Current Path : /home/darkwebsol/customclothingsmanufacturer.com/rohail/wp-content/plugins/meta-box/inc/ |
Current File : /home/darkwebsol/customclothingsmanufacturer.com/rohail/wp-content/plugins/meta-box/inc/core.php |
<?php class RWMB_Core { public function init() { add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'load_textdomain' ] ); add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_meta-box/meta-box.php', [ $this, 'plugin_links' ], 20 ); // Uses priority 20 to support custom port types registered using the default priority. add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'register_meta_boxes' ], 20 ); add_action( 'edit_page_form', [ $this, 'fix_page_template' ] ); $this->add_context_hooks(); } public function load_textdomain() { unload_textdomain( 'meta-box' ); load_plugin_textdomain( 'meta-box', false, plugin_basename( RWMB_DIR ) . '/languages/' ); } public function plugin_links( array $links ) : array { $links[] = '<a href="https://docs.metabox.io">' . esc_html__( 'Docs', 'meta-box' ) . '</a>'; return $links; } public function register_meta_boxes() { $configs = apply_filters( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', [] ); $registry = rwmb_get_registry( 'meta_box' ); foreach ( $configs as $config ) { if ( ! is_array( $config ) || empty( $config ) ) { continue; } $meta_box = $registry->make( $config ); $meta_box->register_fields(); } } /** * WordPress will prevent post data saving if a page template has been selected that does not exist. * This is especially a problem when switching themes, and old page templates are in the post data. * Unset the page template if the page does not exist to allow the post to save. */ public function fix_page_template( WP_Post $post ) { $template = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true ); $page_templates = wp_get_theme()->get_page_templates(); // If the template doesn't exists, remove the data to allow WordPress to save. if ( ! isset( $page_templates[ $template ] ) ) { delete_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_page_template' ); } } /** * Get registered meta boxes via a filter. * @deprecated No longer used. Keep for backward-compatibility with extensions. */ public static function get_meta_boxes() : array { $meta_boxes = rwmb_get_registry( 'meta_box' )->all(); return wp_list_pluck( $meta_boxes, 'meta_box' ); } public function add_context_hooks() { $hooks = [ 'edit_form_top', 'edit_form_after_title', 'edit_form_after_editor', 'edit_form_before_permalink', ]; foreach ( $hooks as $hook ) { add_action( $hook, [ $this, 'render_meta_boxes_for_context' ] ); } } public function render_meta_boxes_for_context( $post ) { $hook = current_filter(); $context = 'edit_form_top' === $hook ? 'form_top' : substr( $hook, 10 ); do_meta_boxes( null, $context, $post ); } }