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parallax effect to your footer.Add the height from which you want to display the scrollbar in the drop downAddresses: Box BackgroundAddresses: Box Button BackgroundAddresses: Box Button Background: HoverAddresses: Box Button colorAddresses: Box Button color: HoverAddresses: Box Content ColorAddresses: Box Title Border Bottom ColorAddresses: Box Title ColorAdvanced StylingAfter ContentAfter Content InnerAfter FooterAfter Footer InnerAfter HeaderAfter Header InnerAfter PageAfter Page HeaderAfter Page Header InnerAfter SidebarAfter Sidebar InnerAfter The LogoAfter Top BarAfter Top Bar InnerAlignAllAll HeadingsAll Post TypesAll installations and activations have been completed.All installations have been completed.All plugins installed and activated successfully. %1$sAn error occurred while installing %1$s: <strong>%2$s</strong>.ArchivesArchives & Entries LayoutArrowArrow IconAttachmentAuthorAuthor BoxAutoAvailable version:Back To HomepageBack to cartBackground ColorBackground Color: HoverBackground ImageBacklightingBefore ContentBefore Content InnerBefore FooterBefore Footer InnerBefore HeaderBefore Header InnerBefore PageBefore Page HeaderBefore Page Header InnerBefore SidebarBefore Sidebar InnerBefore The LogoBefore Top BarBefore Top Bar InnerBegin activating pluginBegin activating pluginsBegin installing pluginBegin installing pluginsBegin updating pluginBegin updating pluginsBillingBlack: 900Blank PageBlogBlog EntriesBlog Entry TitleBlog Pagination StyleBlog Post TitleBlog StyleBodyBold: 700Book: 300Border Bottom ColorBorder ColorBorder Color: FocusBorder Color: HoverBorder RadiusBorder Radius (px)Border Top/Bottom ColorBorder WidthBorder Width (px)Borders ColorBoth Sidebars: Content Width (%)Both Sidebars: Sidebars Width (%)Both Sidebars: StyleBottomBottom CenterBottom LeftBottom RightBoxedBoxed Layout Drop-ShadowBoxed Width (px)BracketsBreadcrumbsBreakpointsButton ColorButton Color: HoverButton Hover ColorButton Size (px)Button: BackgroundButton: ColorButton: Hover BackgroundButton: Hover ColorCapitalizeCart Button BackgroundCart Button Background: HoverCart Button Border ColorCart Button Border Color: HoverCart Button ColorCart Button Color: HoverCart Dropdown StylingCart Dropdowns Width (px)Cart IconCart Totals Table: Titles ColorCart: Cross-Sells ColumnsCart: Cross-Sells CountCategoriesCategoryCategory ColorCategory Hover ColorCategory PageCategory Title: BackgroundCategory Title: ColorCenterCenter CenterCenter Header SettingsCenter LeftCenter RightCenter VerticallyCenteredCentered Content & SocialCentered MenusCentered MinimalCheckoutCheckout Button BackgroundCheckout Button Background: HoverCheckout Button ColorCheckout Button Color: HoverCheckout PageChoose a template created in Theme Panel > My Library to add at the header bottom.Choose a template created in Theme Panel > My Library to replace the content.Choose a template created in Theme Panel > My Library to replace the header content.Choose a template created in Theme Panel > My Library to replace the navigation.Choose a template created in Theme Panel > My Library.Choose the media query where you want to display the mobile menu.Choose your opening target for your submenusCircleCircular RevealCloseClose Button BackgroundClose Button ColorClose MenuClose Menu ButtonClose Menu Button Icon ClassClose Menu Button TextClose Menu TextClosed HeaderCloser SpacingCollapse Width (px)ColorColor: HoverColoredColumnsCommentsComments ColorComments Hover ColorComments are closed.CompactContainContentContent / Sidebar / SidebarContent After HeaderContent AlignmentContent PaddingContent Padding (px)Content Width (%)Continue ReadingCopyrightCoverCustom FileCustom FontsCustom Hamburger ButtonCustom Hamburger Button ColorCustom Hamburger Button: ColorCustom HeaderCustom IconCustom Image Height (px)Custom Image Width (px)Custom LinkCustom Media QueryCustom SidebarCustom WooCommerce SidebarCustom media queryDaily Archives: %sDarkDashedDateDefaultDefault Catalog 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Add 0 to disable the max width.Enter your custom media query where you want to display the mobile menu.Enter your full icon classEqual HeightsExcerptExcerpt LengthExternal SourceExtra Bold: 800FFeatured ImageFeatured Image In Page HeaderFilterFilter Button TextFit RowsFixedFixed FooterFloating BarFont ColorFont FamilyFont SizeFont Size (px)Font StyleFont SubsetsFont WeightFooterFooter 1Footer 2Footer 3Footer 4Footer BottomFooter CopyrightFooter MenuFooter Widget HeadingFooter WidgetsFor some options, you must save and refresh your live site to preview changes.Forms (Input - Textarea)Full ScreenFull Screen Header SettingsFull Width ContentGallery SliderGeneralGeneral OptionsGeneral SettingsGeneral StylingGo To CartGoogle FontsGridGrid ColumnsGrid StyleGrid ViewGrid viewGrid/List Active ColorGrid/List Border ColorGrid/List ButtonsGrid/List ColorGrid/List Hover ColorHamburger Icon ClassHead BackgroundHead Titles ColorHeaderHeader Border BottomHeader Full WidthHeader MediaHeader ReplaceHeading 1 (H1)Heading 2 (H2)Heading 3 (H3)Heading 4 (H4)Heading TagHeight (px)HiddenHide DetailsHide If Empty CartHide Mega menu heading?Hide Menu When ScrollingHide On MobileHide On TabletHide On Tablet & MobileHomeHorizontalHover Primary ColorI don&rsquo;t have an accountIconIcon And Cart CountIcon And Cart Count + TotalIcon And Cart TotalIcon Size (px)If you choose Custom File, a CSS file will be created in your uploads folder.If you have already registered, please, enter your details in the boxes below. If you are a new customer, please, go to the Billing &amp; Shipping section.If you use the sticky header extensionImageImage Margin (px)Image PositionImage SwapImages SizeImportant: Not all fonts support every font-weight.Infinite ScrollInfinite Scroll: Error TextInfinite Scroll: Last TextInfinite Scroll: Spinners ColorInner BackgroundInner Padding (px)Input Background ColorInput Border Bottom ColorInput Border ColorInput Border Color: FocusInput Border Color: HoverInput ColorInput Dashed Text ColorInput Focus Border Bottom ColorInput Hover Border Bottom ColorInput Placeholder ColorInstallInstall %2$sInstall PluginsInstall Required PluginsInstall/Update Status%1$s, %2$sInstalled But Not ActivatedInstalled version:Installing Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)Installing Plugin: %sInstalling and Activating Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)It seems we can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for.ItalicLabel ColorLargeLarge ImageLatest inLayoutLayout StyleLeftLeft Content & Right SocialLeft MenuLeft SidebarLeft Social & Right ContentLeft/Right Padding (px)Length of the short description of the list view.Letter SpacingLetter Spacing (px)Light: 200Line HeightLinkLink BackgroundLink Background: Current Menu ItemLink Background: HoverLink ColorLink Color: Current Menu ItemLink Color: HoverLink values togetherLinks Background ColorLinks Background Color: HoverLinks ColorLinks Color: HoverLinks EffectLinks Effect: ColorLinks Hover Background ColorLinks Hover ColorList ViewList viewLog out &raquo;Log out of this accountLogged in asLoginLogin/Register Links: ColorLogoLogo (optional)Logo Max Height (px)Logo PositionLogoutLowercaseMainMain Border ColorMain Container Width (px)Main MenuMain Menu: DropdownsMain StylingMargin (px)Margin Bottom (px)MasonryMax Height (px)Max Width (px)MediumMedium Header SettingsMedium LargeMedium: 500Mega Menu Widget AreaMegamenu auto width?Megamenu columns (from 1 to 6)MenuMenu Background ColorMenu Bar Close ColorMenu Bar ColorMenu CartMenu Items Border ColorMenu Items Padding (px)Menu Items Top/Bottom Padding (px)Menu PositionMenu TextMenus PositionMetaMeta Link ColorMeta Link Color: HoverMeta Title ColorMinimalMinimum required version:Minute %sMobile (optional)Mobile Cart Sidebar StylingMobile MenuMobile Menu SearchMobile Menu StyleModal Close Button: ColorModal: BackgroundMonthly Archives: %sMulti-Step CheckoutName (required)Navigation: Borders ColorNavigation: Icons ColorNavigation: Links ColorNavigation: Links Color: HoverNew WindowNewer PostsNextNext PostNext/PrevNext/Prev LinksNext/Prev TaxonomyNoNo EffectNo action taken. Plugin %1$s was already active.No more pages to loadNo plugins are available to be activated at this time.No plugins are available to be installed at this time.No plugins are available to be updated at this time.No plugins to install, update or activate.No plugins were selected to be activated. No action taken.No plugins were selected to be installed. No action taken.No plugins were selected to be updated. No action taken.No products in the cart.No-repeatNoneNormalNormal: 400Not InstalledNotices Form: Border ColorNotices: Borders ColorNotices: ColorNotices: Icon ColorNotices: Link ColorNotices: Link Color: HoverNumber of Products Border ColorNumber of Products ColorNumber of Products Inactive ColorOceanWPOffOff Canvas Filter Border ColorOff Canvas Filter ColorOff Canvas Filter Hover Border ColorOff Canvas Filter Hover ColorOff Canvas FilteringOff Canvas SidebarOff-Canvas FiltersOlder PostsOnOn Sale BackgroundOn Sale BadgeOn Sale Badge ContentOn Sale Badge StyleOn Sale ColorOn Sale TextOnly work for the horizontal tabs layoutOrOut of StockOut of Stock BackgroundOut of Stock ColorOut of stockOutside BackgroundOverlayOverlay Background ColorOverlay ColorOverlay OpacityOverlay Spinner: Inner ColorOverlay Spinner: Outside ColorOverlay: BackgroundOverline & Fixed UnderlinePadding (px)PagePage %sPage HeaderPage Header Height (px)Page Header TitlePage TitlePage Title SubheadingPagesPages:PaginationPagination StyleParallax Footer EffectPayment Box BackgroundPayment Box ColorPayment InfoPayment Methods BackgroundPayment Methods Borders ColorPercentagePingback:Place your content herePlaceholderPlaceholder ColorPlaceholder ImagePlease contact the administrator of this site for help.Please contact the plugin provider and ask them to package their plugin according to the WordPress guidelines.PluginPlugin activated successfully.Plugin activation failed.Plugin not activated. A higher version of %s is needed for this theme. Please update the plugin.PositionPost TitlePosts Date: ColorPosts Links Hover: ColorPosts Links: ColorPre-PackagedPrevPreviousPricePrice ColorPrice/RatingPrimary ColorProduct Description: ColorProduct Description: Title ColorProduct EntryProduct Entry MediaProduct Entry: ToolbarProduct MetaProductsQuantity & Add To CartQuantity Border ColorQuantity Border Color FocusQuantity Buttons Hover: BackgroundQuantity Buttons Hover: ColorQuantity Buttons: BackgroundQuantity Buttons: ColorQuantity ColorQuantity Input: BackgroundQuantity Input: ColorQuantity Plus/Minus Border Color: HoverQuantity Plus/Minus ColorQuantity Plus/Minus Color: HoverQuick ViewRatingRead MoreReady to publish your first post? %1$sGet started here%2$s.Recent PostsRecommendedRegisterRelated Items CountRelated PostsRelated Posts ColumnsRelated Posts CountRelated Posts Image Height (px)Related Posts Image Width (px)Related Posts TaxonomyRelated Products ColumnsRemove Button ColorRemove Button Color: HoverRemove Link ColorRemove Link Color: HoverRemove this itemRepeatRepeat-xRepeat-yRequiredRequired Update not AvailableRequires UpdateRetina LogoRetina Logo (optional)Return to Required Plugins InstallerReturn to the DashboardRightRight SidebarSame WindowScrollScroll To TopScroll Up ButtonSearchSearch Button Border ColorSearch Button ColorSearch Button Color: HoverSearch FormSearch IconSearch Icon StyleSearch Posts Per PageSearch Result PageSearch Results FoundSearch Results SidebarSearch StylingSearch...Searchbar BackgroundSearchbar Border ColorSearchbar Border Color: FocusSearchbar Border Color: HoverSearchbar Button ColorSearchbar Button Color: HoverSearchbar ColorSecond+ Level Dropdown IconSelectSelect A TemplateSelect Border ColorSelect Bottom TemplateSelect ColorSelect OptionsSelect TemplateSelect Widget AreaSelect Your MenuSelect a custom logo when the menu is opened.Select a custom responsive logo for tablet and mobile.Select a custom retina logo (twice the logo size) when the menu is opened.Select a retina logo twice the normal logo size.Selected:Semibold: 600SeparateSeparator ColorShippingShop ColumnsShop Posts Per PageShop Result CountShop SortShortcodes allowed, %1$ssee the list%2$s.Show DetailsShow On All DevicesSidebarSidebar / Content / SidebarSidebar / Sidebar / ContentSidebar Widget HeadingSidebar Width (%)SimpleSingle PostSingle ProductSingle Product: Product NavigationSingle Product: TabsSite BackgroundSizeSocialSocial AlternativeSocial ButtonsSocial Hover: Background ColorSocial Hover: ColorSocial Link StyleSocial Link TargetSocial Links ColorSocial Links Color: HoverSocial MenuSocial ShareSocial: Background ColorSocial: ColorSolidSomething went wrong with the plugin API.Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with different keywords.SourceSpaciousSquareStandardStandard FontsStatusStick Only The MenuSticky Padding (px)StyleStylingStyling Options LocationStyling: Mobile MenuSub Menu Background ColorSub Menu Links Background ColorSub Menu Links Background Color: HoverSub Menu Links ColorSub Menu Links Color: HoverSubtotal ColorSummary Elements PositioningTable Borders ColorTable Main BackgroundTable Titles ColorTabsTabs LayoutTabs PositionTagTagsTemplateText ColorText Color: HoverText TransformThe Custom Link style need to be selectedThe floating bar is to display the add to cart button when you scroll to increase conversions.The following plugin needs to be updated to its latest version to ensure maximum compatibility with this theme: %1$s.The following plugins need to be updated to their latest version to ensure maximum compatibility with this theme: %1$s.The following plugin was activated successfully:The following plugins were activated successfully:The following recommended plugin is currently inactive: %1$s.The following recommended plugins are currently inactive: %1$s.The following required plugin is currently inactive: %1$s.The following required plugins are currently inactive: %1$s.The installation and activation process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.The installation of %1$s failed.The installation process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.The remote plugin package consists of more than one file, but the files are not packaged in a folder.The remote plugin package does not contain a folder with the desired slug and renaming did not work.Theme ButtonsTheme Panel > My LibraryThere are one or more required or recommended plugins to install, update or activate.There aren't any posts currently published in this category.There aren't any posts currently published under this tag.There aren't any posts currently published under this taxonomy.There is an update available for: %1$s.There are updates available for the following plugins: %1$s.Thin: 100This Post Has %s CommentsThis Post Has One CommentThis author has writtenThis field is to control the width where you want to collapse the header.This option add a height to your content to keep your footer at the bottom of your page.This page could not be found!This theme recommends the following plugin: %1$s.This theme recommends the following plugins: %1$s.This theme requires the following plugin: %1$s.This theme requires the following plugins: %1$s.ThumbnailThumbnails LayoutTimeline Active: BackgroundTimeline Active: ColorTimeline Number: BackgroundTimeline Number: Border ColorTimeline Number: ColorTimeline StyleTimeline: BackgroundTimeline: ColorTitleTitle ColorTitle/Breadcrumb PositionTitles Border Bottom ColorTitles Border ColorTitles ColorTitles Margin Bottom (px)To Activate <span class="count">(%s)</span>To Activate <span class="count">(%s)</span>To Install <span class="count">(%s)</span>To Install <span class="count">(%s)</span>ToolbarTopTop BarTop Bar Full WidthTop Border ColorTop CenterTop HeaderTop LeftTop Level Dropdown IconTop MenuTop Menu Header SettingsTop RightTransparentTransparent Header SettingsTripple Dot UnderTypeType then hit enter to search...Type your searchType your text and hit enter to searchTypographyUnder TitleUnderline & OverlineUnderline DownUnderline From LeftUnderline UpUp-Sells & Related ItemsUp-Sells ColumnsUp-Sells CountUpdateUpdate %2$sUpdate Available <span class="count">(%s)</span>Update Available <span class="count">(%s)</span>Update RequiredUpdate recommendedUpdating Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)Updating Plugin: %sUpgrade message from the plugin author:UppercaseUse this field to center your icon verticallyUsed for the hamburger menu to open the header in small screens and if closed header.VersionVerticalVertical Header SettingsVertical PositionView:VisibilityVisit Author PageWWP HeadWe are sorry. But the page you are looking for is not available.WebsiteWeek %sWelcome!WideWider SpacingWidgetsWidgets Border ColorWidgets PaddingWidgets in this area are used in the first footer region.Widgets in this area are used in the fourth footer region.Widgets in this area are used in the off canvas sidebar. To enable the Off Canvas filter, go to the WooCommerce > Archives section of the customizer and enable the Display Filter Button option.Widgets in this area are used in the search result page.Widgets in this area are used in the second footer region.Widgets in this area are used in the third footer region.Width (px)WishlistWooCommerceWooCommerce Product Add To CartWooCommerce Product PriceWooCommerce Product TitleWooCommerce SidebarWordPress RepositoryX Marks The SpotYYearly Archives: %sYesYou Might Also LikeYou must be %1$slogged in%2$s to post a comment.You must be logged in before proceeding to checkout.You searched for:Your Comment Here...Your cartYour comment is awaiting moderation.andarticlesas in: "version nr unknown"unknowneditg ag:i aijpluginsAll <span class="count">(%s)</span>All <span class="count">(%s)</span>px - em - remProject-Id-Version: OceanWP Theme
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%评论%1$s安装和激活成功。已成功安装%1$s.(编辑)0评论1评论404错误页404 Not Found404: Page Not Found绝对正确帐户激活激活 %2$s活跃的Active Text Borders Color活跃的文本颜色添加500以显示全部内容添加容器Add Header Shadow叠加在图像上添加到购物车背景颜色添加到购物车背景颜色: 悬停添加到购物车边框颜色添加到购物车边框颜色: 悬停添加到购物车边框: 半径添加到购物车边框: 大小添加到购物车边框: 样式"添加到购物车" 按钮Add To Cart Color添加到购物车颜色: 悬停添加到购物车悬停: 背景添加到购物车悬停: 颜色添加到购物车: 背景添加到购物车: 颜色添加透明页眉在添加页眉愿望单t图标添加自定义边框半径。像素-%。添加自定义边框大小。像素-%。添加自定义内容填充。像素-%。添加自定义小部件填充。像素-%。向你的页脚添加视差效果。添加要在下拉列表中显示滚动条的高度地址: 框背景Addresses: Box Button BackgroundAddresses: Box Button Background: Hover地址: 框按钮颜色Addresses: Box Button color: Hover地址: 方框内容颜色Addresses: Box Title Border Bottom Color地址: 框标题颜色高级样式内容后内容内页脚页脚内页眉后页眉内部后页后页眉后页眉后内部侧栏在侧边栏内logo后面在窗口的顶部后顶栏内对齐所有所有标题所有文章类型所有安装和激活已经完成。所有安装都已完成。所有插件都已成功安装和激活。%1$s安装%1$s时发生错误:<strong>%2$s</strong>。档案档案 & 条目布局箭头箭头图标附件作者作者框自动可用的版本:返回主页返回购物车背景颜色背景颜色: 悬停背景图像背光内容之前在内容内部之前Before Footer页脚内部页眉前页眉内部前之前的页面在页眉页面页眉内部之前边栏前前侧栏内部logo前面前顶栏前顶栏内开始激活插件Begin installing pluginBegin updating plugin计费黑色:900空白页博客博客条目博客条目标题博客分页样式博客文章标题博客风格主体粗体:700一般:300边框底颜色边框颜色边框颜色: 焦点边框颜色: 悬停边框半径边框半径 (px)边框顶部/底部颜色边框宽度边框宽度(像素)边框颜色两个侧边栏:内容宽度(%)两个侧边栏:侧边栏宽度(%)两个侧边栏:风格底部底部中心左下右下角盒装盒装版式下拉阴影盒装宽度 (px)括号面包屑导航断点按钮颜色按钮颜色: 悬停按钮悬停颜色按钮大小 (px)按钮: 背景按钮: 颜色按钮: 悬停背景按钮: 悬停颜色大写字母Cart Button Background购物车按钮背景: 悬停购物车按钮边框颜色购物车按钮边框颜色: 悬停购物车按钮颜色购物车按钮颜色: 悬停购物车下拉样式购物车下拉列表宽度 (px)购物车图标购物车总计表: 标题颜色购物车: 交叉销售专栏购物车: 交叉销售计数类别类别分类颜色分类悬停颜色分类页类别标题: 背景类别标题: 颜色中间放在中央页眉居中设置中间偏左中间偏右垂直居中居中的中间内容&社社交菜单居中居中最小结帐结帐按钮背景结帐按钮背景:悬停结账按钮颜色结账按钮颜色:悬停结帐页选择在 "主题" 面板中创建的模板 >> 我的库在页眉底部添加。选择在 "主题" 面板中创建的模板 >> 我的库以替换内容。选择在 "主题" 面板中创建的模板 >> 我的库以替换标题内容。选择在 "主题" 面板中创建的模板 >> 我的库以替换导航。选择主题面板>我的库中创建的模板。选择要在其中显示移动菜单的媒体查询。选择您的子菜单的打开目标圈通告显示关闭关闭按钮背景关闭按钮颜色关闭菜单关闭菜单按钮关闭菜单按钮图标类关闭菜单按钮文本关闭菜单文本关闭页眉更接近的间距折叠宽度 (px)颜色颜色: 悬停彩色列评论评论颜色评论悬停颜色评论关闭。紧凑包含内容内容/边栏/边栏标题后的内容内容对齐方式内容填充内容填充 (px)内容宽度 (%)继续阅读版权封面自定义文件自定义字体自定义汉堡包按钮自定义汉堡按钮颜色自定义汉堡包按钮: 颜色自定义页眉自定义图标自定义图像高度(像素)自定义图像宽度(像素)自定义链接自定义媒体查询自定义侧边栏自定义WooCommerce侧边栏自定义媒体查询每日存档:%s黑暗冲日期默认默认目录视图默认图标描述说明颜色方向禁用链接禁用在所有设备上禁用仅在桌面上禁用驳回此通知取代显示当产品添加时显示购物车显示特色图像Display Filter Button显示浮动栏显示最新帖子显示菜单文本在手机上显示迷你购物车在所有设备上显示显示产品导航显示快速视图按钮显示相关项目显示搜索表单在添加产品时显示购物车,如果启用了ajax,则在商店和单个产品页面中工作。在产品存档之前显示具有特色的图像类别。分隔符颜色星罗棋布的两倍下拉下拉最大高度 (px)下拉下拉背景色下拉边框颜色下拉目标下拉顶部边框下拉式分类帖子下拉列表菜单: 背景下拉列表样式元素定位电子邮件 (必需)启用 Ajax 添加到购物车开启底部页脚启用页脚小部件启用架构标记开启社交启用社交菜单启用顶部栏启用大型菜单启用此选项可删除所有元素并完全控制404错误页。最后的内容为你的响应logo输入一个最大高度。输入完整图标类输入最大宽度你的内容与全宽度布局。输入0来禁用最大宽度。在要显示移动菜单的位置输入您的自定义媒体查询。输入完整的图标类平等高度摘录摘要长度外部来源特大号:800F特色图像在页眉中有特色的图像过滤过滤按钮文字适合行固定固定页脚浮动栏字体颜色字体类型字号字体大小(像素)字体风格字符集字体粗细页脚页脚1页脚2页脚3页脚4页脚底部页脚版权页脚菜单页脚小部件标题页脚小部件对于某些选项,您必须保存并刷新活动站点以预览更改。表单 (输入-文本区域)全屏显示全宽页眉设置全宽度内容画廊滑块一般一般选项常规设置一般的样式转到购物车Google字体网格网格列网格样式网格视图网格视图网格/列表活动颜色网格/列表边框颜色网格/列表按钮网格/列表颜色网格/列表悬停颜色汉堡包图标类头部背景头标题颜色头部页眉边框底部全宽页眉顶部播放器页眉替换标题 1 (H1)标题 2 (H2)标题 3 (H3)标题 4 (H4)标题标签高度 (px)隐藏隐藏详细信息如果购物车是空的就隐藏隐藏大型菜单标题?滚动时隐藏菜单手机端不可见平板上不可见手机平板都不可见首页水平悬停主色我没有帐户图标图标和购物车计数图标和购物车计数 + 总计图标和购物车总计图标大小 (px)如果您选择自定义文件,将在您的上传文件夹中创建一个CSS文件。如果您已经注册了,请在下面的框中输入您的详细信息。如果你是一个新客户,请去注册。运输部分。如果您使用粘性标题扩展名图片图像边距 (px)图片位置图像交换图像尺寸重要:不是所有字体都支持每一个字体。无限滚动无限滚动:错误文本无限滚动:最后文本无限滚动:纺纱颜色内部背景内填充 (px)输入背景颜色输入边框底颜色输入边框颜色输入边框颜色: 焦点输入边框颜色: 悬停输入颜色输入虚线文本颜色输入焦点边框底颜色输入悬停边框底颜色输入占位符颜色安装安装 %2$s安装插件安装所需插件%1$s, %2$s安装,但没有激活安装的版本:安装插件 %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)正在安装插件:%s安装和激活插件%1$s (%2$d/%3$d)我们似乎找不到你想要的东西。斜体标签颜色大图片最大化Latest in布局版式样式左左内容&右社交左菜单左侧边栏左社交&右内容左/右填充 (px)列表视图的简介长度。字符间距字符间距(像素)亮度:200行高链接链接背景链接背景: 当前菜单项链接背景: 悬停链接颜色链接颜色: 当前菜单项链接颜色:悬停链接所有的值链接背景颜色链接背景颜色: 悬停链接颜色链接颜色:徘徊链接效果链接效果: 颜色链接悬停背景颜色链接悬停颜色列表视图列表视图注销&raquo;退出登录Login登录/注册链接: 颜色Logologo(可选)logo最大高度(像素)logo位置注销小写字母主体主要的边框颜色主容器宽度 (px)主菜单主菜单: 下拉列表主要造型边距 (px)下边距 (px)建筑最大高度(像素)最大宽度(像素)中等的中页眉设置稍大中等:500超级菜单小部件区域大型菜单自动宽度?超级菜单栏(从1到6)菜单菜单背景颜色菜单栏关闭颜色菜单栏颜色购物车菜单菜单项边框颜色菜单项填充(px)菜单项顶部/底部填充 (px)菜单位置菜单文本菜单位置MetaMeta链接颜色Meta Link Color: HoverMeta标题颜色最小的所需的最低版本:%s分钟移动端(可选)移动购物车侧栏样式移动端菜单手机菜单搜索移动菜单样式模式关闭按钮:颜色模式: 背景每月存档:%s多步校验名称 (必需)导航: 边框颜色导航: 图标颜色导航: 链接颜色导航: 链接颜色: 悬停新窗口新的帖子下一个在下一篇文章下一个/上一页下一页/上一个链接下一个/上一页分类法不是无效果未采取任何行动。插件%1$s 已处于活动状态。不再加载页面No plugins are available to be activated at this time.此时没有可安装的插件。此时没有可供更新的插件。没有插件安装,更新或激活。未选择要激活的插件。未采取任何行动。未选择要安装的插件。未采取任何行动。未选择要更新的插件。未采取任何行动。购物车里没有产品。不重复没有正常正常:400没有安装公告形式: 边框颜色通告: 边框颜色注意事项: 颜色注意事项: 图标颜色注意事项: 链接颜色注意事项: 链接颜色: 悬停产品数量边框颜色产品颜色数量非活动颜色的产品数量OceanWP关关闭画布滤镜边框颜色关闭画布滤镜颜色关闭画布滤镜悬停边框颜色关闭画布滤镜悬停颜色关闭画布筛选关闭画布边栏画布滤镜旧帖子开销售背景销售徽章关于销售徽章内容销售徽章样式销售颜色销售文本仅用于水平选项卡布局或缺货缺货背景缺货颜色缺货外部背景覆盖覆盖背景颜色颜色叠加叠层的不透明度叠加微调框: 内部颜色覆盖微调:外部颜色覆盖: 背景划线和固定下划线填充(像素)页面第 %s页页眉页眉的高度(像素)页眉标题页面标题页标题副标题页面页:页Pagination Style页脚视差效果付款箱背景付款箱颜色付款信息付款方式背景付款方式边框颜色百分比通告:将您的内容放在此处占 位 符占位符颜色图像占位符请联系该网站的管理员寻求帮助。请与插件提供商联系, 并要求他们根据 WordPress 指南打包插件。插件插件成功激活。插件激活失败。插件未激活。此主题需要更高版本的%s。请更新插件。位置文章标题帖子日期: 颜色帖子链接悬停: 颜色帖子链接: 颜色预包装上一页以前的价格价格颜色价格/评级主颜色产品描述: 颜色产品描述: 标题颜色产品入口产品入口视频产品条目: 工具栏产品meta产品数量和添加到购物车数量边框颜色边框颜色数量集中数量按钮悬停: 背景数量按钮悬停: 颜色数量按钮: 背景数量按钮: 颜色数量颜色数量输入: 背景数量输入: 颜色数量加/减边框颜色: 悬停数量+ / -颜色数量加/减颜色: 悬停快速查看评级阅读更多准备发布你的第一个帖子? %1$s在这里开始%2$s.最近的帖子Recommended注册相关项目计数相关职位相关文章列相关帖子数相关职位图片高度(px)相关贴子图像宽度(px)相关文章分类相关产品专栏删除按钮颜色删除按钮颜色: 悬停删除链接颜色删除链接颜色: 悬停删除这一项重复水平重复纵向重复Required没有需要更新需要更新高清图标高清logo(可选)返回所需的插件安装程序Return to the Dashboard右右侧边栏同一窗口滚动滚动到顶部向上滚动按钮搜索搜索按钮边框颜色搜索按钮颜色搜索按钮颜色: 悬停搜索表单搜索图标搜索图标样式每页搜索帖子搜索结果页Search Results Found搜索结果侧栏搜索样式搜索...搜索框背景搜索框边框颜色搜索框边框颜色:聚焦搜索框边框颜色: 悬停搜索框按钮颜色搜索框按钮颜色:悬停搜索框颜色二级下拉图标选择选择模板选择边框颜色选择底部模板选择颜色选择选项选择模板选择小部件区域选择您的菜单在打开菜单时选择一个自定义logo。为平板电脑和移动设备选择一个定制的响应标志。当菜单打开时, 选择一个自定义视网膜logo (两次徽标大小)。选择一个高清标志的两倍正常的标志大小。选择:半粗体:600单独的分隔符颜色运送商店专栏商店每页帖子商店结果计数店铺分类商家允许%1$s看到列表%2$s.显示详细信息显示在所有设备上侧栏边栏/内容/边栏边栏/边栏/内容侧栏小部件标题边栏宽度 (%)简单单篇文章子单一产品单一产品: 产品导航单一的产品:标签网站背景大小尺寸社交社会选择社交按钮社交悬停: 背景色社交悬停: 颜色社会链接样式社会链接目标社交链接颜色社交链接颜色: 悬停社交菜单社交分享社交: 背景颜色社交: 颜色立方体Something went wrong with the plugin API.抱歉,但没有任何东西匹配你的搜索条件。请用不同的关键词再试一次。源宽敞广场标准标准字体状态只粘贴菜单粘附填充 (px)风格风格选择样式位置样式: 移动菜单子菜单背景颜色子菜单链接背景色子菜单链接背景颜色: 悬停子菜单链接颜色子菜单链接颜色: 悬停分类汇总颜色摘要元素定位表格边框颜色表主要背景表标题颜色标签标签布局标签的位置标签标签模板文本颜色文本颜色:悬停文本转换需要选择自定义链接样式浮动栏是在滚动以增加转换时显示 "添加到购物车" 按钮。以下插件需要更新到其最新版本, 以确保与此主题的最大兼容性:%1$s。以下插件已成功激活:以下建议的插件当前处于非活动状态:%1$s。以下所需的插件当前处于非活动状态:%1$s。安装和激活过程开始。这个过程可能需要一些主机,所以请耐心等待。安装%1$s失败.安装过程开始了。这个过程可能需要一些主机,所以请耐心等待。远程插件包由多个文件组成, 但文件未打包到文件夹中。远程插件包不包含有所需的slug的文件夹,重命名没有工作。主题按钮主题面板 > 我的图书馆有一个或多个需要或推荐的插件来安装、更新或激活。目前在这一类别中没有发表任何文章。目前没有在这个标签下发布的帖子。目前没有在这种分类法下发布的任何文章。有可用的更新:%1$s。极细:100这篇文章有 %s 个评论这篇文章有一个评论这个作者已经写了此字段用于控制要折叠标头的宽度。此选项为您的内容添加高度,以将页脚保留在页面底部。找不到这个页面!本主题推荐以下插件:%1$s。此主题需要以下插件:%1$s。缩略图缩略图布局活动时间线: 背景时间轴活动: 颜色时间轴编号: 背景时间线编号: 边框颜色时间轴编号: 颜色时间线样式时间轴: 背景时间轴: 颜色标题标题颜色标题/面包屑位置标题边框底颜色标题边框颜色标题颜色标题下边距 (px)激活 <span class="count">(%s)</span>安装<span class="count">(%s)</span>工具栏顶部顶部模块顶部条形图全宽上边框颜色顶部中心顶部页眉左上角顶层下拉图标顶部菜单顶部菜单设置右上方透明透明页眉设置下三点类型填入然后点击进入搜索…键入搜索范围输入你的文本并点击进入搜索排版标题下方下划线和划线下划线左下划线上划线销售及相关项目打开销售列表销售数量更新更新 %2$s更新可用 <span class="count">(%s)</span>需要更新更新建议更新插件 %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)正在更新插件:%s来自插件作者的升级消息:大写字母使用此字段可以垂直居中图标如果关闭页眉。用于汉堡包菜单在小屏幕上打开页眉.版本垂直垂直标题设置垂直位置视图:可见性访问作者页面WWP顶部我们很抱歉。但您要找的页面不可用。网站%s周欢迎!宽宽间距部件小部件边框颜色小部件填充此区域中的小部件用于第一页脚区域。此区域中的小部件用于第四页脚区域。此区域中的小部件在画布边栏中使用。要启用 "关闭画布" 筛选, 请转到定制器的 "WooCommerce > 存档" 部分, 并启用 "显示筛选器" 按钮选项。此区域中的小部件在搜索结果页中使用。此区域中的小部件用于第二页脚区域。此区域中的小部件用于第三页脚区域。宽度 (px)收藏WooCommerceWooCommerce 产品添加到购物车WooCommerce 产品价格WooCommerce 产品名称WooCommerce 边栏WordPress 存储库X 标记点Y年度存档:%s是的你可能也喜欢您必须 %1$s在%2$s内发布评论。您必须先登录,然后才能结帐。您搜索:你的评论在这里……您的购物车你的评论正在等待缓和。和文章未知的编辑g ag:i aij所有 <span class="count">(%s)</span>px - em - rem