
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/darkwebsol/customapparelmanufacturers.com/wp-content/themes/oceanwp/inc/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/darkwebsol/customapparelmanufacturers.com/wp-content/themes/oceanwp/inc/helpers.php

 * This file includes helper functions used throughout the theme.
 * @package OceanWP WordPress theme

 [ Table of contents ]

	# General
	# Top Bar
	# Header
	# Page Header
	# Blog
	# Footer
	# WooCommerce
	# Other

 [ General ]

if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_html_classes' ) ) {

	 * Adds classes to the html tag
	 * @since 1.0.0
	function oceanwp_html_classes() {

		// Setup classes array.
		$classes = array();

		// Main class.
		$classes[] = 'html';

		// Set keys equal to vals.
		$classes = array_combine( $classes, $classes );

		// Apply filters for child theming.
		$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_html_classes', $classes );

		// Turn classes into space seperated string.
		$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );

		// Return classes.
		return $classes;


if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_body_classes' ) ) {

	 * Adds classes to the body tag
	 * @param obj $classes    body class.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	function oceanwp_body_classes( $classes ) {

		// Vars.
		$post_layout  = oceanwp_post_layout();
		$layout_style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_main_layout_style', 'wide' );
		$post_id      = oceanwp_post_id();
		$mobile_style = oceanwp_mobile_menu_style();

		// RTL.
		if ( is_rtl() ) {
			$classes[] = 'rtl';

		// Main class.
		$classes[] = 'oceanwp-theme';

		// Mobile menu style.
		$classes[] = $mobile_style . '-mobile';

		// If video header.
		if ( function_exists( 'has_header_video' )
			&& has_header_video() ) {
			$classes[] = 'has-header-video';

		// Boxed layout.
		if ( 'boxed' == $layout_style ) {
			$classes[] = 'boxed-layout';

			if ( get_theme_mod( 'ocean_boxed_dropdshadow', true ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'wrap-boxshadow';

		// Separate layout.
		if ( 'separate' == $layout_style ) {
			$classes[] = 'separate-layout';

		// If separate style nad blog page.
		if ( 'separate' == $layout_style
			&& ( is_home()
				|| is_category()
				|| is_tag()
				|| is_date()
				|| is_author() ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'separate-blog';

		// If is not custom header created with Elementor Pro 2.0.
		if ( ! function_exists( 'elementor_location_exits' ) || ! elementor_location_exits( 'header', true ) ) {

			// Top menu header style to control the responsive.
			if ( 'top' == oceanwp_header_style() ) {
				$classes[] = 'top-header-style';

			// Medium header style to control the responsive.
			if ( 'medium' == oceanwp_header_style() ) {
				$classes[] = 'medium-header-style';

			// Vertical header style.
			if ( 'vertical' == oceanwp_header_style() ) {

				// Vertical header style to control the wrap margin left.
				$classes[] = 'vertical-header-style';

				// Header position.
				$position  = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_vertical_header_position', 'left-header' );
				$position  = $position ? $position : 'left-header';
				$classes[] = $position;

				// If default collapse.
				$vh_collapse_width = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_vertical_header_collapse_width', '1280' );
				if ( empty( $vh_collapse_width )
					|| '1280' == $vh_collapse_width ) {
					$classes[] = 'default-collapse';

			// Add transparent class for header styles.
			if ( 'transparent' == oceanwp_header_style()
				|| ( 'full_screen' == oceanwp_header_style() && true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_full_screen_header_transparent', false ) )
				|| ( 'center' == oceanwp_header_style() && true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_center_header_transparent', false ) )
				|| ( 'medium' == oceanwp_header_style() && true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_medium_header_transparent', false ) ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'has-transparent-header';

			// Add transparent class for the vertical header style.
			if ( 'vertical' == oceanwp_header_style()
				&& true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_vertical_header_transparent', false ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'has-vh-transparent';

			// If vertical header closed.
			if ( 'vertical' == oceanwp_header_style()
				&& true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_vertical_header_closed', false ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'vh-closed';

		// If no header border bottom.
		if ( true != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_has_header_border_bottom', true ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'no-header-border';

		// If no custom mobile breakpoint.
		if ( '959' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_mobile_menu_breakpoints', '959' ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'default-breakpoint';

		// Sidebar enabled.
		if ( 'left-sidebar' == $post_layout
			|| 'right-sidebar' == $post_layout
			|| 'both-sidebars' == $post_layout ) {
			$classes[] = 'has-sidebar';

		// Mobile sidebar order.
		if ( 'sidebar-content' == oceanwp_sidebar_order() ) {
			$classes[] = 'sidebar-content';

		// Content layout.
		if ( $post_layout ) {
			$classes[] = 'content-' . $post_layout;

		// If full width and has content width.
		if ( 'full-width' == $post_layout
			&& '0' != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_content_width', '700' ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'content-max-width';

		// Both sidebars layout style.
		if ( 'both-sidebars' == $post_layout ) {
			$classes[] = oceanwp_both_sidebars_style();

		// Single Post cagegories.
		if ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
			$cats = get_the_category( $post_id );
			foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
				$classes[] = 'post-in-category-' . $cat->category_nicename;

		// If landing page template.
		if ( is_page_template( 'templates/landing.php' ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'landing-page';

		// Topbar.
		if ( oceanwp_display_topbar() ) {
			$classes[] = 'has-topbar';

		// Title with Background Image.
		if ( 'background-image' == oceanwp_page_header_style() ) {
			$classes[] = 'page-with-background-title';

		// Disabled header.
		if ( ! oceanwp_has_page_header() ) {
			$classes[] = 'page-header-disabled';

		// Breadcrumbs.
		if ( oceanwp_has_breadcrumbs() ) {
			$classes[] = 'has-breadcrumbs';

		// If blog grid style.
		if ( 'grid-entry' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_style', 'large-entry' ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'has-blog-grid';

		// Fixed footer.
		if ( 'on' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_fixed_footer', 'off' ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'has-fixed-footer';

		// Parallax footer.
		if ( 'on' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_parallax_footer', 'off' ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'has-parallax-footer';

		// Pagination.
		$pagination_align = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_pagination_align', 'right' );
		if ( 'right' != $pagination_align ) {
			$classes[] = 'pagination-' . $pagination_align;

		// If WooCommerce is active.

			// If grid/list buttons.
			if ( get_theme_mod( 'ocean_woo_grid_list', true ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'has-grid-list';

			// Tabs position.
			$woo_tabs = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_woo_product_meta_tabs_position', 'center' );
			if ( oceanwp_is_woo_single()
				&& 'center' != $woo_tabs ) {
				$classes[] = 'woo-' . $woo_tabs . '-tabs';

			// If shop conditional.
			if ( true === get_theme_mod( 'ocean_shop_conditional', false ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'has-woo-shop-conditional';

				// If shop conditional message.
				if ( 'yes' === get_theme_mod( 'ocean_shop_cond_msg', 'yes' ) ) {

					// If My Account page linked to conditional message.
					if ( true === get_theme_mod( 'ocean_shop_add_myaccount_link', false ) ) {
						$classes[] = 'has-woo-shop-cond-msg-myaccount';
					} else {
						$classes[] = 'has-woo-shop-cond-msg';

			// If has disabled image and product archive links.
			if ( true === get_theme_mod( 'ocean_shop_woo_disable_links', false ) ) {

				// If disable image and links conditional.
				if ( 'yes' === get_theme_mod( 'ocean_shop_woo_disable_links_cond', 'no' ) ) {
					$classes[] = 'has-woo-shop-links-disabled-cond';
				} else {
					$classes[] = 'has-woo-shop-links-disabled-all';

			// If has sinlge product conditional.
			if ( true === get_theme_mod( 'ocean_woo_single_conditional', false ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'has-woo-single-conditional';

				// If single conditional message.
				if ( 'yes' === get_theme_mod( 'ocean_woo_single_cond_msg', 'yes' ) ) {

					// If My Account page linked to conditional message.
					if ( true === get_theme_mod( 'ocean_single_add_myaccount_link', false ) ) {
						$classes[] = 'has-woo-single-cond-msg-myaccount';
					} else {
						$classes[] = 'has-woo-single-cond-msg';

		$perf_lightbox = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_performance_lightbox', 'enabled' );

		 * Performance Section
		if ( ! oceanwp_gallery_is_lightbox_enabled() && $perf_lightbox === 'disabled' ) {
			$classes[] = 'no-lightbox';

		// Return classes.
		return $classes;


	add_filter( 'body_class', 'oceanwp_body_classes' );


if ( get_theme_mod( 'ocean_performance_emoji', 'enabled' ) === 'disabled' ) {
	remove_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'wp_staticize_emoji' );
	remove_filter( 'comment_text_rss', 'wp_staticize_emoji' );
	remove_filter( 'wp_mail', 'wp_staticize_emoji_for_email' );





		function ( $plugins ) {
			if ( is_array( $plugins ) ) {
				return array_diff( $plugins, array( 'wpemoji' ) );
			} else {
				return array();

		function ( $urls, $relation_type ) {
			if ( 'dns-prefetch' === $relation_type ) {
				$emoji_svg_url = apply_filters( 'emoji_svg_url', 'https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/2/svg/' );

				$urls = array_diff( $urls, array( $emoji_svg_url ) );

			return $urls;

 * Backward compatibility
 * @since 1.8.3
if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_body_open' ) ) {

	 * Shim for wp_body_open, ensuring backward compatibility with versions of WordPress older than 5.2.
	function wp_body_open() {
		do_action( 'wp_body_open' );

if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_post_id' ) ) {

	 * Store current post ID
	 * @since 1.0.0
	function oceanwp_post_id() {

		// Default value.
		$id = '';

		// If singular get_the_ID.
		if ( is_singular() ) {
			$id = get_the_ID();

		// Get ID of WooCommerce product archive.
		elseif ( OCEANWP_WOOCOMMERCE_ACTIVE && is_shop() ) {
			$shop_id = wc_get_page_id( 'shop' );
			if ( isset( $shop_id ) ) {
				$id = $shop_id;

		// Posts page.
		elseif ( is_home() && $page_for_posts = get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ) {
			$id = $page_for_posts;

		// Apply filters.
		$id = apply_filters( 'ocean_post_id', $id );

		// Sanitize.
		$id = $id ? $id : '';

		// Return ID.
		return $id;


 * Get unique ID
 * Based on the TwentyTwenty theme unique ID method: inc\template-tags.php
 * @since 1.7.9
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_unique_id' ) ) {
	function oceanwp_unique_id( $prefix = '' ) {
		static $id_counter = 0;
		if ( function_exists( 'wp_unique_id' ) ) {
			return wp_unique_id( $prefix );
		return $prefix . (string) ++$id_counter;

 * Returns correct post layout
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_post_layout' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_post_layout() {

		// Define variables
		$class = 'right-sidebar';

		$meta = get_post_meta( oceanwp_post_id(), 'ocean_post_layout', true );

		$meta = apply_filters( 'ocean_post_layout_meta_value', $meta );

		// Check meta first to override and return (prevents filters from overriding meta)
		if ( $meta ) {
			return $meta;

		// Singular Page
		if ( is_page() ) {

			// Landing template
			if ( is_page_template( 'templates/landing.php' ) ) {
				$class = 'full-width';

			// Attachment
			elseif ( is_attachment() ) {
				$class = 'full-width';

			// All other pages
			else {
				$class = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_single_layout', 'right-sidebar' );

		// Home
		elseif ( is_home()
			|| is_category()
			|| is_tag()
			|| is_date()
			|| is_author() ) {
			$class = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_archives_layout', 'right-sidebar' );

		// Singular Post
		elseif ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
			$class = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_layout', 'right-sidebar' );

		// Library and Elementor template
		elseif ( is_singular( 'oceanwp_library' )
				|| is_singular( 'elementor_library' ) ) {
			$class = 'full-width';

		// Search
		elseif ( is_search() ) {
			$class = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_search_layout', 'right-sidebar' );

		// 404 page
		elseif ( is_404() ) {
			$class = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_error_page_layout', 'full-width' );

		// All else
		else {
			$class = 'right-sidebar';

		// Class should never be empty
		if ( empty( $class ) ) {
			$class = 'right-sidebar';

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_post_layout_class', $class );


 * Returns correct both sidebars style layout
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_both_sidebars_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_both_sidebars_style() {

		// Meta.
		$meta = get_post_meta( oceanwp_post_id(), 'ocean_both_sidebars_style', true );

		$meta = apply_filters( 'ocean_both_sidebars_style_value', $meta );

		// Check meta first to override and return (prevents filters from overriding meta)
		if ( $meta ) {
			return $meta;

		// Singular Page
		if ( is_page() ) {
			$class = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_single_both_sidebars_style', 'scs-style' );

		// Home
		elseif ( is_home()
			|| is_category()
			|| is_tag()
			|| is_date()
			|| is_author() ) {
			$class = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_archives_both_sidebars_style', 'scs-style' );

		// Singular Post
		elseif ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
			$class = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_both_sidebars_style', 'scs-style' );

		// Search
		elseif ( is_search() ) {
			$class = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_search_both_sidebars_style', 'scs-style' );

		// All else
		else {
			$class = 'scs-style';

		// Class should never be empty
		if ( empty( $class ) ) {
			$class = 'scs-style';

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_both_sidebars_style', $class );


 * Mobile sidebar order
 * @since 1.6
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_sidebar_order' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_sidebar_order() {

		// Define variables
		$order = 'content-sidebar';
		$meta   = get_post_meta( oceanwp_post_id(), 'ocean_post_layout', true );

		// Check meta first to override and return (prevents filters from overriding meta)
		if ( $meta ) {
			return $meta;

		// Singular Page
		if ( is_page() ) {
			$order = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_single_sidebar_order', 'content-sidebar' );

		// Home
		elseif ( is_home()
			|| is_category()
			|| is_tag()
			|| is_date()
			|| is_author() ) {
			$order = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_archives_sidebar_order', 'content-sidebar' );

		// Singular Post
		elseif ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
			$order = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_single_post_sidebar_order', 'content-sidebar' );

		// Search
		elseif ( is_search() ) {
			$order = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_search_sidebar_order', 'content-sidebar' );

		// All else
		else {
			$order = 'content-sidebar';

		// The order should never be empty
		if ( empty( $order ) ) {
			$order = 'content-sidebar';

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_sidebar_order', $order );


 * Get the sidebar
 * @since  1.4.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_display_sidebar' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_display_sidebar() {

		// Retunr if full width or full screen
		if ( in_array( oceanwp_post_layout(), array( 'full-screen', 'full-width' ) ) ) {

		// Add the second sidebar
		if ( 'both-sidebars' == oceanwp_post_layout() ) {
			get_sidebar( 'left' );

		// Add the default sidebar


 * Returns the sidebar
 * @since  1.6
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_sidebar_action' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_sidebar_action() {

		if ( 'sidebar-content' == oceanwp_sidebar_order()
			&& 'both-sidebars' != oceanwp_post_layout() ) {
			$action = 'ocean_before_primary';
		} else {
			$action = 'ocean_after_primary';

		add_action( $action, 'oceanwp_display_sidebar' );


	add_action( 'wp', 'oceanwp_sidebar_action', 20 );


 * Returns the correct sidebar ID
 * @since  1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_sidebar' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_sidebar( $sidebar = 'sidebar' ) {

		// Search
		if ( is_search()
			&& true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_search_custom_sidebar', true ) ) {
			$sidebar = 'search_sidebar';

		// Add filter for tweaking the sidebar display via child theme's
		$sidebar = apply_filters( 'ocean_get_sidebar', $sidebar );

		// Never show empty sidebar
		if ( ! is_active_sidebar( $sidebar ) ) {
			$sidebar = 'sidebar';

		// Return the correct sidebar
		return $sidebar;


 * Returns the correct second sidebar ID
 * @since  1.4.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_second_sidebar' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_second_sidebar( $sidebar = 'sidebar-2' ) {

		// Add filter for tweaking the left sidebar display via child theme's
		$sidebar = apply_filters( 'ocean_get_second_sidebar', $sidebar );

		// Never show empty sidebar
		if ( ! is_active_sidebar( $sidebar ) ) {
			$sidebar = 'sidebar-2';

		// Return the correct sidebar
		return $sidebar;


 * Returns the correct classname for any specific column grid
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_grid_class' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_grid_class( $col = '4' ) {
		return esc_attr( apply_filters( 'ocean_grid_class', 'span_1_of_' . $col ) );

 * Removes the scheme of the passed URL to fit the current page.
 * @since 1.1.1
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_correct_url_scheme' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_correct_url_scheme( $url ) {

		$url = str_replace( 'http://', '//', str_replace( 'https://', '//', $url ) );

		return $url;

 * Gets the attachment ID from the url
 * @since 1.1.1
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_attachment_id_from_url' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_attachment_id_from_url( $attachment_url = '' ) {

		global $wpdb;
		$attachment_id = false;

		if ( '' == $attachment_url || ! is_string( $attachment_url ) ) {
			return '';

		$upload_dir_paths         = wp_upload_dir();
		$upload_dir_paths_baseurl = $upload_dir_paths['baseurl'];

		if ( substr( $attachment_url, 0, 2 ) == '//' ) {
			$upload_dir_paths_baseurl = oceanwp_correct_url_scheme( $upload_dir_paths_baseurl );

		// Make sure the upload path base directory exists in the attachment URL, to verify that we're working with a media library image.
		if ( false !== strpos( $attachment_url, $upload_dir_paths_baseurl ) ) {

			// If this is the URL of an auto-generated thumbnail, get the URL of the original image.
			$attachment_url = preg_replace( '/-\d+x\d+(?=\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|tiff|svg)$)/i', '', $attachment_url );

			// Remove the upload path base directory from the attachment URL.
			$attachment_url = str_replace( $upload_dir_paths_baseurl . '/', '', $attachment_url );

			// Run a custom database query to get the attachment ID from the modified attachment URL.
			$attachment_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT wposts.ID FROM $wpdb->posts wposts, $wpdb->postmeta wpostmeta WHERE wposts.ID = wpostmeta.post_id AND wpostmeta.meta_key = '_wp_attached_file' AND wpostmeta.meta_value = '%s' AND wposts.post_type = 'attachment'", $attachment_url ) );
			$attachment_id = apply_filters( 'wpml_object_id', $attachment_id, 'attachment' );

		return $attachment_id;


 * Gets the most important attachment data from the url
 * @since 1.1.1
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_attachment_data_from_url' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_attachment_data_from_url( $attachment_url = '' ) {

		if ( '' == $attachment_url ) {
			return false;

		$attachment_data['url'] = preg_replace( '/-\d+x\d+(?=\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$)/i', '', $attachment_url );
		$attachment_data['id']  = oceanwp_get_attachment_id_from_url( $attachment_data['url'] );

		if ( ! $attachment_data['id'] ) {
			return false;

		preg_match( '/\d+x\d+(?=\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$)/i', $attachment_url, $matches );
		if ( count( $matches ) > 0 ) {
			$dimensions                = explode( 'x', $matches[0] );
			$attachment_data['width']  = $dimensions[0];
			$attachment_data['height'] = $dimensions[1];
		} else {
			$attachment_src            = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_data['id'], 'full' );
			$attachment_data['width']  = $attachment_src[1];
			$attachment_data['height'] = $attachment_src[2];

		$attachment_data['alt']     = get_post_field( '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $attachment_data['id'] );
		$attachment_data['caption'] = get_post_field( 'post_excerpt', $attachment_data['id'] );
		$attachment_data['title']   = get_post_field( 'post_title', $attachment_data['id'] );

		return $attachment_data;

 [ Top Bar ]

 * Display top bar
 * @since 1.1.2
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_display_topbar' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_display_topbar() {

		// Return true by default
		$return = true;

		// Return false if disabled via Customizer
		if ( true != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_top_bar', true ) ) {
			$return = false;

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_display_top_bar', $return );


 * Top bar template
 * I make a function to be able to remove it for the Beaver Themer plugin
 * @since 1.2.5
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_top_bar_template' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_top_bar_template() {

		// Return if no top bar
		if ( ! oceanwp_display_topbar() ) {

		get_template_part( 'partials/topbar/layout' );


	add_action( 'ocean_top_bar', 'oceanwp_top_bar_template' );


 * Add classes to the top bar wrap
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_topbar_classes' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_topbar_classes() {

		// Setup classes array
		$classes = array();

		// Clearfix class
		$classes[] = 'clr';

		// Visibility
		$visibility = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_top_bar_visibility', 'all-devices' );
		if ( 'all-devices' != $visibility ) {
			$classes[] = $visibility;

		// Set keys equal to vals
		$classes = array_combine( $classes, $classes );

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_topbar_classes', $classes );

		// Turn classes into space seperated string
		$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );

		// return classes
		return $classes;


 * Topbar style
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_top_bar_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_top_bar_style() {
		$style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_top_bar_style' );
		$style = $style ? $style : 'one';
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_top_bar_style', $style );
 * Topbar Content classes
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_topbar_content_classes' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_topbar_content_classes() {

		// Define classes
		$classes = array( 'clr' );

		// Check for content
		if ( get_theme_mod( 'ocean_top_bar_content' ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'has-content';

		// Get topbar style
		$style = oceanwp_top_bar_style();

		// Top bar style
		if ( 'one' == $style ) {
			$classes[] = 'top-bar-left';
		} elseif ( 'two' == $style ) {
			$classes[] = 'top-bar-right';
		} elseif ( 'three' == $style ) {
			$classes[] = 'top-bar-centered';

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_top_bar_classes', $classes );

		// Turn classes array into space seperated string
		$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );

		// Return classes
		return esc_attr( $classes );


 [ Header ]

 * Display header
 * @since 1.1.2
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_display_header' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_display_header() {

		// Return true by default
		$return = true;

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_display_header', $return );


 * Header template
 * I make a function to be able to remove it for the Beaver Themer plugin
 * @since 1.2.5
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_template' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_template() {

		// Return if no header
		if ( ! oceanwp_display_header() ) {

		get_template_part( 'partials/header/layout' );


	add_action( 'ocean_header', 'oceanwp_header_template' );


 * Header style
 * @since 1.1.2
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_style() {

		// Get style from customizer setting
		$style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_header_style', 'minimal' );

		// Sanitize style to make sure it isn't empty
		$style = $style ? $style : 'minimal';

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_header_style', $style );


 * Custom header style template
 * @since 1.4.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_custom_header_template' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_custom_header_template() {

		// Get template from customizer setting
		$template = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_header_template' );

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_custom_header_template', $template );


 * Add classes to the header wrap
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_classes' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_classes() {

		// Header style
		$header_style = oceanwp_header_style();

		// Setup classes array
		$classes = array();

		// If is not custom header created with Elementor Pro 2.0
		if ( ! function_exists( 'elementor_location_exits' ) || ! elementor_location_exits( 'header', true ) ) {

			// Add header style class
			$classes[] = $header_style . '-header';

			// Add transparent class for header styles
			if ( ( 'full_screen' == $header_style && true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_full_screen_header_transparent', false ) )
				|| ( 'center' == $header_style && true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_center_header_transparent', false ) )
				|| ( 'medium' == $header_style && true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_medium_header_transparent', false ) )
				|| ( 'vertical' == $header_style && true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_vertical_header_transparent', false ) ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'is-transparent';

			// Search overlay
			if ( 'overlay' == oceanwp_menu_search_style() ) {
				$classes[] = 'search-overlay';

			// Add class if social menu is enabled to remove the negative right on the navigation
			if ( true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_menu_social', false ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'has-social';

			// Menu position
			if ( 'minimal' == $header_style || 'transparent' == $header_style ) {
				if ( 'left-menu' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_menu_position', 'right-menu' ) ) {
					$classes[] = 'left-menu';
				} elseif ( 'center-menu' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_menu_position', 'right-menu' ) ) {
					$classes[] = 'center-menu';

			// Medium header style menu hidden
			if ( 'medium' == $header_style
				&& true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_medium_header_hidden_menu', true )
				&& true != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_medium_header_stick_menu', false ) ) {

				// Add hidden menu class
				$classes[] = 'hidden-menu';


			// Vertical header style
			if ( 'vertical' == $header_style ) {

				// Header shadow
				if ( true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_vertical_header_shadow', true ) ) {
					$classes[] = 'has-shadow';

				// Logo position
				$logo_position = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_vertical_header_logo_position', 'center-logo' );
				$logo_position = $logo_position ? $logo_position : 'vh-center-logo';
				$classes[]     = 'vh-' . $logo_position;


			// If the search header replace
			if ( 'header_replace' == oceanwp_menu_search_style() ) {
				$classes[] = 'header-replace';

			// If has header media
			if ( has_header_image() ) {
				$classes[] = 'has-header-media';

			// Mobile elements positionning
			if ( ( 'medium' != $header_style
					&& 'vertical' != $header_style
					&& 'top' != $header_style )
				&& 'one' != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_mobile_elements_positioning', 'one' ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'center-logo';

		// If menu links effect
		$link_effect = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_menu_links_effect', 'no' );
		if ( 'no' != $link_effect ) {
			$classes[] = 'effect-' . $link_effect;

		// Clearfix class
		$classes[] = 'clr';

		// Set keys equal to vals
		$classes = array_combine( $classes, $classes );

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_header_classes', $classes );

		// Turn classes into space seperated string
		$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );

		// return classes
		return $classes;


 * Add classes to the top header style wrap
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_top_header_classes' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_top_header_classes() {

		// Header style
		$header_style = oceanwp_header_style();

		// Return if is not the top header style
		if ( 'top' != $header_style ) {

		// Setup classes array
		$classes = array();

		// Add classes
		$classes[] = 'header-top';

		// Clearfix class
		$classes[] = 'clr';

		// Set keys equal to vals
		$classes = array_combine( $classes, $classes );

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_top_header_classes', $classes );

		// Turn classes into space seperated string
		$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );

		// return classes
		return $classes;


 * Returns custom logo setting
 * @since 1.1.2
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_logo_setting' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_logo_setting() {

		// Get setting
		$setting = get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo' );

		// Return setting
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_custom_logo', $setting );


 * Returns retina logo setting
 * @since 1.1.2
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_retina_logo_setting' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_retina_logo_setting() {

		// Get setting
		$setting = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_retina_logo' );

		// Return setting
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_retina_logo', $setting );


 * Add srcset for retina header logo
 * @since 1.1.1
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_retina_logo' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_retina_logo( $attr, $attachment, $size ) {

		$attr['srcset'] = '';

		// Get logo
		$custom_logo = oceanwp_header_logo_setting();

		if ( (int) $custom_logo === $attachment->ID ) {

				// Logo data
				$logo_data = array(
					'url'    => '',
					'width'  => '',
					'height' => '',
					'alt'    => '',

				if ( ! is_customize_preview() ) {
					$logo_attachment_data = oceanwp_get_attachment_data_from_url( $logo_data['url'] );

					if ( isset( $logo_attachment_data[0] ) ) {
						$attr['src'] = $logo_attachment_data[0];

				// Get file type.
				$file_type = wp_check_filetype( $attr['src'] );
				$file_ext  = $file_type['ext'];

				if ( 'svg' === $file_ext ) {
					$attr['width']    = '100%';
					$attr['height']   = '100%';
					$logo_has_classes = isset( $attr['class'] ) ? $attr['class'] : '';
					$attr['class']    = $logo_has_classes . ' oceanwp-logo-svg';

				// Get retina logo
				$retina_logo = oceanwp_header_retina_logo_setting();

				if ( $retina_logo ) {

					$cutom_logo_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $custom_logo, 'full' );
					$cutom_logo_url = $cutom_logo_src[0];

					$attr['srcset'] = $cutom_logo_url . ' 1x, ' . $retina_logo . ' 2x';


		// Return attr
		return $attr;


 * Returns full screen header logo
 * @since 1.0.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_full_screen_logo' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_full_screen_logo() {

		// Return false if disabled
		if ( 'full_screen' != oceanwp_header_style() ) {
			return false;

		$html = '';

		// Get logo
		$logo_url   = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_full_screen_header_logo' );
		$retina_url = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_full_screen_header_retina_logo' );
		$srcset     = '';

		// Logo data
		$logo_data = array(
			'url'    => '',
			'width'  => '',
			'height' => '',
			'alt'    => '',

		if ( $logo_url ) {

			// Logo url
			$logo_data['url'] = $logo_url;

			// Logo data
			$logo_attachment_data = oceanwp_get_attachment_data_from_url( $logo_url );

			// Get logo data
			if ( $logo_attachment_data ) {
				$logo_data['width']  = $logo_attachment_data['width'];
				$logo_data['height'] = $logo_attachment_data['height'];
				$logo_data['alt']    = $logo_attachment_data['alt'];

			// Add srcset attr
			if ( $retina_url ) {
				$srcset = $logo_url . ' 1x, ' . $retina_url . ' 2x';
				$srcset = 'srcset="' . $srcset . '"';

			// Output image
			$html = sprintf(
				'<a href="%1$s" class="full-screen-logo-link" rel="home"' . oceanwp_get_schema_markup( 'url' ) . '><img src="%2$s" class="full-screen-logo" width="%3$s" height="%4$s" alt="%5$s" %6$s /></a>',
				esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ),
				esc_url( $logo_data['url'] ),
				esc_attr( $logo_data['width'] ),
				esc_attr( $logo_data['height'] ),
				esc_attr( $logo_data['alt'] ),


		// Return logo
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_full_screen_header_logo', $html );


 * Echo full_screen header logo
 * @since 1.1.1
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_custom_full_screen_logo' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_custom_full_screen_logo() {
		echo oceanwp_header_full_screen_logo();

 * Returns responsive header logo
 * @since 1.4.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_responsive_logo' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_responsive_logo() {

		$html = '';

		// Get logo
		$logo_url = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_responsive_logo' );

		// Logo data
		$logo_data = array(
			'url'    => '',
			'width'  => '',
			'height' => '',
			'alt'    => '',

		if ( $logo_url ) {

			// Logo url
			$logo_data['url'] = $logo_url;

			// Logo data
			$logo_attachment_data = oceanwp_get_attachment_data_from_url( $logo_url );

			// Get logo data
			if ( $logo_attachment_data ) {
				$logo_data['width']  = $logo_attachment_data['width'];
				$logo_data['height'] = $logo_attachment_data['height'];
				$logo_data['alt']    = $logo_attachment_data['alt'];

			// Output image
			$html = sprintf(
				'<a href="%1$s" class="responsive-logo-link" rel="home"' . oceanwp_get_schema_markup( 'url' ) . '><img src="%2$s" class="responsive-logo" width="%3$s" height="%4$s" alt="%5$s" /></a>',
				esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ),
				esc_url( $logo_data['url'] ),
				esc_attr( $logo_data['width'] ),
				esc_attr( $logo_data['height'] ),
				esc_attr( $logo_data['alt'] )


		// Return logo
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_responsive_logo', $html );


 * Echo responsive header logo
 * @since 1.4.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_custom_responsive_logo' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_custom_responsive_logo() {
		echo wp_kses_post( oceanwp_header_responsive_logo() );

 * Returns social sharing template part
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_medium_header_elements' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_medium_header_elements() {

		// Default array
		$array = array( 'searchfrom', 'logo', 'social' );

		// Get array from Customizer
		$array = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_medium_header_top_header_elements', $array );

		// Turn into array if string
		if ( $array && ! is_array( $array ) ) {
			$array = explode( ',', $array );

		// Apply filters for easy modification
		$array = apply_filters( 'ocean_medium_header_elements_filter', $array );

		// Return array
		return $array;


 * Display content after header
 * @since 1.5.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_display_after_header_content' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_display_after_header_content() {

		// Header style
		$style = oceanwp_header_style();

		// Return false by default
		$return = false;

		// Get after header content
		$content = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_after_header_content' );
		$content = oceanwp_tm_translation( 'ocean_after_header_content', $content );

		// Display header content
		if ( ( 'minimal' == $style
				|| 'transparent' == $style )
			&& $content
			|| ( 'minimal' == $style
				|| 'transparent' == $style )
			&& is_customize_preview() ) {
			$return = true; ?>
			<div class="after-header-content">
				<div class="after-header-content-inner">
					// Display top bar content
					echo do_shortcode( $content );

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_display_after_header_content', $return );


	add_action( 'ocean_before_nav', 'oceanwp_display_after_header_content', 999 );


 * Display navigation
 * @since 1.5.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_display_navigation' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_display_navigation() {

		// Return true by default
		$return = true;

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_display_navigation', $return );


 * Custom nav template
 * @since 1.4.7
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_custom_nav_template' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_custom_nav_template() {

		// Get template from customizer setting
		$template = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_custom_nav_template' );

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_custom_nav_template', $template );


 * Returns header template content
 * @since 1.4.7
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_nav_template_content' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_nav_template_content() {

		// Get the template ID
		$content = oceanwp_custom_nav_template();

		// Get template content
		if ( ! empty( $content ) ) {

			$template = get_post( $content );

			if ( $template && ! is_wp_error( $template ) ) {
				$content = $template->post_content;

		// Apply filters and return content
		return apply_filters( 'oceanwp_nav_template_content', $content );


 * Returns correct menu classes
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_menu_classes' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_menu_classes( $return ) {

		// Header style
		$header_style = oceanwp_header_style();

		// Medium header style menu position
		$menu_position = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_medium_header_menu_position', 'center-menu' );

		// Define classes array
		$classes = array();

		// Return wrapper classes
		if ( 'wrapper' == $return ) {

			// Add special class if the dropdown top border option in the admin is disabled
			if ( true != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_menu_dropdown_top_border', true ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'no-top-border';

			// Add clearfix
			$classes[] = 'clr';

			// If medium header style and menu position
			if ( 'medium' == $header_style
				&& $menu_position ) {
				$classes[] = $menu_position;

			// Set keys equal to vals
			$classes = array_combine( $classes, $classes );

			// Apply filters
			$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_header_menu_wrap_classes', $classes );


		// Inner Classes
		elseif ( 'inner' == $return ) {

			// Core
			$classes[] = 'navigation';
			$classes[] = 'main-navigation';
			$classes[] = 'clr';

			// Set keys equal to vals
			$classes = array_combine( $classes, $classes );

			// Apply filters
			$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_header_menu_classes', $classes );


		// Return
		if ( is_array( $classes ) ) {
			return implode( ' ', $classes );
		} else {
			return $return;


 * Returns custom menu
 * @since 1.1.2
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_custom_menu' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_custom_menu() {

		$menu = '';
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_custom_menu', $menu );


 * Header logo classes
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_logo_classes' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_logo_classes() {

		// Define classes array
		$classes = array( 'clr' );

		// If responsive logo
		if ( '' != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_responsive_logo' ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'has-responsive-logo';

		// Get custom full screen logo
		if ( 'full_screen' == oceanwp_header_style()
			&& oceanwp_header_full_screen_logo() ) {
			$classes[] = 'has-full-screen-logo';

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_header_logo_classes', $classes );

		// Turn classes into space seperated string
		$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );

		// Return classes
		return $classes;


 * Returns menu search style
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_menu_search_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_menu_search_style() {

		// Get search style from Customizer
		$style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_menu_search_style', 'drop_down' );

		// Apply filters for advanced edits
		$style = apply_filters( 'ocean_menu_search_style', $style );

		// Sanitize output so it's not empty and return
		$style = $style ? $style : 'drop_down';

		// Return style
		return $style;


 * Returns mobile menu search style
 * @since 3.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_mobile_menu_search_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_mobile_menu_search_style() {

		// Get search style from Customizer
		$style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_mobile_menu_search_style', 'disabled' );

		// Apply filters for advanced edits
		$style = apply_filters( 'oceanwp_mobile_menu_search_style', $style );

		// Sanitize output so it's not empty and return
		$style = $style ? $style : 'disabled';

		// Return style
		return $style;


 * Adds the search icon to the menu items
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_add_search_to_menu' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_add_search_to_menu( $items, $args ) {

		// Only used on main menu
		if ( 'main_menu' != $args->theme_location ) {
			return $items;

		// Get search style
		$search_style = oceanwp_menu_search_style();
		$header_style = oceanwp_header_style();

		// Return if disabled
		if ( ! $search_style
			|| 'disabled' == $search_style
			|| 'top' == $header_style
			|| 'vertical' == $header_style ) {
			return $items;

		// Get correct search icon class
		if ( 'drop_down' == $search_style ) {
			$class = ' search-dropdown-toggle';
		} elseif ( 'header_replace' == $search_style ) {
			$class = ' search-header-replace-toggle';
		} elseif ( 'overlay' == $search_style ) {
			$class = ' search-overlay-toggle';
		} else {
			$class = '';

		// Add search item to menu.
		$items .= '<li class="search-toggle-li" ' . apply_filters( 'oceanwp_attrs_nav_search_bar', '' ) . '>';
		if ( 'full_screen' == $header_style ) {
			$items .= '<form action="' . esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ) . '" class="header-searchform" aria-label="' . esc_attr( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-search-form-label', false ) ) . '">';
				$items .= '<span class="search-text">' . esc_html( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-mobile-fs-search-text', false ) ) . '<span><i></i><i></i><i></i></span></span>';
				$items .= '<input aria-label="' . esc_attr( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-fullscreen-submit-search', false ) ) . '" type="search" name="s" value="" autocomplete="off" />';

			if ( ! function_exists( 'is_plugin_active' ) ) {
				include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
			if ( is_plugin_active( 'sitepress-multilingual-cms/sitepress.php' ) ) {
				$my_current_lang = apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', null );
				if ( ! empty( $my_current_lang ) ) {
					$items .= '<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="' . $my_current_lang . '"/>';
				$items .= '</form>';
		} else {

			$items     .= '<a href="' . esc_url( home_url( '/#' ) ) . '" class="site-search-toggle' . $class . '"><span class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_html( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-website-search-icon', false ) ) . '</span>';
				$items .= oceanwp_icon( 'search', false );
			$items     .= '</a>';
		$items .= '</li>';

		// Return nav $items.
		return $items;


	add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'oceanwp_add_search_to_menu', 11, 2 );


 * Outputs the search for the top header style
 * @since 1.0.2
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_top_header_search' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_top_header_search() {

		// Get header & search style
		$search_style = oceanwp_menu_search_style();

		// Return if disabled
		if ( 'top' != oceanwp_header_style()
			|| ! $search_style
			|| 'disabled' == $search_style ) {

		// Get correct search icon class.
		if ( 'drop_down' == $search_style ) {
			$class = ' search-dropdown-toggle';
		} elseif ( 'header_replace' == $search_style ) {
			$class = ' search-header-replace-toggle';
		} elseif ( 'overlay' == $search_style ) {
			$class = ' search-overlay-toggle';
		} else {
			$class = '';

		// Add search item to menu.
		echo '<div id="search-toggle">';
			echo '<a href="' . esc_url( home_url( '/#' ) ) . '" class="site-search-toggle' . esc_attr( $class ) . '" aria-label="' . esc_attr__( 'Search website', 'oceanwp' ) . '">';
				oceanwp_icon( 'search' );
			echo '</a>';
		echo '</div>';


 * Returns header search style
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_menu_cart_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_menu_cart_style() {

		// Return if WooCommerce isn't enabled or icon is disabled
			|| 'disabled' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_woo_menu_icon_visibility', 'default' )
			|| 'disabled_desktop' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_woo_menu_icon_visibility', 'default' )
			|| 'disabled' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_woo_menu_icon_display', 'icon_count' ) ) {

		// Get Menu Icon Style
		$style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_woo_menu_icon_style', 'drop_down' );

		// Return click style for these pages
		if ( is_cart()
			|| is_checkout() ) {
			$style = 'custom_link';

		// Apply filters for advanced edits
		$style = apply_filters( 'ocean_menu_cart_style', $style );

		// Sanitize output so it's not empty
		if ( 'drop_down' == $style
			|| ! $style ) {
			$style = 'drop_down';

		// Return style
		return $style;


 * Mobile menu style
 * @since 1.3.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_mobile_menu_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_mobile_menu_style() {

		// Get style from customizer setting
		$style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_mobile_menu_style', 'dropdown' );

		// Sanitize style to make sure it isn't empty
		$style = $style ? $style : 'dropdown';

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_mobile_menu_style', $style );


 [ Page Header ]

 * Page header template
 * I make a function to be able to remove it for the Beaver Themer plugin
 * @since 1.2.5
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_page_header_template' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_page_header_template() {
		if ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
			get_template_part( ocean_single_post_header_template() );
		else {
			get_template_part( 'partials/page-header' );

	add_action( 'ocean_page_header', 'oceanwp_page_header_template' );


 * Checks if the page header is enabled
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_has_page_header' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_has_page_header() {

		// Define vars
		$return = true;
		$style  = oceanwp_page_header_style();

		// Check if page header
		if ( 'hide-all-devices' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_visibility' )
			|| 'hidden' == $style
			|| is_page_template( 'templates/landing.php' ) ) {
			$return = false;

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_display_page_header', $return );


 * Checks if the page header heading is enabled
 * @since 1.4.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_has_page_header_heading' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_has_page_header_heading() {

		// Define vars
		$return = true;

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_display_page_header_heading', $return );


 * Returns page header style
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_page_header_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_page_header_style() {

		// Get default page header style defined in Customizer.
		$style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_style' );

		// If featured image in page header.
		if ( true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_featured_image_title', false )
			&& is_singular( 'post' )
			&& has_post_thumbnail() ) {
			$style = 'background-image';

		// Sanitize data.
		$style = ( 'default' == $style ) ? '' : $style;

		// Apply filters and return.
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_page_header_style', $style );


 * Return the title
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_has_page_title' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_has_page_title() {

		// Default title is null
		$title = null;

		// Get post ID
		$post_id = oceanwp_post_id();

		// Homepage - display blog description if not a static page
		if ( is_front_page() && ! is_singular( 'page' ) ) {

			if ( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ) {
				$title = get_bloginfo( 'description' );
			} else {
				$title = esc_html__( 'Recent Posts', 'oceanwp' );

			// Homepage posts page
		} elseif ( is_home() && ! is_singular( 'page' ) ) {

			$title = get_the_title( get_option( 'page_for_posts', true ) );


		// Search needs to go before archives
		elseif ( is_search() ) {
			global $wp_query;
			$title = '<span id="search-results-count">' . $wp_query->found_posts . '</span> ' . esc_html__( 'Search Results Found', 'oceanwp' );

		// Archives
		elseif ( is_archive() ) {

			// Author
			if ( is_author() ) {
				$title = get_the_archive_title();

			// Post Type archive title
			elseif ( is_post_type_archive() ) {
				$title = post_type_archive_title( '', false );

			// Daily archive title
			elseif ( is_day() ) {
				$title = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Daily Archives: %s', 'oceanwp' ), get_the_date() );

			// Monthly archive title
			elseif ( is_month() ) {
				$title = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Monthly Archives: %s', 'oceanwp' ), get_the_date( esc_html_x( 'F Y', 'Page title monthly archives date format', 'oceanwp' ) ) );

			// Yearly archive title
			elseif ( is_year() ) {
				$title = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Yearly Archives: %s', 'oceanwp' ), get_the_date( esc_html_x( 'Y', 'Page title yearly archives date format', 'oceanwp' ) ) );

			// Categories/Tags/Other
			else {

				// Get term title
				$title = single_term_title( '', false );

				// Fix for plugins that are archives but use pages
				if ( ! $title ) {
					global $post;
					$title = get_the_title( $post_id );
		} // End is archive check

		// 404 Page
		elseif ( is_404() ) {

			$title = esc_html__( '404: Page Not Found', 'oceanwp' );


		// Fix for WooCommerce My Accounts pages
		elseif ( function_exists( 'is_wc_endpoint_url' ) && is_wc_endpoint_url() ) {
			$endpoint       = WC()->query->get_current_endpoint();
			$endpoint_title = WC()->query->get_endpoint_title( $endpoint );
			$title          = $endpoint_title ? $endpoint_title : $title;

		// Anything else with a post_id defined
		elseif ( $post_id ) {

			// Single Pages
			if ( is_singular( 'page' ) || is_singular( 'attachment' ) ) {
				$title = get_the_title( $post_id );

			// Single blog posts
			elseif ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) {

				if ( 'post-title' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_page_header_title', 'blog' ) ) {
					$title = get_the_title();
				} else {
					$title = esc_html__( 'Blog', 'oceanwp' );

			// Other posts
			else {

				$title = get_the_title( $post_id );


		// Last check if title is empty
		$title = $title ? $title : get_the_title();

		// Apply filters and return title
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_title', $title );


 * Returns page subheading
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_page_subheading' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_page_subheading() {

		// Subheading is NULL by default
		$subheading = null;

		// Search
		if ( is_search() ) {
			$subheading = esc_html__( 'You searched for:', 'oceanwp' ) . ' &quot;' . esc_html( get_search_query( false ) ) . '&quot;';

		// Author
		elseif ( is_author() ) {
			$subheading = esc_html__( 'This author has written', 'oceanwp' ) . ' ' . get_the_author_posts() . ' ' . esc_html__( 'articles', 'oceanwp' );

		// Archives
		elseif ( is_post_type_archive() ) {
			$subheading = get_the_archive_description();

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_post_subheading', $subheading );


 * Get taxonomy description
 * @since 1.5.27
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_tax_description' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_tax_description() {

		// Subheading is NULL by default
		$desc = null;

		// All other Taxonomies
		if ( is_category() || is_tag() ) {
			$desc = term_description();

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_tax_description', $desc );


 * Add taxonomy description
 * @since 1.5.27
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_tax_description' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_tax_description() {

		if ( $desc = oceanwp_get_tax_description() ) :

			<div class="clr tax-desc">
				<?php echo do_shortcode( $desc ); ?>



	add_action( 'ocean_before_content_inner', 'oceanwp_tax_description' );


 * Display breadcrumbs
 * @since 1.1.2
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_has_breadcrumbs' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_has_breadcrumbs() {

		// Return true by default
		$return = true;

		// Return false if disabled via Customizer
		if ( true != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_breadcrumbs', true ) ) {
			$return = false;

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_display_breadcrumbs', $return );


 * Display breadcrumbs
 * @since 3.4.5
if ( ! function_exists( 'ocean_breadcrumbs_view') ) {

	function ocean_breadcrumbs_view() {

		if ( ! oceanwp_has_breadcrumbs() || is_front_page() ) {

		$woo_crumb = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_breadcrumb_woocommerce', 'no' );

		if ( 'yes' === $woo_crumb ) {
			if ( oceanwp_is_woo_shop() || oceanwp_is_woo_tax() || oceanwp_is_woo_single() || is_cart() || is_checkout() || is_account_page() ) {
			} else {
				if ( function_exists( 'oceanwp_breadcrumb_trail' ) ) {
		} else {
			if ( function_exists( 'oceanwp_breadcrumb_trail' ) ) {

	add_action( 'ocean_breadcrumbs_main', 'ocean_breadcrumbs_view' );

 * Outputs Custom CSS for the page title
 * @since 1.0.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_page_header_overlay' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_page_header_overlay() {

		// Define return
		$return = '';

		// Only needed for the background-image style so return otherwise
		if ( 'background-image' != oceanwp_page_header_style() ) {

		// Return overlay element
		$return = '<span class="background-image-page-header-overlay"></span>';

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$return = apply_filters( 'ocean_page_header_overlay', $return );

		// Return
		echo wp_kses_post( $return );

 * Outputs Custom CSS for the page title overlay
 * Place this function before the page header css so the solid color setting works
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_page_header_overlay_css' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_page_header_overlay_css( $output ) {

		// Only needed for the background-image style so return otherwise
		if ( 'background-image' != oceanwp_page_header_style() ) {

		// Global vars
		$opacity       = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_bg_image_overlay_opacity', '0.5' );
		$overlay_color = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_bg_image_overlay_color', '#000000' );

		if ( true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_featured_image_title', false )
			&& is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
			$opacity       = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_title_bg_image_overlay_opacity', '0.5' );
			$overlay_color = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_title_bg_image_overlay_color', '#000000' );

		$opacity       = $opacity ? $opacity : '0.5';
		$opacity       = apply_filters( 'ocean_post_title_bg_overlay', $opacity );
		$overlay_color = $overlay_color ? $overlay_color : '#000000';
		$overlay_color = apply_filters( 'ocean_post_title_bg_overlay_color', $overlay_color );

		// Define css var
		$css = '';

		// Get page header overlayopacity
		if ( ! empty( $opacity ) && '0.5' != $opacity ) {
			$css .= 'opacity:' . $opacity . ';';

		// Get page header overlay color
		if ( ! empty( $overlay_color ) && '#000000' != $overlay_color ) {
			$css .= 'background-color:' . $overlay_color . ';';

		// Return CSS
		if ( ! empty( $css ) ) {
			$output .= '.background-image-page-header-overlay{' . $css . '}';

		// Return output css
		return $output;


	add_filter( 'ocean_head_css', 'oceanwp_page_header_overlay_css' );


 * Outputs Custom CSS for the page title
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_page_header_css' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_page_header_css( $output ) {

		// Return output if page header is disabled
		if ( ! oceanwp_has_page_header() ) {
			return $output;

		// Define var
		$css = '';

		// Customize background color
		$bg_color = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_background', '#f5f5f5' );

		$bg_color = $bg_color ? $bg_color : '#f5f5f5';
		$bg_color = apply_filters( 'ocean_post_title_background_color', $bg_color );

		if ( ! empty( $bg_color ) && '#f5f5f5' != $bg_color ) {
			$css .= 'background-color: ' . $bg_color . ';';

		// Background image Style
		if ( oceanwp_page_header_style() == 'background-image' ) {

			// Add background image
			$bg_img = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_bg_image' );

			$bg_img_size = apply_filters( 'ocean_page_header_background_image_size', 'full' );

			if ( true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_featured_image_title', false )
				&& is_singular( 'post' )
				&& has_post_thumbnail() ) {
				$bg_img = get_the_post_thumbnail_url();

			// Put the filter before generating the image url
			$bg_img = apply_filters( 'ocean_page_header_background_image', $bg_img );

			$bg_img_src = null;

			if (is_numeric($bg_img)) {
				$bg_img_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($bg_img, $bg_img_size);
			} else {
				$bg_image_id = attachment_url_to_postid($bg_img);
				if ($bg_image_id) {
					$bg_img_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($bg_image_id, $bg_img_size);

			if (isset($bg_img_src)) {
				$bg_img = is_array($bg_img_src) ? $bg_img_src[0] : null;
			} else {
				$bg_img = $bg_img ? $bg_img : null;
				$bg_img = $bg_img;

			// Immage attrs
			$bg_img_position   = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_bg_image_position', 'top center' );
			$bg_img_attachment = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_bg_image_attachment', 'initial' );
			$bg_img_repeat     = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_bg_image_repeat', 'no-repeat' );
			$bg_img_size       = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_bg_image_size', 'cover' );

			// If image attrs from single post section
			if ( true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_featured_image_title', false )
				&& is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
				$bg_img_position   = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_title_bg_image_position', 'top center' );
				$bg_img_attachment = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_title_bg_image_attachment', 'initial' );
				$bg_img_repeat     = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_title_bg_image_repeat', 'no-repeat' );
				$bg_img_size       = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_title_bg_image_size', 'cover' );

			$bg_img_position   = $bg_img_position ? $bg_img_position : 'top center';
			$bg_img_position   = apply_filters( 'ocean_post_title_bg_image_position', $bg_img_position );
			$bg_img_attachment = $bg_img_attachment ? $bg_img_attachment : 'initial';
			$bg_img_attachment = apply_filters( 'ocean_post_title_bg_image_attachment', $bg_img_attachment );
			$bg_img_repeat     = $bg_img_repeat ? $bg_img_repeat : 'no-repeat';
			$bg_img_repeat     = apply_filters( 'ocean_post_title_bg_image_repeat', $bg_img_repeat );
			$bg_img_size       = $bg_img_size ? $bg_img_size : 'cover';
			$bg_img_size       = apply_filters( 'ocean_post_title_bg_image_size', $bg_img_size );

			if ( $bg_img ) {

				// Add css for background image
				$css .= 'background-image: url( ' . $bg_img . ' ) !important;';

				// Background position
				if ( ! empty( $bg_img_position ) && 'top center' != $bg_img_position && 'initial' != $bg_img_position ) {
					$css .= 'background-position:' . $bg_img_position . ';';

				// Background attachment
				if ( ! empty( $bg_img_attachment ) && 'initial' != $bg_img_attachment ) {
					$css .= 'background-attachment:' . $bg_img_attachment . ';';

				// Background repeat
				if ( ! empty( $bg_img_repeat ) && 'no-repeat' != $bg_img_repeat && 'initial' != $bg_img_repeat ) {
					$css .= 'background-repeat:' . $bg_img_repeat . ';';

				// Background size
				if ( ! empty( $bg_img_size ) && 'cover' != $bg_img_size && 'initial' != $bg_img_size ) {
					$css .= 'background-size:' . $bg_img_size . ';';

			// Custom height
			$title_height = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_page_header_bg_image_height', '400' );

			if ( true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_featured_image_title', false )
				&& is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
				$title_height = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_title_bg_image_height', '400' );

			$title_height = $title_height ? $title_height : '400';
			$title_height = apply_filters( 'ocean_post_title_height', $title_height );

			if ( ! empty( $title_height ) && '400' != $title_height ) {
				$css .= 'height:' . $title_height . 'px;';

		// Apply all css to the page-header class
		if ( ! empty( $css ) ) {
			$css = '.page-header { ' . $css . ' }';

		// If css var isn't empty add to custom css output
		if ( ! empty( $css ) ) {
			$output .= $css;

		// Return output
		return $output;


	add_filter( 'ocean_head_css', 'oceanwp_page_header_css', 20 );


 [ Blog ]

 * Adds post classes
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_wrap_classes' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_wrap_classes( $classes = null ) {

		// Return custom class if set
		if ( $classes ) {
			return $classes;

		// Admin defaults
		$style   = oceanwp_blog_entry_style();
		$classes = array( 'entries', 'clr' );

		// Isotope classes
		if ( $style == 'grid-entry' ) {
			$classes[] = 'oceanwp-row';
			if ( 'masonry' == oceanwp_blog_grid_style() ) {
				$classes[] = 'blog-masonry-grid';
			} else {
				$classes[] = 'blog-grid';

		// Equal heights
		if ( oceanwp_blog_entry_equal_heights() ) {
			$classes[] = 'blog-equal-heights';

		// Infinite scroll class
		if ( 'infinite_scroll' == oceanwp_blog_pagination_style() ) {
			$classes[] = 'infinite-scroll-wrap';

		// Add filter for child theming
		$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_wrap_classes', $classes );

		// Turn classes into space seperated string
		if ( is_array( $classes ) ) {
			$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );

		// Echo classes
		echo esc_attr( $classes );


 * Adds entry classes
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_post_entry_classes' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_post_entry_classes() {

		// Define classes array
		$classes = array();

		// Entry Style
		$entry_style = oceanwp_blog_entry_style();

		// Core classes
		$classes[] = 'blog-entry';
		$classes[] = 'clr';

		// Masonry classes
		if ( 'masonry' == oceanwp_blog_grid_style() ) {
			$classes[] = 'isotope-entry';

		// Add columns for grid style entries
		if ( $entry_style == 'grid-entry' ) {
			$classes[]     = 'col';
				$classes[] = oceanwp_grid_class( oceanwp_blog_entry_columns() );

			// Counter
			global $oceanwp_count;
			if ( $oceanwp_count ) {
				$classes[] = 'col-' . $oceanwp_count;

		// No Featured Image Class, don't add if oembed or self hosted meta are defined
		if ( ! has_post_thumbnail()
			&& '' == get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'ocean_post_self_hosted_shortcode', true )
			&& '' == get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'ocean_post_oembed', true ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'no-featured-image';

		// Infinite scroll class
		if ( 'infinite_scroll' == oceanwp_blog_pagination_style() ) {
			$classes[] = 'item-entry';

		// Blog entry style
		$classes[] = $entry_style;

		// Apply filters to entry post class for child theming
		$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_entry_classes', $classes );

		// Rturn classes array
		return $classes;


 * Returns correct style for the blog entry based on the customizer
 * @since 1.0.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_entry_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_entry_style() {

		// Get default style from Customizer
		$style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_style', 'large-entry' );

		// Sanitize
		$style = $style ? $style : 'large-entry';

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$style = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_entry_style', $style );

		// Return style
		return $style;


 * Returns correct images size
 * @since 1.0.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_entry_images_size' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_entry_images_size() {

		// Get default size from Customizer
		$size = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_grid_images_size', 'medium' );

		// Sanitize
		$size = $size ? $size : 'medium';

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$size = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_entry_images_size', $size );

		// Return size
		return $size;


 * Returns the grid style
 * @since 1.0.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_grid_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_grid_style() {

		// Get default style from Customizer
		$style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_grid_style', 'fit-rows' );

		// Sanitize
		$style = $style ? $style : 'fit-rows';

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$style = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_grid_style', $style );

		// Return style
		return $style;


 * Checks if it's a fit-rows style grid
 * @since 1.0.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_fit_rows' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_fit_rows() {

		// Return false by default
		$return = false;

		// Get current blog style
		if ( 'grid-entry' == oceanwp_blog_entry_style() ) {
			$return = true;
		} else {
			$return = false;

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$return = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_fit_rows', $return );

		// Return bool
		return $return;


 * Checks if the blog entries should have equal heights
 * @since 1.0.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_entry_equal_heights' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_entry_equal_heights() {
		if ( ! get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_grid_equal_heights', false ) ) {
			return false;
		$entry_style = oceanwp_blog_entry_style();
		if ( 'grid-entry' == $entry_style
			&& 'masonry' != oceanwp_blog_grid_style() ) {
			return true;

 * Returns correct columns for the blog entries
 * @since 1.0.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_entry_columns' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_entry_columns() {

		// Get columns from customizer setting
		$columns = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_grid_columns', '2' );

		// Sanitize
		$columns = $columns ? $columns : '2';

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$columns = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_entry_columns', $columns );

		// Return columns
		return $columns;


 * Check if the post has a gallery
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_post_has_gallery' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_post_has_gallery( $post_id = '' ) {

		$post_id = $post_id ? $post_id : get_the_ID();
		$attachment_ids = '';

		if ( class_exists( 'Ocean_Extra' ) && 'true' === get_option( 'ocean_metabox_migration_status' ) ) {
			$attachment_ids = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_ocean_meta_gallery_id', true );
		} else {
			$attachment_ids = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'ocean_gallery_id', true );

		if ( $attachment_ids ) {
			return true;


 * Retrieve attachment IDs
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_gallery_ids' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_gallery_ids( $post_id = '' ) {

		$post_id        = $post_id ? $post_id : get_the_ID();
		$attachment_ids = '';

		if ( class_exists( 'Ocean_Extra' ) && 'true' === get_option( 'ocean_metabox_migration_status' ) ) {
			$attachment_ids = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_ocean_meta_gallery_id', true );
		} else {
			$attachment_ids = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'ocean_gallery_id', true );

		if ( $attachment_ids ) {
			return $attachment_ids;


 * Retrieve attachment data
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_attachment' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_attachment( $id ) {

		$attachment = get_post( $id );

		return array(
			'alt'         => get_post_meta( $attachment->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ),
			'caption'     => $attachment->post_excerpt,
			'description' => $attachment->post_content,
			'href'        => get_permalink( $attachment->ID ),
			'src'         => $attachment->guid,
			'title'       => $attachment->post_title,


 * Return gallery count
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_gallery_count' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_gallery_count() {

		$ids = oceanwp_get_gallery_ids();
		return count( $ids );


 * Check if lightbox is enabled
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_gallery_is_lightbox_enabled' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_gallery_is_lightbox_enabled() {

		$has_gallery = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'ocean_gallery_link_images', true );

		$perf_lightbox = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_performance_lightbox', 'enabled' );

		if ( 'on' == $has_gallery && $perf_lightbox === 'enabled' ) {
			return true;


 * Returns post media
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_post_media' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_post_media( $post_id = '' ) {

		// Define video variable
		$video = '';

		// Get correct ID
		$post_id = $post_id ? $post_id : get_the_ID();

		// Embed
		if ( $meta = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'ocean_post_video_embed', true ) ) {
			$video = $meta;

		// Check for self-hosted first
		elseif ( $meta = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'ocean_post_self_hosted_media', true ) ) {
			$video = $meta;

		// Check for post oembed
		elseif ( $meta = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'ocean_post_oembed', true ) ) {
			$video = $meta;

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$video = apply_filters( 'ocean_get_post_video', $video );

		// Return data
		return $video;


 * Returns post video HTML
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_post_video_html' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_post_video_html( $video = '' ) {

		// Get video
		$video = $video ? $video : oceanwp_get_post_media();

		// Return if video is empty
		if ( empty( $video ) ) {

		// Check post format for standard post type
		if ( 'post' == get_post_type() && 'video' != get_post_format() ) {

		// Get oembed code and return
		if ( ! is_wp_error( $oembed = wp_oembed_get( $video ) ) && $oembed ) {
			return '<div class="responsive-video-wrap">' . $oembed . '</div>';

		// Display using apply_filters if it's self-hosted
		else {

			$video = apply_filters( 'the_content', $video );

			// Add responsive video wrap for youtube/vimeo embeds
			if ( strpos( $video, 'youtube' ) || strpos( $video, 'vimeo' ) ) {
				return '<div class="responsive-video-wrap">' . $video . '</div>';

			// Else return without responsive wrap
			else {
				return $video;


 * Returns post audio
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_post_audio_html' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_post_audio_html( $audio = '' ) {

		// Get audio
		$audio = $audio ? $audio : oceanwp_get_post_media();

		// Return if audio is empty
		if ( empty( $audio ) ) {

		// Check post format for standard post type
		if ( 'post' == get_post_type() && 'audio' != get_post_format() ) {

		// Get oembed code and return
		if ( ! is_wp_error( $oembed = wp_oembed_get( $audio ) ) && $oembed ) {
			return '<div class="responsive-video-wrap">' . $oembed . '</div>';

		// Display using apply_filters if it's self-hosted
		else {

			$audio = apply_filters( 'the_content', $audio );

			// Add responsive audio wrap for youtube/vimeo embeds
			if ( strpos( $audio, 'youtube' ) || strpos( $audio, 'vimeo' ) ) {
				return '<div class="responsive-video-wrap">' . $audio . '</div>';

			// Else return without responsive wrap
			else {
				return $audio;


 * Returns blog entry elements for the customizer
 * @since 1.1.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_entry_elements' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_entry_elements() {

		// Default elements
		$elements = apply_filters(
				'featured_image' => esc_html__( 'Featured Image', 'oceanwp' ),
				'title'          => esc_html__( 'Title', 'oceanwp' ),
				'meta'           => esc_html__( 'Meta', 'oceanwp' ),
				'content'        => esc_html__( 'Content', 'oceanwp' ),
				'read_more'      => esc_html__( 'Read More', 'oceanwp' ),

		// Return elements
		return $elements;


 * Returns blog entry elements positioning
 * @since 1.1.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_entry_elements_positioning' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_entry_elements_positioning() {

		// Default sections
		$sections = array( 'featured_image', 'title', 'meta', 'content', 'read_more' );

		// Get sections from Customizer
		$sections = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_entry_elements_positioning', $sections );

		// Turn into array if string
		if ( $sections && ! is_array( $sections ) ) {
			$sections = explode( ',', $sections );

		// Apply filters for easy modification
		$sections = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_entry_elements_positioning', $sections );

		// Return sections
		return $sections;


 * Returns blog entry meta
 * @since
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_entry_meta' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_entry_meta() {

		// Default sections
		$sections = array( 'author', 'date', 'categories', 'comments' );

		// Get sections from Customizer
		$sections = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_entry_meta', $sections );

		// Turn into array if string
		if ( $sections && ! is_array( $sections ) ) {
			$sections = explode( ',', $sections );

		// Apply filters for easy modification
		$sections = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_entry_meta', $sections );

		// Return sections
		return $sections;


 * Returns blog single elements for the customizer
 * @since 1.1.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_single_elements' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_single_elements() {

		// Default elements
		$elements = apply_filters(
				'featured_image'  => esc_html__( 'Featured Image', 'oceanwp' ),
				'title'           => esc_html__( 'Title', 'oceanwp' ),
				'meta'            => esc_html__( 'Meta', 'oceanwp' ),
				'content'         => esc_html__( 'Content', 'oceanwp' ),
				'tags'            => esc_html__( 'Tags', 'oceanwp' ),
				'social_share'    => esc_html__( 'Social Share', 'oceanwp' ),
				'next_prev'       => esc_html__( 'Next/Prev Links', 'oceanwp' ),
				'author_box'      => esc_html__( 'Author Box', 'oceanwp' ),
				'related_posts'   => esc_html__( 'Related Posts', 'oceanwp' ),
				'single_comments' => esc_html__( 'Comments', 'oceanwp' ),

		// Return elements
		return $elements;


 * Returns blog single elements positioning
 * @since 1.1.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_single_elements_positioning' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_single_elements_positioning() {

		// Default sections
		$sections = array( 'featured_image', 'title', 'meta', 'content', 'tags', 'social_share', 'next_prev', 'author_box', 'related_posts', 'single_comments' );

		// Get sections from Customizer
		$sections = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_elements_positioning', $sections );

		// Turn into array if string
		if ( $sections && ! is_array( $sections ) ) {
			$sections = explode( ',', $sections );

		// Apply filters for easy modification
		$sections = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_single_elements_positioning', $sections );

		// Return sections
		return $sections;


 * Returns blog single meta
 * @since
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_single_meta' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_single_meta() {

		// Default sections
		$sections = array( 'author', 'date', 'categories', 'comments' );

		// Get sections from Customizer
		$sections = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_single_meta', $sections );

		// Turn into array if string
		if ( $sections && ! is_array( $sections ) ) {
			$sections = explode( ',', $sections );

		// Apply filters for easy modification
		$sections = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_single_meta', $sections );

		// Return sections
		return $sections;


 * Returns reading time
 * @since 1.8.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'ocean_reading_time' ) ) {

	function ocean_reading_time() {

		global $post;

		$content      = get_post_field( 'post_content', $post->ID );
		$word_count   = str_word_count( $content );
		$reading_time = ceil( $word_count / 200 );

		$reading_time = apply_filters( 'oceanwp_post_reading_time', $reading_time );

		$owp_reading_time = printf(
			/* translators: 1: post reading time. */
			esc_html__( '%1$s mins read', 'oceanwp' ),
			number_format_i18n( $reading_time )

 * Comments and pingbacks
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_comment' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_comment( $comment, $args, $depth ) {

		switch ( $comment->comment_type ) :
			case 'pingback':
			case 'trackback':
				// Display trackbacks differently than normal comments.

		<li <?php comment_class(); ?> id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>">

			<article id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>" class="comment-container">
				<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Pingback:', 'oceanwp' ); ?> <span <?php oceanwp_schema_markup( 'author_name' ); ?>><?php comment_author_link(); ?></span> <?php edit_comment_link( esc_html__( '(Edit)', 'oceanwp' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?></p>

				// Proceed with normal comments.
				global $post;

			<li id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>" class="comment-container">

				<article <?php comment_class( 'comment-body' ); ?>>

				<?php echo get_avatar( $comment, apply_filters( 'ocean_comment_avatar_size', 150 ) ); ?>

					<div class="comment-content">
						<div class="comment-author">
							<span class="comment-link"><?php printf( esc_html__( '%s ', 'oceanwp' ), sprintf( '%s', get_comment_author_link() ) ); ?></span>

							<span class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
							<?php if ( ! is_rtl() ) { ?>
									<span class="comment-date"><?php comment_date( apply_filters( 'ocean_comment_date_format', '' ) ); ?></span>
								<?php } ?>

										'depth'     => $depth,
										'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'],

							<?php edit_comment_link( __( 'edit', 'oceanwp' ) ); ?>
							<?php ocean_delete_comment_link(); ?>

							<?php if ( is_rtl() ) { ?>
									<span class="comment-date"><?php comment_date( 'j M Y' ); ?></span>
								<?php } ?>

						<div class="clr"></div>

						<div class="comment-entry">
						<?php if ( '0' == $comment->comment_approved ) : ?>
								<p class="comment-awaiting-moderation"><?php esc_html_e( 'Your comment is awaiting moderation.', 'oceanwp' ); ?></p>
							<?php endif; ?>

							<div class="comment-content">
							<?php comment_text(); ?>

				</article><!-- #comment-## -->

		endswitch; // end comment_type check

 * Comment fields
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_modify_comment_form_fields' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_modify_comment_form_fields( $fields ) {

		$commenter = wp_get_current_commenter();
		$req       = get_option( 'require_name_email' );

		// Labels.
		if ( $req ) {
			$comment_name  = oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-comment-name-req', false );
			$comment_email = oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-comment-email-req', false );
		} else {
			$comment_name  = oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-comment-name', false );
			$comment_email = oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-comment-email', false );

		$comment_site = oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-comment-website', false );

		$fields['author'] = '<div class="comment-form-author"><label for="author" class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_html__( 'Enter your name or username to comment', 'oceanwp' ) . '</label><input type="text" name="author" id="author" value="' . esc_attr( $commenter['comment_author'] ) . '" placeholder="' . esc_attr( $comment_name ) . '" size="22" tabindex="0"' . ( $req ? ' aria-required="true"' : '' ) . ' class="input-name" /></div>';

		$fields['email'] = '<div class="comment-form-email"><label for="email" class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_html__( 'Enter your email address to comment', 'oceanwp' ) . '</label><input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="' . esc_attr( $commenter['comment_author_email'] ) . '" placeholder="' . esc_attr( $comment_email ) . '" size="22" tabindex="0"' . ( $req ? ' aria-required="true"' : '' ) . ' class="input-email" /></div>';

		$fields['url'] = '<div class="comment-form-url"><label for="url" class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_html__( 'Enter your website URL (optional)', 'oceanwp' ) . '</label><input type="text" name="url" id="url" value="' . esc_attr( $commenter['comment_author_url'] ) . '" placeholder="' . esc_attr( $comment_site ) . '" size="22" tabindex="0" class="input-website" /></div>';

		return apply_filters( 'ocean_post_comment_form_fields', $fields );


	add_filter( 'comment_form_default_fields', 'oceanwp_modify_comment_form_fields' );


 * Numbered Pagination
 * @since   1.0.0
 * @link    https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/paginate_links
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_pagination' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_pagination( $query = '', $echo = true ) {

		// Arrows with RTL support
		if ( $echo ) {
			$prev_arrow = is_rtl() ? oceanwp_icon( 'angle_right', false ) : oceanwp_icon( 'angle_left', false );
			$next_arrow = is_rtl() ? oceanwp_icon( 'angle_left', false ) : oceanwp_icon( 'angle_right', false );
		} else {
			$prev_arrow = is_rtl() ? oceanwp_icon( 'angle_right' ) : oceanwp_icon( 'angle_left' );
			$next_arrow = is_rtl() ? oceanwp_icon( 'angle_left' ) : oceanwp_icon( 'angle_right' );

		// Get global $query
		if ( ! $query ) {
			global $wp_query;
			$query = $wp_query;

		// Set vars
		$total = $query->max_num_pages;
		$big   = 999999999;

		// Display pagination if total var is greater then 1 ( current query is paginated )
		if ( $total > 1 ) {

			// Get current page
			if ( $current_page = get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) {
				$current_page = $current_page;
			} elseif ( $current_page = get_query_var( 'page' ) ) {
				$current_page = $current_page;
			} else {
				$current_page = 1;

			// Get permalink structure
			if ( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) {
				if ( is_page() ) {
					$format = 'page/%#%/';
				} else {
					$format = '/%#%/';
			} else {
				$format = '&paged=%#%';

			$args = apply_filters(
					'base'      => str_replace( $big, '%#%', html_entity_decode( get_pagenum_link( $big ) ) ),
					'format'    => $format,
					'current'   => max( 1, $current_page ),
					'total'     => $total,
					'mid_size'  => 3,
					'type'      => 'list',
					'prev_text' => '<span class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_attr__( 'Go to the previous page', 'oceanwp' ) . '</span>' . $prev_arrow,
					'next_text' => '<span class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_attr__( 'Go to the next page', 'oceanwp' ) . '</span>' . $next_arrow,

			// Output pagination
			if ( $echo ) {
				echo '<div class="oceanwp-pagination clr">' . paginate_links( $args ) . '</div>';
			} else {
				return '<div class="oceanwp-pagination clr">' . paginate_links( $args ) . '</div>';

 * Next and previous pagination
 * @since   1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_pagejump' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_pagejump( $pages = '', $range = 4, $echo = true ) {

		// Vars
		global $wp_query;
		$output = '';

		// Display next/previous pagination
		if ( $wp_query->max_num_pages > 1 ) {

			$output         .= '<div class="page-jump clr">';
				$output     .= '<div class="alignleft newer-posts">';
					$output .= get_previous_posts_link( '<span aria-hidden="true">&larr;</span> ' . esc_attr__( 'Newer Posts', 'oceanwp' ) );
				$output     .= '</div>';
				$output     .= '<div class="alignright older-posts">';
					$output .= get_next_posts_link( esc_attr__( 'Older Posts', 'oceanwp' ) . ' <span aria-hidden="true">&rarr;</span>' );
				$output     .= '</div>';
			$output         .= '</div>';

			if ( $echo ) {
				echo wp_kses_post( $output );
			} else {
				return $output;


 * Infinite Scroll Pagination
 * @since 1.0.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_infinite_scroll' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_infinite_scroll( $type = 'standard' ) {

		// Last text
		$last = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_infinite_scroll_last_text' );
		$last = oceanwp_tm_translation( 'ocean_blog_infinite_scroll_last_text', $last );
		$last = $last ? $last : esc_html__( 'End of content', 'oceanwp' );

		// Error text
		$error = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_infinite_scroll_error_text' );
		$error = oceanwp_tm_translation( 'ocean_blog_infinite_scroll_error_text', $error );
		$error = $error ? $error : esc_html__( 'No more pages to load', 'oceanwp' );

		// Output pagination HTML
		$output          = '';
		$output         .= '<div class="scroller-status">';
			$output     .= '<div class="loader-ellips infinite-scroll-request">';
				$output .= '<span class="loader-ellips__dot"></span>';
				$output .= '<span class="loader-ellips__dot"></span>';
				$output .= '<span class="loader-ellips__dot"></span>';
				$output .= '<span class="loader-ellips__dot"></span>';
			$output     .= '</div>';
			$output     .= '<p class="scroller-status__message infinite-scroll-last">' . $last . '</p>';
			$output     .= '<p class="scroller-status__message infinite-scroll-error">' . $error . '</p>';
		$output         .= '</div>';
		$output         .= '<div class="infinite-scroll-nav clr">';
			$output     .= '<div class="alignleft newer-posts">' . get_previous_posts_link( '<span aria-hidden="true">&larr;</span> ' . esc_attr__( 'Newer Posts', 'oceanwp' ) ) . '</div>';
			$output     .= '<div class="alignright older-posts">' . get_next_posts_link( esc_attr__( 'Older Posts', 'oceanwp' ) . ' <span aria-hidden="true">&rarr;</span>' ) . '</div>';
		$output         .= '</div>';

		$output = apply_filters( 'oceanwp_infinite_scroll_output', $output );

		echo wp_kses_post( $output );


 * Blog Pagination
 * Used to load the correct pagination function for blog archives
 * Execute the correct pagination function based on the theme settings
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_pagination' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_pagination() {

		// Admin Options
		$blog_style       = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_style', 'large-entry' );
		$pagination_style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_pagination_style', 'standard' );

		// Category based settings
		if ( is_category() ) {

			// Get taxonomy meta
			$term       = get_query_var( 'cat' );
			$term_data  = get_option( 'category_' . $term );
			$term_style = $term_pagination = '';

			if ( isset( $term_data['oceanwp_term_style'] ) ) {
				$term_style = '' != $term_data['oceanwp_term_style'] ? $term_data['oceanwp_term_style'] . '' : $term_style;

			if ( isset( $term_data['oceanwp_term_pagination'] ) ) {
				$term_pagination = '' != $term_data['oceanwp_term_pagination'] ? $term_data['oceanwp_term_pagination'] . '' : '';

			if ( $term_pagination ) {
				$pagination_style = $term_pagination;

		// Set default $type for infnite scroll
		if ( 'grid-entry' == $blog_style ) {
			$infinite_type = 'standard-grid';
		} else {
			$infinite_type = 'standard';

		// Execute the correct pagination function
		if ( 'infinite_scroll' == $pagination_style ) {
			oceanwp_infinite_scroll( $infinite_type );
		} elseif ( $pagination_style == 'next_prev' ) {
		} else {


 * Returns the correct pagination style
 * @since 1.0.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_blog_pagination_style' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_blog_pagination_style() {

		// Get default style from Customizer
		$style = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_pagination_style', 'standard' );

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$style = apply_filters( 'ocean_blog_pagination_style', $style );

		// Return style
		return $style;

 * Get excerpt
 * @since 1.5.6
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_excerpt' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_excerpt( $length = 30 ) {
		global $post;
		$output = '';

		// Check for custom excerpt
		if ( isset( $post->ID ) && has_excerpt( $post->ID ) ) {
			$output = $post->post_excerpt;

		// No custom excerpt
		elseif ( isset( $post->post_content ) ) {

			// Check for more tag and return content if it exists
			if ( strpos( $post->post_content, '<!--more-->' ) ) {
				$output = apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() );

			// No more tag defined
			else {
				$output = wp_trim_words( strip_shortcodes( $post->post_content ), $length );

		$output = apply_filters( 'oceanwp_excerpt', $output );

		return $output;


 [ Footer ]

 * Display footer widgets
 * @since 1.1.2
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_display_footer_widgets' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_display_footer_widgets() {

		// Return true by default
		$return = true;

		// Return false if disabled via Customizer
		if ( true != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_footer_widgets', true ) ) {
			$return = false;

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_display_footer_widgets', $return );


 * Display footer bottom
 * @since 1.1.2
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_display_footer_bottom' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_display_footer_bottom() {

		// Return true by default
		$return = true;

		// Return false if disabled via Customizer
		if ( true != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_footer_bottom', true ) ) {
			$return = false;

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_display_footer_bottom', $return );


 * Display scrool up button
 * @since 1.5.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_display_scroll_up_button' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_display_scroll_up_button() {

		// Return true by default
		$return = true;

		// Return false if disabled via Customizer
		if ( true != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_scroll_top', true ) ) {
			$return = false;

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_display_scroll_up_button', $return );


 * Footer template
 * I make a function to be able to remove it for the Beaver Themer plugin
 * @since 1.2.5
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_footer_template' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_footer_template() {

		if ( oceanwp_display_footer_widgets()
			|| oceanwp_display_footer_bottom() ) {
			get_template_part( 'partials/footer/layout' );


	add_action( 'ocean_footer', 'oceanwp_footer_template' );


 * Add classes to the footer wrap
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_footer_classes' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_footer_classes() {

		// Setup classes array
		$classes = array();

		// Default class
		$classes[] = 'site-footer';

		// Parallax footer
		if ( 'on' == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_parallax_footer', 'off' ) ) {
			$classes[] = 'parallax-footer';

		// Set keys equal to vals
		$classes = array_combine( $classes, $classes );

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$classes = apply_filters( 'ocean_footer_classes', $classes );

		// Turn classes into space seperated string
		$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );

		// return classes
		return $classes;


 [ WooCommerce ]

 * Checks if on the WooCommerce shop page.
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_is_woo_shop' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_is_woo_shop() {
			return false;
		} elseif ( function_exists( 'is_shop' ) && is_shop() ) {
			return true;

 * Checks if on a WooCommerce tax.
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_is_woo_tax' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_is_woo_tax() {
			return false;
		} elseif ( ! is_tax() ) {
			return false;
		} elseif ( function_exists( 'is_product_taxonomy' ) ) {
			if ( is_product_taxonomy() ) {
				return true;

 * Checks if on singular WooCommerce product post.
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_is_woo_single' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_is_woo_single() {
			return false;
		} elseif ( is_woocommerce() && is_singular( 'product' ) ) {
			return true;

 [ Other ]

 * Theme Branding
 * @since 1.4.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_theme_branding' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_theme_branding() {

		$return = esc_html__( 'OceanWP', 'oceanwp' );

		// Return and apply filters for child theming
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_theme_branding', $return );

 * Return padding/margin values for customizer
 * @since 1.4.9
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_spacing_css' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_spacing_css( $top, $right, $bottom, $left ) {

		// Add px and 0 if no value
		$s_top    = ( isset( $top ) && '' !== $top ) ? intval( $top ) . 'px ' : '0px ';
		$s_right  = ( isset( $right ) && '' !== $right ) ? intval( $right ) . 'px ' : '0px ';
		$s_bottom = ( isset( $bottom ) && '' !== $bottom ) ? intval( $bottom ) . 'px ' : '0px ';
		$s_left   = ( isset( $left ) && '' !== $left ) ? intval( $left ) . 'px' : '0px';

		// Return one value if it is the same on every inputs
		if ( ( intval( $s_top ) === intval( $s_right ) )
			&& ( intval( $s_right ) === intval( $s_bottom ) )
			&& ( intval( $s_bottom ) === intval( $s_left ) ) ) {
			return $s_left;

		// Return
		return $s_top . $s_right . $s_bottom . $s_left;

 * Translation support
 * @since 1.3.7
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_hamburgers_styles' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_hamburgers_styles() {

		// Styles
		$style = array(
			'default'     => esc_html__( 'Default Icon', 'oceanwp' ),
			'3dx'         => esc_html__( '3D X', 'oceanwp' ),
			'3dx-r'       => esc_html__( '3D X Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'3dy'         => esc_html__( '3D Y', 'oceanwp' ),
			'3dy-r'       => esc_html__( '3D Y Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'3dxy'        => esc_html__( '3D XY', 'oceanwp' ),
			'3dxy-r'      => esc_html__( '3D XY Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'arrow'       => esc_html__( 'Arrow', 'oceanwp' ),
			'arrow-r'     => esc_html__( 'Arrow Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'arrowalt'    => esc_html__( 'Arrowalt', 'oceanwp' ),
			'arrowalt-r'  => esc_html__( 'Arrowalt Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'arrowturn'   => esc_html__( 'Arrowturn', 'oceanwp' ),
			'arrowturn-r' => esc_html__( 'Arrowturn Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'boring'      => esc_html__( 'Boring', 'oceanwp' ),
			'collapse'    => esc_html__( 'Collapse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'collapse-r'  => esc_html__( 'Collapse Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'elastic'     => esc_html__( 'Elastic', 'oceanwp' ),
			'elastic-r'   => esc_html__( 'Elastic Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'minus'       => esc_html__( 'Minus', 'oceanwp' ),
			'slider'      => esc_html__( 'Slider', 'oceanwp' ),
			'slider-r'    => esc_html__( 'Slider Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'spin'        => esc_html__( 'Spin', 'oceanwp' ),
			'spin-r'      => esc_html__( 'Spin Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'spring'      => esc_html__( 'Spring', 'oceanwp' ),
			'spring-r'    => esc_html__( 'Spring Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'stand'       => esc_html__( 'Stand', 'oceanwp' ),
			'stand-r'     => esc_html__( 'Stand Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),
			'squeeze'     => esc_html__( 'Squeeze', 'oceanwp' ),
			'vortex'      => esc_html__( 'Vortex', 'oceanwp' ),
			'vortex-r'    => esc_html__( 'Vortex Reverse', 'oceanwp' ),

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$style = apply_filters( 'ocean_hamburgers_styles', $style );

		// Return
		return $style;


 * Translation support
 * @since 1.1.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_tm_translation' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_tm_translation( $id, $val = '' ) {

		// Translate theme mod val
		if ( $val ) {

			// Polylang Translation
			if ( function_exists( 'pll__' ) && $id ) {
				$val = pll__( $val );

			// Return the value
			return $val;



 * Register translation strings
 * @since 1.1.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_register_tm_strings' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_register_tm_strings() {

		return apply_filters(
				'ocean_top_bar_content'                 => '',
				'ocean_after_header_content'            => '',
				'ocean_mobile_menu_text'                => esc_html__( 'Menu', 'oceanwp' ),
				'ocean_mobile_menu_close_text'          => esc_html__( 'Close', 'oceanwp' ),
				'ocean_mobile_menu_close_btn_text'      => esc_html__( 'Close Menu', 'oceanwp' ),
				'ocean_footer_copyright_text'           => esc_html__( 'Copyright [oceanwp_date] - OceanWP Theme by OceanWP', 'oceanwp' ),
				'ocean_woo_menu_icon_custom_link'       => '',
				'ocean_blog_infinite_scroll_last_text'  => '',
				'ocean_blog_infinite_scroll_error_text' => '',
				'ocean_woo_off_canvas_filter_text'      => esc_html__( 'Filter', 'oceanwp' ),
				'ocean_woo_infinite_scroll_last_text'   => '',
				'ocean_woo_infinite_scroll_error_text'  => '',


 * Returns array of Social Options
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_social_options' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_social_options() {
		return apply_filters(
				'twitter'     => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'X', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'twitter', false ),
				'facebook'    => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Facebook', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'facebook', false ),
				'facebook_group' => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Facebook Group', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'facebook', false ),
				'slack'          => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Slack', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'slack', false ),
				'threads'          => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Threads', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'threads', false ),
				'pinterest'   => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Pinterest', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'pinterest', false ),
				'dribbble'    => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Dribbble', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'dribbble', false ),
				'vk'          => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'VK', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'vk', false ),
				'instagram'   => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Instagram', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'instagram', false ),
				'linkedin'    => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'LinkedIn', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'linkedin', false ),
				'tumblr'      => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Tumblr', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'tumblr', false ),
				'github'      => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Github', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'github', false ),
				'flickr'      => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Flickr', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'flickr', false ),
				'skype'       => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Skype', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'skype', false ),
				'youtube'     => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Youtube', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'youtube', false ),
				'vimeo'       => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Vimeo', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'vimeo', false ),
				'vine'        => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Vine', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'vine', false ),
				'xing'        => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Xing', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'xing', false ),
				'yelp'        => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Yelp', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'yelp', false ),
				'rss'         => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'RSS', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'rss', false ),
				'email'       => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Email', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'envelope', false ),
				'tiktok'      => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'TikTok', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'tiktok', false ),
				'medium'      => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Medium', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'medium', false ),
				'telegram'    => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Telegram', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'telegram', false ),
				'twitch'      => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Twitch', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'twitch', false ),
				'line'        => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Line', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'line', false ),
				'qq'          => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'QQ', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'qq', false ),
				'discord'          => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Discord', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'discord', false ),
				'mastodon'          => array(
					'label'      => esc_html__( 'Mastodon', 'oceanwp' ),
					'icon_class' => oceanwp_icon( 'mastodon', false ),

 * Grid Columns
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_grid_columns' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_grid_columns() {
		return apply_filters(
				'1' => '1',
				'2' => '2',
				'3' => '3',
				'4' => '4',
				'5' => '5',
				'6' => '6',
				'7' => '7',

 * Minify CSS
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_minify_css' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_minify_css( $css = '' ) {

		// Return if no CSS
		if ( ! $css ) {

		// Normalize whitespace
		$css = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $css );

		// Remove ; before }
		$css = preg_replace( '/;(?=\s*})/', '', $css );

		// Remove space after , : ; { } */ >
		$css = preg_replace( '/(,|:|;|\{|}|\*\/|>) /', '$1', $css );

		// Remove space before , ; { }
		$css = preg_replace( '/ (,|;|\{|})/', '$1', $css );

		// Strips leading 0 on decimal values (converts 0.5px into .5px)
		$css = preg_replace( '/(:| )0\.([0-9]+)(%|em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)/i', '${1}.${2}${3}', $css );

		// Strips units if value is 0 (converts 0px to 0)
		$css = preg_replace( '/(:| )(\.?)0(%|em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)/i', '${1}0', $css );

		// Trim
		$css = trim( $css );

		// Return minified CSS
		return $css;

 * Array of Font Awesome Icons for the scroll up button
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_scrolltotop_icons' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_scrolltotop_icons( $return = 'up_arrows', $default = 'none' ) {

		// Add none to top of array
		$icons_array = array(
			'none' => '',

		// Define return icons
		$return_icons = array();

		// Returns up arrows only
		if ( 'up_arrows' == $return ) {
			$return_icons = array( 'chevron_up', 'caret_up', 'angle_up', 'double_arrows_up', 'long_arrow_alt_up', 'arrow_alt_circle_up', 'arrow_up', 'level_up_alt', 'caret_square_up' );
			$return_icons = array_combine( $return_icons, $return_icons );

		return apply_filters( 'oceanwp_get_scrolltotop_icons', array_merge( $icons_array, $return_icons ) );


 * Array of Icons for the WooCommerce cart
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_cart_icons' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_cart_icons( $default = 'icon_handbag' ) {

		// Returns icons
		$return_icons = array( 'icon_basket', 'icon_handbag', 'shopping_basket', 'shopping_bag', 'shopping_cart' );
		$return_icons = array_combine( $return_icons, $return_icons );

		return apply_filters( 'ocean_get_cart_icons', array_merge( $return_icons ) );

 * Returns sidr menu source
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_sidr_menu_source' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_sidr_menu_source() {

		// Return if is not sidebar mobile style
		if ( 'sidebar' != oceanwp_mobile_menu_style() ) {

		// Define array of items
		$items = array();

		// Add close button
		if ( get_theme_mod( 'ocean_mobile_menu_close_btn', true ) ) {
			$items['sidrclose'] = '#sidr-close';

		// If has mobile menu
		if ( has_nav_menu( 'mobile_menu' ) ) {
			$items['mobile-nav'] = '#mobile-nav';

		// Add main navigation
		else {

			// Navigation
			$items['nav'] = '#site-navigation';

			// Add top bar menu
			if ( has_nav_menu( 'topbar_menu' ) ) {
				$items['top-nav'] = '#top-bar-nav';

		if ( 'full_screen' != oceanwp_header_style() ) {

			// Add social menu
			if ( true == get_theme_mod( 'ocean_menu_social', false )
				&& get_theme_mod( 'ocean_menu_social_profiles' ) ) {
				$items['social'] = '#site-header .oceanwp-social-menu';

		// Add search form
		if ( get_theme_mod( 'ocean_mobile_menu_search', true ) ) {
			$items['search'] = '#mobile-menu-search';

		// Apply filters for child theming
		$items = apply_filters( 'ocean_mobile_menu_source', $items );

		// Turn items into comma seperated list
		$items = implode( ', ', $items );

		// Return
		return $items;


 * Query Autoptimize activation - check required if using a page builder
 * @since 1.1.1
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_is_autoptimize_activated' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_is_autoptimize_activated() {

		return class_exists( 'autoptimizeBase' ) ? true : false;


 * Returns header template content
 * @since 1.1.1
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_header_template_content' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_header_template_content() {

		// Return false if custom header is not selected
		if ( 'custom' != oceanwp_header_style() ) {
			return false;

		// Get the template ID
		$content = oceanwp_custom_header_template();

		// Get template content
		if ( ! empty( $content ) ) {

			$template = get_post( $content );

			if ( $template && ! is_wp_error( $template ) ) {
				$content = $template->post_content;

		// Apply filters and return content
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_header_template_content', $content );


 * Returns social menu content
 * @since 1.4.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_social_menu_content' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_social_menu_content() {

		// Get template ID from Customizer
		$content = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_menu_social_template' );

		// Get Polylang Translation of template
		if ( function_exists( 'pll_get_post' ) ) {
			$content = pll_get_post( $content, pll_current_language() );

		// Get template content
		if ( ! empty( $content ) ) {

			$template = get_post( $content );

			if ( $template && ! is_wp_error( $template ) ) {
				$content = $template->post_content;

		// Return content
		return apply_filters( 'oceanwp_social_menu_content', $content );


 * Custom footer style template
 * @since 1.5.22
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_custom_footer_template' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_custom_footer_template() {

		// Get template from customizer setting
		$template = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_footer_widgets_template' );

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_custom_footer_template', $template );


 * Returns footer template content
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_footer_template_content' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_footer_template_content() {

		// Return false if disabled via Customizer
		if ( true != get_theme_mod( 'ocean_footer_widgets', true ) ) {
			return null;

		// Get template ID from Customizer
		$content = oceanwp_custom_footer_template();

		// Get Polylang Translation of template
		if ( function_exists( 'pll_get_post' ) ) {
			$content = pll_get_post( $content, pll_current_language() );

		// Get template content
		if ( ! empty( $content ) ) {

			$template = get_post( $content );

			if ( $template && ! is_wp_error( $template ) ) {
				$content = $template->post_content;

		// Apply filters and return content
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_footer_template_content', $content );


 * Returns topbar template content
 * @since 1.1.1
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_topbar_template_content' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_topbar_template_content() {

		// Get the template ID
		$content = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_top_bar_template' );

		// Get Polylang Translation of template
		if ( function_exists( 'pll_get_post' ) ) {
			$content = pll_get_post( $content, pll_current_language() );

		// Get template content
		if ( ! empty( $content ) ) {

			$template = get_post( $content );

			if ( $template && ! is_wp_error( $template ) ) {
				$content = $template->post_content;

		// Apply filters and return content
		return apply_filters( 'oceanwp_topbar_template_content', $content );


 * Returns topbar social alt content
 * @since 1.0.0
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_top_bar_social_alt_content' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_top_bar_social_alt_content() {

		// Get page ID from Customizer
		$content = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_top_bar_social_alt' );

		// Get the template ID
		$template = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_top_bar_social_alt_template' );
		if ( ! empty( $template ) ) {
			$content = $template;

		// Get Polylang Translation of template
		if ( function_exists( 'pll_get_post' ) ) {
			$content = pll_get_post( $content, pll_current_language() );

		// Get page content
		if ( ! empty( $content ) ) {

			$template = get_post( $content );

			if ( $template && ! is_wp_error( $template ) ) {
				$content = $template->post_content;

		// Return content
		return apply_filters( 'oceanwp_top_bar_social_alt_content', $content );


 * Return correct schema markup
 * @since 1.2.10
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_get_schema_markup' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_get_schema_markup( $location ) {

		// Return if disable
		if ( ! get_theme_mod( 'ocean_schema_markup', true ) ) {
			return null;

		// Default
		$schema = $itemprop = $itemtype = '';

		// HTML
		if ( 'html' == $location ) {
			if ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) {
				$schema = 'itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/WebPage"';
			} elseif ( is_category() || is_tag() ) {
				$schema = 'itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/Blog"';
			} elseif ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
				$schema = 'itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/Article"';
			} elseif ( is_page() ) {
				$schema = 'itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/WebPage"';
			} else {
				$schema = 'itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/WebPage"';

			return apply_filters( 'oceanwp_schema_location_html', $schema );

		// Header
		elseif ( 'header' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/WPHeader"';

		// Logo
		elseif ( 'logo' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Brand"';

		// Navigation
		elseif ( 'site_navigation' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/SiteNavigationElement"';

		// Main
		elseif ( 'main' == $location ) {
			$itemtype = 'https://schema.org/WebPageElement';
			$itemprop = 'mainContentOfPage';

		// Sidebar
		elseif ( 'sidebar' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/WPSideBar"';

		// Footer widgets
		elseif ( 'footer' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/WPFooter"';

		// Headings
		elseif ( 'headline' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemprop="headline"';

		// Posts
		elseif ( 'entry_content' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemprop="text"';

		// Publish date
		elseif ( 'publish_date' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemprop="datePublished"';

		// Modified date
		elseif ( 'modified_date' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemprop="dateModified"';

		// Author name
		elseif ( 'author_name' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemprop="name"';

		// Author link
		elseif ( 'author_link' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemprop="author" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"';

		// Item
		elseif ( 'item' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemprop="item"';

		// Url
		elseif ( 'url' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemprop="url"';

		// Position
		elseif ( 'position' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemprop="position"';

		// Image
		elseif ( 'image' == $location ) {
			$schema = 'itemprop="image"';

		return ' ' . apply_filters( 'ocean_schema_markup', $schema );


 * Outputs correct schema markup
 * @since 1.2.10
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_schema_markup' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_schema_markup( $location ) {

		echo oceanwp_get_schema_markup( $location );


 * Returns error page template content
 * @since 1.1.1
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_error_page_template_content' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_error_page_template_content() {

		// Get template ID from Customizer
		$content = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_error_page_template' );

		// Get Polylang Translation of template
		if ( function_exists( 'pll_get_post' ) ) {
			$content = pll_get_post( $content, pll_current_language() );

		// Get template content
		if ( ! empty( $content ) ) {

			$template = get_post( $content );

			if ( $template && ! is_wp_error( $template ) ) {
				$content = $template->post_content;

		// Apply filters and return content
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_error_page_template_content', $content );


 * Default color picker palettes
 * @since 1.4.9
if ( ! function_exists( 'oceanwp_default_color_palettes' ) ) {

	function oceanwp_default_color_palettes() {

		$palettes = array(

		// Apply filters and return
		return apply_filters( 'ocean_default_color_palettes', $palettes );


 * Create list of attributes into a string and apply filter baes on context
 * @since 1.8.7
 * @param string $context    The context, to build filter name.
 * @param array  $attributes To load defaults attributes.
 * @param array  $args       Custom data to pass to filter.
 * @return string String of HTML attributes and values.
function owp_attr( $context, $attributes = array(), $args = array() ) {

	$attributes = owp_parse_attr( $context, $attributes, $args );

	$output = '';

	// loop through attributes and build attribute string.
	foreach ( $attributes as $key => $value ) {

		if ( ! $value ) {

		if ( true === $value ) {
			$output .= esc_html( $key ) . ' ';
		} else {
			$output .= sprintf( '%s="%s" ', esc_html( $key ), esc_attr( $value ) );

	$output = apply_filters( "owp_attr_{$context}_output", $output, $attributes, $context, $args );

	return trim( $output );

 * Create list of attributes into a string and apply filter baes on context
 * @since 1.8.7
 * @param string $context    The context, to build filter name.
 * @param array  $attributes To load defaults attributes.
 * @param array  $args       Custom data to pass to filter.
 * @return string String of HTML attributes and values.
function owp_parse_attr( $context, $attributes = array(), $args = array() ) {

	$defaults = array(
		'class' => sanitize_html_class( $context ),

	$attributes = wp_parse_args( $attributes, $defaults );

	// Apply filter based on context.
	return apply_filters( "owp_attr_{$context}", $attributes, $context, $args );

 * Search Icon
 * Adds a search icon into the mobile header.
 * @since 3.0.0
function oceanwp_mobile_search_icon() {

	$class        = '';
	$search_style = oceanwp_mobile_menu_search_style();
	$search_style = $search_style ? $search_style : 'disabled';
	$header_style = oceanwp_header_style();

	if ( 'disabled' === $search_style || 'vertical' === $header_style ) {

	// Get correct search icon class.
	if ( 'drop_down' == $search_style ) {
		$class = 'dropdown';
	} elseif ( 'overlay' == $search_style ) {
		$class = 'overlay';
	} else {
		$class = '';

	// SEO link txt.
	$anchorlink_text = esc_html( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-mobile-search-anchor', false ) );


	<a href="<?php echo esc_url( ocean_get_site_name_anchors( $anchorlink_text ) ); ?>" class="search-icon-<?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>" aria-label="<?php echo esc_attr( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-mobile-search', false ) ); ?>"><?php oceanwp_icon( 'search' ); ?></a>


 * Mobile Search Form
 * @since 3.0.0
function oceanwp_mobile_search_form_html() {

	$class        = '';
	$search_style = oceanwp_mobile_menu_search_style();
	$search_style = $search_style ? $search_style : 'disabled';
	$header_style = oceanwp_header_style();
	$post_type    = get_theme_mod( 'ocean_menu_search_source', 'any' );

	// Assign mobile search form unique ID.
	$ocean_msf_id = oceanwp_unique_id( 'ocean-mobile-search-' );

	if ( 'disabled' === $search_style || 'vertical' === $header_style ) {

	// Get correct search icon class.
	if ( 'drop_down' == $search_style ) {
		$class = 'dropdown';
	} elseif ( 'header_replace' == $search_style ) {
		$class = 'overlay';
	} elseif ( 'overlay' == $search_style ) {
		$class = 'overlay';
	} else {
		$class = '';

	// SEO link txt.
	$anchorlink_text = esc_html( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-mh-search-close-anchor', false ) );

	if ( 'drop_down' === $search_style ) {
		$mobile_search_content = '';
		<form method="get" class="mobile-searchform" action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>">
		<span class="screen-reader-text"><?php echo esc_html( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-search-form-label', false ) ); ?></span>
			<input aria-label="<?php echo esc_attr( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-search-field', false ) ); ?>" type="text" class="field" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $ocean_msf_id ); ?>" name="s" placeholder="<?php echo esc_attr( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-search-text', false ) ); ?>">
			if ( 'any' !== $post_type ) {
				<input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $post_type ); ?>">
		$mobile_search_content .= ob_get_clean();
	} elseif ( 'overlay' === $search_style ) {
		$mobile_search_content = '';
		<div class="container clr">
			<form id="mhso-search" method="get" class="mobile-searchform" action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" aria-label="<?php echo esc_attr( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-search-form-label', false ) ); ?>">
				<a href="<?php echo esc_url( ocean_get_site_name_anchors( $anchorlink_text ) ); ?>" class="search-overlay-close" aria-label="<?php echo esc_attr( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-close-search-form', false ) ); ?>"><span></span></a>
				<span class="search-text"><?php echo esc_html( oceanwp_theme_strings( 'owp-string-search-overlay-search-text', false ) ); ?><span aria-hidden="true"><i></i><i></i><i></i></span></span>
				<input aria-labelledby="mhso-search <?php echo esc_attr( $ocean_msf_id ); ?>" class="mobile-search-overlay-input" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $ocean_msf_id ); ?>" type="search" name="s" autocomplete="off" value="">
				if ( 'any' !== $post_type ) {
					<input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $post_type ); ?>">
		$mobile_search_content .= ob_get_clean();

	<div id="icon-searchform-<?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>" class="search-style-<?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>">
		<?php echo $mobile_search_content; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ?>


 * Display Mobile Search Icon in Header
 * @since 3.0.0
function mobile_menu_search_icon() {

	$search_style = oceanwp_mobile_menu_search_style();
	$search_style = $search_style ? $search_style : 'disabled';
	$header_style = oceanwp_header_style();

	if ( 'disabled' === $search_style || 'vertical' === $header_style ) {

	add_action( 'ocean_after_mobile_icon', 'oceanwp_mobile_search_icon' );
	add_action( 'ocean_mobile_menu_icon_after', 'oceanwp_mobile_search_form_html' );

add_action( 'wp', 'mobile_menu_search_icon' );

add_action( 'admin_init', 'oceanwp_includes' );
function oceanwp_includes() {
	//Include theme panel.
	if ( is_admin() ) {
		require_once OCEANWP_THEME_DIR . '/inc/themepanel/theme-panel.php';


 * Register theme page.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @return void
function oceanwp_register_theme_page() {

	if ( class_exists( 'Ocean_Extra' ) ) {
			__('OceanWP Panel', 'oceanwp'),
			__('OceanWP', 'oceanwp'),
			get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/themepanel/assets/images/themepanel-icon.svg',
			__('OceanWP Panel', 'oceanwp'),
			__('OceanWP Panel', 'oceanwp'),
	} else {
			__('OceanWP', 'oceanwp'),
			__('OceanWP', 'oceanwp'),
			function() {
				include_once OCEANWP_THEME_PANEL_DIR . '/views/layout/master.php';
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'oceanwp_register_theme_page', 0 );

function ocean_admin_page_contents() {
	include_once OCEANWP_THEME_PANEL_DIR . '/views/layout/master.php';

 * Admin menu logo styles.
 * @return void
function oceanwp_admin_menu_logo_styles() {
	$owp_tp_logo_style = '<style>#adminmenu #toplevel_page_oceanwp .wp-menu-image img { width: 25px; height: 25px; padding: 5px; }</style>';
	echo $owp_tp_logo_style;
add_action('admin_head', 'oceanwp_admin_menu_logo_styles');

 * Display Notice when Ocean Extra is outdated.
 * @return void
function ocean_oe_is_outdated_admin_notice() {
	if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/ocean-extra/ocean-extra.php' ) ) {
		if ( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) && function_exists('oceanwp_theme_panel') ) {
			$current_oe_version  = oceanwp_theme_panel()->get_current_plugin_version( 'ocean-extra/ocean-extra.php' );
			$required_oe_version = '2.0.0';

			if ( ! empty( $current_oe_version ) && ! empty( $required_oe_version ) && version_compare( $current_oe_version, $required_oe_version , '<' ) ) :
				<div class="notice notice-warning is-dismissible">
					<p><?php esc_html_e( 'We made changes to our Theme Panel. To complete the installation and enjoy both old and new features, please make sure the OceanWP theme and all Ocean plugins are up to date.', 'oceanwp' ); ?></p>
					<a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'update-core.php' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Update and get the new Theme Panel', 'oceanwp' ); ?></a>
add_action('admin_notices', 'ocean_oe_is_outdated_admin_notice', 15);

 * Check if a template is Gutenberg.
 * @since 3.3.1
 * @var int $get_id  Post ID.
function ocean_is_block_template( $get_id ) {

	if ( ! $get_id ) {

	$template = get_post( $get_id );
	$blocks   = array();

	if ( $template && ! is_wp_error( $template ) ) {
		$blocks = parse_blocks( $template->post_content );

	// check for Gutenberg page.
	$is_gutenberg = ( ! empty( $blocks ) && '' !== $blocks[0]['blockName'] );

	if ( $is_gutenberg ) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

 * Get link post format external url
function ocean_link_post_url( $id ) {

	// External link.
	$ext_link  = get_post_meta( $id, 'ocean_link_format', true );

	$post_link = get_permalink( $id );

	if ( $ext_link ) {
		$post_link = $ext_link;
	} else {
		$post_link = get_permalink( $id );

	return apply_filters( 'ocean_link_post_url', $post_link );

 * Get link post format target
function ocean_link_post_url_target( $id ) {

	// External link.
	$link_target  = get_post_meta( $id, 'ocean_link_format_target', true );

	$target = '';

	if ( 'blank' === $link_target ) {
		$target = '_' . $link_target;

	return apply_filters( 'ocean_link_post_url_target', $target );

 * Return SEO-friendly (crawlable) and accessibility-friendly (not redundant) links
 * @since 3.4.4
if ( ! function_exists( 'ocean_get_site_name_anchors') ) {

	function ocean_get_site_name_anchors( $content = '' ) {
		$result     = '';
		$site_url   = esc_url( home_url( '/#' ) );

		if ( $content && ! is_customize_preview() ) {
			$result = $site_url . $content;
		} else {
			$result = '#';

		$result = apply_filters( 'ocean_site_name_anchors', $result );

		return $result;

 * Workaround for WPML and Ocean Library Shortcode Translation.
 * This function modifies the output of the 'oceanwp_library' shortcode for WPML compatibility.
 * @param array $out   The output array of shortcode attributes.
 * @param array $pairs Entire list of supported attributes and their defaults.
 * @param array $atts  User defined attributes in shortcode tag.
 * @return array Filtered output array of shortcode attributes.

if ( ! function_exists( 'ocean_wpml_filter_oceanwp_library_shortcode' ) ) {

    function ocean_wpml_filter_oceanwp_library_shortcode( $out, $pairs, $atts ) {
        if ( class_exists( 'Sitepress' ) && isset( $out['id'] ) ) {
            $post_type = get_post_type( $out['id'] );
            $out['id'] = apply_filters( 'wpml_object_id', $out['id'], $post_type, true );
        return $out;

    add_filter( 'shortcode_atts_oceanwp_library', 'ocean_wpml_filter_oceanwp_library_shortcode', 10, 3 );