Current Path : /home/darkwebsol/customapparelmanufacturers.com/wp-content/plugins/meta-box/js/ |
Current File : /home/darkwebsol/customapparelmanufacturers.com/wp-content/plugins/meta-box/js/wysiwyg.js |
( function( $, wp, window, rwmb ) { 'use strict'; /** * Transform textarea into wysiwyg editor. */ function transform() { var $this = $( this ), $wrapper = $this.closest( '.wp-editor-wrap' ), id = $this.attr( 'id' ), isInBlock = $this.closest( '.wp-block, .components-panel' ).length > 0; // Update the ID attribute if the editor is in a new block. if ( isInBlock ) { id = id + '_' + rwmb.uniqid(); $this.attr( 'id', id ); } // Get current editor mode before updating the DOM. var mode = $wrapper.hasClass( 'tmce-active' ) ? 'tmce' : 'html'; // Update the DOM $this.show(); updateDom( $wrapper, id ); // Get id of the original editor to get its tinyMCE and quick tags settings var originalId = getOriginalId( this ), settings = getEditorSettings( originalId ), customSettings = $this.closest( '.rwmb-input' ).find( '.rwmb-wysiwyg-id' ).data( 'options' ); // TinyMCE if ( window.tinymce ) { settings.tinymce.selector = '#' + id; settings.tinymce.setup = function( editor ) { editor.on( 'keyup change', function() { editor.save(); // Required for live validation. $this.trigger( 'change' ); } ); }; // Set editor mode after initializing. settings.tinymce.init_instance_callback = function() { switchEditors.go( id, mode ); }; tinymce.remove( '#' + id ); tinymce.init( $.extend( settings.tinymce, customSettings.tinymce ) ); } // Quick tags if ( window.quicktags ) { settings.quicktags.id = id; quicktags( $.extend( settings.quicktags, customSettings.quicktags ) ); QTags._buttonsInit(); } } function getEditorSettings( id ) { var settings = getDefaultEditorSettings(); if ( id && tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit.hasOwnProperty( id ) ) { settings.tinymce = tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ id ]; } if ( id && window.quicktags && tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit.hasOwnProperty( id ) ) { settings.quicktags = tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit[ id ]; } return settings; } function getDefaultEditorSettings() { var settings = wp.editor.getDefaultSettings(); settings.tinymce.toolbar1 = 'formatselect,bold,italic,bullist,numlist,blockquote,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,link,unlink,wp_more,spellchecker,fullscreen,wp_adv'; settings.tinymce.toolbar2 = 'strikethrough,hr,forecolor,pastetext,removeformat,charmap,outdent,indent,undo,redo,wp_help'; settings.quicktags.buttons = 'strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,more,close'; return settings; } /** * Get original ID of the textarea * The ID will be used to reference to tinyMCE and quick tags settings * @param el Current cloned textarea */ function getOriginalId( el ) { return el.closest( '.rwmb-input' ).querySelector( '.rwmb-wysiwyg-id' ).dataset.id; } /** * Update id, class, [data-] attributes, ... of the cloned editor. * @param $wrapper Editor wrapper element * @param id Editor ID */ function updateDom( $wrapper, id ) { // Wrapper div and media buttons $wrapper.attr( 'id', 'wp-' + id + '-wrap' ) .find( '.mce-container' ).remove().end() // Remove rendered tinyMCE editor .find( '.wp-editor-tools' ).attr( 'id', 'wp-' + id + '-editor-tools' ) .find( '.wp-media-buttons' ).attr( 'id', 'wp-' + id + '-media-buttons' ) .find( 'button' ).data( 'editor', id ).attr( 'data-editor', id ); // Set default active mode. $wrapper.removeClass( 'html-active tmce-active' ); $wrapper.addClass( window.tinymce ? 'tmce-active' : 'html-active' ); // Editor tabs $wrapper.find( '.switch-tmce' ) .attr( 'id', id + 'tmce' ) .data( 'wp-editor-id', id ).attr( 'data-wp-editor-id', id ).end() .find( '.switch-html' ) .attr( 'id', id + 'html' ) .data( 'wp-editor-id', id ).attr( 'data-wp-editor-id', id ); // Quick tags $wrapper.find( '.wp-editor-container' ).attr( 'id', 'wp-' + id + '-editor-container' ) .find( '.quicktags-toolbar' ).attr( 'id', 'qt_' + id + '_toolbar' ).html( '' ); } function init( e ) { $( e.target ).find( '.rwmb-wysiwyg' ).each( transform ); } /** * Add required attribute for validation. * * this = textarea element. */ function addRequiredAttribute() { if ( this.classList.contains( 'rwmb-wysiwyg-required' ) ) { this.setAttribute( 'required', true ); } } /** * Setup events for the classic editor to make live validation work. * * When change: * - Save content to textarea for live validation. * - Trigger change event for compatibility. * * this = textarea element. */ function setupEvents() { if ( !window.tinymce ) { return; } var editor = tinymce.get( this.id ); if ( !editor ) { return; } var $this = $( this ); editor.on( 'keyup change', function() { editor.save(); // Required for live validation. $this.trigger( 'change' ); } ); } $( function() { var $editors = $( '.rwmb-wysiwyg' ); $editors.each( addRequiredAttribute ); $editors.each( setupEvents ); // Force re-render editors in Gutenberg. Use setTimeOut to run after all other code. Bug occurs in WP 5.6. if ( rwmb.isGutenberg ) { setTimeout( () => $editors.each( transform ), 200 ); } } ); rwmb.$document .on( 'mb_blocks_edit', init ) .on( 'mb_init_editors', init ) .on( 'clone', '.rwmb-wysiwyg', function() { /* * Transform a textarea to an editor is a heavy task. * Moving it to the end of task queue with setTimeout makes cloning faster. */ setTimeout( transform.bind( this ), 200 ); } ); } )( jQuery, wp, window, rwmb );