Current Path : /home/darkwebsol/acrepairkwt.com/wp-content/plugins/feeds-for-youtube/js/ |
Current File : /home/darkwebsol/acrepairkwt.com/wp-content/plugins/feeds-for-youtube/js/admin.js |
(function ($) { function SbspfAdmin(plugin, $adminEl) { this.plugin = plugin; this.$adminEl = $adminEl; this.accesstokenSplitter = "access_token="; } SbspfAdmin.prototype = { init: function () { var self = this, id = "#" + this.plugin, cla = "." + this.plugin; this.addAccessTokenListener(); $( "." + this.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap ." + this.plugin + "_connected_account" ).each(function () { self.initClickRemove($(this)); self.initInfoToggle( $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").last() ); }); this.$adminEl.find(".sbspf_type_input").on("change", function () { self.updateOnSelect($(this)); }); self.updateOnSelect(); self.initAppCredToggle(); self.initWidthResponsiveToggle(); self.initActionButtons(); this.addManualAccessTokenListener(); $(id + "_search_submit").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var submitData = { term: $(id + "_channel_search").val(), action: self.plugin + "_account_search", sbspf_nonce: sbspf.nonce, }; var onSuccess = function (data) { if (data.trim().indexOf("{") === 0) { var returnObj = JSON.parse(data.trim()); var html = ""; $.each(returnObj.items, function (index, value) {}); } }; sbAjax(submitData, onSuccess); }); // color picker var $ctfColorpicker = $(cla + "_colorpicker"); if ($ctfColorpicker.length > 0) { $ctfColorpicker.wpColorPicker(); } // shortcode tooltips var $adminLabel = $(id + "_admin label"); $adminLabel.on("click", function () { var $shortcode = $(this).siblings(cla + "_shortcode"); if ($shortcode.is(":visible")) { $(this).closest("tr").removeClass("sby_shortcode_visible"); $shortcode.hide(); } else { $(this).closest("tr").addClass("sby_shortcode_visible"); $shortcode.show(); } }); $adminLabel.on("mouseenter mouseleave", function (e) { switch (e.type) { case "mouseenter": if ( $(this).siblings(cla + "_shortcode").length && !$(this).find(cla + "_shortcode_symbol").length ) { $(this).append( '<code class="' + self.plugin + '_shortcode_symbol">[]</code>' ); } break; case "mouseleave": $(this) .find(cla + "_shortcode_symbol") .remove(); break; } }); $(cla + "_shortcode").hide(); //Scroll to hash for quick links $(id + "_admin a").on("click", function () { if ( location.pathname.replace(/^\//, "") == this.pathname.replace(/^\//, "") && location.hostname == this.hostname ) { var target = $(this.hash); target = target.length ? target : this.hash.slice(1); if (target.length) { $("html,body").animate( { scrollTop: target.offset().top, }, 500 ); return false; } } }); //Caching options if ($(id + "_caching_type_page").is(":checked")) { $(cla + "-caching-cron-options").hide(); $(cla + "-caching-page-options").show(); } else { $(cla + "-caching-page-options").hide(); $(cla + "-caching-cron-options").show(); } $("." + self.plugin + "_caching_type_input").on("change", function () { if (this.value == "page") { $(cla + "-caching-cron-options").slideUp(); $(cla + "-caching-page-options").slideDown(); } else if (this.value == "background") { $(cla + "-caching-page-options").slideUp(); $(cla + "-caching-cron-options").slideDown(); } }); //Should we show the caching time settings? var sbspf_cache_cron_interval = $(id + "_cache_cron_interval").val(), $sbspf_caching_time_settings = $(id + "-caching-time-settings"); //Should we show anything initially? if ( sbspf_cache_cron_interval == "30mins" || sbspf_cache_cron_interval == "1hour" ) $sbspf_caching_time_settings.hide(); $(id + "_cache_cron_interval").on("change", function () { sbspf_cache_cron_interval = $(id + "_cache_cron_interval").val(); if ( sbspf_cache_cron_interval == "30mins" || sbspf_cache_cron_interval == "1hour" ) { $sbspf_caching_time_settings.hide(); } else { $sbspf_caching_time_settings.show(); } }); sbspf_cache_cron_interval = $(id + "_cache_cron_interval").val(); if ( sbspf_cache_cron_interval == "30mins" || sbspf_cache_cron_interval == "1hour" ) { $sbspf_caching_time_settings.hide(); } else { $sbspf_caching_time_settings.show(); } self.updateLayoutOptionsDisplay(); $(cla + "_layout_type").on("change", function () { self.updateLayoutOptionsDisplay(); }); $(cla + "_sub_option_type").on("change", function () { self.updateBoxSelectionDisplay(); }); self.updateBoxSelectionDisplay(); // tooltips $(id + "_admin " + cla + "_tooltip_link").on("click", function () { if ($(this).closest(cla + "_box").length) { $(this) .closest(cla + "_box") .find(cla + "_tooltip") .slideToggle(); } else { $(this) .closest("tr, h3, " + cla + "_tooltip_wrap") .find(cla + "_tooltip") .slideToggle(); } }); $(id + "_admin " + cla + "_type_tooltip_link").on("click", function () { $(this) .closest(cla + "_row") .find(cla + "_tooltip") .slideToggle(); }); //Mobile width var $feedWidth = $(id + "_admin " + id + "_settings_width"), $widthUnit = $(id + "_admin " + id + "_settings_width_unit"); if ($feedWidth.length) { $feedWidth.on("change", function () { self.updateFeedWidthDisplay(); }); $widthUnit.on("change", function () { self.updateFeedWidthDisplay(); }); self.updateFeedWidthDisplay(); } this.afterInit(); }, afterInit: function () {}, addAccessTokenListener: function () { var self = this; if ( window.location.hash.length > 5 && window.location.hash.indexOf(this.accesstokenSplitter) > -1 ) { var accessToken = window.location.hash.split(this.accesstokenSplitter); // clear access token from hash window.location.hash = ""; var submitData = { access_token: accessToken[1], action: this.plugin + "_process_access_token", sbspf_nonce: sbspf.nonce, }; var onSuccess = function (data) { if (data.trim().indexOf("{") === 0) { var returnObj = JSON.parse(data.trim()); $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").prepend( returnObj.html ); self.initClickRemove( $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").last() ); self.initInfoToggle( $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").last() ); } }; sbAjax(submitData, onSuccess); } }, initClickRemove: function (el) { var self = this; el.find("." + this.plugin + "_delete_account").on("click", function () { if ( !$(this) .closest("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap") .hasClass(self.plugin + "-waiting") ) { $(this) .closest("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap") .addClass(self.plugin + "-waiting"); var $connectedAccount = $(this).closest( "." + self.plugin + "_connected_account" ), accountID = $connectedAccount.attr("data-userid"); if (window.confirm("Delete this connected account?")) { $("#" + self.plugin + "_user_feed_id_" + accountID).remove(); $("#" + self.plugin + "_connected_account_" + accountID) .append( '<div class="spinner" style="margin-top: -10px;visibility: visible;top: 50%;position: absolute;right: 50%;"></div>' ) .find("." + self.plugin + "_ca_info") .css("opacity", ".5"); var submitData = { account_id: accountID, action: self.getAction("ca_after_remove_clicked"), sbspf_nonce: sbspf.nonce, }; var onSuccess = function (data) { if (data.trim().indexOf("{") === 0) { var returnObj = JSON.parse(data.trim()); $("." + self.plugin + "-waiting").removeClass( self.plugin + "-waiting" ); $connectedAccount.fadeOut(300, function () { $(this).remove(); }); self.afterConnectedAccountRemoved(accountID); } }; sbAjax(submitData, onSuccess); } else { $("." + self.plugin + "-waiting").removeClass( self.plugin + "-waiting" ); } } }); }, initInfoToggle: function (el) { var self = this; el.find("." + self.plugin + "_ca_show_token") .off() .on("click", function () { $(this) .closest("." + self.plugin + "_ca_info") .find("." + self.plugin + "_ca_accesstoken") .slideToggle(200); }); el.find("." + self.plugin + "_ca_token_shortcode") .off() .on("click", function () { $(this) .closest("." + self.plugin + "_ca_info") .find("." + self.plugin + "_ca_shortcode") .slideToggle(200); }); }, initAppCredToggle: function () { var self = this; $("#" + self.plugin + "_have_own_tokens").on("click", function () { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { $(this) .closest("form") .find("." + self.plugin + "_own_credentials_wrap") .slideDown(); } else { $(this) .closest("form") .find("." + self.plugin + "_own_credentials_wrap") .slideUp(); } }); if ($("#" + self.plugin + "_have_own_tokens").is(":checked")) { $("#" + self.plugin + "_have_own_tokens") .closest("form") .find("." + self.plugin + "_own_credentials_wrap") .slideDown(); } else { $("#" + self.plugin + "_have_own_tokens") .closest("form") .find("." + self.plugin + "_own_credentials_wrap") .slideUp(); } }, initWidthResponsiveToggle: function () { //Mobile width var feedWidth = $("#sby_settings_width").length ? $("#sby_settings_width").val() : "100", widthUnit = $("#sby_settings_widthunit").length ? $("#sby_settings_widthunit").val() : "%", $widthOptions = $("#sbspf_width_options"); if ($("#sby_settings_widthunit").length) { //Show initially if a width is set if (feedWidth !== "100" && widthUnit === "%") { $widthOptions.slideDown(); } else { $widthOptions.slideUp(); } $("#sby_settings_width_unit, #sby_settings_width").on( "change", function () { feedWidth = $("#sby_settings_width").length ? $("#sby_settings_width").val() : "100"; widthUnit = $("#sby_settings_widthunit").length ? $("#sby_settings_widthunit").val() : "%"; if (feedWidth !== "100" && widthUnit === "%") { $widthOptions.slideDown(); } else { $widthOptions.slideUp(); } } ); } }, initActionButtons: function () { $("#sbspf_admin .sbspf-button-action").each(function () { $(this).on("click", function () { event.preventDefault(); $(this).next(".sbspf_success").remove(); var doAction = typeof $(this).attr("data-sby-action") !== "undefined" ? $(this).attr("data-sby-action") : "", confirmMessage = typeof $(this).attr("data-sby-confirm") !== "undefined" ? $(this).attr("data-sby-confirm") : false, $targetWaitingEl = typeof $(this).attr("data-sby-waiter") !== "undefined" ? $($(this).attr("data-sby-waiter")) : $(this), $self = $(this); if (!confirmMessage || window.confirm(confirmMessage)) { $(this).prop("disabled", true); $targetWaitingEl.after( '<div class="spinner sbspf_spinner" style="display:inline-block;visibility: visible;"></div>' ); var submitData = { action: doAction, sbspf_nonce: sbspf.nonce, }; var onSuccess = function (data) { $self.prop("disabled", false); $targetWaitingEl.next(".spinner").fadeOut("slow", function () { $targetWaitingEl.after( '<span class="sbspf_success"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="check-circle" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="svg-inline--fa fa-check-circle fa-w-16"><path fill="currentColor" d="M504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zM227.314 387.314l184-184c6.248-6.248 6.248-16.379 0-22.627l-22.627-22.627c-6.248-6.249-16.379-6.249-22.628 0L216 308.118l-70.059-70.059c-6.248-6.248-16.379-6.248-22.628 0l-22.627 22.627c-6.248 6.248-6.248 16.379 0 22.627l104 104c6.249 6.249 16.379 6.249 22.628.001z" class=""></path></svg></span>' ); }); if (data.trim().indexOf("{") === 0) { var returnObj = JSON.parse(data.trim()); console.log(returnObj); } }; sbAjax(submitData, onSuccess); } else { $("." + self.plugin + "-waiting").removeClass( self.plugin + "-waiting" ); } console.log( $(this).attr("data-sby-action"), $(this).attr("data-sby-confirm") ); }); }); }, getAction(action) { return self.plugin + "_" + action; }, addManualAccessTokenListener: function () { var self = this, id = "#" + this.plugin, cla = "." + this.plugin; $(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap").hide(); $(cla + "_manually_connect").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if ($(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap").is(":visible")) { $(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap").slideUp(200); } else { $(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap").slideDown(200); } }); $(id + "_manual_submit").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $self = $(this); var accessToken = $(id + "_manual_at").val(), error = false; if (accessToken.length < 15) { if ( !$(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap").find(cla + "_user_id_error") .length ) { $(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap") .show() .prepend( '<div class="' + self.plugin + '_user_id_error" style="display:block;">Please enter a valid access token</div>' ); } } else if (!error) { $(this).prop("disabled", true); $(this) .closest(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap") .fadeOut(); $(cla + "_connected_accounts_wrap") .fadeTo("slow", 0.5) .find(cla + "_user_id_error") .remove(); var submitData = { access_token: accessToken, action: self.plugin + "_process_access_token", sbspf_nonce: sbspf.nonce, }; var onSuccess = function (data) { $(cla + "_connected_accounts_wrap").fadeTo("slow", 1); $self.prop("disabled", false); var returnObj = JSON.parse(data.trim()); $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").prepend( returnObj.html ); self.initClickRemove( $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").last() ); self.initInfoToggle( $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").last() ); }; sbAjax(submitData, onSuccess); } }); }, afterConnectedAccountRemoved: function (accountID) {}, updateLayoutOptionsDisplay: function () { self = this; setTimeout(function () { $("." + self.plugin + "_layout_settings").hide(); $( "." + self.plugin + "_layout_settings." + self.plugin + "_layout_type_" + $("." + self.plugin + "_layout_type:checked").val() ).show(); }, 1); }, updateBoxSelectionDisplay: function () { self = this; setTimeout(function () { $("." + self.plugin + "_sub_option_settings").hide(); $( "." + self.plugin + "_sub_option_settings." + self.plugin + "_sub_option_type_" + $("." + self.plugin + "_sub_option_type:checked").val() ).show(); }, 1); }, updateFeedWidthDisplay: function () { self = this; var sbspfFeedWidth = $( "#" + self.plugin + "_admin " + "#" + self.plugin + "_settings_width" ).val(), sbspfWidthUnit = $( "#" + self.plugin + "_admin " + "#" + self.plugin + "_settings_width_unit" ).val(), $sbspfWidthOptions = $( "#" + self.plugin + "_admin " + "#" + self.plugin + "_width_options" ); if ( sbspfFeedWidth.length < 2 || (sbspfFeedWidth == "100" && sbspfWidthUnit == "%") ) { $sbspfWidthOptions.slideUp(); } else { $sbspfWidthOptions.slideDown(); } }, updateOnSelect: function ($changed) { this.$adminEl.find(".sbspf_type_input").each(function () { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { $(this).closest(".sbspf_type_row").find(".sbspf_onselect").show(); } else { $(this).closest(".sbspf_type_row").find(".sbspf_onselect").hide(); } }); //console.log($changed.is(':checked'),$changed.closest('.sbspf_type_row').find('.sbspf_onselect').length) }, encodeHTML: function (raw) { // make sure passed variable is defined if (typeof raw === "undefined") { return ""; } // replace greater than and less than symbols with html entity to disallow html in comments var encoded = raw.replace(/(>)/g, ">"), encoded = encoded.replace(/(<)/g, "<"); encoded = encoded.replace(/(<br\/>)/g, "<br>"); encoded = encoded.replace(/(<br>)/g, "<br>"); return encoded; }, }; window.sbspf_admin_init = function () { var plugin = typeof $(".sbspf-admin").attr("data-sb-plugin") !== "undefined" ? $(".sbspf-admin").attr("data-sb-plugin") : "sbspf", $adminEl = $("#sbspf_admin.sby_admin"); window.sb = new SbspfAdmin(plugin, $adminEl); window.sb.init(); }; function sbAjax(submitData, onSuccess) { $.ajax({ url: sbspf.ajaxUrl, type: "post", data: submitData, success: onSuccess, }); } function SbYoutubeAdmin(plugin, $adminEl) { SbspfAdmin.call(this, plugin, $adminEl); this.afterInit = function () { var self = this, id = "#" + this.plugin, cla = "." + this.plugin; $("#sbspf_usecustomsearch").on("change", function () { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { $("#sbspf_usecustomsearch_reveal").show(); } else { $("#sbspf_usecustomsearch_reveal").hide(); } }); if ($("#sbspf_usecustomsearch").is(":checked")) { $("#sbspf_usecustomsearch_reveal").show(); } else { $("#sbspf_usecustomsearch_reveal").hide(); } $("#sby_api_key").on("change", function () { self.toggleAPIKeyWarnings(); }); this.toggleAPIKeyWarnings(); this.toggleAccessTokenDisclaimer(); $("#sby_settings_dateformat").on("input", function () { self.toggleCustomDateField(); }); this.toggleCustomDateField(); $(".sbspf_dismiss_button").on("click", function () { event.preventDefault(); $("#sbspf_modal_overlay").remove(); var submitData = { action: $(this).attr("data-action"), }; sbAjax(submitData, function () {}); }); $(".sbspf_dismiss_at_warning_button").on("click", function () { event.preventDefault(); $("#sbspf_modal_overlay").remove(); var submitData = { action: $(this).attr("data-action"), }; sbAjax(submitData, function () {}); }); // $(".sby_api_key_needed").each(function () { $(this) .find("label") .append( '<span class="sby_api_key_needed_message"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="key" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="svg-inline--fa fa-key fa-w-16"><path fill="currentColor" d="M512 176.001C512 273.203 433.202 352 336 352c-11.22 0-22.19-1.062-32.827-3.069l-24.012 27.014A23.999 23.999 0 0 1 261.223 384H224v40c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-40v40c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-78.059c0-6.365 2.529-12.47 7.029-16.971l161.802-161.802C163.108 213.814 160 195.271 160 176 160 78.798 238.797.001 335.999 0 433.488-.001 512 78.511 512 176.001zM336 128c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48s48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48-48 21.49-48 48z" class=""></path></svg> API Key Needed</span>' ); }); if ( typeof $("#sbspf_get_token").attr("data-show-warning") !== "undefined" ) { $("#sbspf_get_token").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var html = self.getModal(); $("#sbspf_admin").append(html); $("#sbspf_admin") .find(".sbspf_modal_close") .on("click", function () { $("#sbspf_admin").find("#sbspf_modal_overlay").remove(); }); var submitData = { action: "sby_dismiss_connect_warning_button", }; sbAjax(submitData, function () {}); }); } jQuery(".sbspf_show_gdpr_list").on("click", function () { jQuery(this).closest("div").find(".sbspf_gdpr_list").slideToggle(); }); //Selecting a post style jQuery("#sbspf_gdpr_setting").on("change", function () { sbspfCheckGdprSetting(jQuery(this).val()); }); function sbspfCheckGdprSetting(option) { if (option == "yes") { jQuery(".sbspf_gdpr_yes,#sbspf_images_options").show(); jQuery(".sbspf_gdpr_no, .sbspf_gdpr_auto").hide(); } if (option == "no") { jQuery(".sbspf_gdpr_no").show(); jQuery( ".sbspf_gdpr_yes, .sbspf_gdpr_auto, #sbspf_images_options" ).hide(); } if (option == "auto") { jQuery(".sbspf_gdpr_auto").show(); jQuery(".sbspf_gdpr_yes, .sbspf_gdpr_no").hide(); if (jQuery(".sbspf_gdpr_plugin_active").length) { jQuery("#sbspf_images_options").show(); } else { jQuery("#sbspf_images_options").hide(); } } } sbspfCheckGdprSetting(jQuery("#sbspf_gdpr_setting").val()); // Locator jQuery(".sby-locator-more").on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(this).closest("td").find(".sby-full-wrap").show(); jQuery(this).closest("td").find(".sby-condensed-wrap").hide(); jQuery(this).remove(); }); }; this.getModal = function () { var modal = '<div id="sbspf_modal_overlay">' + '<div class="sbspf_modal">' + '<div class="sbspf_modal_message">' + ' <div class="sby_before_connection">' + ' <p>The Feeds for YouTube plugin requires <strong>"read only"</strong> access to your YouTube account in order to retrieve data from the YouTube API.</p>' + " <p><strong>Please note:</strong> The plugin is only able to read public data from your account and cannot be used to edit or write to your YouTube account in any way.</p>" + ' <p class="sbspf_submit">' + ' <a href="' + $("#sbspf_get_token").attr("href") + '" class="button button-primary sbspf_dismiss_connect_warning_button" data-action="sby_dismiss_connect_warning_notice">Continue</a>' + " </p>" + ' <a href="JavaScript:void(0);" class="sbspf_modal_close sbspf_dismiss_connect_warning_button" data-action="sby_dismiss_connect_warning_notice"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>' + "" + " </div>" + "</div>" + "" + "</div>" + "</div>"; return modal; }; this.toggleCustomDateField = function () { if ($("#sby_settings_dateformat").val() === "custom") { $(".sby_customdate_wrap").slideDown(); } else { $(".sby_customdate_wrap").slideUp(); } }; this.toggleAPIKeyWarnings = function () { if ($("#sby_api_key").val() !== "") { if ($(".sby_disabled_wrap").length) { var $closestTD = $(".sbspf_row.sbspf_type_row").first().closest("td"); $(".sbspf_type_row").each(function () { if ($(this).find(".sbspf_type_input").attr("value") !== "channel") { $closestTD.append($(this)); $(this).find("input").prop("disabled", false); } }); $(".sby_disabled_wrap").remove(); } } else if (!$(".sby_disabled_wrap").length) { var $closestTD = $(".sbspf_row.sbspf_type_row").first().closest("td"); $closestTD.append( '<div class="sby_disabled_wrap sbspf_fade"><div class="sbspf_lock"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="key" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="svg-inline--fa fa-key fa-w-16"><path fill="currentColor" d="M512 176.001C512 273.203 433.202 352 336 352c-11.22 0-22.19-1.062-32.827-3.069l-24.012 27.014A23.999 23.999 0 0 1 261.223 384H224v40c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-40v40c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-78.059c0-6.365 2.529-12.47 7.029-16.971l161.802-161.802C163.108 213.814 160 195.271 160 176 160 78.798 238.797.001 335.999 0 433.488-.001 512 78.511 512 176.001zM336 128c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48s48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48-48 21.49-48 48z" class=""></path></svg>API Key Needed</div></div>' ); $(".sbspf_type_row").each(function () { if ($(this).find(".sbspf_type_input").attr("value") !== "channel") { $(".sby_disabled_wrap").append($(this)); $(this).find("input").prop("disabled", true); } else { $(this).find("input").prop("disabled", false); } }); } }; this.toggleAccessTokenDisclaimer = function () { var self = this; if ($(".sby_account_just_added").length) { $(".sby_api_needed").remove(); $(".sby_after_connection").show(); } else { $(".sby_after_connection").remove(); $(".sby_api_needed").show(); } }; this.addAccessTokenListener = function () { var self = this; if ( window.location.hash.length > 5 && window.location.hash.indexOf(this.accesstokenSplitter) > -1 ) { var accessToken = window.location.hash.split(this.accesstokenSplitter); // clear access token from hash window.location.hash = ""; var submitData = { access_token: accessToken[1], action: "sby_process_access_token", sbspf_nonce: sbspf.nonce, }; var onSuccess = function (data) { if (data.trim().indexOf("{") === 0) { var returnObj = JSON.parse(data.trim()); $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").prepend( returnObj.html ); self.initClickRemove( $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").last() ); self.initInfoToggle( $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").last() ); } }; sbAjax(submitData, onSuccess); } }; this.addManualAccessTokenListener = function () { var self = this, id = "#" + this.plugin, cla = "." + this.plugin; $(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap").hide(); $(cla + "_manually_connect").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if ($(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap").is(":visible")) { $(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap").slideUp(200); } else { $(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap").slideDown(200); } }); $(id + "_manual_submit").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $self = $(this); var accessToken = $(id + "_manual_at").val(), refreshToken = $(id + "_manual_rt").val(), error = false; if (accessToken.length < 15) { if ( !$(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap").find(cla + "_user_id_error") .length ) { $(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap") .show() .prepend( '<div class="' + self.plugin + '_user_id_error" style="display:block;">Please enter a valid access token</div>' ); } } else if (!error) { $(this).prop("disabled", true); $(this) .closest(cla + "_manually_connect_wrap") .fadeOut(); $(cla + "_connected_accounts_wrap") .fadeTo("slow", 0.5) .find(cla + "_user_id_error") .remove(); var submitData = { sby_access_token: accessToken, sby_refresh_token: refreshToken, action: "sby_process_access_token", sbspf_nonce: sbspf.nonce, }; var onSuccess = function (data) { $(cla + "_connected_accounts_wrap").fadeTo("slow", 1); $self.prop("disabled", false); if (data.trim().indexOf("{") === 0) { var returnObj = JSON.parse(data.trim()); if (typeof returnObj.error === "undefined") { if ( !$("#sbspf_connected_account_" + returnObj.account_id).length ) { $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").prepend( returnObj.html ); self.initClickRemove( $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").last() ); self.initInfoToggle( $("." + self.plugin + "_connected_accounts_wrap").last() ); console.log("added"); } else { $( "#sbspf_connected_account_" + returnObj.account_id ).replaceWith(returnObj.html); self.initClickRemove( $("#sbspf_connected_account_" + returnObj.account_id) ); self.initInfoToggle( $("#sbspf_connected_account_" + returnObj.account_id) ); console.log("updated"); } } else { alert(returnObj.error); } } self.toggleAccessTokenDisclaimer(); $(".sbspf_dismiss_at_warning_button").on("click", function () { event.preventDefault(); $("#sbspf_modal_overlay").remove(); var submitData = { action: $(this).attr("data-action"), }; sbAjax(submitData, function () {}); }); }; sbAjax(submitData, onSuccess); } }); }; this.getAction = function (action) { return "sby_" + action; }; } SbYoutubeAdmin.prototype = Object.create(SbspfAdmin.prototype); window.sby_admin_init = function () { var plugin = typeof $(".sbspf-admin").attr("data-sb-plugin") !== "undefined" ? $(".sbspf-admin").attr("data-sb-plugin") : "sbspf", $adminEl = $("#sbspf_admin.sby_admin"); window.sb = new SbYoutubeAdmin(plugin, $adminEl); window.sb.init(); window.sbImporter = new SBImporter(); window.sbImporter.init(); }; function SBImporter() { this.channel = ""; this.playlistID = ""; this.numNeeded = 0; this.numRetrieved = 0; this.nextPage = $("#sby_import_data").attr("data-next"); this.remainingCycles = 100; this.spinner = '<svg class="svg-inline--fa fa-spinner fa-w-16 fa-pulse" aria-hidden="true" data-fa-processed="" data-prefix="fa" data-icon="spinner" role="presentation" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M304 48c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48s-48-21.49-48-48 21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48zm-48 368c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zm208-208c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zM96 256c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48S0 229.49 0 256s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48zm12.922 99.078c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48c0-26.509-21.491-48-48-48zm294.156 0c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48c0-26.509-21.49-48-48-48zM108.922 60.922c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.491-48-48-48z"></path></svg>'; } SBImporter.prototype = { init: function () { var sbImporter = this; $("#sby_do_import").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).prop("disabled", true); sbImporter.numNeeded = $("#sby_num").val(); sbImporter.channel = $("#sby_import").val(); $(this).html(sbImporter.spinner); $(".sby_remaining").after(sbImporter.spinner); $(".sby_remaining").text(sbImporter.numNeeded); $(".sby_status").slideDown(); sbImporter.doImportBatch(); }); }, updateHTML: function (continueLoading) { if (continueLoading) { $(".sby_remaining").text(sbImporter.numNeeded); } else { $("#sby_do_import").remove(); } }, doImportBatch: function () { this.remainingCycles--; var sbImporter = this, toRetrieve = Math.min(this.numNeeded - this.numRetrieved, 50); var submitData = { channel: this.channel, playlist: this.playlistID, needed: toRetrieve, page: this.nextPage, action: "sby_do_import_batch", sbspf_nonce: sbspf.nonce, }; var onSuccess = function (data) { if (data.indexOf("{") > -1) { var response = JSON.parse(data); console.log(response); sbImporter.numNeeded = sbImporter.numNeeded - response.num_retrieved; if ( response.num_retrieved > 0 && sbImporter.numNeeded > 0 && sbImporter.remainingCycles > 0 && response.next.length > 1 ) { sbImporter.nextPage = response.next; sbImporter.playlistID = response.playlist; sbImporter.doImportBatch(); sbImporter.updateHTML(true); } else { sbImporter.updateHTML(false); window.location.reload(); } } }; sbAjax(submitData, onSuccess); }, }; })(jQuery); jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { sby_admin_init(); });