Current Path : /home/darkwebsol/rensencorp.com/wp-content/themes/rashy/sass/mixins/ |
Current File : /home/darkwebsol/rensencorp.com/wp-content/themes/rashy/sass/mixins/_template-mixins.scss |
// Box Size // ------------------------- @mixin box-size($background, $padding-top,$padding-bottom){ background: $background; padding-top: $padding-top; padding-bottom: $padding-bottom; } // Button // ------------------------- @mixin button-3d($suffixclass,$horizontal ,$height3d , $color3d, $h-shadow:0, $v-shadow:0){ border: 0; @if ($suffixclass == "empty") { box-shadow: $horizontal $height3d $h-shadow $v-shadow $color3d inset; -o-box-shadow: $horizontal $height3d $h-shadow $v-shadow $color3d inset; -moz-box-shadow: $horizontal $height3d $h-shadow $v-shadow $color3d inset; -webkit-box-shadow: $horizontal $height3d $h-shadow $v-shadow $color3d inset; -ms-box-shadow: $horizontal $height3d $h-shadow $v-shadow $color3d inset; } @else { &.btn-#{$suffixclass}{ box-shadow: $horizontal $height3d $h-shadow $v-shadow $color3d inset; -o-box-shadow: $horizontal $height3d $h-shadow $v-shadow $color3d inset; -moz-box-shadow: $horizontal $height3d $h-shadow $v-shadow $color3d inset; -webkit-box-shadow: $horizontal $height3d $h-shadow $v-shadow $color3d inset; -ms-box-shadow: $horizontal $height3d $h-shadow $v-shadow $color3d inset; } } } @mixin btn-gradient-hover($color-start,$color-end){ &:hover{ @include gradient-vertical($color-start,$color-end); } } @mixin button-inverse( $suffixclass, $color ,$background ){ &.btn-#{$suffixclass}{ &:hover{ color:$color; background:$background; } } } @mixin button-outline( $suffixclass, $color, $hovercolor ){ &.btn-#{$suffixclass}{ background:transparent; border-color:$color; color:$color; &:hover{ color:$hovercolor; border-color:$color; background:$color; } } } /// button variant outline @mixin button-variant-outline($color, $background, $border, $colorhover, $bghover, $borderhover ) { color: $color; background-color: $background; border-color: $border; &:hover, &:focus, &:active, &.active { color: $colorhover; background-color: $bghover; border-color: $borderhover ; } .open & { &.dropdown-toggle { color: $colorhover; background-color: $bghover; border-color: $borderhover ; } } &:active, &.active { background-image: none; } .open & { &.dropdown-toggle { background-image: none; } } &.disabled, &[disabled], fieldset[disabled] & { &, &:hover, &:focus, &:active, &.active { background-color: $background; border-color: $border; } } .badge { color: $background; background-color: $color; } } // icon variant inverse @mixin icons-inverse( $suffixclass, $color ,$background ){ &.icons-#{$suffixclass}{ &:hover{ color:$color; background:transparent; } } } // icon variant outline @mixin icons-outline( $suffixclass, $color, $hovercolor ){ &.icons-#{$suffixclass}{ background:transparent; color:$color; &:hover{ color:$hovercolor; } } } // Block // ------------------------- @mixin block-elements-styles($border, $heading-text-color, $heading-bg-color, $heading-border, $text-color, $text-color-primary){ border-color: $border; background: $heading-bg-color; & .#{$block-heading-selector} { color: $heading-text-color; background-color: $heading-bg-color; border-color: $heading-border; + .#{$block-prefix}-collapse .#{$block-content-selector} { border-top-color: $border; } } & > .#{$block-prefix}-footer { + .#{$block-prefix}-collapse .#{$block-prefix}-body { border-bottom-color: $border; } } } @mixin block-variant($heading-text-color, $heading-bg-color, $heading-border) { > .#{$block-heading-selector} { color: $heading-text-color; background-color: $heading-bg-color; border-color: $heading-border; font-size: 16px; + *{ border-color:$border-color; border-style:solid; border-width:0 1px 1px 1px; } } } @mixin block-variant-footer() { border-color: transparent; & > .#{$block-heading-selector} { background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; &:before{ border-top: 0 solid transparent; border-right: 0 solid transparent ; border-left: 0 solid transparent; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; content: ""; } } } /****/ @mixin container-layout-variant($color, $background, $linkcolor, $topbar-link-color-hover ){ background: $background; color: $color; a{ color:$linkcolor; } a:hover{ color: $topbar-link-color-hover; } } //== Inline block //========================================== @mixin inline-block ($haslayout : true){ display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; @if $haslayout == true { .lt-ie8 & { display: inline; zoom: 1; } } } //== vertical block //========================================== @mixin vertical-center( $width: 100px, $height: 100px) { left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; top: 0; margin: auto; width: $width; height: $height; position: absolute; } //== Translate X - Y - Z //========================================== @mixin translateX($x) { -webkit-transform: translateX($x); -ms-transform: translateX($x); // IE9 only -o-transform: translateX($x); transform: translateX($x); } @mixin translateY($y) { -webkit-transform: translateY($y); -ms-transform: translateY($y); // IE9 only -o-transform: translateY($y); transform: translateY($y); } @mixin translateZ($z) { -webkit-transform: translateZ($z); -ms-transform: translateZ($z); // IE9 only -o-transform: translateZ($z); transform: translateZ($z); } //== Transform //========================================== @mixin transform($argument){ -webkit-transform: ($argument); -moz-transform: ($argument); -ms-transform: ($argument); -o-transform: ($argument); transform: ($argument); } //== Transform //========================================== @mixin transition-delay($time1,$time2){ -webkit-transition-delay: ($time1,$time2); -moz-transition-delay: ($time1,$time2); -ms-transition-delay: ($time1,$time2); -o-transition-delay: ($time1,$time2); transition-delay: ($time1,$time2); } //== Background Size //========================================== @mixin background-size($size1,$size2) { -webkit-background-size: ($size1,$size2); -moz-background-size: ($size1,$size2); -ms-background-size: ($size1,$size2); -o-background-size: ($size1,$size2); background-size: ($size1,$size2); } //== Background origin //========================================== @mixin background-origin($value1,$value2){ -webkit-background-origin: ($value1,$value2); -moz-background-origin: ($value1,$value2); -ms-background-origin: ($value1,$value2); -o-background-origin: ($value1,$value2); background-origin: ($value1,$value2); } //== Border radius //========================================== @mixin border-radius($radius) { border-radius : $radius; -webkit-border-radius : $radius; -moz-border-radius : $radius; -ms-border-radius : $radius; -o-border-radius : $radius; } @mixin border-radius-separate($topLeftRadius: 5px, $topRightRadius: 5px, $bottomLeftRadius: 5px, $bottomRightRadius: 5px) { -webkit-border-top-left-radius: $topLeftRadius; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: $topRightRadius; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: $bottomRightRadius; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: $bottomLeftRadius; -moz-border-radius-topleft: $topLeftRadius; -moz-border-radius-topright: $topRightRadius; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: $bottomRightRadius; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: $bottomLeftRadius; border-top-left-radius: $topLeftRadius; border-top-right-radius: $topRightRadius; border-bottom-right-radius: $bottomRightRadius; border-bottom-left-radius: $bottomLeftRadius; } //== Text Shadow //========================================== @mixin text-shadow($shadow) { text-shadow : $shadow; -webkit-text-shadow : $shadow; -moz-text-shadow : $shadow; -ms-text-shadow : $shadow; -o-text-shadow : $shadow; } //== Transform Origin //========================================== @mixin transform-origin($originX,$originY) { -webkit-transform-origin : $originX $originY; -moz-transform-origin : $originX $originY; -ms-transform-origin : $originX $originY; // IE9 only transform-origin : $originX $originY; } //== appearance //========================================== @mixin appearance() { -webkit-appearance : none; -moz-appearance : none; -o-appearance : none; -ms-appearance : none; appearance : none; } //== selection //========================================== $prefixes: ("-moz-", ""); @mixin selection($color, $background) { @each $prefix in $prefixes { ::#{$prefix}selection { color: $color; background: $background; } } } //== animation fill mode //========================================== @mixin animation-fill-mode($fill) { -webkit-animation-fill-mode: $fill; -moz-animation-fill-mode: $fill; -o-animation-fill-mode: $fill; animation-fill-mode: $fill; } //== filter //========================================== @mixin filter($argument){ filter : $argument; -webkit-filter : $argument; -moz-filter : $argument; -o-filter : $argument; -ms-filter : $argument; } // Clear Lists // ------------------------- @mixin clear-list(){ padding : 0; margin : 0; list-style : none; } // Formart lists widget // ------------------------- @mixin lists-style() { ul,ol{ @include clear-list(); li{ &:first-child{ } &:last-child{ border-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } .children{ > li{ &:before{ top: 24px; } } } } ul{ li:first-child{ padding-top: 14px; background-position: 0 24px; } } } } @mixin box-shadow-market(){ @include box-shadow(0 2px 2px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)); border-bottom: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } // Position mixin //========================================== // @param [string] $position: position type // @param [list] $args: list of offsets and values //========================================== @mixin position($position, $args) { @each $o in top right bottom left { $i: index($args, $o); @if $i and $i + 1 <= length($args) and type-of( nth($args, $i + 1) ) == number { #{$o}: nth($args, $i + 1); } } position: $position; } // Absolute positioning mixin //========================================== // @param [list] $args: list of offsets and values //========================================== @mixin absolute($args) { @include position(absolute, $args); } // Arrow mixin //========================================== // @param [string] $direction: arrow direction // @param [list] $position: list of offsets and values // @param [color] $color (inherit): arrow color // @param [number] $size (1em): arrow size //========================================== @mixin triangle($direction, $position, $color: currentColor, $size: 1em) { // Make sure the direction is valid @if not index(top right bottom left, $direction) { @warn "Direction must be one of top, right, bottom or left."; } @else { @include absolute($position); // Position @include square(0); // Size content: ''; z-index: 2; border-#{opposite-position($direction)}: $size * 1.5 solid $color; $perpendicular-borders: $size solid transparent; @if $direction == top or $direction == bottom { border-left: $perpendicular-borders; border-right: $perpendicular-borders; } @else if $direction == right or $direction == left { border-bottom: $perpendicular-borders; border-top: $perpendicular-borders; } } } //== margin - padding has value - not rtl ^.^ //========================================== @mixin margin($margin, $value){ margin-#{$margin}: $value !important; } @for $i from 1 through 80 { @each $margin in top, left, bottom, right { .margin-#{$margin}-#{$i}{ @include margin($margin, 1px * $i) } } } @mixin padding($padding, $value){ padding-#{$padding}: $value !important; } @for $i from 1 through 80 { @each $padding in top, left, bottom, right { .padding-#{$padding}-#{$i}{ @include padding($padding, 1px * $i) } } } // Font size - rem //========================================== @function parseInt($n) { @return $n / ($n * 0 + 1); } @mixin font-size($property, $values) { $px : (); $rem: (); @each $value in $values { $unit: unit($value); $val: parseInt($value); @if $unit == "px" or $unit == "" { $px : append($px, $value); $rem: append($rem, ($val / 10 + rem)); } @if $unit == "rem" { $px : append($px, ($val * 10 + px)); $rem: append($rem, $value); } } #{$property}: $px; } //== Border //========================================== @mixin border( $coordinates: 0 0 0 0, $colour: $border-color, $style: solid ) { $top: nth($coordinates, 1); $right: nth($coordinates, 2); $bottom: nth($coordinates, 3); $left: nth($coordinates, 4); @if not(unitless($top)) { border-top: $top $style $colour; } @if not(unitless($right)) { border-right: $right $style $colour; } @if not(unitless($bottom)) { border-bottom: $bottom $style $colour; } @if not(unitless($left)) { border-left: $left $style $colour; } } // State and hover //========================================== @mixin state-hover-default($time, $background, $border-color){ @include transition(all $time); &:hover{ background: $background!important; border-color: $border-color!important; } } @mixin state-hover($time,$height,$color){ @include box-shadow(inset 0 0 0 0 $color); @include transition(all $time cubic-bezier(0.8,0,0,1)); &:hover{ @include transition(all $time cubic-bezier(0.8,0,0,1)); @include box-shadow(inset 0 (-$height) 0 0 $color); } } @mixin state-hover-2($background){ position: relative; z-index: 10; &:after{ content: ""; display: block; z-index: -50; background-color: $background; visibility: hidden; @include scale(0); @include vertical-center(100%,100%); @include opacity(0); @include transition-delay(0.3s,0s); @include transition(transform 0s cubic-bezier(0.19,1,0.22,1) 0.3s,opacity 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.19,1,0.22,1)); } &:hover{ &:after{ visibility: visible; @include scale(1); @include opacity(1); @include transition(transform 0.6s cubic-bezier(0.19,1,0.22,1),opacity 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.19,1,0.22,1)); } } } //== Flexible Layout //========================================== @mixin flexbox { display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -moz-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; } %flexbox { @include flexbox; } @mixin inline-flex { display: -webkit-inline-box; display: -webkit-inline-flex; display: -moz-inline-flex; display: -ms-inline-flexbox; display: inline-flex; } %inline-flex { @include inline-flex; } // Retina Sprite Mixins @mixin retina-sprite-background($url,$position,$width,$height){ background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url($url); background-position: $position; width:$width; height:$height; } @mixin make-grid-mobile-columns($i: 1, $list: ".col-xs-#{$i}, .col-sm-#{$i}, .col-md-#{$i}, .col-lg-#{$i}") { $grid-gutter-mobile-width : 30px; @for $i from (1 + 1) through $grid-columns { $list: "#{$list}, .col-xs-#{$i}, .col-sm-#{$i}, .col-md-#{$i}, .col-lg-#{$i}"; } #{$list} { padding-left: ($grid-gutter-mobile-width / 2); padding-right: ($grid-gutter-mobile-width / 2); } } @mixin container-mobile-fixed($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) { $grid-gutter-mobile-width : 30px; padding-left: ($grid-gutter-mobile-width / 2); padding-right: ($grid-gutter-mobile-width / 2); } @mixin make-mobile-row($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) { $gutter-mobile : 30px; margin-left: ($gutter-mobile / -2); margin-right: ($gutter-mobile / -2); @include clearfix(); } @mixin loop-delay($item){ @for $i from 1 through 10 { #{$item}:nth-child(2n+#{$i}) { -webkit-transition-delay:#{$i/10}s; /* Safari */ transition-delay:#{$i/10}s; } } }