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== Changelog ==

This file contains only old changelog. See README.txt for newer versions.

= 4.5.20 =
* **NEW:** WooCommerce product variable {SKU} now works with variable products.
* CHANGE Better optimization reduce script size.
* FIX Joinchat lite script allow GA4 event name param "ga_event".

= 4.5.19 =
* **NEW:** Not display on editing with major visual editors and page builders. Added new editors in addition to Elementor.

= 4.5.18 =
* FIX Removed WooCommerce product metabox introduced in v4.5.17.
* FIX Correct currency symbol for products on WhastApp message.

= 4.5.17 =
* FIX Remove "Close" aria-label attribute.
* CHANGED Refactor filter 'joinchat_custom_post_types'.

= 4.5.16 =
* FIX Product Button don't appears when are products list before the single product template.
* FIX On multi-language prevent return old cached translations on empty settings.
* UPDATED International Telephone Input library.

= 4.5.15 =
* **NEW:** Added new locations for WooCommerce Product Button.
* CHANGE Prevent launch WhatsApp from triggers or Product Button if Opt-in is required (need approval consent).
* FIX Elementor 3.5 Finder deprecation message.

= 4.5.14 =
* CHANGE Delay 'message_send' replace variables until used (fix conflict with Rank Math).
* CHANGE Optimized variable replacement, runs only when needed.

= 4.5.13 =
* FIX Tooltip text is cut off when there is an image emoji.
* FIX PHP notice undefined 'title' introduced in v4.5.12.

= 4.5.12 =
* FIX Unescape help dynamic vars on post/term metabox.
* CHANGED Better get title for dynamic var {TITLE}.

= 4.5.11 =
* CHANGED Better Joinchat script initialization for deferred or async load by optimizers.

= 4.5.10 =
+ **NEW:** GA4 "generate_lead" event can now be changed to a custom event.
* CHANGED default z-index to `9000` for compatibility with major cookies plugins.

= 4.5.9 =
* FIX Product Button should not appear on related products.

= 4.5.8 =
* Unify all occurrences of the plugin name to "Joinchat".

= 4.5.7 =
* **NEW:** Added "Test Number" button for phone input.
* CHANGED Reduded delay for QR tooltip.
* UPDATED International Telephone Input library.
* Reduce size of QR generator script.

= 4.5.6 =
* FIX Joinchat sidebar for Gutenberg only must be loaded on public CPTs.

= 4.5.5 =
* FIX WhatsApp Web always deactivated in frontend.

= 4.5.4 =
* FIX Allows Google Ads conversion ID of 11 characters.

= 4.5.3 =
* FIX PHP warning introduced in v4.5.2.

= 4.5.2 =
* FIX Joinchat integration with Gutenberg only loads for WordPress 5.9 or higher.

= 4.5.1 =
* FIX PHP error introduced in v4.5
* CHANGED Bump min PHP version to 5.5.

= 4.5 =
* **NEW: Added Gutenberg native support.**
* **NEW:** WhastApp Contact Button Block.
* **NEW:** Native Joinchat sidebar on Block Editor.
* **NEW:** Direct WhatsApp triggers can use custom phone and initial message.
* **NEW:** Triggers also fire analytics events even without the Joinchat floating button.
* CHANGED Bump min WordPress version to 4.4 and tested up to 6.0.
* CHANGED Can change default "JoinChat" event name via javascript event.
* CHANGED Improved interface to enter phone with country code and Google Ads conversion ID.

= 4.4.3 =
* Minor CSS fixes and optimizations.

= 4.4.2 =
* **NEW Optimized CSS** for only button without Call to Action (only 2.5kB).
* **NEW** Compatible with **Perfect Brands for WooCommerce** for brand custom settings.
* **NEW** Compatible with **Google Tag Manager for WordPress** custom DataLayer name.
* **NEW** Don't load on Elementor Site Builder previews.
* FIX badge animation don't show error introduced in v4.4.0.
* CHANGED optimized render without unused elements.

= 4.4.1 =
* FIX Google Ads conversion field is too short.

= 4.4 =
* **NEW: Display QR Code on desktop** to scan with phone.
* **NEW: Opt-in** text for user consent (optional or required).
* **NEW: WooCommerce Product Button** for product pages.
* **NEW:** Dynamic variable `{HREF}` for full URL with query params.
* **NEW:** Google Ads conversion.
* **NEW:** Better analytics events with more info.
* **NEW:** Allow direct show button without animation setting Button Delay as "-1".
* **TIP:** Easier configuration, double click to apply the example settings in placeholders.
* CHANGED default z-index is `9999`.
* CHANGED allow set empty CTA for products with `{}` in main settings.
* **CHANGED** GA4 custom 'JoinChat' event now is 'generate_lead' recommended event.

= 4.3.2 =
* Styles minor improvements, fix tooltip align.

= 4.3.1 =
* FIX empty phone notice dismiss.

= 4.3 =
* **NEW:** Customize in category/tag archive page.
* UPDATED styles for better browsers support.
* UPDATED International Telephone Input library.

= 4.2 =
* **NEW:** Now can change default role allowed to configure Join.chat global settings.
* **NEW:** Now can show Join.chat as a direct menu in wp-admin.
* **NEW:** link to update translatable settings when changed.
* **NEW:** Accessibility: disable animations for devices with Reduced Motion preference.
* FIX Elementor 3.5 Finder deprecation message.
* FIX WPML ensure translations are registered in default site language.
* Styles minor improvements.

= 4.1.15 =
* **NEW:** WordPress 5.8 tested & updated.
* FIX RTL text align right.
* FIX Send event to all GA4 properties.
* Prevent faux WhatsApp clicks when chat window is showed automatically

= 4.1.14 =
* **NEW:** Enhanced telephone input scripts now are included in plugin and self-hosted.

= 4.1.13 =
* **NEW:** Add Thank you page in WooCommerce visibility options.
* **SECURE** frontend escape html output.

= 4.1.12 =
* **NEW:** Add integration with Elementor Finder.
* **NEW:** Add compatibility with Storefront theme mobile toolbar.
* Better dependency loading.

= 4.1.11 =
* FIX some CSS optimizers break message bubble style.
* FIX PHP notice undefined 'telephone'.

= 4.1.10 =
* **NEW:** Add support to new Elementor landing pages.
* FIX fallback for browsers that don't support CSS "clamp()" (i.e Edge for Android)

= 4.1.9 =
* **SECURE** escape input values on wp-admin (thanks to Camilo @camilo517)
* NEW can pass custom data layer name for gtag.js and GTM with filter `joinchat_get_settings`
* FIX also send Google Analytics 4 event when Universal Analytics and GA4 are present

= 4.1.8 =
* Front script better settings validation
* FIX error with some prices on variable replacement
* Bump required minimun WordPress version to 3.5

= 4.1.7 =
* FIX jQuery 3 deprecation warnings for event shorthands
* FIX JSON error with """ on variable replacement
* FIX Don't load public hooks on wp-login.php page

= 4.1.6 =
* FIX minor css error introduced in v4.1.5

= 4.1.5 =
* **NEW:** Add links to WhastApp with `#joinchat` or `#whatsapp` in your href. CSS triggers and links work on all pages, **even without Join.chat visible**.
* **NEW:** Analytics event compatible with Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress by MonsterInsights custom tracker name
* Load images when show button for better Page speed.

= 4.1.4 =
* **NEW:** PHP 8 & WordPress 5.6 tested & updated
* Cleaner placeholder on telephone field
* Added lazy loading attribute for image

= 4.1.3 =
* **NEW:** Ensure chatbox header is allways visible on mobile with better height control
* **NEW:** WooCommerce, use custom Join.chat settings on shop page for all shop catalog pages

= 4.1.2 =
* SECURE window.open with 'noopener'
* FIX PHP error undefined get_col_charset() on old WordPress versions

= 4.1.1 =
* FIX error on prices with '$'

= 4.1 =
* **NEW:** Use custom text on chat window header
* Added 'joinchat_app' class trigger that opens WhatsApp
* Added Telephone to translatable fields
* Added 'joinchat_disable_thumbs' filter
* FIX updated style regex patterns
* FIX hide on mobile when user fill forms

= 4.0.10 =
* **NEW:** show tooltip on hover button
* **NEW:** hide on mobile when user fill forms
* CHANGED by default clear all plugin data on uninstall.
* FIX remove unnecessary get option 'whatsappme'

= 4.0.9 =
* FIX notification balloon text color white
* New js event 'joinchat:starting'

= 4.0.8 =
* FIX WP Super Cache clear cache error on save
* Image thumbnail fallback if possible

= 4.0.7 =
* FIX WP Super Cache clear cache error on save

= 4.0.6 =
* Minor changes: better encode emoji detection, check WooCommerce version, css fixes and improvements

= 4.0.5 =
* **NEW:** Clear third party cache plugins on settings save.
* FIX php error on image resize.
* UPDATED International Telephone Input library to v.17.

= 4.0.4 =
* Better public settings JSON output
* Re-fix WAme deactivate

= 4.0.3 =
* Fix WAme deactivate

= 4.0.2 =
* Encode emojis if DB not support utf8mb4.
* Better update from WAme (no manual activation required).

= 4.0.1 =
* minor fixes.

= 4.0.0 =
* **NEW:** Join.chat brand.
* **NEW:** Widget theme color.
* **NEW:** CSS class triggers to open chat window.
* Lighter, reduced assets size and deleted images.

**CHANGED for SEO:** All analytics events change from `WhatsAppMe` to `JoinChat`.

**CHANGED for Devs:** All css classes, actions and filters change from `wame` or `whatsappme` to `joinchat`.

= 3.2.3 =
* FIX svg in safari < 13.

= 3.2.2 =
* **NEW:** Metabox can override global settings and leave it blank with `{}`.
* **NEW:** Can use `wame_open` class on any element to open WAme or launch WhatsApp.
* **NEW:** Added 'whatsappme_delete_all' filter, set true to clear all WAme data on plugin uninstall.
* CHANGED Tested up to WordPress 5.4.
* CHANGED updated FAQs GDPR info to include localStorage vars.

= 3.2.1 =
* FIX svg animations on firefox.
* FIX empty messages on WP < 4.6.
* FIX Google Analytics 'ga' event not sent if gtag for GAds or GTM is present.

= 3.2.0 =
* **NEW:** Dark mode.
* **NEW:** Hide on mobile when keyboard is open.
* **NEW:** Post metabox show main WAme settings as placeholders.
* CHANGED webp support is now on server side.
* CHANGED rewrite of chatbox output, SVGs separated, full chatbox scroll and new filters.
* FIX 'apply_filters_deprecated' fatal error on WP < 4.6

= 3.1.4 =
* FIX php warning with new var {DISCOUNT} when price is zero.

= 3.1.3 =
* Minor improvements and link to Wame CTA Extras.

= 3.1.2 =
* **NEW:** WooCommerce Call to Action for Products on Sale, also added dynamic vars {DISCOUNT} {REGULAR}.
* FIX Fatal error when selected button image is deleted from media library.
* FIX WooCommerce settings not registered for translation.
* For devs: format replacements now also accepts callbacks.
* For devs: new javascript events for chat window 'whatsappme:show' 'whatsappme:hide'.

= 3.1.1 =
* CHANGED Tested up to WordPress 5.3
* FIX Save on the first time can store some settings incorrectly.
* FIX rtl styles for new button text.

= 3.1.0 =
* **NEW:** WhatsApp button image.
* **NEW:** WhatsApp button tooltip.
* **NEW:** Start WhatsApp button text on Chat Window.
* **NEW:** Option to disable automatic open of Chat Window.
* For devs: static functions moved to a WhatsAppMe_Util class.

= 3.0.3 =
* FIX in landscape or with long CTAs the chat window could be higher than view and can't be closed.
* For developers:
* New metabox filters 'whatsappme_metabox_output' and 'whatsappme_metabox_save'.
* Change filter 'whatsappme_message_replacements' to 'whatsappme_format_replacements'.
* Change filter 'whatsappme_message_send_replacements' to 'whatsappme_variable_replacements'.

= 3.0.2 =
* **NEW:** Send Facebook Pixel custom event when user launch WhatsApp.
* FIX empty tabs on settings page due to conflicts with other themes or plugins.

= 3.0.1 =
* FIX sometimes the phone number is lost in WAme settings on save.
* CHANGED Wame button z-index to 1000.

= 3.0.0 =
* **NEW:** Better Integration with WooCommerce: CTA and Custom Message for product pages and new dynamic variables {SKU}, {PRICE} {PRODUCT}.
* **NEW:** Admin help tab with styles and dynamic varibles info.
* **NEW:** For developers: a lot of new hooks to change or extend WAme functions.
* **NEW:** Custom javascript document event 'whatsappme:open' that allow trigger other actions and/or change the link url.
* CHANGED Rebrand "WhatsApp me" to "WAme chat".
* CHANGED Code linted following WordPress standar.
* FIX when post visibility was set as "hidden", it used default global visibility.
* FIX javascript error when "ga" global object is defined but isn't Google Analytics.
* FIX rtl styles for chat.

= 2.3.3 =
* FIX javascript error when "ga" global object is defined but isn't Google Analytics.

= 2.3.2 =
* FIX PHP notice on some archive pages.

= 2.3.1 =
* Readme texts and description.

= 2.3.0 =
* **NEW:** WPML/Polylang integration.
* **NEW:** Added setting to launch WhatsApp Web on desktop.
* **NEW:** Separated button delay and chat delay settings.
* **NEW:** dynamic variables {SITE}, {URL} and {TITLE} now also works on Call To Action.
* CHANGED Better ordered settings panel.
* FIX incorrect post id on loops can return post config instead main config.
* FIX typo error on filter "whatsappme_whastapp_web"

= 2.2.3 =
* **NEW:** Hide in front if editing with Elementor.
* CHANGED improvements in public styles.

= 2.2.2 =
* **NEW:** styles/scripts minified.
* FIX UX issues.

= 2.2.0 =
* **NEW:** Now can change telephone number on every post/page.
* **NEW:** Send Google Tag Manager event on click.
* **NEW:** New filter 'whatsappme_whastapp_web'. Set true if you prefer to open WhatsApp Web on desktop.
* **NEW:** "Send button" change when dialog is opened.
* UPDATED Tested up to Wordpress v.5.1.
* UPDATED International Telephone Input library to v.15.

= 2.1.3 =
* FIX PHP warning on some rare cases.

= 2.1.2 =
* FIX javascript error on iOS Safari private browsing.

= 2.1.1 =
* FIX javascript error on IE11.

= 2.1.0 =
* **NEW:** Button bagde option for a less intrusive mode.
* CHANGED now each different Call to Action is marked as read separately.
* CHANGED now first show Call to Action (if defined) before launch WhatsApp link.

= 2.0.1 =
* FIX removed array_filter function that requires PHP 5.6 min version.

= 2.0.0 =
* **NEW: Advanced visibility settings to define where to show WAme button.**
* **NEW:** WooCommerce integration.
* UPDATED International Telephone Input library to v.13.
* Minor fixes on fields cleanup and other improvements.

= 1.4.3 =
* NEW support for Google Analytics Global Site Tag (gtag.js).
* CHANGE events label now is the destination URL to match general behavior.
* UPDATED International Telephone Input library

= 1.4.2 =
* FIX JavaScript error introduced on v1.4.1.

= 1.4.1 =
* Fix JS frontend sometimes can't load WAme settings.
* Fix better Google Analytics event tracking when leave page.

= 1.4.0 =
* **NEW:** Added the option to define the first message to send. You can include variables such as {SITE}, {URL} or {TITLE}.
* Fix PHP notice when global $post is null (e.g. search results or login page).

= 1.3.2 =
* Only set admin/public hooks when it corresponds to improve performance and fix a notice on admin.

= 1.3.1 =
* Fix fatal error when the PHP mbstring extension is not active

= 1.3.0 =
* Added option to change position of button to left
* Added formatting styles for Call to action text like in WhatsApp: *italic* **bold** strikethrough

= 1.2.0 =
* Added International Telephone Input for enhanced phone input
* Phone number is cleared to generate correct WhatsApp links

= 1.1.0 =
* Added posts/pages option to override CTA or hide button
* Don't enqueue assets if not show button
* Added filters for developers

= 1.0.3 =
* Readme texts

= 1.0.2 =
* Fix plugin version

= 1.0.1 =
* Fix text domain

= 1.0.0 =
* First version