> <tr><td>No</td><td>公開</td> <td>鼓勵註冊但無須要新 tickets</td></tr> <tr><td>是</td><td>公開</td> <td>註冊或是登入都需要新tickets</td></tr> <tr><td>No</td><td>私人</td> <td>任何人都可以新建票、但是僅有代理商可以有註冊帳戶</td></tr> <tr><td>是</td><td>私人</td> <td>限被邀請者可以有權存取</td></tr> <tr><td>無</td><td>禁用</td> <td>沒有人可以註冊賬戶、單是任何人都可以新建新ticket. <em>這是osTicket 在1.9期間到運作前</em></td></tr> <tr><td>是</td><td>禁用</td> <td>透過網站管制禁用新 tickets</td></tr> </tbody></table>
  title: 要求電子郵件驗證
  content: >
    禁用此選項,給您的使用者直接存取到門票通過"檢查機票狀態"登錄頁面中的用戶端的門戶。如果啟用了,(這是預設值),將要求使用者收到一封電子郵件,並跟隨連結的電子郵件,查看這張票。<br><br>禁用電子郵件驗證可能會允許協力廠商 (如門票合作者) 冒充票擁有者。
  title: Enable Authentication Tokens
  content: >
    Enable this option to allow use of authentication tokens to auto-login users on ticket link click.
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Staff -> Add Staff Form
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 帳號
  content: >
    請選擇一個員工<span class="doc-desc-title">使用者名稱</span>這是唯一<span class="doc-desc-title">服務中心</span>
  title: Reset Two Factor Authentication
  content: >
    In the event that an Agent loses the ability to log into the helpdesk using their current 2FA configuration, an Admin can reset the Agent's 2FA configuration so that they can reconfigure it upon their next successful login.
  title: 電子信箱
  content: >
    輸入一個回覆員工的電子郵件地址<span class="doc-desc-title">警告&amp;通知</span>從<span class="doc-desc-title">服務中心</span>
  0: <br><br>
  1: 員工能夠使用使用者名稱或是電子郵件地址登入到員工控制頻道
  title: 歡迎郵件
  content: >
  title: 帳號密碼
  content: >
    <span class="doc-desc-title">管理者</span>,你可以更改密碼
  title: 強制更改密碼
  content: >
  title: 員工簽名
  content: >
  title: 帳號狀態
  content: >
    如果狀態<span class="doc-desc-opt">鎖定</span>將無法登入到支援系統
  title: 分配群組
  content: >
    選擇專員的所屬的<span class="doc-desc-title">群組</span>,這會決定專員在<span class="doc-desc-title">支援中心</span>中所擁有的權限。
      title: 管理群組 
      href: /scp/groups.php
  title: 主要部門
  content: >
    Choose the primary <span class="doc-desc-title">department</span> to which this Agent belongs and an effective <span class="doc-desc-title">Role</span>.
      title: 管理部門
      href: /scp/departments.php
  title: Primary Role
  content: >
    Choose the primary <span class="doc-desc-title">role</span> to which this agent belongs.
  title: Use Primary Role For Assignments
  content: >
    Enable this to fallback to the <span class="doc-desc-title">primary role</span>  when this agent is assigned tickets and tasks outside of the <span class="doc-desc-title">primary department</span> and <span class="doc-desc-title">extended access</span> departments. Otherwise the agent will have view only access.
  title: 冬令時光節約
  content: >
  title: 限制權限
  content: >
  title: 目錄顯示
  content: >
    若要將專員列入 <span class="doc-desc-title">員工目錄</span>,請啟用此功能。
      title: 員工目錄訪問
      href: /scp/directory.php
  title: 休假模式
  content: >
    如果你要修改員工狀態到<span class="doc-desc-opt">休假模式</span>,這個員工不能接受任何<span class="doc-desc-title">警告&amp;通知</span>以及不能被指定任何的事件

#This is popup help messages for the Account Panel -> Agents -> Agents
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Staff -> Add New Department -> Department Form
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 狀態
  content: >
    If disabled or archived, this <span class="doc-desc-title">Department</span> will not be available.
  title: 類型 
  content: >
    如果想要在訪客端隱藏此部門,就選擇<span class="doc-desc-opt">不公開</span>。另外,當設定為<span class="doc-desc-opt">不公開</span>時,<span class="doc-desc-title">部門簽名</span>並不會顯示在電子郵件回覆裡。<br/><br/>至少要有一個部門是<span class="doc-desc-opt">公開</span>
  title: Email
  content: >
  title: 樣板集
  content: >
    Email<span class="doc-desc-title">樣板集</span>用在發送此部門的自動回覆,警告和通知信件。
      title: 管理樣板
      href: /scp/templates.php
  title: SLA
  content: >
    票單的服務等級同意書 直接指送到 該部門
      title: 管理 SLA 計畫
      href: /scp/slas.php
  title: Schedule
  content: >
    Schedule used by SLA when rendering tickets, routed to this Department, Overdue. <br><br> This setting takes precedence over System and SLA schedule settings.
      title: Manage Schedules
      href: /scp/schedules.php
  title: 部門經理
  content: >
    設定此部門的<span class="doc-desc-title">經理</span>。<br/><br/>可對經理設定特殊提醒和取消分配案件的權限。
      title: 管理 警報 &amp; 通知
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=alerts
  title: 警示 與 通知收件人
  content: >
      title: 設定警示與通知
      href: "/scp/settings.php?t=tickets#alerts"
  title: 案件分配限制
  content: >
    Determine if Tickets can be assigned to all agents, agents with Primary or Extended Department access, or only agents with Primary Department access.
  title: 禁用自動認領
  content: >
    Check this to <strong>disable</strong> auto-claim on response/reply for this department. <br><br> Agents can still manually claim unassigned tickets
  title: Disable Auto Assign on Reopen
  content: >
    Check this to <strong>disable</strong> auto-assignment of reopened tickets for this department. <br><br> Otherwise, the Ticket will be auto assigned to the last responding Agent
  title: 自動回復設置
  content: >
    為了這個部門, 這允許你去覆蓋全球性自動回應者的設定
  title: 新 Ticket 自動回應
  content: >
  title: 新訊息自動回應
  content: >
    你可能關閉自動回覆訊息, 該訊息是發送給使用者確認一份新的發文訊息為了該部門的票單
  title: 自動回應電子信件
  content: >
  title: 群組存取
  content: >
  title: 部門簽章
  content: >
    專員回覆時,可以選擇<span class="doc-desc-opt">公開</span>部門的簽名。
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Staff -> Departments
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 類型 
  content: >
  title: 部門經理
  content: >
  0: "Agents do not have to be members of the Department to be the Manager of the Department\n專員不需為在該部門才可當部門經理。"
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Staff -> Add New Group  -> User Group Form
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 群組
  content: >
  title: 狀態
  content: >
    如果<span class="doc-desc-opt">禁用</span>,分配至此群組的專員會無法登入且無法接收部門提醒 &amp; 通知。
  title: 部門權限
  content: >
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Staff -> Staff Members
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 工作人員
  content: >
    以下表格顯示篩選後的結果。如果沒有設定篩選值,則分頁顯示所有<span class="doc-desc-title">專員</span>(工作人員)<span class="doc-desc-title">成員</span>。拜訪以下頁面瀏覽更多結果。
  title: 狀態
  content: >
    無論<span class="doc-desc-title">專員</span>是否鎖定、啟用或啟用(休眠),都顯示结果。
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Staff -> Teams
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 團隊
  content: >
  title: 狀態
  content: >
    如果<span class="doc-desc-opt">禁用</span>,此團隊將無法分配諮詢,接收提醒 &amp; 關於上一次分配的通知。
  title: 團隊主管
  content: >
    一個<span class="doc-desc-title">團隊</span>主管能准許誰能接受<span class="doc-desc-title">警告&amp;通知</span>
      title: 設定警示與通知
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=alerts
  title: 分配警報
  content: >
    你可以關閉<span class="doc-desc-title">案件分配警告</span>從案件分配給團隊
      title: 設定警示與通知
      href: /scp/settings.php?t=alerts
  title: 團隊成員
  content: >
      title: 員工管理
      href: /scp/staff.php
#This is popup help messages for the Admin Panel -> Staff
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 工作人員 簽名列
  content: |
  title: 帳戶類型
  content: |
  title: 分配群組
  content: |
  title: 內部備註
  content: |
#This is popup help messages for the Agents Panel -> Tasks
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 進階選項
  content: >
    請縮小您的查詢條件。一但您選用了進階搜尋條件進行查詢,您可以<span class="doc-desc-title">匯出 </span>查詢結果。
  title: 匯出
  content: >
    你在視圖中在 CSV 檔中當前的資料匯出。CSV 檔可讀取在試算軟體內(即,Microsoft Excel、Apple Pages、OpenOffice等)。
#This is popup help messages for the Staff Panel -> Tickets -> Open
#title - Shown in bold at the top of the popover window
#content - The body of the help popover
#links - List of links shows below the content
#title - Link title
#href - href of link (links starting with / are translated to the
#helpdesk installation path)
#The key names such as 'helpdesk_name' should not be translated as they
#must match the HTML #ids put into the page template.
  title: 搜索欄位
  content: >

  title: 進階選項
  content: >
    縮小您的搜索參數。一旦您選擇了您的高級的搜尋條件和運行搜索,您可以 <span class="doc-desc-title"> 匯出</span> 的資料顯示在票頁面底部。
  title: 打開票務表
  content: >
  title: 票
  content: >

  title: 日期
  content: >

  title: 主題
  content: >

  title: 從
  content: >

  title: 優先順序
  content: >

  title: 分配給
  content: >

  title: 匯出
  content: >
    你在視圖中在 CSV 檔中當前的資料匯出。CSV 檔可讀取在試算軟體內(即,Microsoft Excel、Apple Pages、OpenOffice等)。
  title: 進階搜尋
  content: >

  title: 關鍵字搜索
  content: >
  title: 搜索按日期範圍
  content: >
  title: Merge Types
  content: >
    <b>Combine Threads:</b> Threads from all Tickets will be displayed chronologically.</br> <b>Separate Threads:</b> Threads from Tickets will be displayed one Ticket at a time.
  title: Child Ticket Status
  content: >
    All Child Tickets will be set to a closed status since thread entries will all be moved to the Parent Ticket.
  title: Parent Ticket Status
  content: >
    If you choose to set a Parent Status, the Parent Ticket will be changed to the status you select. The Ticket on top of the list will be the Parent Ticket.
  title: Reply Types
  content: >
    <b>Reply All:</b> This reply is sent to the User and the Collaborators you choose to include.</br> <b>Reply to User:</b> This reply is sent to the User only, no Collaborators.</br> <b>Do Not Email Reply:</b> No email alerts are sent out, however, the Agent response is visible to <b>ALL</b> Users upon viewing the Ticket.
#Email template: assigned.alert.yaml
#Sent to staff members when a ticket is assigned to them. Tickets can be
#assigned automatically by the system or manually by another staff member.
#Use %{assigner} to distinguish who made the assignment.
notes: |
  傳送工作人員訊息分配票券作業. 分配票券可以透過系統自動分配或是人工操作。使用 %{assigner} 可獲知此票券的分責。
subject: |
body: |
  <h3><strong>您好 %{assignee.name.first},</strong></h3>
  案件編號<a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> 將此案件分配給您的人員是 %{assigner.name.short}
           %{ticket.name} &lt;%{ticket.email}&gt;
  <div>要查詢/回覆案件, 請 <a
  href="%{ticket.staff_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);"
  <em style="font-size: small; ">您最友善的客戶支援系統</em>
  <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc"
  alt="Powered by osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px;">
#Email template: message.alert.yaml
#Sent to staff members when a new message is posted by a user to a ticket.
#This can occur if the users responds to an email from the system or visits
#the customer web portal and posts a new message there.
notes: |
subject: |
body: |
  <h3><strong>Hi %{recipient.name},</strong></h3>
  New message appended to ticket <a
           %{poster.name} &lt;%{ticket.email}&gt;
  <div>To view or respond to the ticket, please <a
  href="%{ticket.staff_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);"
  >login</span></a> to the support ticket system</div>
  <em style="color: rgb(127,127,127); font-size: small; ">Your friendly
  Customer Support System</em><br>
  <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc"
  alt="Powered by osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px;">
#Email template: message.autoresp.yaml
#Sent to a user when the user posts a new message to a ticket. This can
#happen if the users responds to an email from the system or visits the
#customer web portal and posts a new message there.
notes: |
subject: |
body: |
  <h3><strong>親愛的 %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3>
  您的案件回覆 <a
  href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> 已在處理中
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); ">
  %{company.name} 團隊敬上,<br>
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; text-align:
#Email template: note.alert.yaml
#Sent to staff members when a new internal note is appended to a ticket.
#Internal notes can only be added by staff members.
notes: |
subject: |
body: |
  <h3><strong>Hi %{recipient.name},</strong></h3>
  An agent has logged activity on ticket <a
  To view/respond to the ticket, please <a
  href="%{ticket.staff_link}">login</a> to the support ticket system
  <em style="font-size: small; ">Your friendly Customer Support
  <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc"
  alt="Powered by osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px;">
#Email template: task.activity.alert.yaml
#Sent to agents when a new note/message is posted to a task.
#This can occur if a collaborator or an agent responds to an email from the
#system or visits the web portal and posts a new message there.
notes: |
  Sent to agents when a new message/note is posted to a task.  This can
  occur if a collaborator or an agent responds to an email from the system
  or visits the web portal and posts a new message there.
subject: |
  Task Activity [#%{task.number}] - %{activity.title}
body: |
  <h3><strong>Hi %{recipient.name},</strong></h3>
  Task <a href="%{task.staff_link}">#%{task.number}</a> updated: %{activity.description}
  <div>To view or respond to the task, please <a
  href="%{task.staff_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);"
  >login</span></a> to the support system</div>
  <em style="color: rgb(127,127,127); font-size: small; ">Your friendly
  Customer Support System</em><br>
  <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc"
  alt="Powered by osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px;">
#Email template: task.activity.notice.yaml
#Notice sent to collaborators on task activity e.g reply or message
notes: |
  Notice sent to collaborators on task activity e.g reply or message.
subject: |
  Re: %{task.title} [#%{task.number}]
body: |
  <h3><strong>Dear %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3>
      <em>%{poster.name}</em> just logged a message to a task in which you participate.
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; text-align: center;">
  <em>You're getting this email because you are a collaborator on task
  #%{task.number}. To participate, simply reply to this email.</em>
#Email template: task.alert.yaml
#Sent to an agent when a new task is created in the system.
notes: |
  Sent to an agent when a new task is created in the system.
subject: |
  New Task Alert
body: |
  <h2>Hi %{recipient.name},</h2>
  New task <a href="%{task.staff_link}">#%{task.number}</a> created
  <div>To view or respond to the task, please <a
  href="%{task.staff_link}">login</a> to the support system</div>
  <em style="font-size: small">Your friendly Customer Support System</em>
  <a href="https://osticket.com/"><img width="126" height="19"
      style="width: 126px; " alt="Powered By osTicket"
#Email template: task.assignment.alert.yaml
#Sent to agents when a task is assigned to them or the team to which
#they belong.
#Use %{assigner} to distinguish who made the assignment.
notes: |
  Sent to agents when a task is assigned to them or the team to which
  they belong. Use %{assigner} to distinguish who made the assignment.
subject: |
  Task Assigned to you
body: |
  <h3><strong>Hi %{assignee.name.first},</strong></h3>
  Task <a href="%{task.staff_link}">#%{task.number}</a> has been
  assigned to you by %{assigner.name.short}
  <div>To view/respond to the task, please <a
  href="%{task.staff_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);"
  >login</span></a> to the support system</div>
  <em style="font-size: small; ">Your friendly Customer Support
  <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc"
  alt="Powered by osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px;">
#Email template: task.overdue.alert.yaml
#Sent to agents when a tasks transitions to overdue in the system.
#Overdue tasks occur based on set due-date.
notes: |
  Sent to agents when a task transitions to overdue in the system.
  Overdue tasks occur based on the set due-date.
subject: |
  Stale Task Alert
body: |
  <h3><strong>Hi %{recipient.name}</strong>,</h3>
  A task, <a href="%{task.staff_link}">#%{task.number}</a> is
  seriously overdue.
  We should all work hard to guarantee that all tasks are being
  addressed in a timely manner.
  <div>To view or respond to the task, please <a
  href="%{task.staff_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);"
  >login</span></a> to the support system. You're receiving this
  notice because the task is assigned directly to you or to a team or
  department of which you're a member.</div>
  <em style="font-size: small">Your friendly <span style="font-size: smaller"
  >(although with limited patience)</span> Customer Support
  <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc" height="19"
      alt="Powered by osTicket" width="126" style="width: 126px;">
#Email template: task.transfer.alert.yaml
#Sent to agents when a task is transfered to their department.
notes: |
  Sent to agents when a task is transfered to a department to which
  they are a member.
subject: |
  Task #%{task.number} transfer - %{task.dept.name}
body: |
  <h3>Hi %{recipient.name},</h3>
  Task <a href="%{task.staff_link}">#%{task.number}</a> has been
  transferred to the %{task.dept.name} department by
  <div>To view or respond to the task, please <a
  href="%{task.staff_link}">login</a> to the support system.
  <em style="font-size: small; ">Your friendly Customer Support
  <a href="https://osticket.com/"><img width="126" height="19"
      alt="Powered By osTicket" style="width: 126px;"
#Email template: ticket.activity.notice.yaml
#Notice sent to collaborators on ticket activity e.g reply or message
notes: |
subject: |
  回覆: %{ticket.subject} [#%{ticket.number}]
body: |
  <h3><strong>親愛的 %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3>
      <em>%{poster.name}</em> 您所參與的案件已經有新的進展。
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; text-align: center;">
  <em>您會收到此通知因為您是此案件的合作者 <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}" style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);"
  >#%{ticket.number}</a>.  想要繼續參與請回覆本信件或 <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}" style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);"
#Email template: ticket.alert.yaml
#Sent to a staff member when a new ticket is created in the system. This
#applies to tickets created via email, the web portal, or the api.
notes: |
subject: |
body: |
  <h2>Hi %{recipient.name},</h2>
  New ticket #%{ticket.number} created
          %{ticket.name} &lt;%{ticket.email}&gt;
  <div>To view or respond to the ticket, please <a
  href="%{ticket.staff_link}">login</a> to the support ticket system</div>
  <em style="font-size: small">Your friendly Customer Support System</em>
  <a href="https://osticket.com/"><img width="126" height="19"
      style="width: 126px; " alt="Powered By osTicket"
#Email template: ticket.autoreply.yaml
#Sent to a user when an automatic canned response is posted to a ticket
#when it is created
notes: |

  可使用參數:%{ticket.*}, %{response}
subject: |
  回覆: %{ticket.subject} [#%{ticket.number}]
body: |
  <h3><strong>Dear %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3>
  A request for support has been created and assigned ticket <a
  href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> with the following
  automatic reply
  Topic: <strong>%{ticket.topic.name}</strong>
  Subject: <strong>%{ticket.subject}</strong>
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127);">Your %{company.name} Team,<br>
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small;"><em>We hope
  this response has sufficiently answered your questions.  If you wish to
  provide additional comments or information, please reply to this email
  or <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}"><span
  style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >login to your account</span></a> for
  a complete archive of your support requests.</em></div>
#Email template: ticket.autoresp.yaml
#Sent to a user when a new ticket is created
notes: |
subject: |
  案件已列為處理中 [#%{ticket.number}]
body: |
  <h3><strong>親愛的 %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3>
  您的案件已被建立且被分配 #%{ticket.number}.
  <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">線上查詢案件進度</a>。
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127)">
   %{company.name} 團隊敬上
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; "><em>如果您想要追加或提供更多詳細的資訊,您可回覆本信件或 <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}"><span
  style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >登入到您的帳號</span></a>可查閱案件詳細完整內容。</em></div>
#Email template: ticket.notice.yaml
#Sent to a user when a staff member creates a ticket on the user's behalf.
#This is most commonly performed when user's call in on the phone.
notes: |
subject: |
  %{ticket.subject} [#%{ticket.number}]
body: |
  <h3><strong>Dear %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3>
  Our customer care team has created a ticket, <a
  href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> on your behalf, with
  the following details and summary:
  Topic: <strong>%{ticket.topic.name}</strong>
  Subject: <strong>%{ticket.subject}</strong>
  If need be, a representative will follow-up with you as soon as
  possible. You can also <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">view this
  ticket's progress online</a>.
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127);">
  Your %{company.name} Team,<br>
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; "><em>If you
  wish to provide additional comments or information regarding the issue,
  please reply to this email or <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}"><span
  style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >login to your account</span></a> for
  a complete archive of your support requests.</em></div>
#Email template: ticket.overdue.yaml
#Sent to staff members when a ticket transitions to overdue in the system.
#Overdue tickets occur based on the ticket's due-date as well as the SLA
#defined for the ticket.
notes: |
subject: |
body: |
  <h3><strong>您好 %{recipient}</strong>,</h3>
  訊息事件, <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> 已經逾時已久.
  <div>請查閱您消息事件的回覆、請 <a
  href="%{ticket.staff_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);"
  >登入</span></a>進入事件支援系統. 您接獲此通知由於您是本訊息事件分派部門的成員.</div>
  <em style="font-size: small">您友好的 <span style="font-size: smaller"
  >(although with limited patience)</span>顧客服務系統</em><br>
  <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc" height="19"
      alt="Powered by osTicket" width="126" style="width: 126px;">
#Email template: ticket.overlimit.yaml
#Sent to users when they have exceeded the maximum open ticket limit. The
#limit is configurable in the Admin Panel, and is defined by the number of
#tickets open by a particular email address.
notes: |
subject: |
body: |
  <h3><strong>親愛的 %{ticket.name.first},</strong></h3>
  您已經達到最大案件申請數量。在新增其他案件前,您需要先有其他案件結案才可繼續新增案件。想要追加或新增其他詳細資訊您可 <a
#Email template: ticket.reply.yaml
#Sent to users when a staff members makes a reply to their ticket. Replies
#are only generated by staff members.
notes: |
subject: |
  回覆: %{ticket.subject} [#%{ticket.number}]
body: |
  <h3><strong>Dear %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3>
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127);">
  Your %{company.name} Team,<br>
  <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; text-align: center;"
  ><em>We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If
  not, please do not send another email. Instead, reply to this email or
  <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}" style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >login
  to your account</a> for a complete archive of all your support requests
  and responses.</em></div>
#Email template: transfer.alert.yaml
#Sent to staff members when a ticket is assigned to them. Tickets can be
#assigned automatically by the system or manually by another staff member.
#Use %{assigner} to distinguish who made the assignment.
notes: |
  Sent to agents when a ticket is transfered to a department to which
  they are a member.
subject: |
  案件編號 #%{ticket.number} 移轉 - %{ticket.dept.name}
body: |
  <h3>Hi %{recipient.name},</h3>
  Ticket <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> has been
  transferred to the %{ticket.dept.name} department by
  <div>To view or respond to the ticket, please <a
  href="%{ticket.staff_link}">login</a> to the support ticket system.
  <em style="font-size: small; ">Your friendly Customer Support
  <a href="https://osticket.com/"><img width="126" height="19"
      alt="Powered By osTicket" style="width: 126px;"
#Ticket access link sent to clients for guest-only systems where the ticket
#number and email address will trigger an access link sent via email
notes: >
name: "案件 [#%{ticket.number}] 狀態查詢連結"
body: >
  <h3><strong>您好 %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> <div> 案件查詢連結 案件編號#%{ticket.number} 要求已經由您授權於求助中心處理 %{url}.<br /> <br /> 請依循以下步驟來查詢案件 #%{ticket.number}.<br /> <br /> <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">%{recipient.ticket_link}</a><br /> <br /> 如果您 <strong>尚未提出此申請</strong> 請忽略與刪除此信件。您的帳戶仍安全且並無人進入。帳戶並無列管也無重置密碼。有人可能錯誤輸入了電子郵件。<br /> <br /> --<br /> %{company.name} </div>
#This forms the header on the staff login page. It can be useful to inform
#your clients about your login and registration policies.
notes: >
name: "登入到 %{company.name}"
body: >
#This is the initial message and banner shown on the staff login page
notes: >
name: "需要身份驗證"
body: ""
#Template of the email sent to staff members when using the Email
#Two Factor Authentication
notes: >
  This template defines the email sent to Staff who use Email for Two Factor Authentication
name: "osTicket Two Factor Authentication"
body: >
  <h3><strong>Hi %{staff.name.first},</strong></h3> <div> You have just logged into for the helpdesk at %{url}.<br /> <br /> Use the verification code below to finish logging into the helpdesk.<br /> <br /> %{otp}<br /> <br /> <em style="font-size: small">Your friendly Customer Support System</em> <br /> <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc" alt="Powered by osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px" /> </div>
#Page template: landing.yaml
#The landing page is served on the front page of the customer portal above
#the two links for creating new tickets and viewing ticket status.
notes: >
name: 系統進入首面
body: >
  <p>為了完善的支援與更佳的服務,我們建立此一支援服務系統,每一服務的要求都會指派一個專有的號碼,可以讓您在線上追蹤進度與回應。我們對您所有的服務要求都提供有完整的存檔與歷史紀錄,提出服務需求必須提供一個確實的電子信箱交。 </p>
#Page template: offline.yaml
#The offline page is served to the customer portal when the help desk is
#configured offline in the Admin Panel
notes: |
name: 離線
body: |
  <div><h1> <span style="font-size: medium"> 支援案件系統維護中</span></h1> <p>感謝您與我們聯繫。</p><p>目前客服處於維護狀態,請稍候再連線進入。</p></div>
#Template of the email sent to clients when using the Forgot My Password
#link on the login page
notes: >
  這個範本為忘記密碼 <strong>忘記密碼</strong>的人。
name: "%{company.name} 支援案件系統訪問"
body: >
  <h3><strong>您好 %{user.name.first},</strong></h3> <div> 重新設定密碼要求已經由您授權於求助中心處理  %{url}.<br /> <br />若您發現這是誤送訊息、請忽略與刪除此信件。您的帳戶仍安全且並無人進入。帳戶並無列管也無重置密碼。有人可能錯誤輸入了電子郵件。<br /> <br /> 提供的連結可以讓您登錄至求助中心並可已更改密碼。<br /> <br /> <a href="%{link}">%{link}</a><br /> <br /> <em style="font-size: small">您友好的可戶支援系統<br />%{company.name}</em></div>
#Template of the email sent to staff members when using the Forgot My
#Password link
notes: >
  該模板定義誰選擇發送到員工的電子郵件 <strong>忘記密碼</strong>在工作人員的控制面板登錄鏈接頁面。
name: "osTicket 工作人員密碼重設"
body: >
  <h3><strong>您好 %{staff.name.first},</strong></h3> <div> 重新設定密碼要求已經由您授權於求助中心處理  %{url}.<br /> <br />若您發現這是誤送訊息、請忽略與刪除此信件。您的帳戶仍安全且並無人進入。帳戶並無列管也無重置密碼。有人可能錯誤輸入了電子郵件。<br /> <br /> 提供的連結可以讓您登錄至求助中心並可已更改密碼。<br /> <br /> <a href="%{link}">%{link}</a><br /> <br /> <em style="font-size: small">您友好的可戶支援系統</em> <br /> <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc" alt="Powered by osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px" /> </div>
#Confirmation email sent to clients when accounts are created for them by
#staff or via the client portal. This email serves as an email address
notes: >
name: "歡迎來到 %{company.name}"
body: >
  <h3><strong>您好 %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> <div>我們已經為您建立了一個帳戶在我們的支援案件系統 %{url}.<br /> <br /> 請遵循以下連結以確認您的帳戶和查詢案件狀態。<br /> <br /> <a href="%{link}">%{link}</a><br /> <br /> <em style="font-size: small">您最可靠的支援案件系統<br /> %{company.name}</em> </div>
#Template of the page shown to the user after registering for an account.
#The system will send the user an email with a link they should follow to
#confirm the account. This page should inform them of the next step in
#the process.
notes: >
name: "帳號註冊"
body: >
  <div><strong>感謝您的註冊</strong><br/> <br /> 我們已經寄發帳號啟用信函。煩請您到您的電子信箱點選確認連結才可啟用您的帳號。 </div>
#Initial (optional) email sent to staff members when accounts are created
#for them in the staff control panel
notes: >
name: "歡迎來到 osTicket"
body: >
  <h3><strong>您好 %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> <div>我們已經為您建立了一個帳戶在我們的支援案件系統 %{url}.<br /> <br /> 請遵循以下連結以確認您的帳戶和查詢案件狀態。<br /> <br /> <a href="%{link}">%{link}</a><br /> <br /> <em style="font-size: small">您最可靠的支援案件系統<br /> %{company.name}</em> </div>
#Page shown to the user after successfully registring and confirming their
#account. This page should inform the user that the process is complete and
#that the user can now submit a ticket or access existing tickets
notes: >
name: "帳號已啟用!"
body: >
  <div><strong>感謝您註冊帳戶。</strong>< br / > < br / > 您確認您的電子郵件地址並成功啟動您的帳戶。您可以繼續打開一張新票或管理現有案件。 < br / > < br / > <em>您友好的支援中心</em> < br / > %{company.name}</div>
#Page template: thank-you.yaml
#The thank-you page is served to the customer portal when a user submites a
#new ticket via the customer portal.
notes: |
name: 感謝您
body: |
  <div>%{ticket.name} <br><br>感謝您與我們聯絡。<br><br>支援申請已成立、支援專員將會儘速與您聯繫。</p><br><br>支援小組</div>
#Welcome ticket template
#When the system if first installed and the installer finishes setting up
#the database, it creates a first ticket with a welcome message to the
deptId: 1 #support
topicId: 1 #support
name: OsTicket 技術支援
email: support@osticket.com
source: 網頁 #notrans
subject: osTicket 安裝成功 !
message: |
  Thank you for choosing osTicket.
  Please make sure you join the <a
  href="https://forum.osticket.com">osTicket forums</a> and our <a
  href="https://osticket.com">mailing list</a> to stay up to date
  on the latest news, security alerts and updates. The osTicket forums are
  also a great place to get assistance, guidance, tips, and help from
  other osTicket users.  In addition to the forums, the osTicket wiki
  provides a useful collection of educational materials, documentation,
  and notes from the community. We welcome your contributions to the
  osTicket community.
  If you are looking for a greater level of support, we provide
  professional services and commercial support with guaranteed response
  times, and access to the core development team. We can also help
  customize osTicket or even add new features to the system to meet your
  unique needs.
  If the idea of managing and upgrading this osTicket installation is
  daunting, you can try osTicket as a hosted service at <a
  href="https://supportsystem.com">https://supportsystem.com/</a> --
  no installation required and we can import your data!  With
  SupportSystem's turnkey infrastructure, you get osTicket at its best,
  leaving you free to focus on your customers without the burden of making
  sure the application is stable, maintained, and secure.
  osTicket Team https://osticket.com/
  <strong>PS.</strong> Don't just make customers happy, make happy
#Upgrade completed ticket
#This ticket is added to the system after the completion of an upgrade. It
#might include information specific to the release, perhaps with some new
#feature highlights, etc.
source: 網頁 #notrans
name: OsTicket 技術支援
email: support@osticket.com
subject: osTicket 升級成功 !
message: |
  osTicket upgraded successfully! Please refer to the Release Notes
  (https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/releases) for more information about
  changes and new features.
  Be sure to join the <a href="https://forum.osticket.com">osTicket
  forums</a> and our <a href="https://osticket.com">mailing
  list</a> to stay up to date on announcements, security updates and
  alerts! Your contribution to osTicket community will be appreciated!
  The osTicket team is committed to providing support to all users through
  our free online resources and a full range of commercial support
  packages and services. For more information, or to discuss your needs,
  please contact us today at https://osticket.com/support/. Any feedback
  will be appreciated!
  If managing and upgrading this osTicket installation is daunting, you
  can try osTicket as a hosted service at https://supportsystem.com/ --
  no upgrading ever, and we can import your data!  With SupportSystem's
  turnkey infrastructure, you get osTicket at its best, leaving you free
  to focus on your customers without the burden of making sure the
  application is stable, maintained, and secure.
  osTicket Team<br/>
  #Canned response templates
  isenabled: 1
  title: OsTicket 是什麼 (範例說明)?
  response: |
    osTicket 是一個廣泛使用的開放原始碼的支援案件系統,對於成本較高和複雜的客戶支援系統而言我們具備更強的優勢:  簡單、 輕巧、 可靠、 原始碼開放,web基礎和易於安裝和使用。
  notes: |

      name: osTicket.txt
      type: text/plain
      data: 如同簡易安裝的罐頭搖滾樂!
  isenabled: 1
  title: 範例 (與多樣式)
  response: |
    Hi %{ticket.name.first},
    Your ticket #%{ticket.number} created on %{ticket.create_date} is in
    %{ticket.dept.name} department.
  notes: |

#Default configuration. The format is key: value and the data will be
#inserted into the %config table at install time
  time_format: 'H:mm'
  date_format: 'y/M/d'
  datetime_format: 'y/M/d H:mm'
  daydatetime_format: 'y MMM d EEEE H:mm'
  default_priority_id: 0
  enable_daylight_saving: 0
  reply_separator: '— — 以上回覆分界線 — —'
  #Do not translate below here
  isonline: 1
  staff_ip_binding: 0
  staff_max_logins: 4
  staff_login_timeout: 0
  staff_session_timeout: 30
  passwd_reset_period: 0
  client_max_logins: 4
  client_login_timeout: 0
  client_session_timeout: 30
  max_page_size: 25
  max_open_tickets: 0
  autolock_minutes: 3
  default_smtp_id: 0
  use_email_priority: 0
  enable_kb: 0
  enable_premade: 1
  enable_captcha: 0
  enable_auto_cron: 0
  enable_mail_polling: 0
  send_sys_errors: 1
  send_sql_errors: 1
  send_login_errors: 1
  save_email_headers: 1
  strip_quoted_reply: 1
  ticket_autoresponder: 0
  message_autoresponder: 0
  ticket_notice_active: 1
  ticket_alert_active: 1
  ticket_alert_admin: 1
  ticket_alert_dept_manager: 1
  ticket_alert_dept_members: 0
  message_alert_active: 1
  message_alert_laststaff: 1
  message_alert_assigned: 1
  message_alert_dept_manager: 0
  note_alert_active: 0
  note_alert_laststaff: 1
  note_alert_assigned: 1
  note_alert_dept_manager: 0
  transfer_alert_active: 0
  transfer_alert_assigned: 0
  transfer_alert_dept_manager: 1
  transfer_alert_dept_members: 0
  overdue_alert_active: 1
  overdue_alert_assigned: 1
  overdue_alert_dept_manager: 1
  overdue_alert_dept_members: 0
  assigned_alert_active: 1
  assigned_alert_staff: 1
  assigned_alert_team_lead: 0
  assigned_alert_team_members: 0
  auto_claim_tickets: 1
  auto_refer_closed: 1
  collaborator_ticket_visibility: 1
  require_topic_to_close: 0
  show_related_tickets: 1
  show_assigned_tickets: 1
  show_answered_tickets: 0
  hide_staff_name: 0
  disable_agent_collabs: 0
  overlimit_notice_active: 0
  email_attachments: 1
  ticket_number_format: '######'
  ticket_sequence_id: 0
  queue_bucket_counts: 0
  allow_external_images: 0
  task_number_format: '#'
  task_sequence_id: 0
  log_level: 0
  log_graceperiod: 12
  client_registration: 'public'
  default_ticket_queue: 1
  embedded_domain_whitelist: 'youtube.com, dailymotion.com, vimeo.com, player.vimeo.com, web.microsoftstream.com'
  #Departments defined initially for the system
  #id - (int:optional) id number in the database
  #flags - (bitmask: 0x0004 Active 0x0008 Archived)
  #name - (string) Short name of the department
  #signature - (string) Descriptive name of the department
  #NOTE: The department listed first by ID# will be the default department
  #NOTE: ------------------------------------
  #The very first group listed in this document will be the primary
  #department of the initial staff member -- the administrator.
  id: 1
  name: 支援姓名
  signature: |
  ispublic: 1
  flags: 0x0004
  group_membership: 1
  id: 0
  name: 銷售姓名
  signature: |
    銷售和客戶管理  簽署
  ispublic: 1
  flags: 0x0004
  sla_id: 1
  group_membership: 1
  id: 3
  name: 資訊維護
  signature: |
  ispublic: 0
  flags: 0x0004
  group_membership: 0
  #Default email template group for the system
  #NOTE: The language field is defined for the email tempate group model, but
  #is not considered by the installer. Whatever language the install
  #loads data for, the same language will be used to load the email
  #isactive - (bool:0|1) true or false if the templates should be initially
  #name - (string) descriptive name for the template group
  #notes - Administrative notes (viewable internally only)
  id: 1
  isactive: 1
  name: osTicket 預設範本 (HTML)
  notes: |
    預設的 osTicket 範本
  #Default ticket filters installed for the system
  #NOTE: The SYSTEM BAN LIST is critically important and should _never_ be
  #removed from this file. The name 'SYSTEM BAN LIST' is also important
  #and should not be translated -- it is not displayed on the interface
  #isactive - (bool:0|1) true or false if the filter is initially enabled
  #execorder - (int) order the filters should be executed in (lowest first)
  #name - (string) Descriptive name for the filter
  #notes - (string) Administrative notes (viewable internally only)
  #rules - (list<FilterRule>) List of rules for the filter
  #Fields for FilterRule:
  #isactive - (bool:0|1) true if the rule should be considered
  #what - (enum<email|>) field to check
  #how - (enum<equals|contains|dncontain>) how to check for <val>
  #val - (string) search value
  #Fields for FilterAction
  #type - type of filter action
  isactive: 1
  execorder: 99
  match_all_rules: 0
  email_id: 0
  target: Email #notrans
  name: SYSTEM BAN LIST #notrans
  notes: |
      isactive: 1
      w: email #notrans
      h: equal #notrans
      v: test@example.com #notrans
      sort: 1
      type: reject #notrans
  #Default (dynamic) form configuration. This data is used as the initial,
  #minimal data for dynamic forms that ships with the system.
  #id:       Used only if associated with a help topic
  #title:    Bold section title of the form
  #instructions: Title deck, detailed instructions on entering form data
  #notes:    Notes for the form, shown under the fields
  #0x0001  If the form can be removed from the system
  #fields:   List of fields for the form
  #type:       Field type (short name) (eg. 'text', 'memo', 'phone', ...)
  #label:      Field label shown to the user
  #name:       Name used with the data internally. This is especially
  #useful for page and email templates, where %{ ticket.<name> }
  #will be used to retrieve the data from the field.
  #hint:       Help text shown with the field
  #flags:      Bit mask for settings & options
  ## From class DynamicFormField
  #const FLAG_MASK_CHANGE      = 0x0010;     # Type cannot change
  #const FLAG_MASK_DELETE      = 0x0020;     # Cannot be deleted
  #const FLAG_MASK_EDIT        = 0x0040;     # Data cannot be edited
  #const FLAG_MASK_DISABLE     = 0x0080;     # Field cannot be disabled
  #const FLAG_MASK_REQUIRE     = 0x10000;    # Requirement cannot be changed
  #const FLAG_MASK_VIEW        = 0x20000;    # View settings cannot be changed
  #const FLAG_MASK_NAME        = 0x40000;    # Name cannot be changed
  #configuration: Field-specific configuration
  #size:     (text) width of the field
  #length:   (text) maximum size of the data in the field
  #cols:     (memo) width of the textarea
  #rows:     (memo) height of the textarea
  id: 1
  type: U #notrans
  title: 聯絡資訊
  flags: 0
      type: text #notrans
      name: email #notrans
      label: 電子信箱
      sort: 1
      flags: 489395
        size: 40
        length: 64
        validator: email #notrans
      type: text #notrans
      name: name #notrans
      label: 全名
      sort: 0
      flags: 489395
        size: 40
        length: 64
      type: phone #notrans
      name: phone #notrans
      label: 電話號碼
      sort: 3
      flags: 13057
      type: memo #notrans
      name: notes
      label: 內部備註
      sort: 4
      flags: 12289
        rows: 4
        cols: 40
  id: 0
  type: T #notrans
  title: 案件詳細資訊
  instructions: 請敘述您的問題
  notes: |
  flags: 0
      id: 20
      type: text #notrans
      name: subject #notrans
      label: 問題摘要
      sort: 1
      flags: 489265
        size: 40
        length: 50
      id: 21
      type: thread #notrans
      name: message #notrans
      label: 問題詳細資訊
      hint: 查詢事件原因的詳細資訊。
      sort: 0
      flags: 480547
      id: 22
      type: priority #notrans
      name: priority #notrans
      label: 優先等級
      flags: 274609
      sort: 3
  type: C #notrans
  title: 公司資訊
  instructions: 詳細資訊在電子信箱範例。
  flags: 0
      type: text #notrans
      name: name #notrans
      label: 公司名稱
      sort: 1
      flags: 291249
        size: 40
        length: 64
      type: text #notrans
      name: website #notrans
      label: 網站
      sort: 0
      flags: 274705
        size: 40
        length: 64
      type: phone #notrans
      name: phone #notrans
      label: 電話號碼
      sort: 3
      flags: 274705
        ext: false
      type: memo #notrans
      name: address
      label: 地址
      sort: 4
      flags: 12545
        rows: 0
        cols: 40
        html: false
        length: 100
  type: O #notrans
  title: 機構資訊
  instructions: 使用者機構的詳細資訊
  flags: 0
      type: text #notrans
      name: name #notrans
      label: 名稱
      sort: 1
      flags: 489395
        size: 40
        length: 64
      type: memo
      name: address
      label: 地址
      sort: 0
      flags: 13057
        rows: 0
        cols: 40
        length: 100
        html: false
      type: phone
      name: phone
      label: 電話
      sort: 3
      flags: 13057
      type: text
      name: website
      label: 網站
      sort: 4
      flags: 13057
        size: 40
        length: 0
      type: memo #notrans
      name: notes
      label: 內部備註
      sort: 5
      flags: 12289
        rows: 4
        cols: 40
  type: A #notrans
  title: Task Details
  instructions: Please Describe The Issue
  notes: |
    This form is used to create a task.
  flags: 0
      type: text #notrans
      name: title #notrans
      flags: 487601
      sort: 1
      label: 標題
        size: 40
        length: 50
      type: thread #notrans
      name: description #notrans
      flags: 413939
      sort: 0
      label: 說明
      hint: Details on the reason(s) for creating the task.
  #Default groups defined for the system
  #id - Primary id for the group
  #role_id - (int)  default role for the group
  #flags - (bit mask) group flags
  #name - (string) descriptive name for the group
  #notes - (string) administrative notes (viewable internally only)
  #depts: (list<Department<id>>) id's of the departments to which the group
  #should initially have access
  #NOTE: ------------------------------------
  #The very first group listed in this document will be the primary group of
  #the initial staff member -- the administrator.
  id: 1
  role_id: 1
  flags: 1
  name: 獅子馴獸師
  notes: |
    - 1
    - 0
    - 3
  id: 0
  role_id: 0
  flags: 1
  name: 大象步行者
  notes: |
    - 1
    - 0
    - 3
  id: 3
  role_id: 0
  flags: 1
  name: 跳蚤訓練員
  notes: |
    - 1
    - 0
    - 3
  #Events initially inserted into the system.
  id: 1
  name: created
  id: 0
  name: closed
  id: 3
  name: reopened
  id: 4
  name: assigned
  id: 5
  name: released
  id: 6
  name: transferred
  id: 7
  name: referred
  id: 8
  name: overdue
  id: 9
  name: edited
  id: 10
  name: viewed
  id: 11
  name: error
  id: 12
  name: collab
  id: 13
  name: resent
  id: 14
  name: deleted
  id: 15
  name: merged
  id: 16
  name: unlinked
  id: 17
  name: linked
  id: 18
  name: login
  id: 19
  name: logout
  id: 20
  name: message
  id: 21
  name: note
  #Files initially inserted into the system. Canned responses have their own
  #method for attachments; however, this file will make it easier to add
  #things like inline images.
  #NOTE: If the files aren't attached to something by the installer, they
  #bill be cleaned up shortly after installation (by the autocron).
  key: b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc
  name: powered-by-osticket.png
  type: image/png
  encoding: base64
  data: |
  #Default help topics installed for the system
  #id - (int:optional) id number in the database
  #topic - (string) descriptive name of the help topic
  #flags - (bitmask: Active | Disabled | Archived)
  #ispublic - (bool:0|1) true or false if end users should be able to see the
  #help topic. In other words, true or false if the help topic is _not_
  #for internal use only
  #noautoresp - (bool:1) true to disable the auto-responder for tickets
  #assigned to this help topic. NOTE that this field must be completely
  #omitted to ENABLE the auto-response by default
  #dept_id - (int) id number of the department with which this help topic is
  #sla_id - (int:optional) id number of the sla with which this help topic is
  #notes - (string) administrative notes (internally viewable only)
  topic_id: 1
  flags: 0x02
  ispublic: 1
  priority_id: 0
    - 0
  topic: 一般查詢
  notes: |
  topic_id: 0
  flags: 0x02
  ispublic: 1
  priority_id: 1
    - 0
  topic: 意見回饋
  notes: |
  topic_id: 10
  flags: 0x02
  ispublic: 1
  dept_id: 3
  priority_id: 0
    - 0
  topic: 回報問題
  notes: |
    產品、 服務或設備相關的問題
  topic_pid: 10
  flags: 0x02
  ispublic: 1
  sla_id: 1
  priority_id: 3
    - 0
  topic: 訪問問題
  notes: |
  #Custom (dynamic) lists. This data is used as the initial,
  #minimal data for dynamic list that ships with the system.
  #id:           Primary id (not recommended)
  #name:         Name of the list
  #name_plural:  Name in plural (optional)
  #sort_mode:    Sorting order (Alpha, -Alpha, SortCol)
  #masks:        Edit masks to indicate various statuses of the list
  #(e.g  if editable or deletable..etc)
  #notes:        Notes for the list
  #items:        List of items for the list
  #id:         Primary id
  #value:      Value (name) of the list item
  #extra:      Abbreviated version of the value
  #status:     If enabled (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)
  #sort:       Sort order  (optional)
  #properties: Item-specific config based on Ticket Flags form fields
  #(key):  (value)
  #properties:   List properties form (see form.yaml for details)
  #Ticket statuses
  type: ticket-status #notrans
  name: 案件狀態
  name_plural: 案件狀態
  sort_mode: SortCol #notrans
  masks: 13
  notes: |
    title: 案件狀態設定
    instructions: 可設定案件屬性
    flags: 0
        type: state #notrans
        name: state #notrans
        label: 狀態
        sort: 1
        flags: 487665
          prompt: 案件狀態
        type: memo #notrans
        name: description #notrans
        label: 說明
        sort: 3
        flags: 471073
          rows: 0
          cols: 40
          html: false
          length: 100
    handler: TicketStatusList
  #Initial organizations defined for the system.
  #name - Descriptive name for the organization
  #fields - custom fields
  name: osTicket
    0: |
      1120 5th Street
      Alexandria, LA 71301
    phone: (318) 290-3674
    website: https://osticket.com
    notes: >
      我們不只生產軟體,我們同時也用來管理與維護Osticket。 讓我們來幫助你快速實施和充分利用osTicket的特性和功能的充分發揮潛力。 聯繫我們專業的支持或訪問我們的網站文件和社區的支持。
#Default system data for ticket priorities
  priority_id: 1
  priority_desc: 低
  priority_color: "#DDFFDD"
  priority_urgency: 4
  priority_id: 0
  priority_desc: 普通
  priority_color: "#FFFFF0A"
  priority_urgency: 3
  priority_id: 3
  priority_desc: 高
  priority_color: "#FEE7E7"
  priority_urgency: 0
  priority_id: 4
  priority_desc: 緊急
  priority_color: "#FEE7E7"
  priority_urgency: 1
  #Columns are not necessary and a default list is used if no columns are
  #flags:      (unused)
  #name:       Display name of the column
  #primary:    Data source for the field
  #secondary:  Backup data source / default text
  #filter:     What the field should link to
  #'link:ticket':    Ticket
  #'link:user':      User
  #'link:org':       Organization
  #'link:ticketP':   Ticket with hover preview
  #'wrap':   Fold words on multiple lines
  #c:        Annotation class name
  #p:        Placement
  #'a':    After column text
  #'b':    Before column text
  #'<':    Float to start (left)
  #'>':    Float to end (right)
  #crit:     Criteria for the condiditon, in the form of [field, method, value]
  #prop:     Array of CSS properties to apply to the field
  #extra:      (future use and for plugins)
  id: 1
  name: "案件 #"
  primary: "number"
  filter: "link:ticketP"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: '[{"c":"TicketSourceDecoration","p":"b"}]'
  conditions: '[{"crit":["isanswered","nset",null],"prop":{"font-weight":"bold"}}]'
  id: 0
  name: "建立日期"
  primary: "created"
  secondary: null
  filter: "date:full"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 3
  name: "主題"
  primary: "cdata__subject"
  filter: "link:ticket"
  truncate: "ellipsis"
  annotations: '[{"c":"TicketThreadCount","p":">"},{"c":"ThreadAttachmentCount","p":"a"},{"c":"OverdueFlagDecoration","p":"<"},{"c":"LockDecoration","p":"<"}]'
  conditions: '[{"crit":["isanswered","nset",null],"prop":{"font-weight":"bold"}}]'
  id: 4
  name: "User Name"
  primary: "user__name"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: '[{"c":"ThreadCollaboratorCount","p":">"}]'
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 5
  name: "優先順序"
  primary: "cdata__priority"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 6
  name: "狀態"
  primary: "status__id"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 7
  name: "關閉日期"
  primary: "closed"
  filter: "date:full"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 8
  name: "負責人員"
  primary: "assignee"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 9
  name: "截止日期"
  primary: "duedate"
  secondary: "est_duedate"
  filter: "date:human"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 10
  name: "最後更新"
  primary: "lastupdate"
  filter: "date:full"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 11
  name: "部門"
  primary: "dept_id"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 12
  name: "最後一條消息"
  primary: "thread__lastmessage"
  filter: "date:human"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 13
  name: "上一次回應"
  primary: "thread__lastresponse"
  filter: "date:human"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  id: 14
  name: "團隊"
  primary: "team_id"
  truncate: "wrap"
  annotations: "[]"
  conditions: "[]"
  #Columns are not necessary and a default list is used if no columns are
  id: 1
  name: Priority + Most Recently Updated
  columns: '["-cdata__priority","-lastupdate"]'
  id: 0
  name: Priority + Most Recently Created
  columns: '["-cdata__priority","-created"]'
  id: 3
  name: Priority + Due Date
  columns: '["-cdata__priority","-est_duedate"]'
  id: 4
  name: 截止日期
  columns: '["-est_duedate"]'
  id: 5
  name: Closed Date
  columns: '["-closed"]'
  id: 6
  name: 創建日期
  columns: '["-created"]'
  id: 7
  name: Update Date
  columns: '["-lastupdate"]'
  #Basic queues for the initial ticket system. Queues installed for
  #- Open / All
  #- Open / Unassigned
  #- Open / Overdue
  #- Answered / All
  #- My Tickets / All
  #- Closed / All
  #0x01:   FLAG_PUBLIC
  #0x02:   FLAG_QUEUE (should be set for everything here)
  #0x04:   FLAG_DISABLED
  #0x08:   FLAG_INHERIT (inherit criteria from parent)
  #staff_id: User owner of the queue
  #sort:     Manual sort order
  #title:    Display name of the queue
  #config:   Criteria configuration
  #filter:   Quick filter field
  #root:     Object type of the queue listing
  #'T':    Tickets
  #'A':    Tasks
  id: 1
  title: 處理中
  parent_id: 0
  flags: 0x03
  sort: 1
  sort_id: 1
  root: T
  config: '[["status__state","includes",{"open":"Open"}]]'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 10
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: 最後更新
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 5
      bits: 1
      sort: 5
      width: 85
      heading: 優先順序
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 分配給
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  id: 0
  title: 處理中
  parent_id: 1
  flags: 43
  root: T
  sort: 1
  sort_id: 4
  config: '{"criteria":[["isanswered","nset",null]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 10
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: 最後更新
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 5
      bits: 1
      sort: 5
      width: 85
      heading: 優先順序
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 分配給
  id: 3
  title: 已回覆
  parent_id: 1
  flags: 43
  root: T
  sort: 0
  sort_id: 4
  config: '{"criteria":[["isanswered","set",null]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 10
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: 最後更新
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 5
      bits: 1
      sort: 5
      width: 85
      heading: 優先順序
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 分配給
  id: 4
  title: 逾期
  parent_id: 1
  flags: 43
  root: T
  sort: 3
  sort_id: 4
  config: '{"criteria":[["isoverdue","set",null]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 9
      bits: 1
      sort: 9
      width: 150
      heading: 截止日期
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 5
      bits: 1
      sort: 5
      width: 85
      heading: 優先順序
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 分配給
  id: 5
  title: 我的案件
  parent_id: 0
  flags: 0x03
  root: T
  sort: 3
  sort_id: 3
  config: '{"criteria":[["assignee","includes",{"M":"Me","T":"One of my teams"}],["status__state","includes",{"open":"Open"}]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 10
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: Last Update
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 5
      bits: 1
      sort: 5
      width: 85
      heading: 優先順序
      column_id: 11
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 部門
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  id: 6
  title: Assigned to Me
  parent_id: 5
  flags: 43
  root: T
  sort: 1
  config: '{"criteria":[["assignee","includes",{"M":"Me"}]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 10
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: Last Update
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 5
      bits: 1
      sort: 5
      width: 85
      heading: 優先順序
      column_id: 11
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 部門
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  id: 7
  title: Assigned to Teams
  parent_id: 5
  flags: 43
  root: T
  sort: 0
  config: '{"criteria":[["assignee","!includes",{"M":"Me"}]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 10
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: Last Update
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 5
      bits: 1
      sort: 5
      width: 85
      heading: 優先順序
      column_id: 14
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 團隊
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  id: 8
  parent_id: 0
  title: 已關閉
  flags: 0x03
  sort: 4
  root: T
  sort_id: 5
  config: '{"criteria":[["status__state","includes",{"closed":"Closed"}]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 7
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: 結束日期
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 結案人
      sort_id: 5
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  id: 9
  parent_id: 8
  title: Today
  flags: 43
  sort: 1
  root: T
  sort_id: 5
  config: '{"criteria":[["closed","period","td"]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 7
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: 結束日期
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 結案人
      sort_id: 5
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  id: 10
  parent_id: 8
  title: Yesterday
  flags: 43
  sort: 0
  root: T
  sort_id: 5
  config: '{"criteria":[["closed","period","yd"]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 7
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: 結束日期
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 結案人
      sort_id: 5
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  id: 11
  parent_id: 8
  title: This Week
  flags: 43
  sort: 3
  root: T
  sort_id: 5
  config: '{"criteria":[["closed","period","tw"]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 7
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: 結束日期
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 結案人
      sort_id: 5
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  id: 12
  parent_id: 8
  title: This Month
  flags: 43
  sort: 4
  root: T
  sort_id: 5
  config: '{"criteria":[["closed","period","tm"]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 7
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: 結束日期
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 結案人
      sort_id: 5
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  id: 13
  parent_id: 8
  title: This Quarter
  flags: 43
  sort: 5
  root: T
  sort_id: 6
  config: '{"criteria":[["closed","period","tq"]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 7
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: 結束日期
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 結案人
      sort_id: 5
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  id: 14
  parent_id: 8
  title: This Year
  flags: 43
  sort: 6
  root: T
  sort_id: 7
  config: '{"criteria":[["closed","period","ty"]],"conditions":[]}'
      column_id: 1
      bits: 1
      sort: 1
      width: 100
      heading: 票
      column_id: 7
      bits: 1
      sort: 0
      width: 150
      heading: 結束日期
      column_id: 3
      bits: 1
      sort: 3
      width: 300
      heading: 主題
      column_id: 4
      bits: 1
      sort: 4
      width: 185
      heading: 從
      column_id: 8
      bits: 1
      sort: 6
      width: 160
      heading: 結案人
      sort_id: 5
      sort_id: 1
      sort_id: 0
      sort_id: 3
      sort_id: 4
      sort_id: 6
      sort_id: 7
  #Default roles defined for the system
  #id - Primary id for the role
  #flags - (bit mask) role flags
  #name - (string) descriptive name for the role
  #notes - (string) internal notes
  #permissions: (list<keys>)
  #NOTE: ------------------------------------
  id: 1
  flags: 1
  name: 所有權限
  notes: |
    - ticket.create
    - ticket.edit
    - ticket.merge
    - ticket.link
    - ticket.markanswered
    - ticket.assign
    - ticket.release
    - ticket.transfer
    - ticket.refer
    - ticket.reply
    - ticket.close
    - ticket.delete
    - task.create
    - task.edit
    - task.assign
    - task.transfer
    - task.reply
    - task.close
    - task.delete
    - canned.manage
    - thread.edit
  id: 0
  flags: 1
  name: 擴充權限
  notes: |
    - ticket.create
    - ticket.edit
    - ticket.merge
    - ticket.link
    - ticket.assign
    - ticket.release
    - ticket.transfer
    - ticket.refer
    - ticket.reply
    - ticket.close
    - task.create
    - task.edit
    - task.assign
    - task.transfer
    - task.reply
    - task.close
    - canned.manage
  id: 3
  flags: 1
  name: 限制權限
  notes: |
    - ticket.create
    - ticket.merge
    - ticket.link
    - ticket.assign
    - ticket.release
    - ticket.transfer
    - ticket.refer
    - ticket.reply task.create
    - task.assign
    - task.transfer
    - task.reply
  id: 4
  flags: 1
  name: 僅能閱讀
  notes: 沒有權限的角色
  permissions: [ ]
  #Initial set of schedules and entries
  #0x01:   FLAG_BIZHRS (Business Hours - Otherwise Holidays is assumed)
  #sort:     Manual sort order
  #name:     Name of the Schedule
  #timezone:   Timezone of the Schedule
  #description:   Description of the Schedule
  #entries:     Schedule Entries
  id: 1
  flags: 0x01
  name: 週一至週五上午8點至下午5點(包含美國假期)
      - 4
      name: 星期一
      repeats: weekly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-01-07
      starts_at: 08:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-01-07
      ends_at: 17:00:00
      day: 1
      name: 星期二
      repeats: weekly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-01-08
      starts_at: 08:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-01-08
      ends_at: 17:00:00
      day: 0
      name: 星期三
      repeats: weekly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-01-09
      starts_at: 08:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-01-09
      ends_at: 17:00:00
      day: 3
      name: 星期四
      repeats: weekly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-01-10
      starts_at: 08:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-01-10
      ends_at: 17:00:00
      day: 4
      name: 星期五
      repeats: weekly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-01-11
      starts_at: 08:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-01-11
      ends_at: 17:00:00
      day: 5
  id: 0
  flags: 0x01
  name: 24/7
      name: 每日
      repeats: daily #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-01-01
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-01-01
      ends_at: 23:59:59
  id: 3
  flags: 0x01
  name: 24/5
      name: 工作日
      repeats: weekdays #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-01-01
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-01-01
      ends_at: 23:59:59
  id: 4
  flags: 0
  name: 美國節假日
      name: 新年
      repeats: yearly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-01-01
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-01-01
      ends_at: 23:59:59
      day: 1
      month: 1
      name: 馬丁·路德·金恩紀念日
      repeats: yearly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-01-21
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-01-21
      ends_at: 23:59:59
      day: 1
      week: 3
      month: 1
      name: 亡兵紀念日
      repeats: yearly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-05-27
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-05-27
      ends_at: 23:59:59
      day: 1
      week: -1
      month: 5
      name: 美國獨立日(7月4日)
      repeats: yearly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-07-04
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-07-04
      ends_at: 23:59:59
      day: 4
      month: 7
      name: 勞工節
      repeats: yearly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-09-02
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-09-02
      ends_at: 23:59:59
      day: 1
      week: 1
      month: 9
      name: 土著人民日 (哥倫布紀念日)
      repeats: yearly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-10-14
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-10-14
      ends_at: 23:59:59
      day: 1
      week: 0
      month: 10
      name: 退伍軍人節
      repeats: yearly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-11-11
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-11-11
      ends_at: 23:59:59
      day: 11
      month: 11
      name: 感恩節
      repeats: yearly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-11-28
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-11-28
      ends_at: 23:59:59
      day: 4
      week: 4
      month: 11
      name: 聖誕節
      repeats: yearly #notrans
      starts_on: 2019-11-25
      starts_at: 00:00:00
      ends_on: 2019-11-25
      ends_at: 23:59:59
      day: 25
      month: 12
  #Sequences installed with the system
  #id:           PK
  #name:         Name of the sequence
  #next:         Next value of the sequence
  #padding:      Padding character
  #increment:    Distance between two numbers of the sequence
  #flags:        Bitmask of flag settings. Currently known values are
  #INTERNAL:=0x0001 (restrict delete)
  #ID:1 is reserved for upgrades. When transitioning to osTicket 1.10, the
  #sequence ID:1 will be configured to start counting from the current
  #MAX(ticket.ticket_id). The upgrade will miss this step if there is no
  #sequence with ID:1
  id: 1
  name: "一般案件"
  next: 1
  padding: '0'
  increment: 1
  flags: 1
  id: 0
  name: "任務序列"
  next: 1
  padding: '0'
  increment: 1
  flags: 1
  #Initial Service-Level-Agreements (SLA) defined for the system
  #id - (int:optional) id number in the database
  #flags - (int:bitmask)
  #isactive - (flag:1) true of false if the SLA should initially be active
  #enable_priority_escalation - (flag:2) true or false if the SLA should
  #cause the ticket priority to be escalated when it is marked overdue
  #disable_overdue_alerts - (flag:4) - true or false if the overdue alert
  #emails should _not_ go out for tickets assigned to this SLA
  #transient - (flag:8) - true if the SLA should change when changing
  #department or help topic.
  #grace_period - (int) number or hours after the ticket is opened before it
  #is marked overdue
  #name - (string) descriptive name of the SLA
  #notes - (string) administrative notes (viewable internally only)
  id: 1
  flags: 3
  grace_period: 18
  name: 預設服務層級協議(SLA)
  notes: |

  #Default system data for ticket statuses
  #id - (int:optional) id number in the database
  #name - (string) descriptive name of the status
  #state - (string) Main status of a ticket
  #(open, closed, archived, deleted)
  #mode - (bit) access mask (1 - enabled, 2 - internal)
  #flags - (bit) flags that can be set on a ticket
  #description - (string) Description of the status
  id: 1
  name: 處理中
  state: open
  mode: 3
  sort: 1
  flags: 0
    description: >
  id: 0
  name: 已解決
  state: closed
  mode: 1
  sort: 0
  flags: 0
    allowreopen: true
    reopenstatus: 0
    description: >
  id: 3
  name: 已關閉
  state: closed
  mode: 3
  sort: 3
  flags: 0
    allowreopen: true
    reopenstatus: 0
    description: >
  id: 4
  name: 已封存
  state: archived
  mode: 3
  sort: 4
  flags: 0
    description: >
  id: 5
  name: 已刪除
  state: deleted
  mode: 3
  sort: 5
  flags: 0
    description: >
  #Initial teams defined for the system.
  #flags - (int)
  #- isenabled - (0x01) true or false if the team should be initially
  #- noalerts - (0x02)
  #name - Descriptive name for the team
  #notes - Administrative notes (viewable internal only)
  flags: 0x01
  name: 層級 I 支援
  notes: |
    第 1 層支援,負責與客戶的基本運作
/* Chinese initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
/* Written by Ressol (ressol@gmail.com). */
( function( factory ) {
	"use strict";

	if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {

		// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
		define( [ "../widgets/datepicker" ], factory );
	} else {

		// Browser globals
		factory( jQuery.datepicker );
} )( function( datepicker ) {
"use strict";

datepicker.regional[ "zh-TW" ] = {
	closeText: "關閉",
	prevText: "上個月",
	nextText: "下個月",
	currentText: "今天",
	monthNames: [ "一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月",
	"七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月" ],
	monthNamesShort: [ "一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月",
	"七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月" ],
	dayNames: [ "星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六" ],
	dayNamesShort: [ "週日", "週一", "週二", "週三", "週四", "週五", "週六" ],
	dayNamesMin: [ "日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六" ],
	weekHeader: "週",
	dateFormat: "yy/mm/dd",
	firstDay: 1,
	isRTL: false,
	showMonthAfterYear: true,
	yearSuffix: "年" };
datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional[ "zh-TW" ] );

return datepicker.regional[ "zh-TW" ];

} );
<?php return array (
  '' => 'Project-Id-Version: osticket-official
X-Osticket-Major-Version: 1.17
POT-Create-Date: 2023-05-22 18:54 +0000
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Language: zh_TW
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X-Generator: osTicket i18n CLI
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X-Crowdin-Project: osticket-official
X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 25755
X-Crowdin-Language: zh-TW
X-Crowdin-File: /1.17.x/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
X-Crowdin-File-ID: 1853
Language-Team: Chinese Traditional
PO-Revision-Date: 2025-02-04 17:20
  '"1" is recommended if AJAX is not working' => '"1"建議如果 AJAX 不能運作',
  '%1$d - %2$d of %3$d' => '%1$d - %2$d 之 %3$d',
  '%1$d consecutive errors. Maximum of %2$d allowed' => '連續出現 %1$d 次錯誤. 允許最大出錯次數為 %2$d 。',
  '%1$d of %2$d %3$s activated' => '啟動%3$s%2$d的%1$d',
  '%1$d of %2$d %3$s deleted' => '刪除%3$s%2$d的%1$d',
  '%1$d of %2$d %3$s disabled' => '禁用%2$d%3$s的%1$d',
  '%1$d of %2$d %3$s enabled' => '啟用 %1$d / %2$d %3$s',
  '%1$d of %2$d %3$s made PRIVATE' => '%2$d %3$s 的 %1$d 已更改為私有',
  '%1$d of %2$d %3$s made PUBLIC' => '%2$d %3$s 的 %1$d 已更改為公共',
  '%1$d of %2$d %3$s removed' => '%2$d %3$s 的 %1$d 已删除',
  '%1$d of %2$d %3$s status changed to %4$s' => '%1$d 之 %2$d %3$s 狀態改為 %4$s',
  '%1$d of %2$d selected tickets' => '%1$d 之 %2$d 被選取',
  '%1$s (%2$s) logged in [%3$s]' => '%1$s (%2$s) 登入 [%3$s]',
  '%1$s Contact us %2$s today for <u>expedited</u> help.' => '立即 %1$s 聯絡我們 %2$s 獲得 <u>迅速</u> 協助。',
  '%1$s Ticket #%2$s' => '%1$s 案件 #%2$s',
  '%1$s: Invalid data: %2$s' => '%1$s:無效資料:%2$s',
  '%d Closed Ticket' . "\0" . '%d Closed Tickets' => '%d 個已關閉案件',
  '%d FAQs matched your search criteria.' => '%d 個 FAQ 符合您的搜尋條件。',
  '%d Open Ticket' . "\0" . '%d Open Tickets' => '%d 案件處理中',
  '%d minute' . "\0" . '%d minutes' => '%d分',
  '%s &mdash; Organization' => '%s &mdash; 組織',
  '%s (%d hours - %s)' => '%s (%d 小時-%s)',
  '%s - Relax!' => '%s - 放輕鬆!',
  '%s - access link sent to your email!' => '%s已寄啟用連結至您的信箱',
  '%s Note' => '%s 說明',
  '%s Tickets' => '%s 案件',
  '%s added as a collaborator' => '%s新增為協同合作者',
  '%s assigned to this organization will be orphaned.' => '%s 分配至此組織將被孤立。',
  '%s does not have any tickets' => '%s 沒有任何案件',
  '%s is a required field' => '%s 是必填的欄位',
  '%s is already a collaborator' => '%s 已經是協同何作者',
  '%s is required' => '需要 %s',
  '%s logged in [%s], via %s' => '登入 [%s],通過 %s%s',
  '%s logged out [%s]' => '%s 登出 [%s]',
  '%s or greater' => '%s 或更大',
  '%s or later' => '%s 或更新',
  '%s status changed to %s' => '%s  狀態改變成 %s',
  '%s: %s: Field not defined' => '%s: %s: 欄位未定義',
  '%s: Call to non-existing function' => '%s: 對非現有函數的通話',
  '%s: Call to undefined function' => '%s: 無法定義函數通話',
  '%s: Error parsing SQL schema! Get help from developers (#4)' => '%s: 解析 SQL 架構出錯!尋求開發者幫助 (#4)',
  '%s: Field must have `variable` set to be imported' => '%s:欄位必須包含「變數」設置為匯入',
  '%s: Invalid or unknown' => '%s:無效或未知',
  '%s: Poorly encoded base64 data' => '%s: base64 資料編碼不佳',
  '%s: Reply posted successfully' => '%s:回覆已成功發布',
  '%s: Reverse does not specify any constraints' => '%s:反向未指定任何限制',
  '%s: Unable to process cleanup file' => '%s:無法處理清除檔案',
  '%s: Unable to retrieve template' => '%s:無法取得模板',
  '%s: Unexpected data received in API request' => '%s: 收到意外的資料 API 請求中',
  '%s: Unknown or invalid' => '%s:未知或無效',
  '%s: Unknown or invalid %s' => '%s:未知或無效 %s',
  '%s: Unknown or invalid ID.' => '%s 未知或不正確的 ID',
  '%s: Unknown or invalid schema signature (%s .. %s)' => '%s:未知或無效架構簽名 (%s .. %s)',
  '(0 to disable)' => '(0,則禁用)',
  '(Default)' => '(預設值)',
  '(Enter a key). Value selected from the list initially' => '(輸入一個鍵)。從初始列表中選擇值',
  '(Latest)' => '(最新)',
  '(Override global setting)' => '(變更全域設定)',
  '(chars)' => '(字元)',
  '(disabled)' => '(禁用)',
  '(enabled by default)' => '(預設情況下啟用)',
  '(faster performance)' => '(更快的效能)',
  '(for HTML email processing)' => '(用於 HTML 電子郵件處理)',
  '(for XML API)' => '(XML API用)',
  '(in-use and default template sets cannot be disabled)' => '(無法停用使用中和預設的模板集合)',
  '(in-use)' => '(使用中)',
  '(internal)' => '(內部用)',
  '(optional)' => '(可選)',
  '(publish)' => '(已發布)',
  '(retired)' => '(退休)',
  '(root)' => '(根目錄)',
  '(rows)' => '(行)',
  '(truncated)' => '(已截短)',
  '(type not set)' => '(類型未設定)',
  '-- As Entered --' => '-- 如輸入所示 --',
  '<b>Welcome back %s</b>! You are listed as \'on vacation\' Please let your manager know that you are back.' => '<b>歡迎回來 %s</b>!您已被列為“休假中”,請告知管理者您已回来。',
  '<strong>Disable</strong> new ticket auto-response' => '<strong>停用</strong> 新案件自動回應',
  '<strong>Disable</strong> overdue alerts notices.' => '<strong>停用</strong>近期提醒通知。',
  '<strong>Stop</strong> processing further on match!' => '<strong>停止</strong>繼續比對。',
  'A collaborator' => '一位協同合作者',
  'A confirmation email has been sent' => '已發送確認電子郵件',
  'A one-time notice sent, if enabled, when user has reached the maximum allowed open tickets.' => '啟用此功能發送一次性通知,當使用者達到未完成案件數量的最大允許值。',
  'A page currently in-use CANNOT be disabled!' => '目前網頁適用中、不能被禁用 !',
  'API' => 'API',
  'API Calls' => 'API 呼叫',
  'API Error' => 'API 錯誤',
  'API Key' => 'API 金鑰',
  'API Key is auto-generated. Delete and re-add to change the key.' => '自動產生 API 金鑰。刪除和重新新增以更改金鑰。',
  'API Keys' => 'API 金鑰',
  'API key not authorized' => '未授權的 API 金鑰',
  'API key not found/active or source IP not authorized' => 'API 金鑰 不 Found/Active 或未授權的源 ip 位址',
  'Abbrev' => '縮寫',
  'About this osTicket Installation' => '關於 osTicket 安裝',
  'Accept All Emails' => '接受所有的電子郵件',
  'Accept Email Collaborators' => '接受電子郵件的合作者',
  'Accept email from unknown Users' => '接受未知用戶的電子郵件',
  'Access' => '權限',
  'Access Credentials' => '隱私資料',
  'Access Denied' => '存取被拒',
  'Access Denied. Contact Admin' => '存取拒絕。請聯絡管理員',
  'Access Denied. Contact your help desk administrator to have an account registered for you' => '拒絕存取。請聯絡妳的 help desk 管理者 去幫你註冊一個 帳號 。 ',
  'Access Denied. Possibly invalid ticket ID' => '訪問被拒絕。可能是案件編號有誤',
  'Access denied' => '訪問被拒絕',
  'Access denied. Contact admin if you believe this is in error' => '存取拒絕。如果您確信系統錯誤,請聯絡管理員',
  'Account' => '帳號',
  'Account Access' => '帳號權限',
  'Account Confirmed Page' => '帳號確認頁面',
  'Account Flags' => '帳戶標示',
  'Account Manager' => '客戶經理',
  'Account Registration' => '帳號註冊',
  'Account Type' => '帳戶類型',
  'Account activation email sent to %s' => '帳號啟用電子郵件已發送至 %s',
  'Account confirmation required' => '需要確認帳戶',
  'Account is administratively locked' => '帳號由管理員鎖定',
  'Account is already confirmed' => '帳號已經驗證過了.',
  'Account password reset email sent to %s' => '帳號密碼重置電子郵件已發送至 %s',
  'Action Denied. Ticket is locked by someone else!' => '操作被拒絕。案件已被他人鎖定!',
  'Action Denied. You are not allowed to assign/reassign tickets.' => '操作被拒絕。您未被允許分配或重新分配案件。',
  'Action denied. Contact admin for access' => '存取拒絕。請聯絡管理員獲得權限',
  'Active' => '使用中',
  'Active (Registered)' => '使用中 (註冊)',
  'Add' => '新增',
  'Add "Full Access" permission for the "Everyone" user' => '新增「所有存取」權限給「每位」使用者',
  'Add Collaborator' => '新增協同合作者',
  'Add FAQ' => '新增 FAQ',
  'Add Filter' => '新增篩選器',
  'Add Form' => '新增表單',
  'Add Key' => '新增金鑰',
  'Add List' => '新増清單',
  'Add New' => '新增',
  'Add New API Key' => '新增 API 金鑰',
  'Add New Agent' => '新增專員',
  'Add New Canned Response' => '新增罐頭回覆',
  'Add New Category' => '新增類別',
  'Add New Custom Form' => '新增自動表單',
  'Add New Custom List' => '新増自定義清單',
  'Add New Department' => '新增部門',
  'Add New Email' => '新增電子郵件',
  'Add New Email Address to Ban List' => '新增電子郵件至封鎖列表',
  'Add New FAQ' => '新增常見問題',
  'Add New Filter' => '新增篩選器',
  'Add New Help Topic' => '新增說明主題',
  'Add New Organization' => '新增機構',
  'Add New Page' => '新增頁面',
  'Add New Plugin' => '新增插件',
  'Add New Response' => '新增回覆',
  'Add New Role' => '新增角色',
  'Add New SLA Plan' => '新增SLA計畫',
  'Add New Sequence' => '新增序列',
  'Add New Team' => '新增團隊',
  'Add New Template' => '新增模板',
  'Add New Template Set' => '新增範本',
  'Add New User' => '增加新的使用者',
  'Add Organization' => '新增機構',
  'Add Page' => '新增頁面',
  'Add Plan' => '新增計畫',
  'Add Response' => '新增回覆',
  'Add Template' => '新增模板',
  'Add Topic' => '新增主題',
  'Add User' => '新增使用者',
  'Add a Language' => '新增語言',
  'Add a form' => '新增一個表單',
  'Add a separate field for the extension' => '增加分機獨立欄位',
  'Add new custom form section' => '新增自訂表单部分',
  'Add to Organization' => '新增至組織',
  'Add to all tickets from this organization' => '新增至此組織所有案件',
  'Additional File Type Filters' => '其他文件類別篩選',
  'Addressee (To and Cc)' => '收件者 (到和 Cc)',
  'Admin' => '管理員',
  'Admin Dashboard' => '管理員資訊總覽',
  'Admin Email' => '管理員電子郵件',
  'Admin Notes' => '管理員筆記',
  'Admin Panel' => '管理員版面',
  'Admin User' => '管理者帳號',
  'Admin\'s Email Address' => '管理者電子郵件地址',
  'Admin\'s first name' => '管理者名字',
  'Admin\'s last name' => '管理者姓氏',
  'Admin\'s login name. Must be at least three (3) characters.' => '管理員登入名稱。必須包括至少 3 個字元。',
  'Admin\'s personal email address. Must be different from system\'s default email.' => '管理員個人電子郵件地址。必須和系统預設電子郵件地址不同。',
  'Administratively Locked' => '管理者已鎖定',
  'Advanced' => '進階選項',
  'Advanced Search' => '進階搜尋',
  'Advanced Ticket Search' => '進階案件搜尋',
  'After %d month' . "\0" . 'After %d months' => '在%d幾個月後',
  'Agent' => '專員',
  'Agent Assigned' => '專員已分配',
  'Agent Dashboard' => '專員資訊總覽',
  'Agent Directory' => '專員通訊錄',
  'Agent Excessive Logins' => '專員登入上限',
  'Agent Identity Masking' => '專員身份隱藏',
  'Agent Login' => '專員登入',
  'Agent Maximum File Size' => '專員最大檔案大小',
  'Agent Panel' => '專員界面',
  'Agent Password Reset' => '專員密碼重設',
  'Agent Session Timeout' => '專員Session Timeout',
  'Agent Welcome Email' => '專員歡迎電子郵件',
  'Agent assigning the ticket' => '專員分配案件',
  'Agent logout' => '專員登出',
  'Agent\'s ticket view link' => '員工的案件連結',
  'Agents' => '專員',
  'Agents (%d)' => '專員 (%d)',
  'Alert' => '提醒',
  'Alert sent out to Agents when internal activity such as an internal note or an agent reply is appended to a ticket.' => '通知專員關於案件內部活動,如內部備註或有其他專員回覆。',
  'Alert sent to agents on stale or overdue tickets.' => '通知專員案件即將過期或過期',
  'Alert sent to agents on ticket assignment.' => '通知專員案件分配。',
  'Alert sent to agents on ticket transfer.' => '通知專員案件移轉。',
  'Alert sent to agents, if enabled, on new ticket.' => '啟用此功能通知專員新案件。',
  'Alert sent to agents, if enabled, when user replies to an existing ticket.' => '啟用此功能通知專員,使用者回覆至案件。',
  'Alerts and Notices' => '警報和通知',
  'All' => '所有',
  'All Categories' => '所有類別',
  'All Departments' => '所有部門',
  'All Help Topics' => '所有的說明主題',
  'All Teams' => '所有團隊',
  'All Tickets' => '所有案件',
  'All logs' => '所有日誌',
  'Allow Future Dates' => '允許未來的日期',
  'Allow HTML input in this box' => '允許此方格輸入 HTML',
  'Allow Password Resets' => '允許密碼重設',
  'Allow Reopen' => '允許重新打開',
  'Allow entries into the future' => '允許未來的條目',
  'Allow multiple selections' => '允許多重選取',
  'Allow tickets on this status to be reopened by end users' => '允許終端用戶重新開啟此狀態的案件',
  'Alphabetical' => '按字母順序排列',
  'Alphabetical (Reversed)' => '按字母反向順序排列',
  'Alphabetically' => '按字母順序',
  'Already in use system email' => '已為系統電子郵件',
  'Already in-use as system email' => '已做為系統電子郵件',
  'An access link will be emailed to you.' => '我們將會把鏈結以電郵方式發給你。',
  'Answer' => '回答',
  'Answered' => '已回覆',
  'Any' => '任何',
  'Append' => '追加',
  'Applications' => '應用程式',
  'Applied cleanup script %s' => '使用清除指令碼 %s',
  'Apply' => '申請',
  'Applying updates to database stream: %s' => '應用更新至資料庫流:%s',
  'Archive' => '封存',
  'Archived' => '已封存',
  'Are you sure you want to <b>REMOVE</b> %1$s from <strong>%2$s</strong>?' => '你確定要 <b>刪除</b> %1$s 從 <strong>%2$s</strong>?',
  'Are you sure you want to <b>ban</b> %s?' => '你確定你要<b>禁止</b> %s?',
  'Are you sure you want to <b>change</b> ticket owner to %s?' => '你確定你要 <b>更改</b> %s 為案件持有者?',
  'Are you sure you want to <b>disable</b> %s?' => '你確定要<b>關閉</b>%s?',
  'Are you sure you want to <b>disable</b> (lock) %s?' => '您是否確定要<b>停用</b>(鎖定)%s?',
  'Are you sure you want to <b>enable</b> %s?' => '你確定要<b>啟用</b>%s?',
  'Are you sure you want to <b>enable</b> (unlock) %s?' => '您是否確定要<b>啟用</b>(解鎖)%s?',
  'Are you sure you want to <b>remove</b> %s from ban list?' => '你確定要從黑名單 <b>刪除</b> %s ?',
  'Are you sure you want to <b>unassign</b> ticket from <b>%s</b>?' => '你確定你要從<b>%s</b><b>取消分配</b> ?',
  'Are you sure you want to DELETE %s?' => '是否確實要刪除 %s?',
  'Are you sure you want to change the user\'s organization?' => '你確定你要更換使用者組織?',
  'Are you sure you want to flag the ticket as <b>answered</b>?' => '你確定要將此案件標示為 <b>已回覆</b>?',
  'Are you sure you want to flag the ticket as <b>unanswered</b>?' => '你確定要將此案件標示為 <b>未回覆</b>?',
  'Are you sure you want to flag the ticket as <font color="red"><b>overdue</b></font>?' => '你確定要將此案件標示為<font color="red"><b>遇期</b></font>?',
  'Are you sure you want to leave? Any changes or info you\'ve entered will be discarded!' => '您確定要離開嗎?您輸入的所有更改或訊息都將遺失!',
  'Are you sure you want to make %s <b>private</b> (internal)?' => '您是否確定要更改 %s 為<b>私人</b>(內部)?',
  'Are you sure you want to make %s <b>public</b>?' => '您是否確定要更改 %s 為<b>公眾</b>?',
  'Are you sure you want to remove this attachment?' => '您是否確定要刪除此附件?',
  'Are you sure you want to send a <b>Password Reset Link</b> to <em> %s </em>?' => '您確定要寄送<b>密碼重置連結</b>至<em>%s</em>?',
  'Are you sure you want to send an <b>Account Activation Link</b> to <em> %s </em>?' => '您確定要寄送<b>帳戶啟用連結</b>至<em>%s</em>?',
  'Assign' => '分配',
  'Assign To' => '分配給',
  'Assign tickets from this organization to the <em>Account Manager</em>' => '分配此組織的案件給<em>客戶經理</em>',
  'Assign/transfer comments' => '分配/轉讓 評論',
  'Assigned' => '已分配',
  'Assigned Agent / Team' => '分配 專員/團隊',
  'Assigned Teams' => '分配團隊',
  'Assigned To' => '分配給',
  'Assigned/closing agent' => '分配/結案專員',
  'Assigned/closing team' => '分配/結案群組',
  'Assignee' => '負責人員',
  'Assignment Alert' => '分配警報',
  'Attachment Count' => '附件計數',
  'Attachments' => '附件',
  'Attachments (%d)' => '附件(%d)',
  'Attachments Storage and Settings' => '附件儲存與設定',
  'Attempts' => '嘗試',
  'Auth. token used for auto-login' => '使用自動登入驗證',
  'Authentication' => '身份驗證',
  'Authentication Backend' => '身份驗證後端',
  'Authentication Required' => '需要身份驗證',
  'Authentication Sources' => '身份驗證',
  'Author' => '作者',
  'Auto Add Members From' => '自動新增成員從',
  'Auto Cron' => '自動計畫任務',
  'Auto Detect' => '自動偵測',
  'Auto Refresh Rate' => '自動更新頻率',
  'Auto-Assignment' => '自動分配',
  'Auto-Response' => '自動回應',
  'Auto-Response Email' => '自動回覆郵件',
  'Auto-assign To' => '自動分配',
  'Automated Collaboration' => '自動合作',
  'Automatically add collaborators from email fields' => '自動從電子郵件欄位新增協同合作者',
  'Autoresponder' => '自動回復',
  'Autoresponder Settings' => '自動回復設置',
  'Autoresponse sent to user, if enabled, on new ticket.' => '啟用此功能,新案件將發送自動回覆至使用者',
  'Avatar' => '頭像',
  'Back To Index' => '返回索引',
  'Back up the current database if you haven\'t done so already.' => '如果還沒備份,請備份目前的資料庫。',
  'Backtrace' => '回溯',
  'Bad data. Expected: %s' => '壞資料。預期:%s',
  'Bad prefix. Must have underscore (_) at the end. e.g \'ost_\'' => '不好的前缀。必須在末尾寫上下劃線 (_)。例如,“ost_”',
  'Bad username' => '不好的使用者名稱',
  'Ban Email <%s>' => '禁止電子郵件 <%s>',
  'Ban New Email' => '新增黑名單',
  'Ban Status' => '停用狀態',
  'Banlist' => '黑名單',
  'Banned Email Addresses' => '被禁止的電子郵件地址',
  'Banned Emails' => '被禁止的電子郵件',
  'Base Variables' => '基礎變量',
  'Basic Fields' => '基本欄位',
  'Basic Information' => '基本資訊',
  'Basic Installation Completed' => '基本安裝已完成',
  'Be patient. The upgrade process will take a couple of seconds.' => '保持耐心。升級過程將持續一段時間。',
  'Before we begin, we\'ll check your server configuration to make sure you meet the minimum requirements to run the latest version of osTicket.' => '開始前,我們會檢查您伺服器的設置以確保您滿足運行最新版 osTicket 的最低要求。',
  'Below is a summary of the database patches to be applied.' => '以下是應用於資料庫補丁的摘要',
  'Below, you\'ll find some useful links regarding your installation.' => '请參考以下安裝相關的連結。',
  'Between' => '之間',
  'Bind Agent Session to IP' => '將專員IP榜定Session',
  'Bro, not sure how you got here!' => '朋友,不確定你怎麼到這兒!',
  'Built' => '建置',
  'Built-in Forms' => '內建自訂表單',
  'CAPTCHA Text' => 'CAPTCHA 文字',
  'CLI' => 'CLI',
  'Can Create Tickets <em>(XML/JSON/EMAIL)</em>' => '可以新建票類<em>(XML/JSON/EMAIL)</em>',
  'Can Execute Cron' => '可以執行 Cron',
  'Cancel' => '取消',
  'Cancel Changes' => '取消更改',
  'Canned Attachments' => '罐頭應答的附件',
  'Canned Auto-reply sent to user on new ticket, based on filter matches. Overwrites "normal" auto-response.' => '根據新案件篩選配對,自動回覆罐頭訊息給使用者。覆蓋「一般」的自動回覆。',
  'Canned Response' => '罐頭應答',
  'Canned Responses' => '罐頭式應答',
  'Canned response is in use by email filter(s)' => '罐頭應答是用於在過濾電子信件上',
  'Canned response settings' => '罐頭應答設定',
  'Cannot compile this regular expression' => '此正規式無法編譯',
  'Categories' => '類別',
  'Category Description' => '類別說明',
  'Category Listing' => '類別明細',
  'Category Name' => '類別名稱',
  'Category Type' => '類別狀態',
  'Category already exists' => '類別已存在',
  'Category description is required' => '請輸入類別描述',
  'Category does not have FAQs' => '類別沒有FAQs',
  'Category is required' => '請輸入類別',
  'Category name is required' => '請輸入類別',
  'Change' => '更改',
  'Change Owner' => '更改持有者',
  'Change Password' => '變更密碼',
  'Change Primary Department' => '變更主要部門',
  'Change Status' => '更改狀態',
  'Change Tickets Ownership' => '更改案件所有權',
  'Change User' => '更改使用者',
  'Change permission of ost-config.php to remove write access as shown below.' => '如下所示,更改 ost-config.php 權限以移除寫入存取。',
  'Change user for ticket #%s' => '變更案件使用者 #%s',
  'Check Ticket Status' => '案件狀態查詢',
  'Check applicable API services enabled for the key.' => '請檢查啟用 API 服務鍵。',
  'Check one or more' => '檢查一個或多個',
  'Checkbox' => '選取方塊',
  'Choices' => '選擇',
  'Choose maximum size of a single file uploaded to this field' => '選擇單一上傳檔案最大值',
  'Claim' => '認領',
  'Claim on Response' => '認領案件',
  'Cleaning up!...' => '正在清理中!……',
  'Click on the category to browse FAQs or manage its existing FAQs.' => '按一下類別流覽常見FAQs或管理其現有的FAQs。',
  'Click on the category to browse FAQs.' => '點選想閱覽的常見問題解答類別。',
  'Click on the file, select change permission, and then giving all permissions to the file.' => '點擊文件,選擇更改權限,然後給予文件所有權限。',
  'Click on the file, select change permission, and then remove write access.' => '點擊文件,選擇更改權限,然後移除寫入存取。',
  'Click on the title to edit.' => '按一下編輯標題',
  'Click to create a new note' => '點一下即可建立新的備註',
  'Clicking <strong>Save Changes</strong> will permanently delete data associated with the deleted forms' => '按一下 <strong>儲存</strong> 將永久刪除與此表單關聯的資料',
  'Client' => '用戶端',
  'Client Quick Access' => '使用端快速存取',
  'Client interface is disabled and ONLY admins can access staff control panel.' => '用戶端介面被禁用,只有管理員可以存取控制面板的工作人員。',
  'Close' => '已結案',
  'Close Date' => '關閉日期',
  'Closed' => '已關閉',
  'Closed By' => '結案人',
  'Closed Tickets' => '已結案案件',
  'Collaborators' => 'CC',
  'Collaborators (%d)' => '協同合作者 (%d)',
  'Commercial Support Available' => '可提供商業支援',
  'Company' => '公司',
  'Company Information' => '公司資訊',
  'Company Profile' => '公司資訊',
  'Complete the form below to add a new organization.' => '完成以下表單即可新增機構',
  'Complete the form below to create a user account for <b>%s</b>.' => '填寫以下表單以建立 <b>%s</b> 使用者帳戶',
  'Config' => '設定',
  'Config file permission' => '配置文件權限',
  'Config file rename required to continue!' => '需要重新命名文件以繼續!',
  'Configuration file does NOT exist. Follow steps below to add one.' => '配置文件不存在。遵循以下步驟以添加一個文件。',
  'Configuration file is not writable' => '配置文件不可寫入',
  'Configuration file missing!' => '配置文件遺失!',
  'Configuration file rename required!' => '設定檔案需要重新命名!',
  'Configuration for deleted plugins CANNOT be recovered.' => '無法恢復删除的插件配置。',
  'Confirm New Password' => '確認新密碼',
  'Confirm Password' => '確認密碼',
  'Confirmation sent to user when a new message is appended to an existing ticket.' => '當案件有新訊息時,發送確認訊息給使用者。',
  'Conflicts with system email above' => '為上述系统電子郵件衝突',
  'Congratulations!' => '恭喜!',
  'Congratulations! osTicket upgrade has been completed successfully.' => '恭喜!osTicket 升級已成功完成。',
  'Contact Us' => '聯絡我們',
  'Contact admin for such access' => '請聯絡管理員取得權限',
  'Contains' => '包含',
  'Content' => '內容',
  'Continue' => '繼續',
  'Copy Paste' => '複製 貼上',
  'Copyright' => '版權所有',
  'Correct any errors below and try again.' => '修正錯誤之後請再嘗試。',
  'Could not find or read this file' => '無法找到或讀取此文件',
  'Cowardly refusing to remove or lock out the only active administrator' => '膽小地拒絕刪除或鎖定唯一有效的管理員',
  'Cpanel' => 'Cpanel',
  'Create' => '新增',
  'Create Account' => '建立帳戶',
  'Create Date' => '創建日期',
  'Create Dept' => '新增部門',
  'Create New Organization' => '新增機構',
  'Create New Ticket' => '新增案件',
  'Create New User' => '新增使用者',
  'Create Team' => '建立團隊',
  'Create Ticket' => '建立案件',
  'Create a Password' => '建立密碼',
  'Create an account' => '註冊新帳號',
  'Created' => '建立日期',
  'Created On' => '建立於',
  'Cron Job' => 'Cron 作業',
  'Cron job executed' => 'Cron 作業執行',
  'Current Password' => '目前密碼',
  'Current Status' => '目前狀態',
  'Current password is required' => '密碼為必要欄位',
  'Current ticket status (%s) does not allow the end user to reply.' => '目前案件狀態 (%s) 不允許終端使用者回覆',
  'Currently selected user' => '目前選擇的使用者',
  'Custom' => '自訂',
  'Custom (Regular Expression)' => '自訂 (正規式語法)',
  'Custom Forms' => '自動表單',
  'Custom Lists' => '自訂清單',
  'Custom lists are used to provide drop-down lists for custom forms.' => '使用自訂列表以提供自訂表單下拉列表。',
  'Customer Support System' => '客戶支援系統',
  'DEBUG' => '除錯',
  'Daily' => '每日',
  'Dashboard' => '主頁',
  'Database Information and Usage' => '資料庫訊息和使用狀況',
  'Database Settings' => '資料庫設定',
  'Database connection information' => '資料庫連接訊息',
  'Database doesn\'t exist' => '資料庫不存在',
  'Database name required' => '需要資料庫名稱',
  'Date' => '日期',
  'Date Added' => '新增日期',
  'Date Closed' => '結束日期',
  'Date Created' => '建立日期',
  'Date Format' => '日期格式',
  'Date Installed' => '安裝日期',
  'Date and Time' => '日期和時間',
  'Date and Time Format' => '日期和時間格式',
  'Date and Time Options' => '日期和時間',
  'Date created' => '建立日期',
  'Date format is required' => '請輸入日期格式',
  'Datetime format is required' => '請輸入日期時間格式',
  'Day, Date and Time Format' => '一天,日期和時間格式',
  'Day, Datetime format is required' => '請輸入 日、日期 時間格式',
  'Debug logs' => '除錯日誌',
  'Default' => '預設值',
  'Default Alert Email' => '預設通知電子郵件',
  'Default Department' => '預設部門',
  'Default Department is required' => '請選擇預設部門',
  'Default Email' => '預設電子郵件',
  'Default Help Topic' => '預設的說明主題',
  'Default Locale' => '預設語言',
  'Default Log Level' => '預設的日誌等級',
  'Default MTA' => '預設 MTA',
  'Default Page Size' => '預設頁面大小',
  'Default Paper Size' => '預設紙張大小',
  'Default Priority' => '預設優先順序',
  'Default SLA' => '預設服務層級協議(SLA)',
  'Default Signature' => '預設簽名',
  'Default Status' => '預設狀態',
  'Default System Email' => '系統的預設電子郵件',
  'Default Template Set' => '預設的模板',
  'Default Thank-You Page' => '預設值 感謝你的頁面',
  'Default Ticket Number Format' => '預設案件編號格式',
  'Default Ticket Number Sequence' => '預設案件順序',
  'Default Time Zone' => '預設時區',
  'Default Timezone is required' => '請輸入時區',
  'Default email address e.g support@yourcompany.com - you can add more later!' => '預設的電子郵件地址、如:support@yourcompany.com  之後您還可以增加更多!',
  'Default email is required' => '預設信箱為必要欄位',
  'Default email only applies to outgoing emails without SMTP setting.' => '預設電子郵件僅適用於無需 SMTP 設置的發送電子郵件。',
  'Default help topic must be set to active' => '預設說明主題需要被設定為使用中',
  'Default selection for this field' => '該欄位預設選項',
  'Definition' => '定義',
  'Delete' => '刪除',
  'Delete %1$s %2$s %3$s and any associated attachments and data.' => '刪除 %1$s %2$s %3$s 和相關的附件及資料。',
  'Delete %s' => '刪除 %s',
  'Delete Category' => '刪除類別',
  'Delete Draft' => '刪除草案',
  'Delete FAQ' => '刪除',
  'Delete Organization' => '刪除機構',
  'Delete Selected Entries' => '刪除選定的日誌',
  'Delete Ticket' => '刪除案件',
  'Delete User' => '刪除使用者',
  'Delete emails' => '刪除電子郵件',
  'Deleted' => '已刪除',
  'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered, including any associated FAQs.' => '無法恢復已刪除的資料,包括任何相關聯的FAQs。',
  'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered, including any associated attachments.' => '無法恢復已刪除的資料,包括案件相關的附件。',
  'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered, including any associated rules.' => '無法恢復已刪除的資料,包括任何相關聯的規則。',
  'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered.' => '無法恢復已刪除的資料。',
  'Deleted organization CANNOT be recovered' => '刪除組織無法復原',
  'Deleted tickets CANNOT be recovered, including any associated attachments.' => '刪除案件後,包含所相關的附件都會無法回復。',
  'Deleted users and tickets CANNOT be recovered' => '刪除使用者和案件將無法復原',
  'Department' => '部門',
  'Department Email' => '部門電子郵件',
  'Department Information' => '部門訊息',
  'Department Manager' => '部門經理',
  'Department Members' => '部門成員',
  'Department Name (%s)' => '部門名稱 (%s)',
  'Department Signature' => '部門簽章',
  'Department Signature (%s)' => '部門簽名 (%s)',
  'Department already exists' => '部門已經存在',
  'Department is required' => '需要設定部門',
  'Department members only' => '僅限群組成員',
  'Department selection is required' => '必要選擇部門',
  'Department\'s Default' => '該部門的預設值',
  'Departments' => '部門',
  'Departments with agents can not be deleted. Move the agents first.' => '無法刪除內含專員的部門,請先移動專員。',
  'Description' => '說明',
  'Diagnostic' => '測試',
  'Disable' => '停用',
  'Disabled' => '停用',
  'Disabled — All users are guests' => '禁用—所有人都是訪客',
  'Disabling knowledge base disables clients\' interface.' => '停用知識庫會停用用戶端知識庫介面。',
  'Dispatcher compile error. Function not callable' => '調度程式編譯錯誤。通話功能無效',
  'Display format' => '顯示格式',
  'Do Not Email Reply' => '請勿電子郵件回覆',
  'Does Not Contain' => '不包含',
  'Does Not Match Regex' => '不符合運算',
  'Doing stuff!' => '正在做事情!',
  'Don\'t just make customers happy, make happy customers!' => '不只是迎合客戶,我們瞭解客戶所需,讓客戶全心滿意!',
  'Don\'t let technical problems impact your osTicket implementation. Get guidance and hands-on expertise to address unique challenges and make sure your osTicket runs smoothly, efficiently, and securely.' => '不要讓技術問題影響您的 osTicket 使用體驗。取得指導和實作經驗的專家協助解決特殊挑戰,並確保您的 osTicket 運行順暢、效率和安全。%1$s 瞭解更多!%2$s',
  'Don\'t worry! We\'ll remind you to take away the write access post-install' => '別擔心!我們將提請您撤銷安裝後寫入權限',
  'Done? Continue' => '是否完成? 繼續',
  'Download' => '下載',
  'Draft body not found in request' => '沒有找到草稿內容',
  'Drop Down' => '下拉選單',
  'Drop files here or %s choose them %s' => '拖曳文件至此處或 %s 選擇 %s',
  'Due Date' => '截止日期',
  'Due date can NOT be set on a closed ticket' => '無法設定已關閉案件的截止日期',
  'Due date must be in the future' => '截止日期必須為未來時間',
  'Due date overrides SLA\'s grace period.' => '截止日期覆蓋 SLA 寬限期。',
  'Dynamic Fields' => '動態欄位',
  'ERROR' => '錯誤',
  'Earliest' => '最早',
  'Earliest date selectable' => '最早可選日期',
  'Edit' => '編輯',
  'Edit Category' => '編輯類別',
  'Edit FAQ' => '編輯',
  'Editing Ticket #%s' => '編輯案件 #%s',
  'Email %s added to banlist' => '電子郵件 %s 已加入黑名單',
  'Email (%s)' => '電子郵件(%s)',
  'Email Access Link' => '電子郵件聯結',
  'Email Address' => '電子信箱',
  'Email Addresses' => '電子郵件地址',
  'Email Diagnostic' => '電子郵件測試',
  'Email Fetching' => '電子郵件提取',
  'Email Information and Settings' => '電子郵件資訊和設定',
  'Email Meta-Data' => '電子郵件中繼資料',
  'Email Name' => '電子郵件名稱',
  'Email Settings' => '電子郵件設定',
  'Email Settings and Options' => '電子郵件設定和選項',
  'Email Subject and Body' => '電子郵件主旨和內文',
  'Email Template Set' => '電子郵件模板',
  'Email Template Sets' => '電子郵件範本',
  'Email Templates' => '電子郵件範本',
  'Email address added to ban list successfully' => '電子郵件地址已成功添加至封鎖列表',
  'Email already exists' => '已存在的電子郵件地址',
  'Email already in banlist' => '電子郵件已列入黑名單',
  'Email already in the ban list' => '電子郵件已列入封鎖列表',
  'Email already in use by another agent' => '已有其他的專員使用此電子郵件',
  'Email already registered. Would you like to %1$s sign in %2$s?' => '電子信箱已被註冊,請問您要%1$s 登入 %2$s?嗎 ?',
  'Email already setup as system email' => '電子信件已設定為系統電子郵件。',
  'Email already used as admin email!' => '這個信箱已被管理元使用',
  'Email attachments to the user' => '電子郵件通知一同附帶案件回覆附件',
  'Email in use by an agent' => '這個信箱已被專員使用',
  'Email is assigned to another user' => '電子郵件已指定給另一使用者',
  'Email is in banlist! Must be removed before any reply/response' => '電子郵件在黑名單!回覆前必須從黑名單中移除',
  'Email is in banlist. Must be removed to reply.' => '電子郵件在黑名單!必須從黑名單中移除以回覆。',
  'Email is not in the banlist' => '電子郵件不在黑名單中',
  'Email loop detected' => '偵測到電子郵件迴圈',
  'Email name required' => '需要電子郵件名稱',
  'Email or Username' => '電子信箱或帳號',
  'Email removed from banlist' => '電子郵件從黑名單中移出',
  'Email templates must define both "subject" and "body" parts of the template' => '電子郵件模板必須定義 "標題" 和 "內文" 部分',
  'Emailed Tickets Priority' => '電子郵件發送Tickets的優先順序',
  'Emails' => '電子郵件',
  'Emails Per Fetch' => '每讀取電子郵件次數',
  'Enable' => '啟用',
  'Enable Attachments' => '啟用附件',
  'Enable CAPTCHA on new web tickets.' => '啟用CAPTCHA驗證',
  'Enable Canned Responses' => '啟用罐頭回覆',
  'Enable Knowledge Base' => '啟用知識庫',
  'Enabled' => '啟用',
  'EndUser email address is not valid! Consider updating it before responding' => '終端使用者電子郵件不合法!建議回覆前更正',
  'Ends With' => '以結束',
  'Enter a number' => '輸入編號',
  'Enter a phone number for the extension' => '請輸入電話的分機號碼',
  'Enter a valid IP address' => '請輸入正確的IP地址',
  'Enter a valid date' => '輸入有效日期',
  'Enter a valid email address' => '輸入有效的電子郵件地址',
  'Enter a valid email domain, like domain.com' => '輸入有效的電子郵件網域,類似 domain.com',
  'Enter a valid phone extension' => '請輸入正確的分機號碼',
  'Enter a valid phone number' => '請輸入正確的電話號碼',
  'Enter lock time in minutes' => '輸入鎖定時間',
  'Enter one name and email address per line.' => '每行輸入一個姓名和電子郵件地址。',
  'Enter text shown on the image' => '請輸入圖片中的文字',
  'Enter the text shown on the image.' => '輸入圖片中顯示的文字。',
  'Enter valid numeric value' => '請輸入有效的數字',
  'Enter your username or email address again in the form below and press the <strong>Login</strong> to access your account and reset your password.' => '在下方表單再次輸入您的使用者名稱或電子郵件地址,並按下<strong>登入</strong>進入您的帳戶和重置密碼。',
  'Enter your username or email address below' => '請於下方輸入您的使用者名稱或電子信箱地址',
  'Enter your username or email address in the form below and press the <strong>Send Email</strong> button to have a password reset link sent to your email account on file.' => '在以下欄位中再次輸入您的使用者名稱和電子郵件地址,並按下<strong>發送電子郵件</strong>按鈕以產生密碼重置連結,並發送至存檔的電子郵件帳戶。',
  'Entered date span is invalid. Selection ignored.' => '輸入的日期範圍無效。選擇已忽略。',
  'Equal' => '等於',
  'Error' => '錯誤',
  'Error accessing SQL file %s' => 'Error accessing SQL file %s',
  'Error occurred.  Aborting...' => '出現錯誤,正在中止中……',
  'Error parsing SQL schema' => 'Error parsing SQL schema',
  'Error updating ticket status' => '錯誤 更新案件狀態',
  'Errors' => '錯誤',
  'Errors configuring your profile. See messages below' => '無法修改您的資料。請查閱以下訊息',
  'Every minute' . "\0" . 'Every %d minutes' => '每 %d 分鐘',
  'Excessive failed login attempts' => '過多失敗的登入嘗試',
  'Excessive login attempts (%s)' => '過度的嘗試登入 (%s)',
  'Excessive login attempts (user)' => '過度的登入嘗試 (用戶端)',
  'Excessive login attempts by a user.' => '過度的登入嘗試的用戶端。',
  'Excessive login attempts by an agent?' => '超過的次數是代理商執行的嗎?',
  'Execution Order' => '執行順序',
  'Expandable Variables' => '可擴充之變數',
  'Export' => '匯出',
  'Ext' => '分機號碼',
  'Extension' => '副檔名',
  'F. Last' => '名子 姓氏',
  'FAQ' => 'FAQ',
  'FAQ Categories' => '常見問題(FAQs)目錄',
  'FAQ answer is required' => '常見問題需要有解答',
  'FAQ article' => '常見問題文章',
  'FAQ category' => '常見問題類別',
  'FAQ category the question belongs to.' => 'FAQ 分類這問題是屬於。',
  'FAQs' => '常見問題',
  'FTP' => 'FTP',
  'Failed agent login attempt (%s)' => '專員嘗試登入%s次',
  'Failed login attempt (user)' => '失敗的登入嘗試 (用戶端)',
  'Fetch Frequency' => '讀取頻率',
  'Fetch interval required' => '需要取得間隔',
  'Fetch on auto-cron' => 'Fetch on auto-cron',
  'Fetched Emails' => '讀取電子郵件',
  'Fewest digits allowed in a valid phone number' => '有效電話號碼最少數字',
  'Field Configuration' => '欄位設定',
  'Field has validation errors' => '字段出現驗證錯誤',
  'Field variable name is not unique' => '字段變量名稱不是唯一的',
  'Fields' => '欄位',
  'File Import Error' => '文件匯入錯誤',
  'File Upload' => '檔案上傳',
  'File Upload Error' => '文件上傳錯誤',
  'File is too large' => '檔案過大',
  'File size is too large' => '檔檔案太大',
  'File type is not allowed' => '檔案格式限制',
  'Filter' => '篩選',
  'Filter Actions' => '篩選器操作',
  'Filter Name' => '篩選器名稱',
  'Filter Rules' => '篩選器規則',
  'Filter Status' => '篩選狀態',
  'Filters are executed based on execution order. Filter can target specific ticket source.' => '根據執行順序執行篩選。篩選可針對特定案件來源。',
  'First' => '名字',
  'First L.' => '名子 姓氏',
  'First Last' => '姓名',
  'First M. Last' => '名子 中間名 姓名',
  'First Name' => '名',
  'First name is required' => '需要名字',
  'First name required' => '需要名字',
  'For EndUsers Only' => '只給終端使用者',
  'For complete and upto date guide see %1$s osTicket wiki %2$s' => '要取得完整和最新的指南,參見 %1$s osTicket wiki %2$s',
  'For details - please view %s or check your email.' => '若需詳細資訊,請檢視 %s 或檢查您的電子郵件。',
  'Forgot My Password' => '忘記我的密碼',
  'Forgot your login info? Contact Admin.' => '忘記您的登入資料?請聯絡管理員。',
  'Form Fields' => '表單欄位',
  'Format' => '格式',
  'Forms' => '表單',
  'Forms are used to allow for collection of custom data' => '表单被用來允許收集自定數據',
  'Free text shown in the form, such as a disclaimer' => '表單中顯示的自由文字,如免責聲明',
  'Frequently Asked Questions' => '常見問題',
  'Friday' => '星期五',
  'From' => '從',
  'From Email' => '電子信箱發送者',
  'Full Name' => '全名',
  'General Settings' => '主要設定',
  'Get Professional Help' => '取得專業協助',
  'Getting ready!' => '準備就緒!',
  'Global setting - can be disabled at department or email level.' => '全域設置-可以在部門或電子郵件的級別停用。',
  'Go!' => '開始',
  'Good luck.' => '祝您好運。',
  'Grace Period' => '寬限期',
  'Grace Period (hrs)' => '寬限期內 (小時)',
  'Grace period required' => '需要寬限期',
  'Guest' => '訪客',
  'Guest Ticket Access' => '訪客案件查詢',
  'Guest User' => '訪客',
  'HTML' => 'HTML',
  'Have an account with us?' => '已有帳號?',
  'Header Spoofing' => '標題欺騙',
  'Height' => '高度',
  'Help Text' => '說明文字',
  'Help Topic' => '說明主題',
  'Help Topic Information' => '說明主題的資訊',
  'Help Topics' => '說明主題',
  'Help text shown with the field' => '說明文字與欄位一同顯示',
  'Help topic' => '說明主題',
  'Help topic name is required' => '說明主題的名稱是必要的',
  'Help topic selection is required' => '選擇說明主題是必須的',
  'Helpdesk Name' => '客服中心名稱',
  'Helpdesk Name/Title' => '客服中心名稱',
  'Helpdesk Status' => '客服中心 狀態',
  'Helpdesk URL' => '客服中心 URL',
  'Helpdesk URL is required' => '請輸入支援系統連結',
  'Helpdesk software - powered by osTicket' => '支援案件系統 由 osTicket 提供',
  'Helpdesk title is required' => '請輸入支援系統名稱',
  'Hide agent\'s name on responses.' => '回覆時隱藏專員姓名',
  'Highly recommended for non western european language content' => '推薦對於使用非西方歐洲語言內容',
  'Highly recommended for plugins and language packs' => '推薦對於使用外掛與語言包',
  'Host name required' => '需要主機名稱',
  'Hostname' => '主機名稱',
  'Human Verification' => '自然人辨識',
  'I\'d like to receive the following notifications' => '我想要接手以下通知',
  'I\'m an agent' => '我是專員',
  'IP' => 'IP',
  'IP Address' => 'IP 位址',
  'If sample config file is missing - please make sure you uploaded all files in \'upload\' folder or refer to the %1$s Installation Guide %2$s' => '如果範例配置文件遺失,请確保上傳“上傳”文件夾中的所有文件或參考%1$s安裝指南%2$s。',
  'If this is your first time contacting us or you\'ve lost the ticket number, please %s open a new ticket %s' => '如果這是你第一次與我們聯絡,或你已經失去了案件編號,請%s建立新的案件%s',
  'If you are looking for a greater level of support, we provide <u>professional installation services</u> and commercial support with guaranteed response times, and access to the core development team. We can also help customize osTicket or even add new features to the system to meet your unique needs.' => '如果您需要更高階的支援,我們提供<u>專業安裝服務</u>和保證回覆時間的商業支援,以及接觸核心開發團隊。我們還可以協助客製化 osTicket 系統,甚至開發新功能以滿足您的獨特需求。',
  'If you believe this is in error, please try replacing the config file with a unchanged template copy and try again or get technical help.' => '如果您確定是設定出錯,請更換未修改過的設定範本再次嘗試一次或是尋求技術支援。',
  'If you experience any problems, you can always restore your files/database backup.' => '如果遇到任何問題,您可以還原文件/資料庫備份。',
  'Image is too square. Upload a wider image' => '照片太方,請上傳較寬的照片',
  'Import' => '匯入',
  'Import Items' => '匯入項目',
  'Import Remote User' => '匯入遠端使用者',
  'Import Users' => '匯入使用者',
  'Import a CSV File' => '匯入 CSV 文件',
  'Improves performance creating and processing JSON' => '提高性能創建和處理 JSON',
  'In order to upgrade to this version of osTicket, a database migration is required. This upgrader will automatically apply the database patches shipped with osTicket since your last upgrade.' => '為了升級至此 osTicket 版本,資料庫轉移是必須的。此升級程式會自動採用自上次升級後的資料庫補丁。',
  'In-Use' => '使用中',
  'In-use template set cannot be disabled!' => '無法禁用使用中的模板設置!',
  'Incoming Emails' => '接收電子郵件',
  'Incoming message' => '收到的新訊息',
  'Incomplete client information' => '用戶資訊不完整',
  'Incomplete selection' => '未完成的選項',
  'Increment' => '增加',
  'Indicate ticket source' => '顯示案件來源',
  'Indicate what to do with fetched emails' => '指示讀取什麼電子郵件',
  'Information' => '資訊',
  'Initial response for the ticket' => '案件初始回覆',
  'Install' => '安裝',
  'Install Now' => '立即安裝',
  'Install a new plugin' => '安裝新外掛',
  'Installation Guide' => '安裝手冊',
  'Installed Language Packs' => '已安裝的語言包',
  'Installing osTicket %s' => '正在安裝 osTicket %s',
  'Instructions' => '說明',
  'Internal' => '內部',
  'Internal Activity Alert' => '內部活動提醒',
  'Internal Note' => '內部備註',
  'Internal Notes' => '內部備註',
  'Internal error occurred' => '發生內部錯誤',
  'Internal list for email banning. Do not remove' => '電子郵件黑名單的內部清單。請不要刪除',
  'Internal note <em>(expandable)</em>' => '內部備註 <em>(可擴展)</em>',
  'Internal note posted successfully' => '内部通知已發布成功',
  'Internal notes viewable by all admins.' => '只有管理員才可查看此筆記',
  'Internal, Optional' => '內部,可選',
  'Internal, Required' => '內部,必要',
  'Invalid' => '無效',
  'Invalid CSRF Token' => 'Invalid CSRF Token',
  'Invalid CSRF token [%1$s] on %2$s' => 'Invalid CSRF token [%1$s] on %2$s',
  'Invalid action' => '無效的動作',
  'Invalid character in variable name. Please use letters and numbers only.' => '無效的變數名聲。請使用字母和數字。',
  'Invalid check function: Must be callable' => 'Invalid check function: Must be callable',
  'Invalid current password!' => '密碼錯誤',
  'Invalid database port number' => '無效資料庫連接阜',
  'Invalid date format - must be MM/DD/YY' => '無效日期格式,必須為 MM/DD/YY',
  'Invalid due date' => '無效截止日期',
  'Invalid image file type' => '圖片附檔格式錯誤',
  'Invalid input' => '無效輸入',
  'Invalid login' => '無效登入',
  'Invalid match selection' => '無效的匹配選項',
  'Invalid match type selection' => '無效的匹配類型選項',
  'Invalid object: %s: Expected class' => 'Invalid object: %s: Expected class',
  'Invalid or missing information' => '無效或遺失資訊',
  'Invalid reset token' => '無效的Token Reset',
  'Invalid reset token. Logout and try again' => 'Token錯誤。將登出,請重新登入。',
  'Invalid source given - %s' => '無效來源 - %s',
  'Invalid template set specified' => '指定的模板設置無效',
  'Invalid ticket origin given' => '無效的案件來源',
  'Invalid user-id' => '無效的使用者 ID',
  'Invalid user-id given' => '給出無效的使用者ID',
  'It\'s important to keep your osTicket installation up to date. Get announcements, security updates and alerts delivered directly to you!' => '維持 osTicket 最新版本很重要。將公告、安全更新和警告直接發送給您!',
  'Item Properties' => '項目屬性',
  'John Doe' => 'John Doe',
  'Keep me Updated' => '讓我保持更新狀態',
  'Knowledge Base Settings and Options' => '知識庫設置和選項',
  'Knowledge Base Status' => '知識庫狀態',
  'Knowledgebase' => '知識庫',
  'Knowledgebase Settings' => '知識庫設置',
  'Label' => '標籤',
  'Label is required for custom form fields' => '自設表單字段需要標籤',
  'Landing Page' => '登入頁面',
  'Language' => '語言',
  'Last' => '姓氏',
  'Last Login' => '上次登入時間',
  'Last Message' => '最後一條消息',
  'Last Name' => '姓',
  'Last Respondent' => '最後回覆者',
  'Last Response' => '上一次回應',
  'Last Updated' => '最後更新',
  'Last Updated %s' => '最後更新 %s',
  'Last month' => '上個月',
  'Last name is required' => '需要姓氏',
  'Last name required' => '需要姓氏',
  'Last, First' => '姓氏, 名子',
  'Latest' => '最新',
  'Latest date selectable' => '最晚可選日期',
  'Launching a new customer support platform can be a daunting task. Let us get you started! We provide professional support services to help get osTicket up and running smoothly for your organization.' => '推出一個新的客戶服務平台可能是一項艱巨的任務。讓我們幫助您開始!我們提供專業的支援服務可以協助您的組織設立 osTicket 並順利運行。',
  'Leading text shown before a value is selected' => '在選擇值前的預設文字',
  'Learn More!' => '了解更多!',
  'Legal' => 'Legal',
  'Letter' => 'Letter',
  'List Name' => '清單名稱',
  'List of all recipient names' => '顯示所有收件者姓名',
  'Listing Type' => '清單類型',
  'Lists' => '清單',
  'Loading ...' => '載入中',
  'Lock' => '鎖定',
  'Lock denied!' => '鎖定拒絕!',
  'Locked' => '鎖定',
  'Locked (Administrative)' => '已鎖定(管理者)',
  'Locked (Pending Activation)' => '已鎖定(等待啟用)',
  'Locked staff won\'t be able to login to Staff Control Panel.' => '已鎖定的人員無法登入到管理中心',
  'Log Date' => '日誌日期',
  'Log In' => '登入',
  'Log Level' => '日誌級別',
  'Log Out' => '登出',
  'Log Title' => '日誌標題',
  'Log Type' => '日誌類型',
  'Login With' => '登入',
  'Login via email' => '使用電子郵件登入',
  'Logos' => '圖示',
  'Long Answer' => '長一點的回答',
  'Looking for your other tickets?' => '想查看你的其他案件?',
  'Lookup or create a user' => '尋找或新增使用者',
  'Mail Fetch Error' => '擷取郵件出錯',
  'Mail Fetch Failure Alert' => '郵件擷取失敗提醒',
  'Mail Fetcher' => '郵件擷取程式',
  'Mail fetcher cron call [%s]' => '郵件獲取程序自動計畫任務調用 [%s]',
  'Mailer Error' => '郵件程式錯誤',
  'Make Internal' => '設定內部使用',
  'Make Public' => '設為公開',
  'Make the title short and clear.' => '使標題短和清晰。',
  'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded' => '異常的 UTF-8 字元,編碼可能不正確',
  'Manage' => '管理',
  'Manage Access' => '管理權限',
  'Manage Account' => '管理帳戶',
  'Manage Account Access' => '權限管理',
  'Manage Agents' => '管理代理商',
  'Manage Collaborators' => '管理協同合作者',
  'Manage Content' => '管理內容',
  'Manage FAQ Access' => '管理 FAQ 權限',
  'Manage Forms' => '表單管理',
  'Manage Options' => '管理選項',
  'Manage Organization' => '管理機構',
  'Manage Sequences' => '管理序列',
  'Manage User' => '管理使用者',
  'Manage Your Profile Information' => '維護個人資料',
  'Manager' => '經理',
  'Manual upgrade required (ajax failed)' => '需要手動升级(ajax 已失敗)',
  'Manually' => '手動',
  'Manually Sorted' => '手動排序',
  'Mark as Answered' => '標記為已回答',
  'Mark as Overdue' => '標記為過期',
  'Mark as Unanswered' => '標記為未回答',
  'Marked overdue!' => '標記過期!',
  'Match All' => '符合所有',
  'Match Any' => '符合任何',
  'Matches Regex' => '符合正則運算式',
  'Max Length' => '最大長度',
  'Max allowed: %d' => '最大允許: %d',
  'Max open tickets (%1$d) reached for %2$s' => '%2$s 已達最大未完成案件數目 (%1$d)',
  'Maximum <b>Open</b> Tickets' => '最大 <b>處理中</b> 案件',
  'Maximum File Size' => '檔案最大容量',
  'Maximum Files' => '最大檔案數量',
  'Maximum Open Tickets Limit (%s)' => '最大處理中案件數量限制 (%s)',
  'Maximum Page size' => '最大頁面大小',
  'Maximum emails required' => '需要最多電子郵件數',
  'Maximum failed login attempts reached' => '嘗試登入失敗次數已達上限',
  'Maximum open tickets (%1$d) reached for %2$s' => '%2$s 已經到達最大"處理中"案件數量(%1$d)',
  'Maximum open tickets reached for %s.' => '%s 已到達最大處理中案件數',
  'Maximum stack depth exceeded' => '超過最大堆疊深度',
  'Me' => '自己',
  'Members' => '成員',
  'Message' => '訊息',
  'Message Posted Successfully' => '已成功發布',
  'Message content is required' => '需要訊息內容',
  'Message required' => '請輸入內容',
  'Message shown to user if the input does not match the validator' => '如果輸入值無法符合驗證,顯示訊息給使用者',
  'Migrate to osTicket %s' => '轉移至 osTicket %s',
  'Minimum length' => '最短長度',
  'Minimum requirements not met!' => '不符合最低要求!',
  'Minimum requirements not met! Refer to Release Notes for more information' => '不符合最低要求!參考發布通知獲取更多消息',
  'Missing or invalid data' => '資料遺失或無效',
  'Mobile Number' => '行動電話號碼',
  'Monday' => '星期一',
  'More' => '其他',
  'Most hosts use \'localhost\' for local database hostname. Check with your host if localhost fails. Default port set in php.ini is assumed.' => '大多數主機使用“本地主機”作为本地資料哭的主機名稱。如果本機主機故障,請檢查您的主機。php.ini 中的默認端口設定是假定的。',
  'Move to folder' => '移動到資料夾',
  'Mr. First M. Last Sr.' => 'Mr. 名字(中間名)姓氏 (尊稱)',
  'Mr. Last' => '先生 姓氏',
  'Multiselect' => '多選',
  'Must be numeric value' => '需要是數值',
  'My Account Profile' => '我的個人資料',
  'My Profile' => '我的個人檔案',
  'My Signature' => '我的簽名',
  'MySQL Database' => 'MySQL 資料庫',
  'MySQL Hostname' => 'MySQL 主機名稱',
  'MySQL Password' => 'MySQL 密碼',
  'MySQL Table Prefix' => 'MySql資料表前綴',
  'MySQL Username' => 'MySQL 使用者名稱',
  'MySQL Version' => 'MySQL 版本',
  'MySQL password associated with above user.' => '以上用户的相關 MySQL 密碼',
  'MySQLi extension for PHP' => 'MySQLi 延伸套件用於 PHP',
  'NO FAQs found' => '沒找到 FAQ',
  'Name' => '名稱',
  'Name Expansion' => '姓名擴張',
  'Name already exists' => '名稱已經存在',
  'Name already in use' => '此名稱已被使用',
  'Name and Email' => '姓名和電子郵件',
  'Name is required' => '需要姓名',
  'Name is too short. 3 chars minimum' => '姓名太短,至少三字元',
  'Name of the database osTicket will use.' => 'osTicket 將使用的資料庫名稱。',
  'Name required' => '需要姓名',
  'Need Help?' => '需要幫助?',
  'Never Purge Logs' => '永遠不清除日誌',
  'New Activity Notice' => '新活動通知',
  'New Internal Activity Alert' => '新的内部活動警報',
  'New Internal Note' => '新增內部備註',
  'New Message' => '新訊息',
  'New Message Alert' => '新訊息通知',
  'New Message Auto-response' => '新訊息自動回應',
  'New Password' => '新密碼',
  'New Response' => '新回應',
  'New Sequence' => '新序列',
  'New Ticket' => '新 Ticket',
  'New Ticket Alert' => '新事件通知',
  'New Ticket Auto-reply' => '新的票單自動回覆',
  'New Ticket Auto-response' => '新的票單自動回應',
  'New Ticket Notice' => '新案件通知',
  'New Ticket Settings' => '新案件設定',
  'New Ticket by Agent' => '由專員新增案件',
  'New password MUST be different from the current password!' => '新密碼不能與舊密碼相同',
  'New password is required' => '需輸入新密碼',
  'New ticket options' => '新增案件選項',
  'New tickets from the email address will be auto-rejected.' => '新的案件從此電子信箱將被自動拒絕。',
  'New tickets from the email address will be automatically rejected.' => '從電子郵件地址所新增的案件將被自動拒絕。',
  'News &amp; Announcements' => '新聞、&amp;公告',
  'No' => '否',
  'No API keys found' => '未找到 API 金鑰',
  'No FAQ categories found!' => '找不到 FAQ 類別 !',
  'No SLA plans found' => '未找到SLA計畫',
  'No agents found!' => '未找到代理!',
  'No banned emails found!' => '未找到攔截的電子郵件!',
  'No banned emails matching the query found!' => '未找到符合查詢條件的已攔截郵件!',
  'No canned responses' => '沒有罐頭應答',
  'No custom lists defined yet &mdash; %s add one %s!' => '尚未定義自訂清單&mdash; %s 新增清單 %s!',
  'No departments found!' => '査無部門!',
  'No emails found!' => '為找到電子郵件!',
  'No errors' => '無錯誤',
  'No extra forms defined yet &mdash; %s add one! %s' => '尚未定義其他表單&mdash; %s 新增一個!%s',
  'No fields set up' => '無欄位設定',
  'No filters found' => '未找到篩選器',
  'No help topics found' => '未找到說明主題',
  'No limit' => '無限制',
  'No logs found' => '未找到日誌',
  'No one (disable Alerts and Notices)' => '沒有人 (停用通知與提示)',
  'No organizations found!' => '未找到組織!',
  'No pages found!' => '未找到頁面!',
  'No plugins installed yet &mdash; %s add one %s!' => '還未安裝插件&mdash; %s 添加一個%s!',
  'No premade responses found!' => '未找到先前的回覆',
  'No restrictions' => '無限制',
  'No such task' => '查無任務',
  'No such ticket' => '查無案件',
  'No teams found!' => '沒有找到團隊!',
  'No templates found!' => '未找到模板',
  'No thanks.' => '不客氣~',
  'No users found!' => '未找到使用者!',
  'No, Cancel' => '不是,取消',
  'None' => '無',
  'None (Disable Logger)' => '無 (不使用日誌記錄)',
  'None: Use PHP mail function' => '無: 使用 PHP 郵件功能',
  'Not Equal' => '不等於',
  'Not all selected items were updated' => '不是所有被選中的項目被更新了',
  'Not yet registered?' => '還沒註冊?',
  'Note content is required' => '需要通知內容',
  'Note details' => '詳細資訊',
  'Note title - summary of the note (optional)' => '備註主旨 - 備註總結(非必要)',
  'Notes' => '備註',
  'Notes (%d)' => '備註 (%d)',
  'Notes about the canned response.' => '關於此罐頭回覆的備註',
  'Nothing to do! System already upgraded to <b>%s</b> with no pending patches to apply.' => '無須執行任何操作!系统已升级至<b>%s</b>,且無需應用待定補丁。',
  'Nothing to do! System already upgraded to the current version' => '無需執行任何操作!系统已升级到最新版本',
  'Notice sent to the user.' => '通知已發送給使用者。',
  'Notice sent to user, if enabled, on new ticket created by an agent on their behalf (e.g phone calls).' => '啟用此功能通知使用者,專員代表他們(例如:電話)建立新案件。',
  'Number' => '編號',
  'Numeric value required (in hours)' => '需要數值(以小時為單位)',
  'OK' => '確定',
  'Offline' => '離線',
  'Offline Page' => '離線時的頁面',
  'Once again, thank you for choosing osTicket as your new customer support platform! ' => '再次感謝您選擇 osTicket 作為您的新客戶支援平台! ',
  'Once again, thank you for choosing osTicket.' => '再次感謝您選擇 osTicket。',
  'One or more of the %s is in-use and CANNOT be disabled/deleted.' => '正在使用一個或多個 %s,無法停用/删除。',
  'One user' . "\0" . '%d users' => '%d 使用者',
  'Online' => '使用中',
  'Only open tickets can be assigned' => '只可分配處理中案件',
  'Open' => '處理中',
  'Open Tickets' => '處理中案件',
  'Open a New Ticket' => '建立新案件',
  'Open tickets: %d' => '處理中案件: %d',
  'Opened' => '已開啟',
  'Optional' => '可選',
  'Optional internal note (recommended on assignment)' => '可選的內部備註(分配時建議填寫)',
  'Optional reason for deleting %s' => '刪除 %s 的原因',
  'Optional reason for status change (internal note)' => '狀態更改內部原因(可選)',
  'Optional response to the above issue.' => '對上述問題的非必要回應。',
  'Optional signature used on outgoing emails.' => '可選簽名在傳出電子郵件時使用。',
  'Optionally, choose acceptable file types.' => '選擇可接受文件類型(可選)。',
  'Optionally, enter comma-separated list of additional file types, by extension. (e.g .doc, .pdf).' => '輸入其他文件類型副檔名並用逗號分隔(例如:.doc, .pdf)(可選)。',
  'Options' => '選擇',
  'Order' => '訂單',
  'Order required' => '需要排序',
  'Organization' => '機構',
  'Organization Account Manager' => '機構經理',
  'Organization Data' => '機構資料',
  'Organization ID must be specified for import' => '必須指定組織 ID 以進行匯入',
  'Organization Lookup' => '尋找組織',
  'Organization Members' => '組織成員',
  'Organization for %s' => '%s 組織',
  'Organization with the same name already exists' => '已有相同名字的組織',
  'Organizations' => '組織',
  'Original Message' => '原始內容',
  'Other' => '其他',
  'Other Variables' => '其他變數',
  'Outgoing Email' => '傳出電子郵件',
  'Outgoing Email Settings' => '發送電子郵件設置',
  'Outgoing response' => '發出的回覆',
  'Overdue' => '逾期',
  'Overdue Ticket Alert' => 'Ticket 逾期通知',
  'Overlimit Notice' => '過量通知',
  'PHP Extensions' => 'PHP 擴展',
  'PHP Settings' => 'PHP設定',
  'PHP Version' => 'PHP 版本',
  'PNG support is required for Image Captcha' => '圖像驗證碼必須支援 PNG',
  'POP mail servers do not support folders' => 'POP 郵件伺服器不支援資料夾',
  'PS' => 'PS',
  'Padding Character' => '填充字元',
  'Page' => '頁',
  'Page Not Found' => '未找到頁面',
  'Page body is required' => '需要頁面正文',
  'Page information' => '頁面資訊',
  'Page is in-use!' => '該頁正在使用',
  'Pages' => '頁面',
  'Paper Size' => '紙張大小',
  'Paper size used when printing tickets to PDF' => '紙張大小在列印PDF時使用',
  'Parameter count does not match query' => '沒有符合查詢的參數',
  'Parent Topic' => '家長主題',
  'Parent filter ID required' => '需要上層篩選器 ID',
  'Participants: Send new activity notice' => '參與者: 發送新的活動通知',
  'Password' => '密碼',
  'Password Change' => '密碼更改',
  'Password Reset Required' => '必需重置密碼',
  'Password change required to continue' => '需要修改密碼才可繼續使用',
  'Password must be at least 6 characters' => '密碼必須至少六個字元',
  'Password required' => '需要密碼',
  'Password reset is not enabled for your account. Contact your administrator' => '你的帳號沒有開啟密碼重置,請聯繫管理者',
  'Password resets are disabled' => '密碼重設已停用',
  'Password update failed:' => '密碼更新失敗:',
  'Passwords do not match' => '密碼不符',
  'Patch %s applied successfully' => '補丁 %s 已成功',
  'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to assign/claim tickets.' => '權限不許可。您未被允許分配/認領案件。',
  'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to ban emails' => '權限不許可。您未被允許禁止郵件',
  'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to edit tickets' => '權限不許可。您未被允許編輯案件',
  'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to flag tickets overdue' => '權限不許可。您未被允許標示案件為過期',
  'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to remove emails from banlist.' => '權限不許可。您未被允許將電子郵件移出黑名單',
  'Phone' => '電話',
  'Phone Number' => '電話號碼',
  'Phone number | ext' => '電話號碼 | 分機',
  'Placeholder' => '位置標誌符號',
  'Please Confirm' => '請確認',
  'Please Confirm Email Address Page' => '請確認電子郵件頁面',
  'Please Wait!' => '請稍後!',
  'Please change permission of config file (%1$s) to remove write access. e.g <i>chmod 644 %2$s</i>' => '請更改設定文件(%1$s)權限以移除寫入權限。 例:<i>chmod 644 %2$s</i>',
  'Please confirm to continue.' => '請確認要繼續。',
  'Please consider turning off register globals if possible' => '如有可能,請關閉註冊為全局變數。',
  'Please don\'t cancel or close the browser. Any errors at this stage will be fatal.' => '請不要取消或關閉瀏覽器。此階段任何錯誤都是致命的。',
  'Please enter your username or email' => '請輸入您的使用者名稱或電子郵件',
  'Please fill in the form below to open a new ticket.' => '請填寫以下內容才可建立新的案件',
  'Please fill out the information below to continue your osTicket installation. All fields are required.' => '請填寫以下資訊以繼續安裝 osTicket。所有必要欄位。',
  'Please follow the instructions below to give read and write access to the web server user.' => '請根據以下說明,給予網頁伺服器使用者讀取和寫入權限。',
  'Please make at least {0} selections. {1} checked so far.' => '請至少選擇 {0} 個選項。目前已選擇 {1} 選項。 ',
  'Please note that non-base variables depend on the context of use. Visit osTicket Wiki for up to date documentation.' => '請注意有些非變數字串使用。詳情請參閱osTicket Wiki。',
  'Please note that updates will be reflected system-wide.' => '請注意,更新將作用於整個系統。',
  'Please note the error(s), if any, when %1$s seeking help %2$s.' => '如果有任何錯誤 %1$s 尋求支援 %2$s 時,請描述之。',
  'Please provide your email address and a ticket number.' => '請提供你的電郵地址及票券號碼,',
  'Please re-enter the text again' => '請再次重新輸入文字',
  'Please refer to %s for more information about changes and/or new features.' => '請參考%s獲得關於更改或新功能的更多資訊。',
  'Please refer to the %1$s Upgrade Guide %2$s for more information.' => '請參考%1$s升級指南%2$s獲得更多資訊。',
  'Please remove {0} selection(s).' => '請移除 {0} 選項。',
  'Please rename config file include/%s to include/ost-config.php to avoid possible conflicts' => '請重新命名配置文件 include/%s 為 include/ost-config.php 以避免可能的衝突。',
  'Please wait... it will take a second!' => '請稍後幾分鐘!',
  'Please wait... while we install your new support ticket system!' => '請等待... 正在為您安裝新版支援案件系統!',
  'Please wait... while we upgrade your osTicket installation!' => '請等待... 正在為您升級 osTicket 安裝!',
  'Plugin Name' => '插件名稱',
  'Plugins' => '外掛',
  'Plural Name' => '複數名稱',
  'Port Number' => '通訊埠號碼',
  'Port required' => '需要埠號',
  'Post Internal Note' => '案件內部備註',
  'Post Note' => '張貼備註',
  'Post Reply' => '案件回復',
  'Post a Reply' => '發佈回覆',
  'Post-Install Setup' => '安装後設定',
  'Post-upgrade' => '升級後',
  'Poster' => '海報',
  'Preferences' => '偏好設定',
  'Preferred Language' => '預設語言',
  'Prefix already in-use' => '前缀已被使用中',
  'Premade Replies' => '預設回覆',
  'Prerequisites' => '前提條件',
  'Preview Ticket' => '預覽案件',
  'Primary Contacts' => '主要連絡人',
  'Primary Department' => '主要部門',
  'Primary Language' => '主要語言',
  'Print' => '列印',
  'Print <b>Internal</b> Notes/Comments' => '列印 <b>內部</b> 備註/意見',
  'Print Notes' => '列印備註',
  'Priority' => '優先順序',
  'Priority Level' => '優先等級',
  'Private' => '不公開',
  'Private — Only agents can register users' => '私人—只有專員才可註冊帳號',
  'Private/Internal' => '私人/內部用',
  'Profile' => '個人資料',
  'Profile updated successfully' => '個人設定更新成功',
  'Prompt' => '提示',
  'Properties' => '屬性',
  'Public' => '公開',
  'Public URL' => '公開 URL',
  'Public — Anyone can register' => '公開—任何人都可以註冊',
  'Published' => '已發佈',
  'Purge Logs' => '清除日誌',
  'Query argument is required' => '需要查詢參數',
  'Query returned 0 results.' => '查詢返回 0 個結果。',
  'Query token not found' => '未找到查詢令牌',
  'QuerySet is read-only' => '查詢集(QuerySet)唯讀',
  'Question' => '問題',
  'Question already exists' => '問題已重複',
  'Question required' => '需要輸入問題',
  'Random' => '隨機',
  'Re-enter your username or email' => '請重新輸入您的使用者名稱或電子信箱',
  'Reassign' => '重新分配',
  'Recipients' => '収件人',
  'Recommended' => '推薦',
  'Refer to %1$s Upgrade Guide %2$s for the latest tips' => '參考%1$s升級指南%2$s獲得最新提示',
  'Refer to the %s Installation Guide %s on the wiki for more information.' => '參見維基百科的 %s 安裝指南 %s獲得更多消息。',
  'Refresh' => '重新整理 ',
  'Regex compile error: (#%s)' => '正規表示式編譯錯誤:(#%s)',
  'Register' => '註冊',
  'Register: %s' => '註冊:%s',
  'Registered' => '已註冊',
  'Registration Method' => '註冊方式',
  'Registration Required' => '需要註冊',
  'Regular Expression' => '正規式',
  'Reject Ticket' => '退票',
  'Related Tickets' => '相關案件',
  'Release (unassign) Ticket' => '釋出(未分配)案件',
  'Release Notes' => '發行說明',
  'Reload' => '重新載入',
  'Remember to back up your osTicket database' => '記得備份您的 osTicket 資料庫',
  'Remove' => '刪除',
  'Remove Existing Data?' => '刪除現有的資料嗎?',
  'Remove all data entered for <u> %s </u>?' => '是否删除輸入用於 <u> %s </u> 的所有數據?',
  'Rename file <b>include/settings.php</b> to <b>include/ost-config.php</b> and click continue below.' => '重新命名文件 <b>include/settings.php</b> 為 <b>include/ost-config.php</b> 並點擊下方繼續。',
  'Rename the sample file <b>include/ost-sampleconfig.php</b> to <b>ost-config.php</b> and click continue below.' => '重新命名範例文件 <b>include/ost-sampleconfig.php</b>  為 <b>ost-config.php</b> 點擊下方連結繼續。',
  'Reopen Status' => '重新打開狀況',
  'Reopened' => '已重啟',
  'Reply' => '回覆',
  'Reply Separator Tag' => '分隔符號標記',
  'Reply separator is required to strip quoted reply.' => '引用回覆需要回覆分隔符號。',
  'Reply-To Email' => '回復電子郵件',
  'Reply-To Name' => '回覆到名稱',
  'Report timeframe' => '回報時間範圍',
  'Request failed - retry again!' => '請求失敗-重試 !',
  'Require Client Login' => '需要客戶登入',
  'Require email verification on "Check Ticket Status" page' => '需要電子郵件確認"前往查閱案件狀態"頁面',
  'Require password change on login' => '登入時需要更改密碼',
  'Require registration and login to create tickets' => '需要註冊與登入才可建立案件',
  'Required' => '必填',
  'Required for Agents' => '需要專員',
  'Required for EndUsers' => '需要終端使用者',
  'Required for mail fetching' => '需要用於獲取電子郵件',
  'Reset' => '重新填寫',
  'Reset Agent Permissions' => '重設專員權限',
  'Reset Changes' => '恢復預設值',
  'Reset Token Expiration' => '重設Token 時間',
  'Reset link used by the password reset feature' => '重設密碼連結未來可用來重新設定密碼',
  'Response' => '回覆',
  'Response Time' => '回覆時間',
  'Response content is required' => '需要回覆內容',
  'Response required' => '需要回覆',
  'Response text is required' => '需要填寫回覆',
  'Response/Reply Template' => '回應模板',
  'Restore your previous version from backup and try again or %1$s seek help %2$s.' => '從備份中還原您之前的版本重試 或 %1$s 尋求幫助 %2$s。',
  'Restrict by File Type' => '檔案受限制',
  'Retype Password' => '重新輸入密碼',
  'Retype admin\'s password. Must match.' => '重新輸入管理者密碼。必須相同。',
  'Roles' => '角色',
  'Rules' => '規則',
  'Rules Matching Criteria' => '規則條件',
  'Rules are applied based on the criteria.' => '規則是基於標準應用。',
  'SLA' => 'SLA',
  'SLA Plan' => 'SLA計畫',
  'SLA can be overridden on ticket transfer or help topic change' => '案件移轉或說明主題改變可覆蓋 SLA',
  'SMTP' => 'SMTP',
  'SMTP Settings' => 'SMTP 設置',
  'SQL errors' => 'SQL 錯誤',
  'SYSTEM' => '系統',
  'SYSTEM (Auto Assignment)' => '系統(自動分配)',
  'SYSTEM (Canned Reply)' => '系統(罐頭回覆訊息)',
  'SYSTEM BAN LIST filter is <b>DISABLED</b>' => '系统封鎖列表篩選<b>已停用</b>',
  'Save' => '儲存',
  'Save Changes' => '儲存更改',
  'Schema' => '架構',
  'Schema Signature' => '架構簽名',
  'Search' => '搜尋',
  'Search Results' => '搜尋結果',
  'Search by email, phone or name' => '依電子郵件、電話、或姓名搜尋',
  'Search existing organizations or add a new one.' => '搜尋現有組織或新增組織。',
  'Search existing users or add a new user.' => '尋找現有使用者或新增使用者',
  'Secondary Languages' => '次要語言',
  'Section Break' => '分節符號',
  'Security Alerts' => '安全提醒',
  'Select' => '選取',
  'Select Action' => '選擇操作',
  'Select Contacts' => '選擇聯絡人',
  'Select Default Department' => '請選擇預設部門',
  'Select Default Email Template Set' => '選擇預設的電子郵件模板',
  'Select Department' => '選擇部門',
  'Select FAQ Category' => '選擇常見問題(FAQ )類別',
  'Select FROM Email' => '從電子郵件中選擇',
  'Select Help Topic' => '選擇說明主題',
  'Select Landing Page' => '選擇登入頁面',
  'Select Offline Page' => '選擇維護中頁面',
  'Select One' => '選擇一項',
  'Select Organization' => '選擇組織',
  'Select Page Type' => '選擇頁面類型',
  'Select Print Paper Size' => '選擇列印紙張大小',
  'Select Source' => '選擇來源',
  'Select Thank-You Page' => '選擇感謝頁面',
  'Select User' => '選擇使用者',
  'Select a Channel' => '請選擇一個通道',
  'Select a Default' => '選擇預設',
  'Select a Help Topic' => '請選擇說明主題',
  'Select a Language' => '選擇語言',
  'Select a canned response' => '選擇一個罐頭的回應',
  'Select a valid SLA' => '選擇有效的 SLA',
  'Select a value from the list' => '選擇列表中的值',
  'Select an Agent OR a Team' => '選擇一個專員或團隊',
  'Select an agent or team from the list' => '從清單中選擇專員和團隊',
  'Select from email address' => '在電子郵件中選擇',
  'Select protocol' => '選擇協定',
  'Select recipient(s)' => '選擇收件人',
  'Selected date is earlier than permitted' => '所選日期早於允許日期',
  'Selected date is later than permitted' => '所選日期晚於允許日期',
  'Selection required' => '請選擇',
  'Send Activation Email' => '寄送啟用電子郵件',
  'Send Email' => '寄送電子郵件',
  'Send Message' => '發送訊息',
  'Send Password Reset Email' => '發送密碼重設電子郵件',
  'Send account activation email to %s.' => '寄送帳戶啟用電子郵件至 %s。',
  'Sequence' => '序列',
  'Server Information' => '伺服器資訊',
  'Server configuration error' => '伺服器配置錯誤',
  'Service Level Agreement' => '服務層級協議',
  'Service Level Agreements' => '服務層級協議',
  'Service Time' => '服務時間',
  'Services' => '服務',
  'Session timed out due to inactivity' => '由於空閒導致會話超時',
  'Set' => '設定',
  'Set Agent Password' => '設定專員密碼',
  'Setting default timezone is highly recommended' => '強烈推薦預設時區設置',
  'Settings' => '設定',
  'Short Answer' => '簡短的回答',
  'Short descriptive name.' => '簡短的敘述',
  'Show Avatars' => '顯示頭像',
  'Show Images' => '顯示圖片',
  'Show all tickets' => '顯示所有案件',
  'Show date/time relative to user\'s timezone' => '顯示用戶時區的日期時間',
  'Show time selection with date picker' => '使用日期選擇器顯示時間選項',
  'Showing' => '顯示',
  'Sign In' => '登入',
  'Sign Out' => '登出',
  'Signature' => '簽名',
  'Signature is made available as a choice, on ticket reply.' => '案件回覆可選擇使用簽名。',
  'Site Pages' => '主要網頁',
  'Size' => '大小',
  'Size and maximum uploads setting mainly apply to web tickets.' => '尺寸和最大上傳設定主要適用於網頁案件。',
  'Small' => '小',
  'Solution' => '解決方案',
  'Something went wrong' => '出現錯誤',
  'Sort Order' => '排序次序',
  'Sort the forms on this ticket by click and dragging on them. Use the box below the forms list to add new forms to the ticket.' => '透過點擊及拖曳對案件的表單排序。使用表單列表下的方框新增表單至案件。',
  'Sorting Mode' => '排序方式',
  'Source' => '來源',
  'Space Used' => '使用的空間',
  'Space for Attachments' => '附件空間',
  'Staff Control Panel' => '工作人員管理中心',
  'Start Upgrade Now' => '現在開始升級',
  'Start writing your response here. Use canned responses from the drop-down above' => '可在此寫下您的回覆。或從下拉選單選取罐頭回覆。',
  'Starts With' => '從開始',
  'State' => '狀態',
  'Statistics' => '統計資料',
  'Statistics of tickets organized by department, help topic, and agent.' => '依照部門、類別、及專員進行資料統計',
  'Status' => '狀態',
  'Status Changed' => '狀態已變更',
  'Status and Settings' => '狀態與設定',
  'Stay up to date' => '保持最新',
  'Still busy... smile #' => '忙碌中……(笑 )#',
  'Stock Templates' => '庫存模板',
  'Store Attachments' => '儲存附件',
  'Strip Quoted Reply' => '刪除引用回复',
  'Subject' => '主題',
  'Subject required' => '需要主題',
  'Submit' => '送出',
  'Submitter: Send receipt confirmation' => '提交者:發送回覆確認',
  'Successfully activated %s' => '成功啟動%s',
  'Successfully added %s' => '成功新增%s',
  'Successfully changed status of %1$s to %2$s' => '成功將狀態由 %1$s 改為 %2$s',
  'Successfully deleted %s.' => '刪除成功 %s.',
  'Successfully disabled %s' => '成功禁用%s',
  'Successfully enabled %s' => '成功啟用 %s',
  'Successfully imported %1$d %2$s' => '已成功匯入 %1$d %2$s',
  'Successfully installed %s' => '已成功安裝 %s',
  'Successfully made %s PRIVATE' => '成功更改 %s 為私有',
  'Successfully made %s PUBLIC' => '已成功更改 %s 為公共',
  'Successfully managed selected end users' => '被選中的用户成功被管理了',
  'Successfully managed selected organizations' => '被選中的組織成功管理了',
  'Successfully published %s' => '已成功發佈 %s',
  'Successfully set sorting configuration' => '成功設定排序設置',
  'Successfully unpublished %s' => '已成功取消發布 %s',
  'Successfully updated %s' => '成功更新%s',
  'Summary of the category.' => '類別的綱要',
  'Support Center' => '支援中心
  'Support Center Home' => '支援中心首頁',
  'Support Ticket System' => '支援案件系統',
  'Support Ticket System Offline' => '支援案件系統維護中',
  'Support ticket request created' => 'Support ticket 請求已建立',
  'Supported Variables' => '支援的變數',
  'Syntax error, malformed JSON' => '語法錯誤,異常的 JSON',
  'System' => '系統',
  'System Alerts' => '系統通知',
  'System Default' => '系統預設值',
  'System Default Logo' => '系統預設圖示',
  'System Emails' => '系統電子郵件',
  'System Errors' => '系統錯誤',
  'System Languages' => '系統語言',
  'System Logs' => '系統日誌',
  'System Management Templates' => '系統管理模板',
  'System Offline' => '系統離線',
  'System Settings' => '系統設定',
  'System Settings and Preferences' => '系統設置和選項',
  'System admin email is required' => '系統管理員信箱為必要欄位',
  'System ban list is empty.' => '系統封鎖列表已清空',
  'System default department cannot be private' => '系統預設部門上不能設為私有',
  'System is set to offline mode' => '系统已設定為離線模式',
  'System upgrade is pending' => '系統升級正在等待處理',
  'System-wide default ticket settings and options.' => '系統全區案件預設設定與選項',
  'Table prefix required' => '需要表前缀',
  'Target' => '目標',
  'Target Channel' => '目標通道',
  'Target required' => '需要目標',
  'Tasks' => '工作',
  'Team' => '團隊',
  'Team Assigned' => '團隊已被分配',
  'Team Information' => '團隊資訊',
  'Team Lead' => '團隊主管',
  'Team Members' => '團隊成員',
  'Team Name' => '團隊名稱',
  'Team name already exists' => '此團隊名稱已存在',
  'Team name is required' => '需要團隊名稱',
  'Teams' => '團隊',
  'Teams (%d)' => '團隊 (%d)',
  'Template Fetch Error' => '模板擷取錯誤',
  'Template Set' => '樣板集',
  'Template Set To Clone' => '複製模板集',
  'Template information' => '模板資訊',
  'Template name already exists' => '模板名稱已存在',
  'Template used on ticket response/reply' => '模板使用於案件回覆',
  'Template used to notify collaborators on ticket activity (e.g CC on reply)' => '模板使用於通知協同合作者案件動態(例如:回覆的副本收件人)',
  'Templates' => '範本',
  'Temporary Password' => '臨時密碼',
  'Term too short!' => '字詞太短!',
  'Test Outgoing Email' => '測試發送的電子郵件',
  'Test email sent successfully to <%s>' => '測試電子郵件已成功發送至 <%s>',
  'Text shown in before any input from the user' => '使用者在輸入任何內容前顯示的文字',
  'Text shown inline with the widget' => '小工具內嵌顯示文字',
  'Thank You for Choosing osTicket!' => '感謝您選擇 osTicket!',
  'Thank you for being a loyal osTicket user!' => '感謝您成為 osTicket 忠實的使用者!',
  'Thank you for taking the time to upgrade your osTicket intallation!' => '感謝您花時間升級 osTicket 安裝!',
  'Thank you!' => '謝謝您!',
  'Thank-You Page' => '感謝頁面',
  'Thanks for registering for an account.' => '感謝您註冊了一個帳號.',
  'The "file_uploads" directive is disabled in php.ini' => '在 php.ini 中禁用 "file_uploads" 指令',
  'The %s task reports there is work to do' => '%s 任務報告還有後續工作',
  'The GD extension is required' => '需要GD元件',
  'The MySQL user must have full rights to the database.' => 'MySQL 用户必须擁有資料庫的所有權限。',
  'The URL of your helpdesk, its name, and the default system email address' => '案件系統的 URL、名稱、和預設系統電子郵件地址',
  'The installer will guide you every step of the way in the installation process. You\'re minutes away from your awesome customer support system!' => '安装程式将引導您按照安装過程的每一步進行安装。稍帶片刻,即可使用超凡客户支持系统!',
  'The issue summary must be a field that supports user input, such as short answer' => '問題摘要必須為支持用户输入的字段,如簡答',
  'The name of your support system e.g [Company Name] Support' => '您的支援系統。例如:支援 [公司名稱]',
  'The originator of this extension cannot be verified' => '此外掛創始者驗證失敗',
  'The search did not match any FAQs.' => '搜尋沒找到符合的 FAQ 。',
  'The upgrade wizard will guide you every step of the way in the upgrade process. While we try to ensure that the upgrade process is straightforward and painless, we can\'t guarantee it will be the case for every user.' => '升級精靈將引導您每一步升級過程。我們盡量確保升級過程簡單易懂,但無法保證每個使用者都經驗如此。',
  'The upgrade wizard will now attempt to upgrade your database and core settings!' => '更新精靈不會嘗試升級您的資料庫和主要設定!',
  'The upgrader does NOT support upgrading from the current patch [%s]!' => '升级程序無法支持當前補丁 [%s] 的更新!',
  'The upgrader does NOT support upgrading from the current vesion!' => '升级程序無法支持當前版本的升级!',
  'These items are necessary in order to install and use osTicket.' => '為了安裝和使用 osTicket,這些事項是必要的。',
  'These items are necessary in order to run the latest version of osTicket.' => '為了安裝最新版本的 osTicket,這些事項是必要的。',
  'This category does not have any FAQs.' => '此類別並無FAQ',
  'This could be connection issues related to the mail server. Next delayed login attempt in aprox. %d minutes' => '出現與郵件伺服器的連接問題。大約 %d 分鐘後再嘗試登錄一次',
  'This help desk is for use by authorized users only' => '此服務系統僅供授權的使用者使用',
  'This organization doesn\'t have any users yet' => '此組織尚未擁有任何使用者',
  'This type of file is not allowed' => '不允許該文件類型',
  'This will sign you in to view your ticket.' => '將您登入系統以檢視您的案件。',
  'Thread (%d)' => '明細 (%d)',
  'Thread + Internal Notes' => '明細+內部備註',
  'Thread Count' => '案件計數',
  'Thread Entry' => '執行條目',
  'Thread Entry expansions' => '字串輸入擴充',
  'Thursday' => '星期四',
  'Ticket' => '票',
  'Ticket #' => '案件 #',
  'Ticket #%1$s deleted by %2$s' => '案件 #%1$s 已由 %2$s 刪除',
  'Ticket #%s' => '案件 # %s',
  'Ticket #%s deleted' => '案件 #%s 已經被刪除',
  'Ticket #%s: %s' => '票 #%s: %s',
  'Ticket Activity' => '案件動態',
  'Ticket Assigned to %s' => '案件分配給 %s',
  'Ticket Assignment' => '案件分配',
  'Ticket Assignment Alert' => 'Ticket 分配通知',
  'Ticket Data' => '案件資料',
  'Ticket Filter' => '案件篩選器',
  'Ticket Filters' => '案件篩選器',
  'Ticket ID' => '票券 ID',
  'Ticket Information' => '案件資訊',
  'Ticket Information and Options' => '案件資訊與選項',
  'Ticket Marked Overdue' => '案件標記為過期',
  'Ticket Notice' => '案件通知',
  'Ticket Number' => '案件編號',
  'Ticket Number Format' => '案件編號方式',
  'Ticket Overdue Alerts' => '案件過期提醒',
  'Ticket Owner' => '案件持有者',
  'Ticket Print Options' => '案件列印選項',
  'Ticket Queue' => '案件佇列',
  'Ticket Settings and Options' => '案件設定和選項',
  'Ticket Source' => '案件來源',
  'Ticket State' => '案件狀態',
  'Ticket Status' => '案件狀態',
  'Ticket Submitter' => '案件提交者',
  'Ticket Summary' => '案件摘要',
  'Ticket Thread' => '案件明細',
  'Ticket Thread (%d)' => '案件明細 (%d)',
  'Ticket Thread expansions' => '案件字串擴充',
  'Ticket Transfer Alert' => 'Ticket轉讓通知',
  'Ticket Updated' => '案件已更新',
  'Ticket Variables' => '案件變數',
  'Ticket already set to %s status' => '案件已經指定%s狀態',
  'Ticket claimed by %s' => '案件被 %s 認領',
  'Ticket created successfully' => '案件建立成功',
  'Ticket denied' => '案件拒絕',
  'Ticket denied - %s' => '案件被拒絕 - %s',
  'Ticket doesn\'t have any collaborators.' => '案件沒有任何協同合作者。',
  'Ticket flagged as overdue by %s' => '%s 已標示案件為過期',
  'Ticket is already assigned to %s' => '案件已分配給 %s',
  'Ticket is assigned to %s' => '案件已分配給 %s',
  'Ticket is locked by %s' => '%s 鎖定案件',
  'Ticket is not assigned!' => '案件未分配!',
  'Ticket is now assigned to you!' => '案件現已分配給您!',
  'Ticket ownership changed to %s' => '案件所有權更改為 %s',
  'Ticket rejected (%s) (unregistered client)' => '案件被拒絕(%s)(未註冊使用者)',
  'Ticket rejected (%s) by filter "%s"' => '篩選 "%s" 已拒絕案件(%s)',
  'Ticket updated successfully' => '案件更新成功',
  'Ticket will be reopened on message post' => '訊息發佈將重新打開案件',
  'Tickets' => '案件',
  'Tickets (%d)' => '案件 (%d)',
  'Tickets <b>(%d)</b>' => '案件 <b>(%d)</b>',
  'Tickets are marked overdue on grace period violation.' => '超過寬限期時標記案件為過期。',
  'Time' => '時間',
  'Time Format' => '時間格式',
  'Time Zone' => '時區',
  'Time format is required' => '請輸入時間格式',
  'Time is based on your time zone' => '依照您的時區',
  'Timeout' => '遇時',
  'Timezone Aware' => '時區識別',
  'Title' => '標題',
  'Title already exists' => '已存在的標題',
  'Title is required' => '需要標題',
  'Title is too short. 3 chars minimum' => '標題太短,請至少輸入3個字元',
  'Title required' => '請輸入標題',
  'To' => '到',
  'To add a plugin into the system, download and place the plugin into the <code>include/plugins</code> folder. Once in the plugin is in the <code>plugins/</code> folder, it will be shown in the list below.' => '於系統新增外掛,請下載外掛並置於資料夾<code>include/plugins</code>。當外掛置於資料夾<code>plugins/</code>,它將顯示在下方清單中。',
  'To avoid possible conflicts, please take a minute to rename configuration file as shown below.' => '避免可能的衝突,請花一點時間重新命名設定檔案,如下所示。',
  'To best assist you, we request that you be specific and detailed' => '為了能夠更好地協助你、請您務必詳細並具體填寫資料',
  'To better serve you, we encourage our clients to register for an account and verify the email address we have on record.' => '為了更好的為您服務, 我們鼓勵我們的客戶註冊一個帳號並驗證電子郵件地址',
  'To edit or add new pages go to %s Manage &gt; Site Pages %s' => '要編輯或新增頁面,請轉到 %s 管理 &gt; 網站頁面 %s',
  'To import more other fields, use the Upload tab.' => '匯入更多欄位,請使用上傳標籤。',
  'Toggle' => '對調',
  'Top-Level Topic' => '最高層主題',
  'Topic' => '主題',
  'Topic already exists' => '主題已存在',
  'Topic is too short. Five characters minimum' => '主題太短。最少五個字元',
  'Topics' => '主題',
  'Transfer' => '轉讓',
  'Transient' => '瞬變',
  'Trying to remove end users from an unknown organization' => '嘗試删除未知組織的终端用户',
  'Tuesday' => '星期二',
  'Type' => '類型 ',
  'Type is required' => '需要類型',
  'Typeahead' => '標題',
  'Typeahead will work better for large lists' => '預先輸入會比大量的清單較佳',
  'URL not supported' => '不支援的 URL',
  'Unable to activate %s' => '無法啟動%s',
  'Unable to add %s.' => '無法新增%s。',
  'Unable to add %s. Correct error(s) below and try again.' => '無法新增%s。請修正錯誤再重識。',
  'Unable to add the email to banlist' => '無法新增電子郵件至黑名單',
  'Unable to add user to organization.' => '無法新增使用者到組織。',
  'Unable to change status for %s' => '無法修改狀態 %s',
  'Unable to commit %s. Check validation errors' => '無法提交 %s。檢查驗證錯誤',
  'Unable to connect to MySQL server: %s' => '無法連接至 MySQL 伺服器:%s',
  'Unable to create %s.' => '無法建立 %s.',
  'Unable to create a ticket.' => '無法建立案件。',
  'Unable to create admin user (#6)' => '無法創建管理員帳號 (#6)',
  'Unable to create config settings' => '無法創建配置設定',
  'Unable to create local account. See messages below' => '無法建立本機帳號,請查閱以下訊息',
  'Unable to create organization.' => '無法建立組織。',
  'Unable to create the database.' => '無法創建資料庫。',
  'Unable to delete %s.' => '無法删除 %s。',
  'Unable to disable %s' => '無法禁用%s',
  'Unable to enable %s' => '無法啟用 %s',
  'Unable to fetch "%1$s" template - id #%d' => '無法讀取 "%1$s" 模板 - id #%d',
  'Unable to find user in directory' => '目錄中查無使用者',
  'Unable to import user: %s' => '無法匯入使用者:%s',
  'Unable to make %s PRIVATE' => '無法更改 %s 為私有',
  'Unable to make %s PUBLIC.' => '無法更改 %s 為公共。',
  'Unable to make %s private. Possibly already private!' => '無法更改 %s 為私有。可能其已標記為私人!',
  'Unable to manage any of the selected end users' => '被選中的用户不能夠被管理',
  'Unable to manage any of the selected organizations' => '不能夠管理選中的组織',
  'Unable to open config file for writing. Permission denied! (#3)' => '無法打開配置文件進行寫入操作。權限被拒绝!(#3)',
  'Unable to post internal note - missing or invalid data.' => '無法發布内部通知,數據丢失或無效。',
  'Unable to post the message.' => '無法送出訊息. 請稍後再試',
  'Unable to publish %s. Try editing it.' => '無法發佈 %s。嘗試编辑。',
  'Unable to read config file. Permission denied! (#2)' => '無法讀取配置文件。權限被拒絕!(#2)',
  'Unable to read request body' => '無法讀取請求正文',
  'Unable to register account. See messages below' => '無法註冊帳號,請查閱以下訊息',
  'Unable to remove %s' => '無法删除 %s',
  'Unable to reset password' => '無法重新設置密碼',
  'Unable to reset password. Contact your administrator' => '無法重置密碼。請聯繫您的管理員',
  'Unable to retrieve password reset email template' => '無法檢視密碼重設電子郵件範本',
  'Unable to save file' => '無法儲存檔案',
  'Unable to select the database' => '無法選擇資料庫',
  'Unable to set sorting mode' => '無法設定排序模式',
  'Unable to unpublish %s. Try editing it.' => '無法取消發佈 %s。重試編輯。',
  'Unable to update %s.' => '無法更新 %s。',
  'Unable to update %s. Correct error(s) below and try again.' => '無法更新 %s。修正以下錯誤並重試。',
  'Unable to update user account information' => '無法更新用户帳號訊息',
  'Unable to upload logo image: %s' => '無法上傳 logo: %s',
  'Unable to validate rules as entered' => '輸入時無法驗證規則。',
  'Unable to write to config file. Permission denied! (#5)' => '無法寫入配置文件。權限被拒絕!(#5)',
  'Unassigned' => '未分配',
  'Unban Email <%s>' => '取消郵件黑名單 <%s>',
  'Unchanged' => '未更改',
  'Underflow or the modes mismatch' => '下溢或模式不匹配',
  'Unexpected control character found' => '發現意外控制字元',
  'Unexpected or invalid data received' => '收到意外的或不正確資料',
  'Unformatted' => '無格式',
  'United States' => '美國',
  'Unknown' => '未知',
  'Unknown JSON parsing error' => '未知 JSON 解析錯誤',
  'Unknown action' => '未知的操錯',
  'Unknown error' => '不明錯誤',
  'Unknown object for "%s" tag' => '"%s" 標籤的未知物體',
  'Unknown or invalid' => '未知或無效',
  'Unknown or invalid FAQ category' => '未知或無效常見問題類別',
  'Unknown or invalid file' => '未知或無效的檔案',
  'Unknown or invalid flag' => '未知或無效標示',
  'Unknown or invalid flag format' => '未知或無效標示格式',
  'Unknown or invalid state' => '未知或無效狀態',
  'Unknown or invalid target' => '未知或無效的目標',
  'Unknown or invalid ticket ID.' => '未知或無效的票券 ID',
  'Unknown organization selected' => '已選擇未知的組織',
  'Unknown system email' => '未知系統郵件',
  'Unknown user' => '未知的使用者',
  'Unknown user selected' => '不明使用者被選取',
  'Unlock' => '解鎖',
  'Unsupported data format' => '不支援的資料格式',
  'Update' => '更新',
  'Update %s' => '更新 %s',
  'Update API Key' => '更新 API 金鑰',
  'Update Ban Rule' => '更新封鎖規則',
  'Update Canned Response' => '更新罐頭應答',
  'Update Category' => '更新常見問題',
  'Update Department' => '更新部門',
  'Update FAQ' => '更新 FAQ',
  'Update Filter' => '更新篩選器',
  'Update Help Topic' => '更新說明主題',
  'Update Organization' => '更新機構資料',
  'Update Page' => '更新頁面',
  'Update SLA Plan' => '更新SLA計畫',
  'Update Team' => '更新團隊',
  'Update Template' => '更新模版',
  'Update Ticket #%s' => '更新案件 #%s',
  'Update User' => '更新使用者',
  'Update custom list' => '更新自定義清單',
  'Update form section' => '更新表單部分',
  'Updated' => '更新',
  'Updated %s' => '更新 %s',
  'Upgrade Aborted!' => '升級已中止!',
  'Upgrade Completed!' => '升級已完成!',
  'Upgrade Failed: Invalid or wrong hash [%s]' => '更新失敗:失效或是錯誤的 hash [%s]',
  'Upgrade Now' => '立即升級',
  'Upgrade Tips' => '升級提示',
  'Upgrade aborted due to errors. Any errors at this stage are fatal.' => '出現錯誤,升級已中止。此階段任何錯誤都是致命的。',
  'Upgrade osTicket to %s' => '升級 osTicket 到 %s',
  'Upgrade to %s' => '升級至 %s',
  'Upgraded to %s ... post-upgrade checks!' => '更新至 %s ...更新後確認!',
  'Upgrader' => '升級程式',
  'Upgrader - %s (task pending).' => '升級程式 - %s (待處理任務)',
  'Upgrader - %s applied' => '升級程式 - %s 已使用',
  'Upgrader - %s cleanup' => '升級程式 - %s 已清除',
  'Upgrader Error' => '升級程式錯誤',
  'Upload' => '上傳',
  'Upload a new logo' => '上傳一個新的圖示',
  'Uploading ...' => '正在上傳中.......',
  'Use Browser Preference' => '閱覽器預設值',
  'Use Default System Email (above)' => '使用預設系统電子郵件(上述)',
  'Use a custom logo' => '使用者自訂圖示',
  'Use any available backend' => '使用任何可用的後端',
  'Use the columns shown in the table below. To add more fields, visit the Admin Panel -&gt; Manage -&gt; Forms -&gt; %s page to edit the available fields.  Only fields with `variable` defined can be imported.' => '使用下表中顯示的列。若要添加更多的欄位,訪問管理面板-&gt; 管理-&gt; 表格-&gt; %s 頁可編輯的欄位。欄位只有與定義的變數可以被匯入。',
  'Use the following form to test whether your <strong>Outgoing Email</strong> settings are properly established.' => '使用以下表单測試您的<strong>發送電子郵件</strong>設置是否已正確配置。',
  'Use the forms below to create or update the information we have on file for your account' => '請使用下列表單來建立或更新您儲存在我們這邊的個人資料.',
  'Use the forms below to update the information we have on file for your account' => '請使用下列表單來更新您儲存在我們這邊的個人資料.',
  'Used for HTML email processing' => '用於 HTML 電子郵件處理',
  'Used for email fetching' => '用於讀取電子郵件',
  'Used for image manipulation and PDF printing' => '用於影像處理和列印 pdf 格式',
  'Used to detect file types for uploads' => '用於檢測上傳的文件類型',
  'User' => '使用者',
  'User Account Login' => '使用者帳戶登入',
  'User Data' => '使用者資料',
  'User Directory' => '使用者目錄',
  'User Excessive Logins' => '使用端登入上限',
  'User Information' => '使用者資訊',
  'User Information Fields' => '用户者訊息欄位',
  'User Preferences' => '使用者偏好',
  'User Session Timeout' => '使用端對話超時',
  'User already belongs to this organization!' => '使用者已經屬於這個組織',
  'User already registered' => '已註冊的使用者',
  'User cannot change password' => '使用者不能更改密碼',
  'User login' => '使用者登入',
  'User logout' => '使用者登出',
  'Username' => '帳號',
  'Username already in use' => '此帳號已使用',
  'Username contains invalid characters' => '使用者名稱包含無效字元',
  'Username is required' => '需要帳號',
  'Username must have at least two (2) characters' => '使用者名稱必須包含至少兩個字元',
  'Username required' => '需要使用者名稱',
  'Users' => '用戶',
  'Users can always sign in with their email address' => '使用者可以使用電子郵件登入',
  'Users cannot upload more than this many files.' => '使用者不能上傳比此限制還多',
  'Using WS_FTP this would be right hand clicking on the file, selecting chmod, and then giving all permissions to the file.' => '使用 WS_FTP,即可右键點開文件,選擇 chmod,然後给予文件所有權限。',
  'Using WS_FTP this would be right hand clicking on the file, selecting chmod, and then remove write access' => 'WS_FTP 使用右鍵點擊文件,選擇 chmod,然後移除寫入存取',
  'Vacation Mode' => '休假模式',
  'Valid API key required' => '需要有效的 API 金鑰',
  'Valid CSRF Token Required' => '有效的 CSRF Token 請求中',
  'Valid IP is required' => '必需要有效的 ip 位址',
  'Valid email address and ticket number required' => '需要有效的電子信箱地址及票券號碼',
  'Valid email address is required' => '須為有效的電子郵件',
  'Valid email is required' => '需要有效的電子郵件',
  'Valid email required' => '請輸入正確的電子信箱',
  'Valid email required for the match type' => '需要符合的有效電子郵件',
  'Valid folder required' => '需為有效的資料夾',
  'Valid password reset window required' => '需要密碼才可重設視窗',
  'Valid phone number is required' => '需要有效的電話號碼',
  'Valid recipient email address required' => '需要一個合法的收件人電子郵件',
  'Valid username or email address is required' => '正確的使用者名稱跟電子郵件都是必填的欄位',
  'Validation Error' => '驗證錯誤',
  'Validator' => '驗證',
  'Value' => '字段值',
  'Value already in use' => '此名稱已被使用',
  'Value does not match required pattern' => '輸入值不符所需格式',
  'Value required' => '需要設定值',
  'Variable' => '變數',
  'Variable name is required for required fields' => '所需字段需要變數名稱',
  'Verified' => '已驗證',
  'Verified by %s' => '由 %s 驗證',
  'Version' => '版本',
  'View' => '檢視',
  'View Ticket' => '檢視案件',
  'View Ticket Thread' => '瀏覽案件清單',
  'View ticket status' => '查看案件狀況',
  'Viewing' => '正在檢視',
  'Visibility' => '可見度',
  'WARN' => '警告',
  'Warnings' => '警告',
  'We are delighted you have chosen osTicket for your customer support ticketing system!' => '我們很高興您選擇 osTicket 作為您的客戶支援案件系統!',
  'We can help. Feel free to %1$s contact us %2$s for professional help.' => '我們可以協助。請隨時 %1$s 聯絡我們 %2$s 取得專業支援。',
  'We have a problem - another installation with same table prefix exists!' => '出現問題,其他安裝出現相同的現有表前缀!',
  'We have a problem ... wait a sec.' => '目前有問題,請稍後。',
  'We highly recommend that you follow the steps below.' => '我們強烈推薦您依照以下步驟。',
  'We provide %1$s professional upgrade services %2$s and commercial support.' => '我們提供 %1$s 專業升級服務 %2$s 和商業支援。',
  'We provide <u>professional installation services</u> and commercial support with guaranteed response times, and access to the core development team.' => '我們提供<u>專業安裝服務</u>和保證回覆時間的商業支援,以及接觸核心開發團隊。',
  'We provide <u>professional installation services</u> and commercial support.' => '我們提供<u>專業安裝服務</u>和商業支援。',
  'We take user feedback seriously and we\'re dedicated to making changes based on your input.' => '我們很重視客戶回饋,且我們致力於根據您的回饋進行更新。',
  'We\'re done!' => '我們完成了 !',
  'We\'ve just sent you an email to the address you entered. Please follow the link in the email to confirm your account and gain access to your tickets.' => '我們剛寄出一封電子郵件到您填寫的電子郵件地址了. 請依照電子郵件裡的連結來驗證您的帳號並取得您案件的存取權限.',
  'Web' => '網頁',
  'Web Forms' => 'Web 表單',
  'Web Server Software' => '網頁伺服器軟體',
  'Wednesday' => '星期三',
  'Weekdays' => '工作日',
  'Welcome to the Support Center' => '歡迎來到支援中心',
  'Welcome, %s.' => '歡迎,%s。',
  'What to do?' => '操作方式?',
  'What\'s Next?' => '下一步是什麼?',
  'Whoops. Perhaps you meant to send some CSV records' => '哎呀,也許您想要發送一些 CSV 資料記錄',
  'Widget' => '小工具',
  'Widget not defined for this field' => '未定義此字段的小工具',
  'Width' => '寬度',
  'Windows PowerShell' => 'Windows PowerShell',
  'Would you also like to remove data currently entered for this field? <em> If you opt not to remove the data now, you will have the option to delete the the data when editing it.</em>' => '您是否還想要删除之前输入的此字段數據?<em>如果現在選擇不删除數據,之後編輯還可选择删除數據。</em>',
  'Write access required to continue' => '需要寫住權限以繼續',
  'XML API' => 'XML 的 API',
  'XML error: %1$s at line %2$d:%3$d' => 'XML 錯誤:%1$s 位於行 %2$d:%3$d',
  'XML extension not supported' => '不支援的 XML 檔副檔名',
  'Yes' => '是',
  'Yes, Delete' => '是,刪除',
  'Yes, Delete User' => '是,刪除使用者',
  'Yes, Do it!' => '是的,繼續執行 !',
  'You are about to delete %s fields.' => '您將要刪除 %s 欄位。',
  'You are trying to upload too many files' => '您上傳過多的文件',
  'You can not disable/delete yourself - you could be the only admin!' => '您無法禁用/删除自己,您是唯一的管理員!',
  'You can now go to %s to enable the system and explore the new features. For complete and up-to-date release notes see the %s' => '您現可前往 %s,啟用系統並探索新功能。需要完整和最新發行說明,請見 %s',
  'You can now log in to %1$s Admin Panel %2$s with the username and password you created during the install process. After a successful log in, you can proceed with post-install setup.' => '您在安裝過程中新建的使用者與密碼之後、您現在可以登錄到 %1$s 管理面板 %2$s。在成功登錄後, 您可以繼續進行後續安裝。',
  'You can use osTicket without these, but you may not be able to use all features.' => '您可以不需這些使用 osTicket,但可能無法使用所有功能。',
  'You cannot delete a user with tickets!' => '你無法刪除有擁票券的使用者!',
  'You cannot disable/delete a default department. Select a new default department and try again.' => '您可停用/删除預設部門。選擇新預設部門並重試。',
  'You do not have permission to delete a user with tickets!' => '你沒有刪除擁有票券的使用者權限!',
  'You don\'t have a signature' => '你沒有簽名',
  'You have made changes that you need to save.' => '您已進行更改,請儲存。',
  'You must select action to perform' => '您必須選擇執行動作',
  'You must select at least %s to process.' => '您必須至少選擇 %s 以繼續。',
  'You must select at least %s.' => '您必須至少選擇 %s',
  'You must select template' => '必須選擇範本',
  'You must set at least one rule.' => '你必須至少設定一個規則。',
  'You sure?' => '您確定?',
  'You\'ve confirmed your email address and successfully activated your account.  You may proceed to check on previously opened tickets or open a new ticket.' => '您已經成功驗證了您的電子郵件地址並啟用了您的帳號. 您可以再進一步檢查之前開啟過的案件或建立新的案件.',
  'You\'ve reached maximum failed login attempts allowed.' => '您已經達到允許的登入嘗試次數。',
  'You\'ve reached the maximum open tickets allowed.' => '您已達到容許的最大處理中案件數。',
  'Your Staff Control Panel' => '您工作人員的控制台',
  'Your browser is not supported' => '不支援此瀏覽器',
  'Your friendly support center' => '您友善的支援中心',
  'Your osTicket URL' => '您的 osTicket URL',
  'Your osTicket installation has been completed successfully. Your next step is to fully configure your new support ticket system for use, but before you get to it please take a minute to cleanup.' => '您的 osTicket 安裝已經成功完成。您的下一步是全面設定您的系統以供後續使用,在您開始以前,請先花一點時間進行清理。',
  'Your primary administrator account - you can add more users later.' => '您的主要管理員帳號,以後可以添加更多帳號。',
  'Your query did not match any records' => '您的查詢並未符合任何資料記錄',
  'a SLA plan' => 'SLA 計畫',
  'a plugin' => '插件',
  'a template set' => '模板集',
  'action-buttonOpen' => '處理中',
  'advanced' => '進階',
  'agent' . "\0" . 'agents' => '專員',
  'an API key' => '一個 API 密鑰',
  'ban list' => '封鎖列表',
  'ban rule' => '封鎖規則',
  'canned response' => '罐頭應答',
  'case-insensitive comparison' => '不區分大小寫的比較',
  'clear' => '清除',
  'cron.php only supports local cron calls - use http -> api/tasks/cron' => 'cron.php 只支援地區 cron 通話-使用http-> api/tasks/cron',
  'current' => '目前',
  'custom form' => '自訂表單',
  'custom list' . "\0" . 'custom lists' => '自訂清單',
  'custom list items' => '自訂列表',
  'deleted sucessfully' => '已刪除成功',
  'e.g.' => '範例',
  'e.g. 051243' => '例:051243',
  'e.g. John Doe, john.doe@osticket.com' => '例如: John Doe, john.doe@osticket.com',
  'e.g. john.doe@osticket.com' => '例:john.doe@osticket.com',
  'email message to send.' => '要發送的電子郵件內容',
  'enable here' => '在此啟用',
  'end user' . "\0" . 'end users' => '最終使用者',
  'end user account' => '終端用戶帳號',
  'external ID' => '外部 ID',
  'failed login attempt(s) allowed before a lock-out is enforced' => '次登入失敗將自動鎖定帳號',
  'fields available where this form is used' => '表單使用處可用字段',
  'filter' . "\0" . 'filters' => '篩選',
  'form' . "\0" . 'forms' => '表單',
  'if set' => '如果設置',
  'in hours' => '以小時為單位',
  'internal ID' => '內部 ID',
  'john.doe@osticket.com' => 'john.doe@osticket.com',
  'log entry' => '日誌條目',
  'message template' => '訊息模板',
  'minutes' => '分鐘',
  'minutes locked out' => '分鐘將被鎖定',
  'missing!' => '遺失!',
  'module loaded' => '模組已載入',
  'one API key' => '一個 API 密鑰',
  'one SLA plan' => '一項SLA計畫',
  'one agent' => '一名代理',
  'one canned response' => '一個罐頭應答',
  'one category' => '一個類別',
  'one custom form' => '一個自訂表單',
  'one custom list' => '一個自訂列表',
  'one department' => '一個部門',
  'one email' => '一封電子郵件',
  'one end user' => '一名終端用戶',
  'one help topic' => '一個說明主題',
  'one log entry' => '一條日誌條目',
  'one organization' => '一個組織',
  'one plugin' => '一個插件',
  'one site page' => '單一網頁頁面',
  'one team' => '一個團隊',
  'one template set' => '一個模板集',
  'one ticket' => '一個案件',
  'one ticket filter' => '一次案件篩選',
  'or %s register for an account %s for the best experience on our help desk.' => '或 %s 註冊一個帳號 %s 以獲得更好的使用體驗.',
  'or %s register for an account %s to access all your tickets.' => '或 %s 註冊登記帳號 %s 以存取你的票券。',
  'organizations' => '組織',
  'osTicket %s' => 'osTicket %s',
  'osTicket :: Admin Control Panel' => 'osTicket:: 管理中心',
  'osTicket :: Staff Control Panel' => 'osTicket:: 專員版面',
  'osTicket Alerts' => 'osTicket 提醒',
  'osTicket Basic Installation' => 'osTicket 基本安裝',
  'osTicket Forums' => 'osTicket 論壇',
  'osTicket Installer' => 'osTicket 安裝程式',
  'osTicket Team.' => 'osTicket 團隊。',
  'osTicket Upgrader' => 'osTicket 升級程式',
  'osTicket Version' => 'osTicket 版本',
  'osTicket installation has been completed successfully.' => 'osTicket 已經成功安裝完成。',
  'osTicket installer requires ability to write to the configuration file %s' => 'osTicket 安裝程序需要寫入設置文件 %s',
  'osTicket installer requires ability to write to the configuration file, <b>include/ost-config.php</b>. A template copy is located in the include directory (<b>include/ost-sampleconfig.php</b>).' => 'osTicket 安裝程序需要寫入設定檔 <b>include/ost-config.php</b>。在 include 資料夾下有範本可用 (<b>include/ost-sampleconfig.php</b>)。',
  'osTicket is already installed?' => 'osTicket 已安裝?',
  'osTicket is having trouble fetching emails from the following mail account' => 'osTicket 從以下電子郵件帳戶中擷取郵件時出現問題',
  'osTicket requires MySQL %s or later!' => 'osTicket 需要 MySQL %s 或更高版本!',
  'osTicket requires table prefix in order to avoid possible table conflicts in a shared database.' => 'osTicket 規定必須有資料表字首以避免在共享資料庫中與其他資料表衝突。',
  'osTicket\'s base url (FQDN)' => 'osTicket 主要 url (FQDN)',
  'per end user' => '每個使用者',
  'per page.' => '每頁。',
  'period' => '期間',
  'pipe.php only supports local piping - use http -> api/tickets.email' => 'pipe.php 只支援地區通連-使用http-> api/tickets.email',
  'plugin' . "\0" . 'plugins' => '插件',
  'premade response' . "\0" . 'premade responses' => '預製的回覆',
  'properties definable for each item' => '每個项目的可定義屬性',
  'queue-nameOpen' => '處理中',
  'recommended for all installations' => '推薦用於完整安裝',
  'recommended for plugins and language packs' => '推薦用於模組及語言包',
  'see name expansion' => '請看完整名稱',
  'selected API key' . "\0" . 'selected API keys' => '所選的 API 金鑰',
  'selected SLA plan' . "\0" . 'selected SLA plans' => '所選的 SLA 計畫',
  'selected agent' . "\0" . 'selected agents' => '選擇的代理',
  'selected ban rule' . "\0" . 'selected ban rules' => '以選擇的黑名單規則',
  'selected canned response' . "\0" . 'selected canned responses' => '所選定罐頭應答',
  'selected category' . "\0" . 'selected categories' => '所選的類別',
  'selected custom form' . "\0" . 'selected custom forms' => '選擇的自訂表單',
  'selected custom list' . "\0" . 'selected custom lists' => '選擇的自訂清單',
  'selected department' . "\0" . 'selected departments' => '已選取部門',
  'selected email' . "\0" . 'selected emails' => '所選的電子郵件',
  'selected end user' . "\0" . 'selected end users' => '選擇的終端使用者',
  'selected filter' . "\0" . 'selected filters' => '所選的篩選器',
  'selected help topic' . "\0" . 'selected help topics' => '所選的案件類別',
  'selected log entry' . "\0" . 'selected log entries' => '所選的日誌',
  'selected plugin' . "\0" . 'selected plugins' => '選擇的插件',
  'selected site page' . "\0" . 'selected site pages' => '所選的網站頁面',
  'selected team' . "\0" . 'selected teams' => '選定的團隊',
  'selected template set' . "\0" . 'selected template sets' => '所選的範本',
  'selected ticket' . "\0" . 'selected tickets' => '所選取的案件',
  'selected ticket filter' . "\0" . 'selected ticket filters' => '選擇的案件篩懸',
  'selected user' . "\0" . 'selected users' => '選取使用者',
  'show %s records' => '顯示 %s 記錄',
  'sign in here' => '從這裡登入',
  'site page' . "\0" . 'site pages' => '網站頁面',
  'status' => '狀態',
  'system default' => '系統預設值',
  'template' . "\0" . 'templates' => '模板',
  'template set' => '模板集',
  'this API key' => '此 API 金鑰',
  'this FAQ article' => '這是常見問題內文',
  'this SLA plan' => 'this SLA plan',
  'this agent' => '此專員',
  'this ban rule' => '此封鎖規則',
  'this canned response' => '這種罐頭應答',
  'this category' => '這一類別',
  'this custom form' => '此自訂表單',
  'this custom list' => '此自訂列表',
  'this department' => '這個部門',
  'this email' => '此電子郵件',
  'this end user' => '此終端用戶',
  'this help topic' => '此說明主題',
  'this message template' => '此訊息模板',
  'this site page' => '此網站頁面',
  'this team' => '此團隊',
  'this template' => '此模板',
  'this template set' => '這個模板集',
  'this ticket' => '這個案件',
  'this ticket filter' => '此案件篩選器',
  'ticket filter' => '案件篩選',
  'ticket state actionArchive' => '封存',
  'ticket state actionClose' => '已結案',
  'ticket state actionDelete' => '刪除',
  'ticket state actionOpen' => '處理中',
  'ticket state nameArchived' => '已封存',
  'ticket state nameClosed' => '已關閉',
  'ticket state nameDeleted' => '已刪除',
  'ticket state nameOpen' => '處理中',
  'to archive/delete tickets' => '存檔/刪除 案件',
  'to create tickets' => '建議案件',
  'to mass manage tickets' => '大量管理案件',
  'to reopen tickets' => '重新開啟 案件',
  'to resolve/close tickets' => '解決/關閉 案件',
  'users' => '使用者',
  'vacation' => '假期',
  'via %s' => '經由 %s',
  0 => 
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