Current Path : /home/darkwebsol/rensencorp.com/wp-content/plugins/revslider/includes/ |
Current File : /home/darkwebsol/rensencorp.com/wp-content/plugins/revslider/includes/em-integration.class.php |
<?php /** * @author ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com> * @link https://www.themepunch.com/ * @copyright 2024 ThemePunch */ if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit(); class RevSliderEventsManager extends RevSliderFunctions { public function __construct(){ $this->init_em(); } public function init_em(){ add_filter('revslider_get_posts_by_category', array($this, 'add_post_query'), 10, 2); } /** * check if events class exists */ public static function isEventsExists(){ return defined('EM_VERSION') && defined('EM_PRO_MIN_VERSION'); } /** * get sort by list * @before: RevSliderEventsManager::getArrFilterTypes() */ public static function get_filter_types(){ return array( 'none' => __('All Events', 'revslider'), 'today' => __('Today', 'revslider'), 'tomorrow' => __('Tomorrow', 'revslider'), 'future' => __('Future', 'revslider'), 'past' => __('Past', 'revslider'), 'month' => __('This Month', 'revslider'), 'nextmonth' => __('Next Month', 'revslider') ); } /** * get meta query * @before: RevSliderEventsManager::getWPQuery() */ public static function get_query($filter_type, $sort_by){ $response = array(); $dayMs = 60 * 60 * 24; $time = current_time('timestamp'); $todayStart = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $time)); $todayEnd = $todayStart + $dayMs-1; $tomorrowStart = $todayEnd+1; $tomorrowEnd = $tomorrowStart + $dayMs-1; $start_month = strtotime(date('Y-m-1',$time)); $end_month = strtotime(date('Y-m-t',$time)) + 86399; $next_month_middle = strtotime('+1 month', $time); //get the end of this month + 1 day $start_next_month = strtotime(date('Y-m-1',$next_month_middle)); $end_next_month = strtotime(date('Y-m-t',$next_month_middle)) + 86399; $query = array(); switch($filter_type){ case 'none': //none break; case 'today': $query[] = array('key' => '_start_ts', 'value' => $todayEnd, 'compare' => '<='); $query[] = array('key' => '_end_ts', 'value' => $todayStart, 'compare' => '>='); break; case 'future': $query[] = array('key' => '_start_ts', 'value' => $time, 'compare' => '>'); break; case 'tomorrow': $query[] = array('key' => '_start_ts', 'value' => $tomorrowEnd, 'compare' => '<='); $query[] = array('key' => '_end_ts', 'value' => $todayStart, 'compare' => '>='); break; case 'past': $query[] = array('key' => '_end_ts', 'value' => $todayStart, 'compare' => '<'); break; case 'month': $query[] = array('key' => '_start_ts', 'value' => $end_month, 'compare' => '<='); $query[] = array('key' => '_end_ts', 'value' => $start_month, 'compare' => '>='); break; case 'nextmonth': $query[] = array('key' => '_start_ts', 'value' => $end_next_month, 'compare' => '<='); $query[] = array('key' => '_end_ts', 'value' => $start_next_month, 'compare' => '>='); break; default: $f = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFunctions'); $f->throw_error('Wrong event filter'); break; } if(!empty($query)) $response['meta_query'] = $query; //convert sortby switch($sort_by){ case 'event_start_date': $response['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num'; $response['meta_key'] = '_start_ts'; break; case 'event_end_date': $response['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num'; $response['meta_key'] = '_end_ts'; break; } return $response; } /** * get event post data in array. * if the post is not event, return empty array * @before: RevSliderEventsManager::getEventPostData() */ public static function get_event_post_data($postID, $prefix = ''){ if(self::isEventsExists() == false) return array(); $postType = get_post_type($postID); if($postType != EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT) return array(); $f = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFunctions'); $event = new EM_Event($postID, 'post_id'); $location = $event->get_location(); $ev = $event->to_array(); $loc = $location->to_array(); $date_format = get_option('date_format'); $time_format = get_option('time_format'); $response = array( $prefix.'id' => $f->get_val($ev, 'event_id'), $prefix.'start_date' => date_format(date_create_from_format('Y-m-d', $f->get_val($ev, 'event_start_date')), $date_format), $prefix.'end_date' => date_format(date_create_from_format('Y-m-d', $f->get_val($ev, 'event_end_date')), $date_format), $prefix.'start_time' => date_format(date_create_from_format('H:i:s', $f->get_val($ev, 'event_start_time')), $time_format), $prefix.'end_time' => date_format(date_create_from_format('H:i:s', $f->get_val($ev, 'event_end_time')), $time_format), $prefix.'location_name' => $f->get_val($loc, 'location_name'), $prefix.'location_address' => $f->get_val($loc, 'location_address'), $prefix.'location_slug' => $f->get_val($loc, 'location_slug'), $prefix.'location_town' => $f->get_val($loc, 'location_town'), $prefix.'location_state' => $f->get_val($loc, 'location_state'), $prefix.'location_postcode' => $f->get_val($loc, 'location_postcode'), $prefix.'location_region' => $f->get_val($loc, 'location_region'), $prefix.'location_country' => $f->get_val($loc, 'location_country'), $prefix.'location_latitude' => $f->get_val($loc, 'location_latitude'), $prefix.'location_longitude' => $f->get_val($loc, 'location_longitude') ); return $response; } /** * get events sort by array */ public static function getArrSortBy(){ return array( 'event_start_date' => __('Event Start Date', 'revslider'), 'event_end_date' => __('Event End Date', 'revslider') ); } /** * triggered if we receive posts by categories (RevSliderSlider::get_posts_by_categories()) **/ public function add_post_query($data, $slider){ $filter_type = $slider->get_param('events_filter', 'none'); if(self::isEventsExists()){ $data['addition'] = RevSliderEventsManager::get_query($filter_type, $this->get_val($data, 'sort_by')); } return $data; } public static function add_em_layer_v7($post_data, $data, $metas, $slider){ if(self::isEventsExists() == false) return $post_data; $f = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFunctions'); foreach($post_data ?? [] as $key => $post){ $data = RevSliderEventsManager::get_event_post_data($f->get_val($post, 'id'), 'event_'); if($data === false) continue; //modify excerpt if empty to be filled with content if(!isset($post['excerpt']) || trim($post['excerpt']) === ''){ $post['excerpt'] = str_replace(array('<br/>', '<br />'), '', strip_tags($f->get_val($post, array('content', 'content')), '<b><br><i><strong><small>')); } $post_data[$key] = array_merge($post, $data); } return $post_data; } } add_filter('sr_streamline_post_data_post', array('RevSliderEventsManager', 'add_em_layer_v7'), 10, 4);