Current Path : /home/darkwebsol/rensencorp.com/wp-content/ |
Current File : /home/darkwebsol/rensencorp.com/wp-content/advanced-cache.php |
<?php /* * SPEEDYCACHE * https://speedycache.com/ * (c) SpeedyCache Team */ if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; // Check request method is Head or get if(!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'GET'){ return; } if(defined('WP_INSTALLING') && WP_INSTALLING){ return; } if(defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI){ return; } if(empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) || empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) || empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ return false; } if(preg_match('/(\/){2}$/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])){ return false; } function speedycache_ac_serve_cache(){ $ignored_parameters = ['fbclid', 'utm_id', 'utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_term', 'utm_content', 'utm_source_platform', 'gclid', 'dclid', 'msclkid', 'ref', 'fbaction_ids', 'fbc', 'fbp', 'clid', 'mc_cid', 'mc_eid', 'hsCtaTracking', 'hsa_cam', 'hsa_grp', 'hsa_mt', 'hsa_src', 'hsa_ad', 'hsa_acc', 'hsa_net', 'hsa_kw']; $uri = ''; $parsed_uri = []; $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $uri = urldecode($uri); // Users use other languages to write as well $uri = preg_replace('/\.{2,}/', '', $uri); // Cleaning the path $parsed_uri = parse_url($uri); if(!empty($parsed_uri) && !empty($parsed_uri['query'])){ parse_str($parsed_uri['query'], $parsed_query); foreach($parsed_query as $query => $value){ if(in_array($query, $ignored_parameters)){ unset($parsed_query[$query]); continue; } } $uri = $parsed_uri['path'] . (!empty($parsed_query) ? '?'.http_build_query($parsed_query) : ''); } // We dont know if the site is a /directory based so we just hit and try $site_dir = ''; $path = ''; if(!empty($parsed_uri['path'])){ $path = trim($parsed_uri['path'], '/'); } if(strpos($path, '/') !== FALSE){ $parsed_path = explode('/', $path); $site_dir = $parsed_path[0]; } elseif(!empty($path)){ $site_dir = $path; } $config_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/speedycache-config/' . basename($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . '.php'; if(!file_exists($config_file)){ $config_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/speedycache-config/' . basename($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . '.'. $site_dir . '.php'; if(!file_exists($config_file)){ return; } } if(!file_exists($config_file)){ return; } // Accessing the config file include_once $config_file; if(empty($speedycache_ac_config) || !is_array($speedycache_ac_config)){ return; } if(empty($speedycache_ac_config['settings']['status'])){ return; } // Exclude pages|useragent|cookie if(speedycache_ac_excludes($speedycache_ac_config)){ return; } if(!empty($speedycache_ac_config['user_agents']) && preg_match('/'.preg_quote($speedycache_ac_config['user_agents']).'/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ return; } if(empty($speedycache_ac_config['settings']['logged_in_user']) && preg_grep('/^wordpress_logged_in_/i', array_keys($_COOKIE))){ return false; } // check comment author if(preg_grep('/comment_author_/i', array_keys($_COOKIE))){ return false; } $cache_path = WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/cache/speedycache/' . basename($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); // Check for Mobile if(!empty($speedycache_ac_config['settings']['mobile']) && preg_match('/Mobile|Android|Silk\/|Kindle|BlackBerry|Opera (Mini|Mobi)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { if(!empty($speedycache_ac_config['settings']['mobile_theme'])){ $cache_path .= '/mobile-cache' . $uri; } else { return; // If just mobile is enabled then we don't want to show desktop verison of cache on mobile. } } else { // get path of file $cache_path .= '/all'. $uri; } $file_name = 'index'; if(isset($_COOKIE['wcu_current_currency'])){ $file_name .= '-' . strtolower($_COOKIE['wcu_current_currency']); $file_name = preg_replace('/\.{2,}/', '', $file_name); // Cleaning the path } $file_name .= '.html'; //check file extension $serving_gz = ''; if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') !== FALSE && !empty($speedycache_ac_config['settings']['gzip']) && @file_exists($cache_path . '/'. $file_name.'.gz')){ $serving_gz = '.gz'; header('Content-Encoding: gzip'); } if(!file_exists($cache_path . '/'.$file_name . $serving_gz)){ $serving_gz = ''; } if(!file_exists($cache_path . '/'.$file_name . $serving_gz)){ return; } if(!headers_sent()){ header('x-speedycache-source: PHP'); } $cache_created_at = filemtime($cache_path. '/'.$file_name . $serving_gz); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', $cache_created_at) . ' GMT'); $if_modified_since = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ? strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) : 0; if($if_modified_since === $cache_created_at){ header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 304 Not Modified', true, 304); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); exit(); } readfile($cache_path. '/'.$file_name . $serving_gz); exit(); } function speedycache_ac_excludes($excludes){ if(empty($excludes) || !is_array($excludes)){ return false; } $preg_match_rule = ''; $request_url = !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? urldecode(trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/')) : ''; foreach($excludes as $key => $value){ $value['type'] = !empty($value['type']) ? $value['type'] : 'page'; if(!empty($value['prefix']) && $value['type'] == 'page'){ $value['content'] = trim($value['content']); $value['content'] = trim($value['content'], '/'); if($value['prefix'] == 'exact' && strtolower($value['content']) == strtolower($request_url)){ return true; }else{ $preg_match_rule = preg_quote($value['content'], '/'); if($preg_match_rule){ if(preg_match('/'.$preg_match_rule.'/i', $request_url)){ return true; } } } }else if($value['type'] == 'useragent'){ if(preg_match('/'.preg_quote($value['content'], '/').'/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ return true; } }else if($value['type'] == 'cookie'){ if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'])){ if(preg_match('/'.preg_quote($value['content'], '/').'/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'])){ return true; } } } } } speedycache_ac_serve_cache();