Current Path : /home/darkwebsol/acrepairkwt.com/wp-content/plugins/feeds-for-youtube/inc/ |
Current File : /home/darkwebsol/acrepairkwt.com/wp-content/plugins/feeds-for-youtube/inc/SBY_Settings.php |
<?php namespace SmashBalloon\YouTubeFeed; use Smashballoon\Customizer\Feed_Saver; class SBY_Settings { /** * @var array */ protected $atts; /** * @var array */ protected $db; /** * @var array */ protected $settings; /** * @var array */ protected $feed_type_and_terms; /** * @var array */ protected $connected_accounts; /** * @var array */ protected $connected_accounts_in_feed; /** * @var string */ protected $transient_name; /** * SBY_Settings constructor. * * Overwritten in the Pro version. * * @param array $atts shortcode settings * @param array $db settings from the wp_options table */ public function __construct( $atts, $db, $preview_settings = false ) { $atts = is_array( $atts ) ? $atts : array(); if ( ! empty( $atts['feed'] ) && $atts['feed'] !== 'legacy' ) { $this->settings = self::get_settings_by_feed_id( $atts['feed'], $preview_settings ); if ( ! empty( $this->settings ) ) { $this->settings['customizer'] = isset($atts['customizer']) && $atts['customizer'] == true ? true : false; $this->settings['feed'] = intval( $atts['feed'] ); } } if ( ! empty( $atts['feed'] ) && $atts['feed'] === 'legacy' ) { $this->settings = $preview_settings; if ( ! empty( $this->settings ) ) { $this->settings['customizer'] = isset($atts['customizer']) && $atts['customizer'] == true ? true : false; } } // convert string 'false' and 'true' to booleans foreach ( $atts as $key => $value ) { if ( $value === 'false' ) { $atts[ $key ] = false; } elseif ( $value === 'true' ) { $atts[ $key ] = true; } } $this->atts = $atts; $this->db = $db; $this->connected_accounts = isset( $db['connected_accounts'] ) ? $db['connected_accounts'] : array(); if ( ! empty( $this->db['api_key'] ) ) { $this->connected_accounts = array( 'own' => array( 'access_token' => '', 'refresh_token' => '', 'channel_id' => '', 'username' => '', 'is_valid' => true, 'last_checked' => '', 'profile_picture' => '', 'privacy' => '', 'expires' => '2574196927', 'api_key' => $this->db['api_key'] ) ); } if ( empty( $this->settings ) ) { $this->settings = wp_parse_args( $atts, $db ); } if ( empty( $this->connected_accounts ) ) { $this->settings['showheader'] = false; $this->connected_accounts = array( 'rss_only' => true ); } $this->settings['nummobile'] = $this->settings['num']; $this->settings['ajaxtheme'] = $this->db['ajaxtheme']; if ( empty( $atts['caching_type'] ) ) { $this->settings['caching_type'] = 'background'; } if ( ! empty( $atts['cachetime'] ) ) { $this->settings['caching_type'] = 'page'; } if ( ! empty( $atts['showpast'] ) ) { $this->settings['showpast'] = (bool)$atts['showpast']; } $this->after_settings_set(); } protected function after_settings_set() { } /** * Get settings or legacy settings depending on feed type * * @since 2.0 * * @param array $atts * @return array $settings */ public function maybe_get_settings_or_legacy_settings( $atts ) { if ( !empty( $atts['feed'] ) ) { $settings = $this->get_settings(); } else { $settings = self::get_legacy_feed_settings( $atts ); } $settings['global_settings'] = sby_get_database_settings(); return $settings; } /** * Get legacy feed settings * * @since 2.0 * * @param array $atts * @return array $legacy_settings */ public static function get_legacy_feed_settings( $atts = array() ) { $legacy_settings = get_option( 'sby_legacy_feed_settings', false ); if(false === $legacy_settings) { $legacy_settings = sby_get_database_settings(); } else { $legacy_settings = json_decode( $legacy_settings, true ); } if ( $atts && count( $atts ) > 0 ) { $legacy_settings = wp_parse_args( $atts, $legacy_settings ); $legacy_settings = self::filter_legacy_shortcode_atts( $atts, $legacy_settings ); } return $legacy_settings; } /** * Filter legacy feed shortcode atts * * @since 2.0 * * @param array $atts * @param array $legacy_settings * * @return array $legacy_shortcode */ public static function filter_legacy_shortcode_atts( $atts, $legacy_settings ) { if ( isset($atts['gridcols']) && $atts['layout'] === 'grid' ) { $legacy_settings['cols'] = $legacy_settings['gridcols']; } if ( isset($atts['gridcolsmobile']) && $atts['layout'] === 'grid' ) { $legacy_settings['colsmobile'] = $legacy_settings['gridcolsmobile']; } if ( isset($atts['gallerycols']) && $atts['layout'] === 'gallery' ) { $legacy_settings['cols'] = $legacy_settings['gallerycols']; } if ( isset($atts['gallerycolsmobile']) && $atts['layout'] === 'gallery' ) { $legacy_settings['colsmobile'] = $legacy_settings['gallerycolsmobile']; } if ( isset($atts['carouselcols']) && $atts['layout'] === 'carousel' ) { $legacy_settings['cols'] = $legacy_settings['carouselcols']; } if ( isset($atts['carouselcolsmobile']) && $atts['layout'] === 'carousel' ) { $legacy_settings['colsmobile'] = $legacy_settings['carouselcolsmobile']; } $legacy_settings['nummobile'] = $legacy_settings['num']; return $legacy_settings; } /** * Get Settings By Feed ID * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_settings_by_feed_id( $feed_id, $preview_settings = false ) { global $wpdb; if ( is_array( $preview_settings ) ) { return $preview_settings; } if ( intval( $feed_id ) < 1 ) { return false; } $container = Container::get_instance(); $feed_saver = $container->get(Feed_Saver::class); $feed_saver->set_feed_id( $feed_id ); return $feed_saver->get_feed_settings(); } /** * @return array * * @since 1.0 */ public function get_settings() { return $this->settings; } /** * The plugin will output settings on the frontend for debugging purposes. * Safe settings to display are added here. * * Overwritten in the Pro version. * * @return array * * @since 1.0 */ public static function get_public_db_settings_keys() { $public = array( 'type' => 'channel', 'channel' => '', 'num' => 9, 'nummobile' => 9, 'minnum' => 9, 'widthresp' => true, 'class' => '', 'height' => '', 'heightunit' => '%', 'disablemobile' => false, 'itemspacing' => 5, 'itemspacingunit' => 'px', 'background' => '', 'headercolor' => '', 'subscribecolor' => '', 'subscribehovercolor' => '', 'subscribetextcolor' => '', 'buttoncolor' => '', 'buttonhovercolor' => '', 'buttontextcolor' => '', 'layout' => 'grid', 'feedtemplate' => 'default', 'playvideo' => 'automatically', 'sortby' => 'none', 'imageres' => 'auto', 'showheader' => true, 'headerstyle' => 'standard', 'customheadertext' => __( 'We are on YouTube', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'customheadersize' => 'small', 'customheadertextcolor' => '', 'showdescription' => true, 'showbutton' => true, 'headersize' => 'small', 'headeroutside' => false, 'showsubscribe' => true, 'buttontext' => __( 'Load More...', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'subscribetext' => __( 'Subscribe', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'caching_type' => 'page', 'cache_time' => 1, 'cache_time_unit' => 'hours', 'backup_cache_enabled' => true, 'resizeprocess' => 'background', 'disable_resize' => true, 'storage_process' => 'background', 'favor_local' => false, 'disable_js_image_loading' => false, 'ajax_post_load' => false, 'ajaxtheme' => false, 'enqueue_css_in_shortcode' => false, 'font_method' => 'svg', 'customtemplates' => false, 'cols' => 3, 'colsmobile' => 2, 'playerratio' => '9:16', 'eagerload' => false, 'custom_css' => '', 'custom_js' => '', 'gdpr' => 'auto', 'disablecdn' => false, 'allowcookies' => false, // pro only 'usecustomsearch' => false, 'headerchannel' => '', 'customsearch' => '', 'showpast' => true, 'showlikes' => true, 'carouselcols' => 3, 'carouselcolsmobile' => 2, 'carouselarrows' => true, 'carouselpag' => true, 'carouselautoplay' => false, 'infoposition' => 'below', 'include' => array( 'title', 'icon', 'user', 'date', 'countdown' ), 'hoverinclude' => array( 'description', 'stats' ), 'descriptionlength' => 150, 'userelative' => true, 'dateformat' => '0', 'customdate' => '', 'showsubscribers' => true, 'enablelightbox' => true, 'subscriberstext' => __( 'subscribers', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'viewstext' => __( 'views', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'agotext' => __( 'ago', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'beforedatetext' => __( 'Streaming live', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'beforestreamtimetext' => __( 'Streaming live in', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'minutetext' => __( 'minute', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'minutestext' => __( 'minutes', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'hourstext' => __( 'hours', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'thousandstext' => __( 'K', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'millionstext' => __( 'M', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'watchnowtext' => __( 'Watch Now', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'cta' => 'related', 'colorpalette' => 'inherit', 'linktext' => __( 'Learn More', 'feeds-for-youtube' ), 'linkurl' => '', 'linkopentype' => 'same', 'linkcolor' => '', 'linktextcolor' => '', 'videocardstyle' => 'regular', 'videocardlayout' => 'vertical', 'custombgcolor1' => '', 'customtextcolor1' => '', 'customtextcolor2' => '', 'customlinkcolor1' => '', 'custombuttoncolor1' => '', 'custombuttoncolor2' => '', 'boxedbgcolor' => '#ffffff', 'boxborderradius' => '12', 'enableboxshadow' => false, 'descriptiontextsize' => '13px', // Video elements color 'playiconcolor' => '', 'videotitlecolor' => '', 'videouserecolor' => '', 'videoviewsecolor' => '', 'videocountdowncolor' => '', 'videostatscolor' => '', 'videodescriptioncolor' => '', 'enablesubscriberlink' => true, ); return array_keys( $public ); } /** * @return array * * @since 1.0 */ public function get_connected_accounts() { return $this->connected_accounts; } /** * @return array|bool * * @since 1.0 */ public function get_connected_accounts_in_feed() { if ( isset( $this->connected_accounts_in_feed ) ) { return $this->connected_accounts_in_feed; } else { return false; } } /** * @return bool|string * * @since 1.0 */ public function get_transient_name() { if ( isset( $this->transient_name ) ) { return $this->transient_name; } else { return false; } } /** * Uses the feed types and terms as well as as some * settings to create a semi-unique feed id used for * caching and other features. * * Overwritten in the Pro version. * * @param string $transient_name * * @since 1.0 */ public function set_transient_name( $transient_name = '' ) { if ( ! empty( $transient_name ) ) { $this->transient_name = $transient_name; } elseif ( false && ! empty( $this->settings['feedid'] ) ) { // feed ID not yet applicable for transients $this->transient_name = 'sby_' . $this->settings['feedid']; } else { $feed_type_and_terms = $this->feed_type_and_terms; $sby_transient_name = 'sby_'; if ( isset( $feed_type_and_terms['channels'] ) ) { foreach ( $feed_type_and_terms['channels'] as $term_and_params ) { $channel = $term_and_params['term']; $sby_transient_name .= $channel; } } $num = $this->settings['num']; $num_length = strlen( $num ) + 1; //Add both parts of the caching string together and make sure it doesn't exceed 45 $sby_transient_name = substr( $sby_transient_name, 0, 45 - $num_length ); $sby_transient_name .= '#' . $num; $this->transient_name = $sby_transient_name; } } /** * @return array|bool * * @since 1.0 */ public function get_feed_type_and_terms() { if ( isset( $this->feed_type_and_terms ) ) { return $this->feed_type_and_terms; } else { return false; } } public function feed_type_and_terms_display() { if ( ! isset( $this->feed_type_and_terms ) ) { return array(); } $return = array(); foreach ( $this->feed_type_and_terms as $feed_type => $type_terms ) { foreach ( $type_terms as $term ) { $return[] = $term['term']; } } return $return; } /** * Based on the settings related to retrieving post data from the API, * this setting is used to make sure all endpoints needed for the feed are * connected and stored for easily looping through when adding posts * * Overwritten in the Pro version. * * @since 1.0 */ public function set_feed_type_and_terms() { //global $sby_posts_manager; $connected_accounts_in_feed = array(); $feed_type_and_terms = array( 'channels' => array() ); if ( ! empty( $this->settings['id'] ) ) { $channel_array = is_array( $this->settings['id'] ) ? $this->settings['id'] : explode( ',', str_replace( ' ', '', $this->settings['id'] ) ); foreach ( $channel_array as $channel ) { if ( isset( $this->connected_accounts[ $channel ] ) ) { $feed_type_and_terms['channels'][] = array( 'term' => $this->connected_accounts[ $channel ]['channel_id'], 'params' => array( 'channel_id' => $this->connected_accounts[ $channel ]['channel_id'] ) ); $connected_accounts_in_feed[ $this->connected_accounts[ $channel ]['channel_id'] ] = $this->connected_accounts[ $channel ]; } } if ( empty( $connected_accounts_in_feed ) ) { $an_account = array(); foreach ( $this->connected_accounts as $account ) { if ( empty( $an_account ) ) { $an_account = $account; } } foreach ( $channel_array as $channel ) { $feed_type_and_terms['channels'][] = array( 'term' => $channel, 'params' => array( 'channel_id' => $channel ) ); $connected_accounts_in_feed[ $channel ] = $an_account; } } } elseif ( ! empty( $this->settings['channel'] ) ) { $channel_array = is_array( $this->settings['channel'] ) ? $this->settings['channel'] : explode( ',', str_replace( ' ', '', $this->settings['channel'] ) ); $an_account = array(); foreach ( $this->connected_accounts as $account ) { if ( empty( $an_account ) ) { $an_account = $account; } } foreach ( $channel_array as $channel ) { if ( strpos( $channel, 'UC' ) !== 0 ) { $channel_id = sby_get_channel_id_from_channel_name( $channel ); if ( $channel_id ) { $feed_type_and_terms['channels'][] = array( 'term' => $channel_id, 'params' => array( 'channel_id' => $channel_id ) ); $connected_accounts_in_feed[ $channel_id ] = $an_account; } else { $feed_type_and_terms['channels'][] = array( 'term' => $channel, 'params' => array( 'channel_name' => $channel ) ); $connected_accounts_in_feed[ $channel ] = $an_account; } } else { $feed_type_and_terms['channels'][] = array( 'term' => $channel, 'params' => array( 'channel_id' => $channel ) ); $connected_accounts_in_feed[ $channel ] = $an_account; } } } else { foreach ( $this->connected_accounts as $connected_account ) { if ( empty( $feed_type_and_terms['channels'] ) ) { $feed_type_and_terms['channels'][] = array( 'term' => $connected_account['channel_id'], 'params' => array( 'channel_id' => $connected_account['channel_id'] ) ); $connected_accounts_in_feed[ $connected_account['channel_id'] ] = $connected_account; } } } $this->connected_accounts_in_feed = $connected_accounts_in_feed; $this->feed_type_and_terms = $feed_type_and_terms; } /** * @return float|int * * @since 1.0 */ public function get_cache_time_in_seconds() { if ( $this->db['caching_type'] === 'background' ) { return SBY_CRON_UPDATE_CACHE_TIME; } else { //If the caching time doesn't exist in the database then set it to be 1 hour $cache_time = isset( $this->settings['cache_time'] ) ? (int)$this->settings['cache_time'] : 1; $cache_time_unit = isset( $this->settings['cache_time_unit'] ) ? $this->settings['cache_time_unit'] : 'hours'; //Calculate the cache time in seconds if ( $cache_time_unit == 'minutes' ) $cache_time_unit = 60; if ( $cache_time_unit == 'hours' ) $cache_time_unit = 60*60; if ( $cache_time_unit == 'days' ) $cache_time_unit = 60*60*24; $cache_time = max( 900, $cache_time * $cache_time_unit ); return $cache_time; } } public function update_settings($update_array = []) { if(!is_array($update_array)) { return false; } $updated = array_merge($this->settings, array_map(function ($value) { return $this->convert_value($value); }, $update_array)); return update_option('sby_settings', $updated); } private function convert_value($value) { switch($value) { case 'true': return true; case 'false': return false; default: return $value; } } }